Rongavilla Vs Ca

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The Dela Cruz sisters were the aunts of Dolores Rongavilla. They borrowed P2,000 from the
Rongavillas to have their rooftop repaired. Later, petitioners went back to their aunts to have
them sign a contract. Taking advantage of their lack of education, the sisters were made to
believe that such document, typewritten in English, was just for the acknowledgment of their
debt. After four years, petitioners asked their aunts to vacate the land subject to litigation
claiming that she and her husband were the new owners. After verifying with the Registry of
Deeds, the aunts were surprised that what they have signed was actually a deed of sale. Their
land title was cancelled and the ownership was transferred to their nephews. The land was
mortgaged with the Cavite Development Bank.
Was the deed of sale void?
Yes. While petitioners claimed they were regularly paying taxes on the land in question, they
had no second thoughts stating at the trial and on appeal that they had resorted to doctoring the
price stated in the disputed Deed of Sale, allegedly to save on taxes. While it is true that public
documents are presumed genuine and regular under the Rules of Court, this presumption is a
rebuttable presumption which may be overcome by clear, strong and convincing evidence.

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