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Unsatisfactory Below average Average / above average Superior

Lacks sufficient/
appropriate vocabulary;
inadequate and/or
inaccurate use of vocab
Lacks vocabulary ;
Somewhat inadequate
and/or inaccurate use of
vocab and too basic for
this level
Adequate and accurate use
of vocab for this level, with
some interesting additions
Rich use of vocabulary
with some idiomatic
expressions; uses
interesting, appropriate
and complex applications
Extensive errors with
structure; unclear usage
that interferes with
communication and
presentation quality;
emerging use of basic
language structures;
complete yet repetitive
Errors with structure; little
variety of grammar
structures; errors may
interfere with
presentation quality;
emerging control of basic
language structures; some
repetition in complete
Good use of various
structures; some errors that
do not interfere with
presentation quality;
control of basic language
structures; emerging variety
of complete sentences
Solid use of a variety of
structures and complete
sentences; minor errors
do not interfere with
presentation quality;
control of basic language
structures with
occasional use of
advanced language
Poorly prepared;
Content barely
frequent interference in
incomplete thoughts,
little sustained speech
Hesitant, may need
prompting; content
mostly comprehensible,
pronunciation interferes
with communication;
speech choppy and/or slow
with frequent pauses
Solidly prepared, may have
minor hesitations; content
pronunciation does not
interfere with
communication; speech
sustained most of the time,
with little hesitation,
manages to continue and
complete thoughts
Solidly prepared; content
readily comprehensible,
pronunciation enhances
communication/ speech
sustained throughout
with few/no pauses or
Quality of task
Minimal completion of
task; content frequently
undeveloped and/or
somewhat repetitive
Partial completion of task;
content somewhat
adequate and mostly
appropriate; basic ideas
expressed but very little
elaboration or detail
Completion of the task/
content appropriate; ideas
adequately developed with
some elaboration and detail
Superior completion of
task/ content rich/ ideas
developed with
elaboration and detail

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