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5/28/2014 My Account : Payment Response 1/1
My Account Payment Details
Account No 1673813554
Payment Date 28 May 2014 11:41:32 AM
Payment Status Success
Maxis Receipt No. 28051138560L8I27
Amount RM 68.00
Message Transaction Successful
Di scl ai mer: For any payments made at any of Maxi s' Servi ce Centres, the amounts payabl e shal l be accordi ng to the statement of accounts as refl ected i n the Servi ce
Centre's system on the day payment i s to be made. Shoul d there be any di screpanci es i n amounts between the statement of account pri nted and the statement of
account refl ected i n the Servi ce Centre's system, the l atter shal l prevai l .

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