Grammar Language Analysis Sheet

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Language Analysis Sheet: GRAMMAR

Complete this, as far as you can, for grammar / function-based lessons or skills-based lessons
where there is a clear language component.
Language area (e.g. 3
conditional, modals of deduction, etc.)
Context (the situation - Who? Where? When? in which the language is used, and the sort of
reading or listening text in which it is contained, if a text is being used)
Focus on meaning
(meaning check questions, timelines etc. This would also include levels of formality for functional
language. N.B. you should research the point in one or preferably two reference books, if possible,
in addition to the coursebook)
Focus on form (analysis for students as it will appear on whiteboard, if appropriate)
Focus on pronunciation
(contractions, weak forms etc. Phonemic transcription of target sentence, if appropriate)
Written record
(how students will have a clear record of item, with meaning, if appropriate, e.g. substitution table;
if on whiteboard, include a plan in your lesson).
Anticipated problems with solutions
(possible difficulties with meaning, form and/or pronunciation etc. and how you propose to deal
with these).
N.B. Your analysis may require more space than provided on this page
ih Rome CELTA handbook 2008

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