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Encrucijada/Crossway by Flickr user pasotraspaso, CC BY 2.0.


Leading Discussion

Below is the schedule for leading discussion.

Discussion Leaders:
Thurs., Oct. 2: Baldwin/Lu: Michaela and Tevion
Tues., Oct. 7: Agnew: John and Hanna
Thurs., Oct. 9: Aristotle: Olivia and Kelsey
Thurs., Oct. 23: Wheeler: Renata and Emily
Thurs., Oct. 30: Williams/NPR: Timothy and Tori
Tues., Nov. 4: Sheridan, Ridolfo, and Michel: Akili and Padraic
Thurs. Nov. 13: McKee and Porter: Ivy and Jack
Tues., Nov. 18: Fakazis: Taskina and Rania

You should set up a time to meet with me two weeks before you are schedule to lead

Please come to the meeting with some guiding questions (approximately four or five) that you
might use to facilitate discussion. The goal of this assignment is to bring to life the readings, so
youll want to direct students to different passages.

Youll lead discussion for the first 30-40 minutes of class. You might do this through mini
presentations, by focusing on particular passages, and possibly through an activity. I will
complete the class meeting, building on the work you set up.

This assignment is worth 10% of your grade. Each group will receive a letter grade, which will
be based on your preparation for our meeting and your ability to lead discussion that gets at the
central themes of the text(s).

WRT 413: rhetoric & ethics
Fall 2014, Tuesdays and Thursdays, 2:00-3:20 p.m.,
Marshall Square Mall 205B

Patrick W. Berry,, office: HBC 235
office phone: 315-443-1912

office hours: Fridays, 1:00-3:00 p.m.
and by appointment

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