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Formal letter of Complaint

Customer Service Manager

Group Construct Inc
Petrochemistry Boulevard No 5
%ear Sir&Madam'
I am (riting today to complain a)out the poor service I received regarding
the contract I started three months ago (ith your company# *here (ere designated four
(or+ers to finish a step )y step pro,ect of renovating my house# *he (ay these (or+ers
have come to treat me (as one of the greatest )usiness insults I have ever felt in my life#
In the first (ee+ everything seemed to )e progressive ' tight on schedule
and even if the e-penses (ere a )it higher as (e have anticipated ' the results (ere
remar+a)le# .fter the first (ee+ ' I had to resume going to (or+ so I have left the (or+ers
sometimes even hours unsupervised# *his (as ho(ever discussed and I (as assured that
everything (ill go as planned#
In the (ee+s to come ' I have noticed a slo(er progressive rate and very
soon the material re/uirements have suddenly started to increase' costs that (ould )e
covered )y me according to the contract# *his got me (orried and I started to investigate
(hat (as going on# I found out that the (or+ers (ere no longer (or+ing at all a total of
si- hours a day as (e agreed# *hey have argued that some of the steps (ere e-hausting so
I tried to )e understanding# *he sudden increase material re/uirements ' I found to )e
caused )y your (or+ers actually stealing from (hat I (as )ringing to them' every time
they had the opportunity to do so# 0hile investigating even further ' I have noticed that I
had no longer four people (or+ing for my contract# *hey (ere leaving the area and (ere
going to (or+ on other places' ta+ing (ith them some of the materials that I )ought# I
)arely +ept my calm after I found out (hat (as happening in these (ee+s#
*his (as supposed to )e a )ig pro,ect designed to finish my home# *o do
so I even made a )an+ loan# I have lost over half of it )efore I have reali1ed the situation I
(as in# No( I (ill have to (or+ t(enty five years to pay )ac+ the loan and that for
I trust you no( understand that this situation can not continue# I have lost
faith in your company and I demand compensation as (ritten in the contract# I am certain
that these events happened (ithout your +no(ledge' ho(ever I do not (ish to continue
relying on your services anymore# I loo+ for(ard to hearing from you#
2ours faithfully'
3oicu Cristian 3alentin

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