0510 Austrian School

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© Copyright 1999 Boudewijn Bouckaert and Gerrit De Geest

Bibliography Collected by the Editors

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Implications pour les Rapports entre Droit et Economie (Presentation of Fundamental Debate
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Leoni, Bruno (1991), Freedom and the Law, Indianapolis, Liberty Fund.

0510 Austrian School 417

McGee, Robert W. and Greaves, Bettina Bien (1993), Mises: An Annotated Bibliography,
Foundation for Economic Education, 405 p.
Paqué, Karl-Heinz (1985), ‘How Far is Vienna from Chicago? An Essay on the Methodology of
Two Schools of Dogmatic Liberalism’, 38 Kyklos, 412-434.
Prychitko, David L. (1990), ‘Methodological Individualism and the Austrian Shool’, 1 Journal des
Economistes et des Etudes Humaines, 171 ff.
Schmidtchen, Dieter (1993), ‘Time, Uncertainty, and Subjectivism: Giving More Body to Law and
Economics’, 13 International Review of Law and Economics, 61-84.
Schwartzstein, Linda A. (1992), ‘Austrian Economics and the Current Debate between Critical
Legal Studies and Law and Economics’, 20 Hofstra Law Review, 1105 ff.
Schwartzstein, Linda A. (1994), ‘An Austrian Economic View of Legal Process’, 55 Ohio State
Law Journal.
Teijl, Rob and Holzhauer, Rudi W. (1994), De Betekenis van de Oostenrijkse School voor de
Rechtseconomie (The Impact of the Austrian School on Law and Economics), Arnhem, Gouda
Teijl, Rob and Holzhauer, Rudi W. (1995a), ‘The Impact of the Austrian School on Law and
Economics’, in Bouckaert, Boudewijn and De Geest, Gerrit (eds), Essays in Law and
Economics II: Contract Law, Regulation, and Reflections on Law and Economics,
Antwerpen, Maklu, 247-266.
Teijl, Rob and Holzhauer, Rudi W. (1995b), ‘The Impact of the Austrian School of Law and
Economics’, in Bouckaert, Boudewijn and De Geest, Gerrit (eds), Essays in Law and
Economics II: Contract Law, Regulation, and Reflections on Law and Economics,
Antwerpen, Maklu, 247-265.
Van den Hauwe, Ludwig (1998a), ‘German Income Tax Policy Between Equity and Efficiency’, 5
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Wonnell, Christopher T. (1986), ‘Contract Law and the Austrian School of Economics’, 54
Fordham Law Review, 507-543.

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