Country Number Of: A) B) C) D) Total Brazil USA

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Student: Alberto Leonardo de Lima Fernandes

Professor: G.Pappas
Date: 07/22/2014
Summer 2014 - ELP-415-A02

Survey - Evaluating the product
Product : Meat

( Indirect comparison )
1 - Rank what is most important to you when buying the product.
The satisfaction with the taste
Benefits ( Health )
2 - How satisfied are you overall with the meat that you consume ?
a)Very satisfied (3/3)
b)Somewhat satisfied (2/3)
c)Somewhat dissatisfied (1/3)
c)Very dissatisfied (0/3)
3 - How frequently do you eat this meat ?
a)Every day
b)3 times a week
c)once a week
d)twice a month
4 - How did you start to eat ?
a)After trying for one time
b)Through the family
c)Through a friend
d)After watching na announcement

Country Number of: a) b) c) d) Total
Brazil 3x 2x 1x 0x
USA 3x 2x 1x 0x

( Direct comparison )
Brazilian meat => A
US meat => B
Which meat do you think it's more tasty ?

Which meat has less dye ?

Which meat has less hormone ?

Which meat has less fat ?

Whick meat has more nutrients ?

Which letter most appears ?

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