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Find Your Seat!

Junior Abigail
Georgia Jake Tanisha
Jack Emily Toby Natasha
Lucy George Aisha Sam W
Sam C Alexandria Maaz Sophia
Charlotte William Gala Harry
Erin Francesca Vivik Taylor
Simran Ben Kaisha Joseph
Teacher's PC
Teacher Desk
Behaviour Expectations
Manners cost you nothing!
Quietly line up before entering the class
Do not unplug, change or remove the keyboards, mice,
monitors or anything else from the machines! If you notice
a problem ask your teacher
Be polite when others are speaking
Tuck all chairs under the desk at the end of the lesson
Leave the classroom quietly and in an orderly manner
Complete all classwork and homework
Work independently!

Logging on!

E.g. 12SmithA

Your password may
have expired if you
cant remember, ask!
Learning Objectives
To be able to identify what is meant by Digital Footprint

To understand that information can be searcherd, copied and passed on

Explain how online information can be helpful or harmful to a persons
reputation and image

How many of you have

Sent a message or posted a comment online?
Created a profile on a social-network site?
Used a photo-sharing app?
Googled your own name?
Choose A Host
Trillion Dollar Footprint is a popular TV show that tours the country looking
for teens to compete in a talent show.

I have hired you as producers for the show and your job is to:
Look over online information of Linda & Jason
Decide who should be the host of the show based on who works better with others
and is more honest

Complete the feedback form and prepare a pitch to the rest of the class
which justifies your Host choice!
What information would you want to find out about yourself online in 10 years
time? Fill in the footprint with the types of information that you would want
to see! Examples: a YouTube video of me performing with my band, an
photo of me meeting Lady Gaga, an online article about my work helping
the homeless. Be Creative!

Who helped to shape Lindas and Jasons digital footprints?

Can you tell what a person is really like offline based on what you find online?

What are some other types of information that make up your digital

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