Babyhood - Motor Development

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Motor Development

There are 2 directions of development:

Cephalocaudal development
Head to foot
The head, neck, and upper parts start to develop before
the legs.
Proximodistal development
Center to outlying parts
From trunk or torso, then shoulders, hand and finally

Tonic-neck reflexes
predominates. The head
is turned far to the side,
can roll partly to side.
3 months
Is able to turn to prone position.
4 months
Turns from prone to supine position
5 months
Turns back to supine from prone
Rolls form stomach to stomach
6-7 months
8 months
Can alternate from prone to sitting
position and vice versa; can crawl
9 months
Can pull themselves up by holding onto
10-11 months
Sits with good
can pivot around
can walk while
holding someones
12 months
Walks even when only one hand is held.
Can push a chair around, climb and get
down from it.
15 months
18 months
Runs but falls sometimes; can climb stairs
by creeping.
Can squat while playing; can climb up
stairs by assuming an upright postion
21 months
24 months
Can walk backwards and on toes. Can run
without falling; can climb stairs with both
feet on tread before stepping.

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