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DepEd Order No, 70 S.


Beginning School Year 2012-2013, teachers of all public elementary and secondary schools will
have more time for the preparatio of necessary support instructional materials and student
centereed activities as the DepEd adopts flexibility in the preparation of daily lessons.

Teachers guide have been prepared for teachers of Grade 1 and 7 in the K12 curriculum and
the same will be done for succeeding grades. Likewiss, there are available teachers manual,
texbooks and supplementary materials for use by teachers in the different year levels.

T enable the teachers to do other meaningful teaching related task which incude but not limited
to preparing instructional aids, assessing leaners portfolios and conducting learning
interventions, the following Guidelines on the Preparatio of daily lessons are isssued:

a. Teachers who have been in the service for more than 2 years, private school experience
included shall not be required to prepare detailed lessons plans. They may adopt daily lesson
logs which cotains the ff entries:

1. Lessons as cited in the TG/Tm reference materials with the page number
2. Learners Materia - used such as acitivty sheets, modules, other materials with the page
number ferefence.
3. Remarks indicating number of learns within master level
number of learners needing enrichment/refinemnt lessons and
4. Other activities: include the interventions given to the pupils.

Teachers with less than 2 years teaching experience shall be required to prepare Daily lessons
plans which shall include the ff:

Subject Matter
Assessment and

Teachers may debate from the TG/TMs whenever necessary to suit the learners ability provided
the learning standards and competencies are met.

DLP/DLL shall be written in the language of the TG/TM. Grade 1 teachers need not translate
them to the mother tounge.

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