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Institute for Health Professions

at Cambria Heights
Institute for Health Professions at Cambria Heights
207-01 116th Ave
Cambria Heights, NY 1111
!71"# 72$-7$01
Dear Students,
Welcome to your second year of high school! My name is Ms. Goods, and I will be teaching
your English Language rts course for the !"#$%!"#& school year. 'he (ur(ose of the
information you are going to find here is to)
#. Introduce you to the course, gi*ing you a general idea of what you will be
accom(lishing throughout the school year.
!. +utline e,(ectations for beha*ior that should be e,hibited in this class and at I-./-
in general.
0. Gi*e you an idea of how to achie*e academic success in this classroom
Office Hours) I will be at school ty(ically from 1)"" am until $)0"(m or later. 2ou can either
sto( by my classroom at those times, or email me 34goods5ih(ch.org6 to let me 7now what time
is con*enient for you. I will inform you of my a*ailability if you need to meet later than $)0"(m.
Class Website) 2ou can find the website for this class by going to htt()88ms4goods.weebly.com8.
ll of the information you find here will also be on the website, including handouts for things
you may ha*e missed 3or lost6, your homewor7 assignments, readings, etc.
Course Description) 'his school year, we will be e,(loring the theme of 9e*olutions and
-uman 9ights. 'here are fi*e essential :uestions that we will be answering throughout this
What are the :ualities of an effecti*e leader;
When it comes to what we see, read and hear, how do we 7now what to belie*e;
-ow do go*ernments balance the rights of citi<ens with what is good for the (eo(le;
What in life is worth fighting for;
What are the effects of war;
We will be e,(loring the answers to these :uestions through a series of boo7s, mo*ies, *ideo
cli(s, articles, news(a(ers and8or news maga<ines. We will show our understanding of this
theme, and answer the Essential =uestions through tests, :ui<<es, argumentati*e essays,
indi*idual and grou( (ro4ects, (resentations, Socratic Seminars and debates.
Course Objectives) 'his course is mainly based on four core standards)
Institute for Health Professions
at Cambria Heights
Institute for Health Professions at Cambria Heights
207-01 116th Ave
Cambria Heights, NY 1111
!71"# 72$-7$01

9eading) determine theme or central idea of a te,t> analy<e how com(le, characters
de*elo( o*er the course of a te,t> read and com(rehend literature> determine the meaning
of words and (hrases used in a te,t> read and com(rehend literary non%fiction.
Writing) write arguments to su((ort claims in an analysis of substanti*e to(ics or te,ts>
write informati*e8e,(lanatory te,ts to e,amine and con*ey com(le, ideas, clearly and
accurately> (roduce clear and coherent writing> de*elo( and strengthen writing as needed
by (lanning, re*ising, editing, rewriting, etc> conduct research (ro4ects to answer a
:uestion> gather rele*ant information from multi(le authoritati*e (rint and digital
sources> draw e*idence from te,t for su((ort> use technology, including the Internet, to
(roduce, (ublish, and u(date indi*idual or shared writing (roducts.
S(ea7ing8Listening) Initiate and (artici(ate effecti*ely in a range of collaborati*e
discussions 3one%on%one, in grou(s, and teacher%led6 with di*erse (artners discussing a
range of to(ics, te,ts and issues> integrate multi(le sources of information (resented in
di*erse media or formats e*aluating the credibility and accuracy of each source> (resent
information, findings, and su((orting e*idence clearly, concisely and logically so
that listeners can follow the line of reasoning, organi<ation and de*elo(ment.
Social Studies) determine the meaning of words and (hrases as they are used in a te,t,
including *ocabulary describing (olitical, social, or economic as(ects of history8social
studies> com(are and contrast treatments of the same to(ic in se*eral (rimary and
secondary sources.
Tentative Course Outline (this is subject to change):
Se(tember to ?o*ember)
o 'e,t@Chronicle of a Death Foretold by Gabriel Garcia Mar:ue<
o ssessment@/ase Aile
?o*ember to Banuary)
Institute for Health Professions
at Cambria Heights
Institute for Health Professions at Cambria Heights
207-01 116th Ave
Cambria Heights, NY 1111
!71"# 72$-7$01
o 'e,t@ Animal Farm by George +rwell
o ssessment@/ommercial, .rint d, 9adio d or a Alier
Aebruary to (ril)
o 'e,t@The Boy in the Striped Pajamas by Bohn Coyne
o ssessment@rgumentati*e Essay
(ril to Bune)
o 'e,t@The Rock and the River by De7la Magoon
o ssessment@#" .oint .rogram
o ssessment@.C' 3to be determined6
Grades and the Grading Polic:
!ating Description Conversion
Grade !ange
+ +utstanding E"%#"" .ass
G Good 1"%E" .ass
/ /om(etent F&%GE .ass
? ?eeds Im(ro*ement HF& ?o /redit
I Incom(lete ?one ?o /redit
M Missing 3missing unit ending,
summati*e (erformance tas7s
must be com(leted6
" Missing Wor7
Character Principles: +(enness, 9esilience, Grit, /onscientiousness, /reati*ity, Aocus,
Habits of Mind: .roblem Aormulation, 9esearch, Inter(retation, /ommunication,
Class Wor" and Ho#e$or" Polic:
-omewor7) I understand that sometimes we ha*e e,treme situations that ha((en, and
homewor7 may not get done. If you ha*e a situation that arises, you MIS' let me 7now
in ad*ance if you e,(ect to get an e,tension on any homewor7 that is due. If you do not
Institute for Health Professions
at Cambria Heights
Institute for Health Professions at Cambria Heights
207-01 116th Ave
Cambria Heights, NY 1111
!71"# 72$-7$01
let me 7now in DJ?/E 3meaning before the assignment is due6, no e,ce(tions will be
made. Please %ote) E*en if you do let me 7now that your assignment is going to be late,
gi*ing you an e,tension without losing credits will be at my discretion.
ttendance) .lease be aware that your attendance will affect your grade. If you miss
class on a regular basis, (lease understand that you will %OT be able to (ass this class.
2our attendance is necessary in this class. fter 0 absences in one wee7, your (arent3s6
or guardian3s6 will be notified.
Late .olicy) If the door to this classroom is shut when you come to class, this means you
are L'E. Dnoc7 O%C& and I will o(en the door as soon as I can. +nce you ha*e
entered the classroom, you are re:uired to sign the Late Log. fter you ha*e been late
three times in the same wee7, your (arent3s6 or guardian3s6 will be notified.
fter School 'utoring) When you are missing numerous assignments, you will be
re:uired to stay after school to ma7e u( your wor7. 'his includes any missing
assignments, readings, class wor7, homewor7, or anything else that you need to
com(lete. 2our (arent3s6 or guardian3s6 will be informed that you are re:uired to stay
after school, as well as when and why you are re:uired to stay.
Classroo# &'pectations:
We ha*e a classroom en*ironment that will encourage discussions, collaborati*e (ro4ects and, at
times, e*en debates. Cecause of this, there are e,(ectations that ha*e to be met in order for us all
to feel comfortable and free enough to share our ideas, thoughts and o(inions. Celow, you will
find a list of e,(ectations for all of us. (ince the students $ill be signing the sllabus) this
sllabus beco#es our classroo# contract. 'he conse:uences for brea7ing this contract are
listed below, but may be re*ised at any time according to the se*erity or the re(etiti*eness of a
studentKs actions.
Our Classroo# *gree#ents)
#. We must a*oid derogatory and offensi*e language.
!. We must arri*e to class on time and (re(ared to wor7.
0. We all ha*e to do our (art to lea*e the classroom the way we found it.
Institute for Health Professions
at Cambria Heights
Institute for Health Professions at Cambria Heights
207-01 116th Ave
Cambria Heights, NY 1111
!71"# 72$-7$01
$. It is im(ortant that each indi*idualLs class wor7 and homewor7 reflect the original and
inno*ati*e ideas of that indi*idual. In other words, we need to do our +W? wor7 without
co(ying from those around us or from others on the internetM We MIS' a*oid LL A+9MS
+A /-E'I?G.
&. We will be acce(ting of the fact that this is a learning en*ironment, and we will listen to the
*iews, o(inions and ideas of others, without interru(tion e*en if we do not agree. In addition, we
will also a*oid side con*ersations with others when someone is sharing their ideas.
F. We are not to use the restroom during the first ten minutes or the last ten minutes of class.
Aurthermore, when you are going to the restroom, you must com(lete and ta7e your agenda with
G. 2ou are re:uired to wear the a((ro(riate school dress code on a daily basis.
1. Aood, drin7s ?D GIM are not allowed in the classroom at any time.
The procedures that ta"e place $hen these guidelines are not follo$ed are belo$:
#. Airst Instance) Student will be s(o7en with (ri*ately.
!. Second Instance) Student will be s(o7en with and the incident will be written u( in
0. 'hird Instance) Student will be s(o7en with (ri*ately, the incident will be written u(
in Bum(9o(e and the student will get a (hone call home.
$. Aourth Instance) If the studentsK beha*ior (ersists after the abo*e ste(s ha*e been
ta7en, further action will be ta7en according to I-./- (olicy and the disci(linary
handboo7 of the De(artment of Education.
Institute for Health Professions
at Cambria Heights
Institute for Health Professions at Cambria Heights
207-01 116th Ave
Cambria Heights, NY 1111
!71"# 72$-7$01
Institute for Health Professions
at Cambria Heights
Institute for Health Professions at Cambria Heights
207-01 116th Ave
Cambria Heights, NY 1111
!71"# 72$-7$01
Institute for Health Professions
at Cambria Heights
Institute for Health Professions at Cambria Heights
207-01 116th Ave
Cambria Heights, NY 1111
!71"# 72$-7$01
3.rint StudentKs ?ame6
a co(y of Ms. GoodsK #"
grade syllabus. I also agree that we ha*e discussed the syllabus
in class, and I ha*e been gi*en a (a(er co(y. I am signing below to state that I agree to the
guidelines and e,(ectations that must be followed in class. It is my understanding that if I refuse
to follow the guidelines of the I-./- (olicy, as well as the guidelines listed in this syllabus, I
will be sub4ect to disci(linary action according to the terms of the syllabus and school (olicies. I
also understand that the (olicies in this syllabus may change at any time at the teacherKs
discretion due to studentsK classroom conduct, beha*ior or misunderstanding.
3StudentKs Signature6

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