Exercitii Tema

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1. Every Monday, Sally (drive) her kids to football practice.

2. Usually, I (ork) as a secretary at !"#, but this su$$er I (study) %rench at a lan&ua&e school in
'aris. #hat is hy I a$ in 'aris.
(. Shhhhh) "e *uiet) +ohn (sleep) .
,. -on.t for&et to take your u$brella. It (rain) .
/. I hate livin& in Seattle because it (rain, alays) .
0. I.$ sorry I can.t hear hat you (say) because everybody (talk) so loudly.
1. +ustin (rite, currently) a book about his adventures in #ibet. I hope he can find a &ood publisher hen
he is finished.
2. +i$3 -o you ant to co$e over for dinner toni&ht4
-enise3 5h, I.$ sorry, I can.t. I (&o) to a $ovie toni&ht ith so$e friends.
6. #he business cards (be, nor$ally ) printed by a co$pany in 7e 8ork. #heir prices (be)
ine9pensive, yet the *uality of their ork is *uite &ood.
1. Every Monday, Sally (drive) her kids to football practice.
2. Usually, I (ork) as a secretary at !"#, but this su$$er I (study) %rench at a lan&ua&e school in
'aris. #hat is hy I a$ in 'aris.
(. Shhhhh) "e *uiet) +ohn (sleep) .
,. -on.t for&et to take your u$brella. It (rain) .
/. I hate livin& in Seattle because it (rain, alays) .
0. I.$ sorry I can.t hear hat you (say) because everybody (talk) so loudly.
1. +ustin (rite, currently) a book about his adventures in #ibet. I hope he can find a &ood publisher hen
he is finished.
2. +i$3 -o you ant to co$e over for dinner toni&ht4
-enise3 5h, I.$ sorry, I can.t. I (&o) to a $ovie toni&ht ith so$e friends.
6. #he business cards (be, nor$ally ) printed by a co$pany in 7e 8ork. #heir prices (be)
ine9pensive, yet the *uality of their ork is *uite &ood.

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