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1. Tell me something about yourself?
2. Tell me something that is not mentioned in your resume?
3. Why do you want to join our company?
4. Why do you think we should hire you?
. !ow will your best friend describe you?
". Tell us about your strengths and weaknesses?
#. Why did you pursue $%&'a particular speciali(ation?
). *o you think your +raduation degree will help you in the profile offered?
,. What do you know about our company and its products?
1-. Where do you see yourself fi.e'ten years down the line?
11. Who is your role model and why?
12. What is your area of interest?
13. What are your hobbies?
14. What is more important &ttitude or &ptitude?
1. /inancial statistics about the company.
1". What accomplishments are you most proud of?
1#. What kind of skills do you possess that would benefit the company?
1). What can you contribute to our company?
1,. Why did you apply for this profile?
2-. *on0t you think you are o.er1ualified for this job?
21. What was your greatest failure?
22. &re you willing to relocate?
23. 2nternship and *issertation related 1uestions.
24. 3uestions related to prior work e4perience 56rofile7 8alary7 etc.9
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2. *o you think your last work e4perience will add any .alue to the profile that is being offered
by us?
2". Why did you plan to pursue $%& after working for :n0 no. of years in ;<= company?
2#. What were the courses offered in your speciali(ation?
2). What is your fa.orite subject? 53uestions based on that subject9
2,. 6ro.e your >eadership talent
3-. Why did you apply for this position? !ow do you establish a working relationship with new
31. What ha.e you done to impro.e your knowledge in the last year?
32. &re you a team player?
33. What is important for you? ?ob 6rofile or @emuneration or 8ector'2ndustry or >ocation?
34. !ow long would you e4pect to work for us if hired?
3. What is your philosophy towards work?
3". Tell me about your dream job.
3#. Why do you think you would do well at this job?
3). Tell us about a situation where you faced failure and how did you manage it?
3,. What are you looking for in a job?
4-. What kind of person would you refuse to work with?
41. What is more important to youA the money or the work?
42. Tell me about your ability to work under pressure.
43. &re you willing to work o.ertime? Bights? Weekends?
44. What 1ualities do you look for in a boss?
4. Tell me about a time when you helped resol.e a dispute between others.
4". *o you ha.e any 1uestions for me?
4#. What do you think would be your work profile in our company?
4). %ring two new ideas for *ell laptops
4,. What was your recent acti.ity in social ser.ices?
-. Tell me something about your long term plans?
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1. Theories on >eadership
2. !ow do you manage a team?
3. What is 6C@T?
4. What role does a %usiness &nalyst play? C4plain
. What do you think is our company0s D86?
". What did you learn from $%&?
#. Why should we not hire you?
). &bout the family
,. Tell us about your career path
"-. What kind of profile are you looking for?
"1. What will you do if you don0t get selected today?
"2. !ow do you see your strategic fit with the work profile?
"3. $arket @esearch .s. $arketing @esearch
"4. 3uestions related to $arket @esearch7 methodologies7 tools used7 etc.
". !ow does a particular +o.t. 6olicy affect the country'industry?
"". &re you shortEtempered?
"#. What was the most memorable day of your life?
1. What is leasing? 2ts ad.antages.
2. C4plain 8ecuriti(ation
3. 6ortfolio Fonstruction
4. @isks faced by a lender
. Fomparison of lease and loan
". 3uestions on Fash /low7 8tock $arket7 2nflation7 %alance 8heet
#. @epo and @e.erse @epo @ate
). C4plain the /inancial 6erformance of our company.
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,. &pplication based 1uestions on /inancial @atios
1-. What are the items recorded in 6rofit G >oss a'c and %alance 8heet?
11. What are the important parameters in %alance sheet to judge the credibility of a company for
buying its shares?
12. What is cost of C1uity7 Fost of *ebt? +i.e the formulas for the same.
13. What are the reasons for adding depreciation to net profit?
14. !erd $entality of the stock market
1. What is the difference between /utures G /orwards?
1". What are different types of *epreciation?
1#. 3uestions on 2T calculation and rules
1). 2nternational /inance related 1uestions like %ill of C4change
1,. /ore4 ' /ore4 Trading related 1uestions
2-. +i.e 3 +olden @ules of &ccounting.
21. ?ournal entries related 1uestions
22. Why did you choose /inance after Cngineering?
23. @ate yourself on &ccounting
24. What is a subprime crisis?
2. & case or scenario is presented and portfolio for in.estment is asked.
2". Fredit @ating &gencies
2#. *ifference between Traditional G &%F Fosting
2). 6ut Hption'Fall Hption
2,. 2ntrinsic ' Time Ialue
3-. Fredit *efault swap
31. *ifference between Fash and Trade *iscount
32. Foncept of 2@@
33. C4plain /actoring
34. Why lease instead of buying
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3. Why /inance after %iotechnology'Cngineering?
3". +raduation 6roject related 1uestions
3#. 2n.estment and 8tock market related 1uestions.
1. 6repare a business plan to sell cow dung ' mud
2. 2f there is a problem with your product. What will you do? Will you take it back and incur
3. C4plain F@$ after post decision process.
4. What is product line? *ifference between product width and product depth.
. C4plain the 8ales 6rocess before selling a product.
". +i.e e4amples of 2nno.ati.e products 5technology9Will you be ready to relocate to Jambia?
#. %eing a Tamilian7 will you relocate to our manufacturing unit in 6unjab? !ow will you
manage without the knowledge of !indi or local language?
). !ow will you market our raw material K &luminium7 etc?
,. 2f 2 gi.e you mud7 will you be able to sell it?
1-. &re you a 8ales ' $arketing person?
11. *ifference between a product and a brand.
12. *ifference between commodity and a brand.
13. *ifference between 8ales and $arketing.
14. !ow well do you cope up under pressure?
1. +i.e an e4ample of how ha.e you con.inced someone to do something that they were not
keen on doing?
1". What makes you think that a degree in $%& 5$arketing9 will help you to get job with us?
1#. Fogniti.e dissonance occurs in which stage of the buyer buying process model?
1). What is the difference between $arketing and &d.ertising?
1,. *ifference between marketing and selling?
2-. !ow can you use Word of $outh as a marketing tool?
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21. What do you mean by $oment of Truth'Touch 6oint?
22. What is the difference between strategy and Tactic?
23. What is $arketing &udit?
24. What is a %rand?
2. What is the role of a Fategory $anager?
2". What do you understand by FoE%randing? +i.e an e4ample?
2#. What are the steps in.ol.ed in selling process?
2). 3uestions related to %F+ and &nsoff $atri4
2,. *ifference between 8WHT and THW8 &nalysis
3-. *ifference between %2% and %2F marketing?
31. What is the main .irtue of %2% $arketing?
32. 8ell Bokia0s basic model to !B2 client
33. !ow will you outperform your peers in a target oriented job?
34. What do you mean by category killer? +i.e an e4ample for the same.
3. ?ustify capability in operations?
3". 2f %iocon'!D> and Iedanta are offering @s. " lakhs for an operation profile7 which company
would you join and why? 58ay the 1uestion is asked by a recruiter from Iedanta9
3#. Technical knowledge of manufacturing K heat transfer7 grinding7 crushing7 etc.
3). Why do you prefer 2nsurance sector?
3,. *ifference between a laptop selling and insurance selling?
4-. What are different kinds of marketing warfare strategies?
41. 8uggest new forms of $arketing Fommunications.
42. +i.e 1- uses of a ball pen7 paper weight7 pencil7 etc.?
43. 8ell us this program
44. 8ell a pen7 &luminium7 Fopper7 etc.
4. What is the 8ales 6rocess?
4". !ow will you meet your targets?
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4#. What is Web 2.- G @88?
4). C$2 Falculations.
4,. !ow does mobile communication work?
-. C4plain your business plan and market it.
1. C4plain procurement strategies during K falling and rising prices
1. !ow will you measure the effecti.eness of a training program?
2. !ow will you ensure that employee welfare measures are in place?
3. What are the .arious methods of 6$8 and which one would you prefer?
4. Why !@?
. Will you go by ethics in a situation when your immediate boss asks you to break a policy for
". !ow important do you think is 3"-
&ppraisal? Which other appraisal tool would you prefer?
#. *ifference between recruitment and 8election?
). What would you like to be E a @ecruiter or Training $anager and Why?
,. & 8cenario %ased 3uestion K &n employee in your organi(ation wants training in
communications7 but his boss'super.isor wants him to ha.e technical training. $eanwhile
the $anager ' !ead of the *epartment wants him to get training in meditation and yoga.
!ow will you sol.e the problem in one week and restricted budget?
1. Appren!"e A"
#. M!n. Wage$ A"
%. Pa&'en of Gra(!& A"
). Pro*!+en F(n+ relae+ ,(e$!on$
-. E,(al Re'(nera!on A"
.. Fa"or& A"
/. Maern!& 0ene1 A"
2. Wor3'en Co'pen$a!on A"
4. I$ PF appl!"a5le for all E'plo&ee$6 Cal"(la!on for 7e $a'e
18. Cal"(la!on of Gra(!&
Page 7 of 10
11. Pa&'en of 0on($ A" 9 I$ Cal"(la!on
1#. El!g!5!l!& "r!er!a for pa&'en of 5on($
1%. W7ere !$ 2.%% : "al"(la!on "on$!+ere+ apar fro' PF "al"(la!on
1). I; A" 14)/
1-. Ma<!'(' =!'! for gra(!&
1.. Wor3!ng 7o(r$ !n a >ee3 9 W7!"7 A" !$ "on$!+ere+ for 7e $a'e6
Can >e 'a3e e'plo&ee$ >or3 for 'ore 7an pre$"r!5e+ 7o(r$6 If &e$?
7en >7a are 7e 7!ng$ 7a 7a*e o 5e a3en !no "on$!+era!on6
1/. Co'pan& A"
12. Area of !nere$ an+ A"$ relae+ o !
14. I$ ! ne"e$$ar& o 'en!on 7e na'e of 7e Co'pan& !n lo"al
lang(age on 7e o@"e 5(!l+!ng6 If Ae$? 7en >7!"7 A" !$ appl!"a5le
1. Appo!n'en of Welfare O@"er (n+er Fa"or!e$ A"? 14)2 !$
"o'p(l$or& >7ere BCD e'plo&ee$ are e'plo&e+6
#. CrE"7e !$ 'an+aor& (n+er 7e Fa"or!e$ A" >7ere BnD >or3er$ are
%. A "aneen for >or3er$ pro*!+!ng $(5$!+!Fe+ foo+ !$ $a(or& (n+er 7e
Fa"or!e$ A" >7ere B<D>or3er$ are e'plo&e+
). Un+er Fa"or!e$ A"? appo!n'en of a Safe& O@"er !$ 'an+aor&
>7ere 7e no. of e'plo&ee$ e<"ee+$6
-. Un+er Plana!on =a5o(r A"? 14-1 a Welfare O@"er !$ re,(!re+ o 5e
appo!ne+ >7ere 7e no. of >or3er$ !$6
.. An a+(l >or3er (n+er 7e Fa"or!e$ A" !$ el!g!5le for lea*e >!7 >age$
G I +a& for e*er&HHHHHHHH +a&$ >or3e+ +(r!ng 7e pre"e+!ng &ear
/. Un+er 7e Fa"or!e$ A" no >or3er !$ per'!e+ o >or3 for 'ore 7an
HHHHH 7o(r$ !n a +a&
2. Cer!1"a!on of San+!ng Or+er$ (n+er 7e In+($r!al E'plo&'en
ISan+!ng Or+er$J A"? 14). !$ 'an+aor& >7ere HHHHHHHH >or3er$ are
4. In or+er o 5e el!g!5le for 'aern!& 5ene1 (n+er 7e Maern!& 0ene1
A"? 14.1? a >o'an >or3er $7o(l+ 7a*e >or3e+ for no le$$
7anHHHHHHHHH +a&$ !n 7e 1# 'on7$ !''e+!ael& pre"e+!ng 7e +ae
of +el!*er&
18. Un+er 7e Maern!& 0ene1 A"? a >o'an >or3er !$ el!g!5le for
HHHHHH >ee3$ lea*e >!7 >age$
11. In "a$e of '!$"arr!age? a >o'an >or3er $7all 5e allo>e+HHHHHH
>ee3$ lea*e >!7 >age$
1#. Un+er 7e Pa&'en of Wage$ A"? 14%. pa&'en of >age$ of
e$a5l!$7'en$ e'plo&!ng no 'ore 7an 1888 e'plo&ee$ $7all 5e
pa!+ >!7!n HHHHHHH of 7e >age 'on7
Page 8 of 10
1%. Un+er 7e Pa&'en of Wage$ A"? pa&'en of >age$ of
e$a5l!$7'en$ e'plo&!ng no le$$ 7an 1888 e'plo&ee$ $7all 5e pa!+
>!7!n HHHHHHHHHH of 7e >age 'on7 I IaJ /

1). An e'plo&ee !$ el!g!5le o ge 5on($ (n+er 7e Pa&'en of 0on($
A"? 14.- !f 7e 7a+ >or3e+ for no le$$ 7an HHHHHHHH +a&$ !n 7e
pre"e+!ng &ear
1-. An e'plo&ee >7o$e $alar& +oe$ no e<"ee+ HHHHHHHHHHHH !$
el!g!5le for 0on($ (n+er 7e Pa&'en of 0on($ A".
1.. T7e $a(or& '!n!'(' 5on($ !$ HHHHHHHH
1/. Ma<!'(' 5on($ (n+er 7e Pa&'en of 0on($ A" !$ HHHHHHH
12. In or+er o 5e el!g!5le for Gra(!& (n+er 7e Pa&'en of Gra(!&
A"? 14/#? an e'plo&ee $7o(l+ 7a*e a '!n!'(' "on!n(o($ $er*!"e of
14. Un+er 7e Pa&'en of Gra(!& A"? 7e rae of gra(!& !$
HHHHHHHHH $alar& for e*er& "o'plee+ &ear of $er*!"e
#8. E'plo&ee$ >7o are +ra>!ng $alar& no 'ore 7an HHHHHHHHHH are
"o*ere+ (n+er 7e E'plo&ee$ Sae In$(ran"e A"? 14)2.
#1. E'plo&ee$K $7are of "onr!5(!on (n+er 7e ESI A" !$ HHHHHHHH
##. T7e e'plo&erK$ $7are of "onr!5(!on (n+er 7e ESI A" !$ HHHHH
#%. E'plo&ee$ >7o are ge!ng a +a!l& a*erage >age$ (p o HHHHHHHH
are e<e'pe+ fro' "onr!5(!ng e'plo&ee$K $7are of ESI "onr!5(!on.
#). E'plo&ee$ Pro*!+en F(n+ an+ M!$"ellaneo($ Pro*!$!on$ A"?
14-# !$ appl!e+ o e$a5l!$7'en$ e'plo&!ng no le$$ 7an HHHHHHH
#-. An e'plo&ee >7o$e $alar& a 7e !'e of Lo!n!ng +oe$ no e<"ee+
HHHHHHHHH $7all 5e"o'e a 'e'5er of 7e pro*!+en f(n+ (n+er 7e A".
#.. E'plo&ee$K $7are of pro*!+en f(n+ "onr!5(!on !$ HHHHHHHHHH
#/. E'plo&erK$ $7are of "onr!5(!on o 7e pro*!+en f(n+ !$
#2. E'plo&erK$ "onr!5(!on o E'plo&ee$ Pen$!on S"7e'e !$ HHHHHHH
#4. T7e '!n!'(' no. of >or3er$ re,(!re+ o reg!$er a Tra+e Un!on
(n+er 7e Tra+e Un!on$ A"? 14#. !$ HHHHHHHH
T!p$ for 7e S(+en$ I0A RECRUITERSJ
*o not bluff
Dse simple Cnglish7 no jargons please
$aintain a smile on your face during the inter.iew. *o not smirk or smile sideways
*o a firm handshake
2f you are not aware of an answer7 do not guess and make it more complicated
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*o not mention that you will join your family business or become an entrepreneur 2E
years down the line. 2t can be cited as your long term plan 5maybe after 1-E1 years7 at a
later stage of your career9
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