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© Copyright 1999 Boudewijn Bouckaert and Gerrit De Geest

Bibliography Collected by the Editors

Bouckaert, Boudewijn and De Geest, Gerrit (eds.) (1992), Bibliography of Law and Economics,
Boston, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 684 p.
Buchanan, James M. (1987), ‘Bibliography of James M. Buchanan’s Publications, 1949-1986’, 89
Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 17-37.
Campbell, David and Clay, Susan (1976), Long-Term Contracting: A Research Bibliography and
Review of the Literature, Oxford, Centre for Socio-Legal Studies.
Chiorazzi, Michael and others (1988), ‘Empirical Studies in Civil Procedure: A Selected Annotated
Bibliography’, 51(3) Law and Contemporary Problems, 87-207.
Foley, Patrick, Shaked, Avner and Sutton, John (1981), The Economics of the Professions. An
Introductory Guide to the Literature, London, London School of Economics, 107 p.
Goehlert, Robert and Gunderson, Nels (1987), Government Regulation of Business: An
Information , Phoenix, Oryx Press, 425 p.
Hoffman, Elizabeth and Spitzer, Matthew L. (1985), ‘Experimental Law and Economics: An
Introduction’, 85 Columbia Law Review, 991-1036.
McGee, Robert W. (1983), ‘Data Processing Department Practices’, Bibliography, National
Association of Accountants.
McGee, Robert W. (1983), ‘Deferred Taxation’, Bibliography, National Association of
McGee, Robert W. (1984), ‘Accounting for Software’, Bibliography, National Association of
McGee, Robert W. and Greaves, Bettina Bien (1993), Mises: An Annotated Bibliography,
Foundation for Economic Education, 405 p.
Parisi, Francesco (1998a), The Economic Structure of the Law (The Collected Papers of Richard A.
Posner: Volume I), Ashgate, Edward Elgar, 354 p.
Parisi, Francesco (1998b), The Economics of Private Law (The Collected Papers of Richard A.
Posner: Volume II), Ashgate, Edward Elgar, 380 p.
Parisi, Francesco (1998c), The Economics of Public Law (The Collected Papers of Richard A.
Posner: Volume III), Ashgate, Edward Elgar, 409 p.
Parisi, Francesco and Frezza, Giampaolo (1998a), ‘Pietro Trimarchi’, in Backhaus, Jürgen G. (ed.),
Elgar Companion to Law and Economics, Ashgate, Edward Elgar.
Parisi, Francesco and Frezza, Giampaolo (1998b), ‘Achille Loria (1847-1943)’, in Backhaus,
Jürgen G. (ed.), Elgar Companion to Law and Economics, Ashgate, Edward Elgar.
Parisi, Francesco and Frezza, Giampaolo (1998c), ‘Augusto Graziani (1865-1938)’, in Backhaus,
Jürgen G. (ed.), Elgar Companion to Law and Economics, Ashgate, Edward Elgar.
Parisi, Francesco and Frezza, Giampaolo (1998d), ‘Cesare Beccaria (1738-1794)’, in McCay,
Bonnie J. and Acheson, James M. (eds), The Question of the Commons: The Culture and
Ecology of Communal Resources, Tucson (AZ), University of Arizona.

48 Bibliographies 0070

Parisi, Francesco and Posner, Richard A. (1997a), ‘Law and Economics: An Introduction’, in
Posner, Richard A. and Parisi, Francesco (eds), Law and Economics, Ashgate, Edward Elgar,
Parisi, Francesco and Posner, Richard A. (1997b), ‘Scuole e Tendenze nella Analisi Economica del
Diritto’, 15 Rivista Critica del Diritto Privato.
Parisi, Francesco and Posner Richard A. (1999), ‘Analisi Economica del Diritto Pubblico e
Commerciale: Una Bibliografia Annotata’, in X (ed.), Biblioteca della Libertá.
Priddat, Birger (1990), ‘Hegel als Ökonom (Hegel as an Economist)’, 403 Volkswirtschaftliche
Pyle, David J. (1979), The Economics of Crime and Law Enforcement: A Selective Biblipography
(and Supplement 1980), SSRC Public Sector Study Group, Bibliography Series, 216 p.
Samuels, Warren J. (1965), ‘Law and Economic Policy: A Bibliographical Survey’, 58 Law
Library Journal, 230-252.
Samuels, Warren J. (1972), ‘Law and Economics: A Bibliographical Survey 1965-72’, 66 Law
Library Journal, 96-110.
Sinder, Janet (1987), ‘Economists as Judges: A Selective, Annotated Bibliography’, 50(4) Law and
Contemporary Problems, 279-286.
Snow, Marcellus S. and Jussawalla, Meheroo (1986), Telecommunication Economics and
International Regulatory Policy: An Annotated Bibliography, New York, Greenwood Press,
216 p.
Stanbury, W.T. and Tretheway, Michael W. (1986), ‘Airline Deregulation: A Bibliography’, 22
Logistics and Transportation Review, 449-489.
Templeton, Virginia Evans and Taubenfeld, Howard J. (1987), World Environment Law
Bibliography: Non Periodical Literature in Law and the Social Sciences Published Since
1970 in Various Languages with Selected Reviews and Annotations from Periodicals,
Littleton, Rothman, 480 p.
Van den Hauwe, Ludwig (1993), ‘Review of Bouckaert & De Geest, Bibliography of Law and
Economics’, 77 Public Choice, 917-919.
Veljanovski, Cento G. (1984), Economics of the Common Law: A Bibliography, Oxford, Centre
for Socio-Legal Studies, 59 p.

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