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No_________________________ on Bank________________________
BPanch _________________.
I Pequest you to kindly pPepaPe the cheque to be disbuPsed on _________________. Also I declaPe
confiPm if that if the said disbuPsement cheque is not collected by me on the date specified above, HD!
"ill have the Pi#ht to cancel the said cheque afteP the said date $ HD! "ill not be Pesponsible foP any
consequences aPisin# out of the cancellation of the cheque.
I%&e have been sanctioned a loan of Ps.__________________%' foP constPuction of the belo"
mentioned pPopePty(
Plot no 43, PegistPation Colony, YapPal, Secn!ePa"a! #$$$%&
)y Bun#alo" constPuction has come upto ____________________________sta#e as
*n _______________ and I aPe satisfied "ith the pPo#Pess of "oPk%constPuction.
Hence I%&e Pequest you to Pelease the I%II%III%I+%__ instalment of Ps. _________________by "ay of
!heque%DD in favouP of )P. ,undeP +asduevan, "ho aPe the
BuildePs%-and o"nePs%,elleP%PaPty to constPuction a#Peement on the Bank A%c
.o Place( __________________
Housin# Development inance !oPpoPation -imited Date ( __________________
H N* /'0'/12, HydeP#uda Poad
HydePabad 3 422256.
,ub7ect( Pelease of -oan Amount ,anctioned
-oan A%c No( '()()%#'$
DeaP ,iP%)adam
Applicant8s ,i#natuPe !o Applicant8s ,i#natuPe
.o Place( __________________
Housin# Development inance !oPpoPation -imited Date ( __________________
H N* /'0'/12, HydeP#uda Poad
HydePabad 3 422256.
,ub7ect( Pelease of -oan Amount ,anctioned
-oan A%c No( '()()%#'$
DeaP ,iP%)adam

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