Wisdom Hackers Invitation

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Le: F:ienJ.

l i .in :e eJ:e n l | ,oJ o oin J on Se. 1n (:om 7 o m) in Ne.

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+ ArIisI Rochel Sussmon will shore insighIs on deep Iime ond Ihe sIruggles Io
culIivoIe more long-Ierm Ihinking
+ AcIivisI Groce Dunhom osks, "how do we rodicolize self-help:"
+ JournolisI ond ocIivisI NoIhon Schneider reecIs on Ihe role of Ihe hocker spiriI
in globol proIesI movemenIs
+ Renoissonce womon Goronce Choko osks: "how con we develop opprecioIion
for informol ond experienIiol knowledge:"
+ MoIhios VesIergoord explores how Io reconcile porenIhood for
o "me" generoIion
+ Designer Lee-Seon Huong osks, "how do we elevoIe ond inIegroIe Ihe role of
kinesIheIic knowledge in Ihe informoIion economy:"
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wisdom hackers

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