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Hello there and welcome to Six Minutes. In working with the law lesson, Raymond
Holliwell talks about the Law of Non-Resistance. We put out a lot of resistance to stuff
that causes us all kinds of problems. Whatever you resist, persists. And so, there is a great
story. I was reading this story this morningthe biography of Lincoln, President Lincoln.
And there is an interesting story in here.

Mrs. Hugh McCullough, with a friend, attended a reception by Mrs. Lincoln one
Saturday afternoon and they were there greeted by the President. I am always glad to
see you ladies for I know you dont want anything. But one lady, Miss McCullough,
spoke up and she said, But Mr. President, said Miss McCullough, I do want something.
I want you to do something and I want you very much to do it. Well, he said, what is
it? I hope it is something that I can do. She said, I want you to suppress the Chicago
Times because it does nothing but abuse your administration. Oh, tut tut Lincoln said,
We must not abridge the liberties of the press or the people but never mind the
Chicago Times. The administration can stand it if the Times can.

Do you know, Lincoln was continually running up against resistance. He was the
President during war and he wasnt a military person. General McClellan one time, the
President wanted to see him but he wouldnt come to see Lincoln. So Lincoln went to
his house. And the general wasnt home so as the story goes, Lincoln was shown into
the parlor and he sat down. And when the general came home, he just nodded at the
president and went on up to bed. Didnt even speak to him. And somebody asked him
one day, Didnt it bother you how the general treats you? He said, No, he said, Ill
hold the generals horse if it helps us win the war.

See, Lincoln has gone down in history as a great human being. He did not let the
outside forces bother him. He had a lot of critics. Are you letting them bother you? Are
you letting whatever is coming your way bother you? Dont resist it, just let it go. Get this
attitude: It is interesting, but it isnt important.

Spend the next few minutes thinking about the things that you have been letting bother
you lately. Let them go, forgive them all. This is Bob Proctor, Six Minutes.

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