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Unit 1

How I see myself

Unit 2
How I plan for my future
Unit 3
How others perceive me
Big Idea:
How I see myself

Big Idea:
How I plan for my future
Big Idea:
How others perceive me
Enduring Understanding:
My choices and my actions
represent who I am.

Enduring Understanding:
The choices I make now will affect my
Enduring Understanding:
The words and actions I choose affect
how people perceive me.
Essential Questions:
How do my choices
represent who I am?
What are the consequences
of my actions?

Essential Questions:
How can difficult choices shape
who I will become?
How are mistakes opportunities
for growth?
Essential Questions:
How do my actions affect
When are others opinions
about me important?
Proposed # of days- 25

Proposed # of days- 22

Proposed # of days- 19

Mentor Texts
Seventh Grade (Literary)
Breaking The Ice (Essay)
Homework, Oh My!

Reading Skills
Annotating and Close
Narrative Structure

Embedded Grammar
Parts of Speech
Sentence Structure
Dialogue punctuation

Unit I CBA (Window)
Car Talk and Needed

Personal Narrative
o Quicklist
o Breaking down the
o Focus
o Sentence Variety
o Conferencing
o Cold Write
Mentor Texts
Do Professional Athletes Get
Paid Too Much
Pro Athletes Salaries Arent
Overly Exorbitant
My Mother Enters the
Workforce (Poetry)

Reading Skills
Main Idea/Supporting Detail

Embedded Grammar
Comma Rules

Unit II CBA (Window---)
International Sweethearts of
Rhythm (12 Qs)
Air Traffic Control (Rev-5 Qs)
Expository Writing
o Expert List
o Thesis
o Comma Rules
o Transitions
Letter Writing
Mentor Texts
A Christmas Carol (Drama)
Too Many Scrooges

Reading Skills
Authors purpose
Plot and Conflict

Embedded Grammar
Verb Tenses

Prewriting skills
o Narrative
o Expository
Comparison on adaptions of
A Christmas Carol

Unit III CBA (on midterm)
The Fly (8 Qs)
Give me the City Life
(Revision-6 Qs)
A Room of my Own
(Editing- 9 Qs)

Unit 4
How I react to challenges
Unit 5
How I apply what Ive learned
Unit 6
How I am influenced by
Big Idea:
How I react to challenges
Big Idea:
How I apply what Ive learned
Big Idea:
How I am influenced by others

Enduring Understanding:
Although I might not have control over
my surroundings, I can control who I
am and who I become.
Enduring Understanding:
The measure of my knowledge is
dependent on how I choose to apply it.
Enduring Understanding:
My background contributes to
who I am, but it does not have to
define me.

Essential Questions:
How does my environment
shape who I am?
How do I maintain my values
in difficult situations?

Essential Questions:
How can I apply and extend what I
already know?
How can I turn my weaknesses
into strengths?
Essential Questions:
What do I believe?
How do others influence

Proposed # of days- 26

Proposed # of days- 35

Proposed # of days- 24

Reading Texts
An American Childhood
The Plague
Disaster Strikes

Reading Skills
Annotating and Close Reading
Authors purpose
Text Features

Embedded Grammar
As needed as determined
by CBA Data

o Depth/Development
o Power Sentence
o Conferencing
o Cold Write

Unit IV CBA (Window)
Bridging Two Nations
Consider This (9 Qs)
A Real Hero (Rev-6 Qs)

PART A- 10 Days
Embedded Grammar
As needed as determined by
CBA Data
Differentiated lesson based on
student need

Unit V CBA- N/A
STAAR Writing (March 30-31)

PART B- 14 Days
Reading Texts
Thank You Mam (Fiction)
If I Can Stop One Heart From
Breaking (Poetry)
The Dinner Party (Fiction)
One Perfect Rose (Poetry)
Why We Shouldnt Go To Mars

Reading Skills
As needed as determined by
CBA Data

Unit V CBA- N/A
STAAR Reading (April 22)
Reading Texts
The Outsiders (Novel)

Reading Skills
Heros Journey

Embedded Grammar

Research Project for
character motivation

Persuasive Writing

Comparison of novel
to movie

Unit VI CBA (on final)
Applied Practice The
Outsiders Chapter 12

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