C Post Internship Student Assessment Form

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Post-Internship Assessment Form (by Student)

The Post-Internship Assessment Form is intended for the student to give feedback to the
Planning Program as to how benefcial he or she considered the internship experience to be
(in the context of personal academic and professional learning obectives!" It is also meant
to suggest wa#s to improve upon the internship experience" $tudents should complete and
sign the form% and submit to their facult# supervisor for signature" The fnal form should
then be submitted to the Planning Program &'ce via the Planning Program Administrator"
Student Information
Student Name: Student Number:
Position Title: Position start/end dates:
Employer Information
Supervisor or
Employer Name: Job Title:
Organization Name: Department:
INTENS!IP DET"I#S (form expands as you type)
1. In what ways do you feel the internship has enhanced your planning education?
2. In what ways do you feel the internship has helped you prepare for professional practice?
3. o you consider the internship experience to fit within your personal academic and career ob!ecti"es?
#. o you ha"e any suggestions on how the internship experience may be impro"ed upon? $lease consider the role
of the $lanning $rogram and the Internship %mployer&
'. id you encounter there any challenges or difficulties in your internship experience?
(. )ere there any particular positi"e points about your internship experience worth mentioning?
*. $lease pro"ide any additional comments or feedbac+ as appropriate&
Student /ame& Signature& 0000000000000000000000000000000ate&
Room 5053, Sidney Smith Hall, 100 St. George Street, Toronto, ON M5S 3G3 Canada
Tel: 1! "!#0$!" % &a': 1! "!#3((! % )lanning.m*+,geog.-toronto.+a %
$%S&%Pl% Interns'ip Program
1aculty Super"isor& Signature& 0000000000000000000000000000000 ate&
Room 5053, Sidney Smith Hall, 100 St. George Street, Toronto, ON M5S 3G3 Canada
Tel: 1! "!#0$!" % &a': 1! "!#3((! % )lanning.m*+,geog.-toronto.+a %

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