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Emily Smith

September 03, 2014

Aliens Land in My Backyard
The night was dark and cold when I was awakened by a strange noise.
I ran to my window and slowly drew back the curtain. I dont know
what I expected, but it sure wasnt what I saw. My backyard was lit up
by a thousand lights, as if it were daytime. I could see only the outline
of a round shape. It stretched from my window to the apple tree,
about 200 yards away. I couldnt decide if I should wake my family. I
wanted to make sure I wasnt dreaming. lipping on shoes and a robe, I
sneaked out my back door. I could hear !oices, but I couldnt
understand what they were saying. tay tuned for the next
#mily mith
1. Edit (spelling, punctuation, spacing, capitaliation!
2. "hange the #ont to "omic sans, sie 14.
3. $ype this title %&liens 'and in (y Bac)yard*
4. "enter the title, then ma)e it Bold, +ed, and sie 1,
-. .nderline the #ollo/ing /ords0 strange, thousand, apple
6. (a)e the #ollo/ing /ords 1talics0 daytime, dreaming
2. "hange %spherical* to %round*
,. $ype your name 2 lines belo/ the story and center it
3. 1ndent the paragraph
10. &dd a picture #rom the 1nternet o# an alien.
11. Sa4e this document to your "omputer "lass #older in your 5 dri4e. 6ame it %&liens*

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