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Anavatan n ve Mekska olan allardr. Yaklak 30 tr bulunan
Abelyalarn hem yaz k yel olan, hem de yaprak dken trler mevcuttur.
Scaklk dtke yapraklarn yenlerler. Uygun klmlerde her dem ekl ve
kokuludur. Budamaya uygun btkler olup ok kuru olmayan her trl
toprakta yaarlar.
Abelas are shrubs natve to Chna and Mexco and have about 30 speces.
Abelas have both evergreen and decduous speces. Once the temperatures
decrease, they renew ther leaves. They are fowery and sweet n good clmates.
Abelas are easy to prune and lve n all knds of sols provded that they are not
much dry.

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Abela x grandfora 'Confett'
Abela grandfora
Abela 'Edward Goucher'
Lla-pembe renkl ekler, sonbahar aylarnda mor renge dnen, koyu ve
yel parlak yapraklar vardr.
They have llac-pnk fowers and dark and green brght leaves turnng to purple
durng autumn.
Abela 'Edward Goucher'

1,50-2 m 1,50-2 m 8A
Bodur formlu br btkdr. Alacal yapraklarnn kenarlar krems beyazdr.
Beyaz eklere sahptr.
They are shrubs. Edges of ther varagated leaves are creamy-whte and they
have whte fowers.
Abela x grandfora 'Confett'
. . .
0,50 - 0,70 m 1- 1,20 m 8A
r gsterl beyaz ekler vardr.
They have huge, magnfcent and whte fowers.
Abela grandfora
1,50 - 2 m 1,50 - 2 m 8A
Abes bornmullerana
Abes bornmullerana
Anavatan Asya, Kuzey Amerka, Kuzey Afrka ve Gney Avrupann tm
lman blgelerdr. Yaklak 40 tr bulunan gknarlar pramdal formda
brel aalardr. Verml topraklar severler. Krel ve kll topraklardan
holanmazlar. Kk yaps kuvvetl ve kazk kktr. Dallar ana gvdeye
evresel olarak dzlr.
They are natve to Asa, North Amerca, North Afrca and all warm regons of
South Europe. Abes wth 40 speces are conferous trees n pyramdal forms.
They enjoy productve sols but dont lke calcareous and clay sols. Root charac-
terstcs of such trees are strong and taproot and branches are algned around
the man stem.
Abela 'Kaledoskope'


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Abela x grandfora 'Prostrata'
Sar yapraklarnn zernde koyu yel lekeler bulunmaktadr.
There are dark green spots on ther yellow leaves.
Abela x grandfora 'Francs Masson'
1,50 - 2 m 1,50 - 2 m 8A
Der Abelyalara oranla daha youn beyaz ekler vardr.
They have denser whte fowers than the other Abelas.
Abela x grandfora 'Prostrata'

0,40-0,60 m 1-1,20 m 8A
Yaprak kenarlar sardr.
Ther leaf edges are yellow.
Abela 'Kaledoskope'
1-1,50 m 1-1,50 m 8A
Legumnosae Mmosaceae
Anavatan Avustralyadr. Olduka hzl byyen Akasyalar her dem yel,
orta boylu aalardr. Erken lkbahar aylarnda aan sar ekler tam
eklenme dnemnde ok gzel kokarlar. Tuzlu ve krel topraklarda y
gelme gsterrler.
They are natve to Australa. Acaca trees grow qute rapdly and are evergreen
n all seasons and medum-heght trees. Ther yellow fowers bloomng durng
early Sprng months smell splenddly durng full bloomng. They grow well n
calcareous and salne sols.
. .

Acaca dealbata
Abes nordmannana
Abes bornmullerana
Anavatan Kafkaslardr. Konk ve gsterl br forma sahp brellerdendr.
Dzenl katlar oluturur. Avrupada en sk kullanlan gknar trdr.
They are Caucasan orgn trees havng conc and magnfcent form and are
conferous tree. They form regular layers and are the trees among most
commonly used fr speces n Europe.
Abes nordmannana
. . .
20 -25 m 7 - 10 m 5A
Anavatan Trkyedr. Pramdal formda olup sk yapraklanma gsterr.
Yapraklar dallara dk olarak kar. Krel topraklar tolere eder.
They are natve to Turkey, n pyramdal form and tolerate dense leafng. Ther
leaves emerge vertcally to the branches and are tolerant to calcareous sols.
Abes bornmullerana
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15 - 20 m 5 - 8 m 8A
Yel yapraklar ert eklndedr. ubat Mays aylarnda ek aar. Donlara
duyarl br btk olup, krl havaya dayankl br Akasya trdr.
Ther green leaves are strpe-shaped and they bloom durng February and May
and are senstve to frost but resstant to polluted ar.
Acaca cyanophylla

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4 - 8 m 3 - 7 m 10
Acaca dealbata
Yaklak 30 tr bulunan ok yllk (perennal) btklerdr. Yapraklar ve
ekler olduka dekoratftr.
Perennal plants wth about 30 speces. Ther leaves and fowers are qute


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Acaca baleyana 'Purpurea'
Acaca farnesana
Acanthus molls
Acaca retnodes
Kbrs Akasyas trne oranla daha kk ve ert eklnde yapraklar, daha
kokulu ve kk ekler ubat sonu Mart ba ek aar.
They are smaller than Cyprus acaca and ther strpe-shaped leaves are more
fragrant and brng nto fower durng late February and early March.
Acaca retnodes

4 - 8 m 3 - 7 m 10
Blek tys yapraklar vardr. Dkenler olan bu Akasya trnn gzel
kokulu koyu sar ekler Hazran, Temmuz, Austos aylarnda aar.
They have complex and feathery leaves. A dark yellow and fragrant bloom of
these Acaca speces emerge durng June, July and August and are thorny trees.
Acaca farnesana

4 - 8 m 3 - 6 m 10
Blek tys mnk yapraklar vardr. Ocak-ubat aylarnda sar ek aar.
Soua en dayankl Akasya trdr.
They have complex, feathery and small leaves and brng nto yellow fower
durng January and February and are the most resstant to cold.
Acaca dealbata

10 - 15 m 6 - 8 m 9
Koyu yel st yzey parlak olan yapraklar vardr. Yaz aylarnda aan mor
beyaz reklernde uzun br sap zerne dzl ekler vardr.
Ther leaves are dark green and upper parts are brght. They have fowers
emergng durng summer months lned up on a purple-whte long stem.
Acanthus molls

1,20 m 0,80 - 1 m 7
Yaklak 150 tr olan, her dem yel ve yaprak dken aa ve aaklardr.
Anavatan Avrupa, Kuzey Afrka, Asya, Kuzey ve Orta Amerkadr. Genlk
dnemnde hzl, daha ler yllarda yava byyen btklerdr. Baz trler
donlara dayankldr. Drenaj y olan, organk maddece zengn ve kll
topraklarda daha y yetr ve k ste yksektr. Mevsmsel renk dem-
lern dekoratf yapraklaryla gsteren trler olup koleksyon merakllarnca
terch edlr.
They have about 150 speces, are evergreen n all seasons and decduous trees
and shrubs. They are natve to Europe, North Afrca, Asa, North and Central
Amerca and grow rapdly durng ther younger years but slowly later. Certan
speces of these plants are resstant to frost. They grow well n well-draned, clay
and rch sols, and also enjoy plenty of lght.
The speces of these plants dsplayng seasonal colour changes by ther decora-
tve leaves also exst and are partcularly preferred by collecton enthusasts.


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Anavatan Gney Amerka olan her dem yel allardr.
Shrubs whch are natve to South Amerca and evergreen n all seasons.

Acca sellowana
Acca sellowana
Acer palmatum 'Freglow' & Acer shrasawanum 'Aureum'
Acca sellowana
Yapraklar gr-yel, alt yzey beyazms, merkez krmzdr. Hazran
Temmuz aylarnda ek aar. Sonbahar aylarnda olgunlaan antoksdan
eren kokulu meyveler yeneblr. Solter ve al grubu olarak kullanlabld-
gb budamaya uygun btkler olduu n t btks olarak da kullanlab-
Ther leaves are gray-green, lower surfaces are whtsh and central parts are red.
They brng nto fower durng June and July. Ther fragrant frut rpenng durng
Autumn months and contanng antoxdant are edble. In addton to ther
usage as soltary and shrub groups, they can also be used as plants for fencng
snce they can be pruned.

Acca sellowana (syn. Fejoa sellowana)
3 - 6 m 2 - 4 m 9
Acer japoncum 'Acontfolum'
Acer negundo 'Flamngo'
Acer palmatum 'Bloodgood'
Sonbahar aylarnda krmz-turuncu renge dnen yapraklar vardr.
Ther leaves turn to red-orange color durng autumn months.
Acer japoncum 'Acontfolum'
3 - 5 m 3 - 5 m 5A
Hzl byyen, sonbahar aylarnda yaprak reng sarya dnen br Akaaa
trdr. Neml topraklar terch etmesne ramen kurakla da dayankldr.
Krl havaya dayankl olan bu tr gzel br yol aacdr.
Speces of Maple whch grow rapdly and whose leaves turn to yellow durng
autumn months. Though they prefer humd sols, they are resstant to drought
as well. Beng resstant to polluted ar, these speces are nce roadsde trees.
Acer negundo


10 - 15 m 10 - 12 m 4
Ortas yel, kenarlar beyaz-pembe k saan dekoratf yapraklar vardr.
Ther central parts are green wth decoratve leaves radatng whte-pnk lght.
Acer negundo 'Flamngo'
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6 - 8 m 4 - 5 m 5A
Krmz-mor yapraklar vardr. Besn ste yksek olan bu tr y drenajl ve
organk maddece zengn topraklar sever. Scak ve kurak klm sevmez.
They have red and purple leaves. These speces demandng hgh amount of
nutrents enjoy well-draned and rch sols but do not enjoy hot and dry clmate.
Acer palmatum 'Atropurpureum'
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3 - 4 m 2 - 3 m 7
Koyu krmz-mor yapraklar sonbaharda parlak krmzya dnr.
Ther dark red-purple leaves turn to red n autumn.
Acer palmatum 'Bloodgood'
3 - 5 m 3 - 4 m 6B
Asteracea Compostae
80den fazla tr bulunan bu cns ounlukla yaprak dken ok yllk
(perennal) btklerdr. Gr-yel renkte yapraklar olan bu btkler yar glge
ve gnel yerlerden holanr.
These are mostly decduous, perennal plants wth more than 80 speces. These
plants wth gray-green leave enjoy half shade and sunny envronments.

Acer palmatum 'Freglow'
Acer palmatum 'Orange Dream'
Acer palmatum 'Sango-kaku'
Achllea mllefolum
lkbahar aylarnda ate krmzs yapraklar olan bu varyetenn sonbaharda
yaprak reng daha koyu olur.
Leaf colors of these varetes wth deep red leaves durng sprng months are
darker n autumn.
Acer palmatum 'Freglow'
4 - 5 m 3 - 4 m 6B
lkbahar aylarnda turuncu-sar olan bu varyetenn yapraklar yaz aylarnda
yel, sonbahar aylarnda da sar renge dnr.
Leaves of these varetes wth orange-yellow leaves durng sprng months turn
to green durng summer months and yellow durng autumn months.
Acer palmatum 'Orange Dream'
4 - 5 m 2,50 - 3,50 m 6B
lkbahar ve yaz aylarnda yel, sonbahar aylarnda ak sarya dnen
yapraklar vardr.
Ther leaves turn to green durng sprng and summer months and lght yellow n
autumn months.
Acer palmatum 'Sango-kaku'
5 - 8 m 4 - 6 m 6B
Sar, beyaz, turuncu, pembe ve krmz ekler olan bu tr yaz aylarnda
These speces wth yellow, whte, orange, pnk and red fowers bloom durng
summer months.
Achllea mllefolum
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0,60 - 0,80 m 0,50 m 7
ok yllk (perennal) su kenar btklerdr.
They are perennal, waterfront plants.
Acorus gramneus 'Ogon'
Acorus calamus 'Varegata'
Beyaz ve krem zgl yapraklar vardr. En y su nde yetr.
They have whte and creamy strped leaves and best grow n water.
Acorus calamus 'Varegata'
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0,60 -0,90 m 0,60 m 7
Yel ert yaprakldr.
Green strpe-leaved plants.
Acorus calamus
0,60 -0,90 m 0,60 m 7
Acorus gramneus trnn yaprak kenarlar sar olan varyetesdr.
They are the speces of of Acorus gramneus genus wth yellow edges.
Acorus gramneus 'Ogon'
Acorus gramineus .
0,20 -0,30 m 0,10 - 0,15 m 7
Bodur, ok yllk (perennal), neml blge btklerndendr.
Shrubs, perennal plants of humd regons.
Acorus gramneus
0,10 -0,30 m 0,10 - 0,20 m 7
Koyu mav ek rengne sahp, boylu br trdr. Trkye de lk retmdr.
Tall plants wth dark blue fower color and they are the ones frst produced n
Agapanthus 'Navy Blue'
Agapanthaceae Llaceae
Anavatan Gney Afrka olan soanl br btkdr. Yaklak 60 varyetes bulun-
maktadr. Ilman ve scak yerler sever. Hazrandan Eylle kadar aan zarf
ekler vardr. Youn kullanldnda gz alc btklerdr.
They are natve to South Afrca and bulbous plants wth nearly 60 varetes and
enjoy mld and hot envronments. They have elegant blooms emergng from
June to September. When used a lot, they are fashy plants.


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Agapanthus afrcanus 'Alba'
Agapanthus 'Black Buddhst'
Agapanthus 'Gold Strke'
Agapanthus 'Navy Blue'
ek reng der trler arasnda en koyu mav olan trdr. Trkye de lk
Ther fowers are the darkest blue of the other varetes and they are the ones
frst produced n Turkey.
Agapanthus 'Black Buddhst'

0,40 - 0,60 m 0,50 - 0,60 m 9
ek reng beyazdr.
Ther fowers are whte.
Agapanthus afrcanus 'Alba'
0,40 - 0,60 m 0,60 - 0,90 m 9
Yel yapraklarn kenarlar sar ertl olup ek reng mavdr. Trkye de lk
Edges of ther green leaves are yellow-strped and fower color s blue. They are
the ones frst produced n Turkey.
Agapanthus 'Gold Strke'
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0,40 - 0,60 m 0,30 - 0,40 m 8
0,40 - 0,60 m 0,30 - 0,40 m 8
Agapanthus 'Queen Mum'
Agapanthus 'Sunfeld'
Agapanthus 'Tnkerbell'
Agapanthus umbellatus 'Ovatus'
Agapanthus orentals 'Cloudy Days'
Mav ve beyaz reng ayn anda greblecemz r eklere sahp yen br
trdr. Trkyede lk retmdr.
They are new varetes wth huge fowers and we can see the blue and whte
colors smultaneously. They are the ones frst produced n Turkey.
Agapanthus 'Queen Mum'
0,80 - 1 m 0,80 - 1 m 8
Ak mav ek rengne sahp ykselen br trdr. Trkyede lk retmdr.
Rsng speces wth lght blue fower color. They are the ones frst produced n
Agapanthus 'Sunfeld'
. .
0,40 - 0,60 m 0,30 - 0,40 m 8
Yel - beyaz yapraklara sahptr. ek reng mavdr. Trkye de lk retm-
They have green-whte leaves and the color of ther fowers s blue. They are the
ones frst produced n Turkey.
Agapanthus 'Tnkerbell'
. . .
0,40 - 0,60 m 0,30 - 0,40 m 8
r mav ekldr.
Huge blue fowery plants.
Agapanthus umbellatus 'Ovatus'
0,40 - 0,60 m 0,60 - 0,90 m 9
Koyu mav ve beyaz renkler ayn anda greblecemz r eklere sahp
yen br varyetedr. Trkye de lk retmdr. Der varyetelere gre daha ge
They are new varetes wth huge blooms and we can see the dark blue and
whte colors smultenously. They are the ones frst produced n Turkey and come
nto fower later than the other varetes.
Agapanthus orentals 'Cloudy Days'
0,80 - 1 m 0,80 - 1 m 8
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Anavatan Mekska ve Kuzey Amerka olan, 200den fazla tr bulunan
sukulent btklerdr. Donlara kar duyarldr.
They are succulent plants natve to Mexco and North Amerca and have speces
more than 200. They are senstve to frost.

Agave tequlana
Agave amercana 'Medopcta'
Agave amercana 'Varegata'
Agave attenuata
Mav mat yel renkte yapraklar vardr.
They have blue, mat and green leaves.
Agave amercana
2 - 3 m 1,80 - 2 m 9
Yapraklarnda boylamasna krem-beyaz ertler olup kenarlar yeldr. Daha
dolgun br gelm gsterr.
They have longtudnal creamy-whte strpes on ther leaves and the edges are
green. They dsplay succulent growth.
Agave amercana 'Medopcta'
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1,50 - 2 m 1,50 - 2 m 9
Yaprak kenarlar sardr.
Edges of ther leaves are yellow.
Agave amercana 'Varegata'
1,50 - 2 m 1,50 - 2 m 9
Der trlere gre daha yumuak sk dallanma gsteren yel yapraklar
vardr. Yaprak kenarlar dl deldr.
Ther leaves dvarcate more softly and densely than the other speces. Edges of
ther leaves are not threaded.
Agave attenuata

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1 - 2 m 1 - 1,50 m 10
Legumnosae Mmosaceae
Kefedlme blges stanbul olduu n Avrupa da stanbul Akasyas olarak
blnr. Albz adnda br talyan tarafndan stanbulda bulunmutur. Anava-
tan stanbuldan Japonyaya kadar olan blgedr. Yaprak dken aa ve
aaklardr. emsye bml gen ta yapan btklerdr.
As they have been dscovered n stanbul by an Italan called Albz, they are
known as stanbul Acaca as well. They are natve to all regons from stanbul to
Japan; decduous trees and shrubs and develop wde, umbrella-shaped petals.
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Agave flfera
Agave consderant
Agave tequlana
Albza julbrssn
Yuvarlak formda sk gsterl br yapraklanma gsterr. En gzel agav
trlernden brdr.
They leaf out n round and dense forms and are the most beautful agave
Agave consderant (syn. A. vctorae-regnae)
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0,50 m 0,50 m 10
Yaprak kenarlarnda beyaz lfer vardr.
They have whte fbers on the edges of the leaves.
Agave flfera
1 m 0,30 - 0,50 m 10
Yapraklar der trlere gre daha mavdr.
Ther leaves are bluer than the other speces.
Agave tequlana

1,25 - 1,50 m 1,25 - 1,50 m 9
Temmuzdan Eyll ayna kadar ekldr. Vermsz ve kurak topraklarda da
yaayablen zarf br glge aacdr. Hzl gelen br trdr. ek reng
peks pembedr.
They are fowered from July to September and elegant shade trees whch can
survve n unproductve and dry sols. They grow rapdly wth slky pnk fower.
Albza julbrssn
. . .
4 - 6 m 8 - 10 m 6B
Yaklak 700 tr bulunan, lkbahar, yaz ve sonbahar aylarnda eklenen
soanl ve rzomlu btklerdr.
Bulbous and rhzome plants wth speces more than 700 and bloom durng
sprng and autumn months.


Avustralya kkenl, 4 tr bulunan her dem yel allardr. Yaz aylarnda
aan ekc ekler vardr. Yetkn btkler ksa srel kurakl tolere eder.
Australan orgn evergreen shrubs wth 4 speces. They have fashy fowers
emergng durng summer months. Grown-up plants can tolerate short-term
4 . .
Albza julbrssn 'Ombrella'
Allum schoenoprasum
Albza julbrssn 'Summer Chocolate'
Daha yava gelen br varyetedr. ek reng krmzdr.
More slowly growng speces wth red fowers.
Albza julbrssn 'Ombrella'

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4 - 6 m 8 - 10 m 6B
Yen br varyetedr. lkbahar dnemnde yel kan yapraklar daha sonra
krmz kahverengye dnerek olduka gz alc br hal alr. ek reng
Albza julbrssnden braz daha ak pembedr.
New speces. Ther leaves emergng green durng Sprng turn to red brown later
and become qute fashy. Ther fowers are a lttle lghter pnk than Albza
Albza julbrssn 'Summer Chocolate'
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4 - 6 m 6 - 8 m 6B
Slndrk koyu yel, yaklak 30 cm uzunluunda yapraklar bulunur. Efatun
ekler vardr.
They have nearly 30 cm cylndrcal, dark green leaves and volet fowers.
Allum schoenoprasum
30 . .
0,40 - 0,50 m 0,30 - 0,60 m 7
nce yaprakl hzl yeten br trdr. Yaz boyunca aan eklernn renkler
mav, mor ve krems sardr.
Thn-leaved and rapdly growng speces. Ther fowers emergng durng whole
summer are blue, purple and creamy yellow.
Anavatan Asya ve Kuzey Amerka olan Ampelopsslern yaklak 25 tr
bulunur. Odunsu gvdeye sahp sarlc btklerdr. Sonbahar aylarnda
krmz ve sarya dnen dekoratf yapraklar vardr.
They are natve to Asa and North Amerca wth nearly 25 speces. They are
clutchng plants wth woddy stems and have decoratve leaves turnng to red
and yellow durng autumn months.
Alyogyne hakefola


Alyogyne hakefola
Ampelopss qunquefola
Ampelopss vetch
1 - 2 m 1 - 2 m 10
ok hzl byyen sarmaklardr. Bulduu destee vantuzlaryla hemen
yapr. Her trl toprakta yetr.
Rapdly growng vy speces whch nstantly clng to any support they fnd
through ther suckers and grow on all knds of sols.
Ampelopss qunquefola (syn. Parthenocssus qunquefola)

5 - 10 m 15 - 20 m 5A
dlml yapraklar lk kta kk olup daha sonra 20 cm boya ularlar ve
ok kuvvetl vantuzlaryla bulunduklar yzeye yaprlar. Kn yaprak
dktnde ble ok dekoratftr.
Ther three-lobed leaves are small when they frst emerge but later reach to 20
cm hgh and clng to the surface where they exst through ther extremely strong
suckers. When they shed leaves n wnter, they look qute decoratve.
Ampelopss vetch (syn. Parthenocssus trcuspdata Vetch)

4 - 6 m 10 - 15 m 6A
Arala japonca Varegata
Araucara excelsa
Arala japonca Varegata
Arala japonca
Anavatan Gney ve Dou Asya, Kuzey, Orta ve Gney Amerkann dalk
blgelerdr. Her dem yel al ve aalardr.
Evergreen shrubs and trees beng natve to South and East Asa, mountanous
regons of North, Central and South Amerca.
Parlak koyu yel yapraklar bulunan bu trn krems beyaz ekler vardr.
Organk maddece zengn, neml topraklar sever. Glge ve yar glge
alanlarda yaayablr.
These speces wth brght dark green leaves have creamy-whte fowers and
enjoy humd and rch sols n vtamn. They can lve n the shade and half shade lands.
Arala japonca (syn. A. sebold & Fatsa japonca)
2 - 4 m 2 - 4 m 9
. .
Yapraklar beyaz alacaldr.
Ther leaves are whte varegated.
Arala japonca Varegata
2 - 4 m 2 - 4 m 9
Anavatan Gney Amerka, Avustralya ve Pasfk Adalar olan bu cnsn 12
tr bulunmaktadr. Yaz k yel, dallar dzgn, evresel dzlm brel
aalardr. Rzgar ve an scaklk demlernde tac form detrr.
They are natve to South Amerca, Australa and Pacfc Islands wth 12 speces
and are evergreen n both wnter and summer; ther branches are smooth and
they are conferous trees algned perpherally. Ther crown change form when
an mmedate change occurs n wnd and temperature.

Araucara araucana
Arbutus unedo
Arbutus andrachne
Arbutus unedo
14 tr olan her dem yel aalar ve allardr. Krmz kahvereng gvde
renkler dkkat ekcdr. Koyu yel yapraklar vardr.
Evergreen trees and shrubs wth 14 speces. Ther reddsh brown stems are
fashy wth dark green leaves.
Anavatan Gneydou Avrupa, Trkye ve Lbnandr. Her dem yel
aaklar ve allardr. ek ve meyveler ayn anda btk stnde bulunab-
lr. Sonbaharda olgunlaan meyveler yeneblr. Scak, kumlu ve krel fakr
topraklarda yeteblr. Rzgara dayankldr.
Evergreen trees and shrubs beng natve to Southeast Europe, Turkey and
Lebanon. Ther fowers and frut may exst on the plant smultaneously and the
fruts rpenng n autumn are edble. They may grow n hot, sandy and calcerous
poor sols but are resstant to wnd.
Arbutus unedo
6 - 8 m 6 - 12 m 8B
ok karakterstk, l kkenl, sern blgeler seven, svr sert yaprakl konfer-
lerdr. Verml, drenajl topraklar severler.
They are extremely dstnctve, Chlean orgn and enjoy cool regons. They are
ponted, rgd-leaved conferous trees and enjoy fertle and draned sols.
Araucara araucana
5 - 7 m 15 - 35 m 8A

Yazn nemn ok dk olmas ve kn da scakln 0 Cnn altna dmes
bu trn zayf ve dzensz bymesne neden olmaktadr. Aydnlk, yar
glge ve neml topraklardan holanr. Organk maddece zengn topraklar
terch eder.
Low humdty n summer and the temperature below 0 C n wnter cause these
speces to grow weakly and rregularly. They enjoy daylght, half shade and
humd sols and prefer rch sols.
Araucara excelsa (syn. A. heterophylla)
6 - 8 m 25 - 45 m 9

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Archontophoenx alexandrea
Arecastrum romanzofanum
Archontophoenx alexandrea
Arecaceae Palmae
Anavatan Dou Avustralya yamur ormanlar olan ve k tr bulunan
palmye cnsdr.
They are natve to ranforests of East Australa and palm trees wth two speces.
Verml ve y drene edlm, organk maddece zengn topraklar sever. Dona
kar hassas br btkdr.
It enjoys fertle, draned and rch sols. It s senstve to frost.
Archontophoenx alexandrea
5 - 7 m 20 - 25 m 9
Arecaceae Palmae
Gney Amerka kkenl, 32 tr bulunan palmyelerdr.
South Amercan orgn palm trees wth 32 speces.
Olduka zarf br palmye trdr. ok rzgarl alanlara dklmemeldr.
Donlara duyarldr. zellkle grup kullanmlar etkleycdr.
Qute elegant palm trees. They are not recommended to be planted n
extremely wndy lands. They are senstve to frost and partcularly usng these
trees n groups s mpressve.
Arecastrum romanzofanum (syn. Cocos plumosa-Syagrus romanzofana)
6 - 10 m 20 m 10
. .

. . .
Arundo donax 'Varegata'
Ak parlak yel renkte 30-50 cm. uzunluunda yapraklar vardr. Yar glge
ve glge alanlarda grup olarak kullanmlar etkleycdr.
They have brght, lght green leaves wth 30-35 cm length. Usng these trees n
groups n the shade or half shade s qute mpressve.
Asparagus densforus 'Meyer'
Asparagus densforus 'Meyer'
Asparagus densforus 'Sprenger'
Arundo donax 'Varegata'
1 - 1,50 m 0,60 - 0,90 m 10
Gramneae Poaceae
Her dem yel, ok yllk budaygllerdr. Kuzey yarkrenn lman blgele-
rnde su kenarlarnda yaar.
Evergreen and perennal poaceae. They lve at the waterfronts of warm regons
n Northern Hemsphere.
Beyaz zgl, ebrul yapraklar le su ve sulak alanlarda mkemmel gruplar
oluturmada kullanlr.
They are used to form splendd groups n wetlands wth ts whte-strped
varegated leaves.
Arundo donax 'Varegata'
0,80 - 1 m 2 - 5 m 10
300 tr olan her dem yel, ok yllk btklerdr.
Evergreen and perennal plants wth 300 speces.
30-50 cm uzunluunda daha yaylc, sarkc yapraklara sahptr. Saks btks
olarak kullanma uygun btklerdendr.
30-50 cm tall wth more creepng, bendng leaves. Usng these trees as pot plant
s perfect.
Asparagus densforus 'Sprenger'
0,80 - 1 m 0,60 - 0,90 m 10


30 - 50 .
30 - 50 . .
Aucuba japonca
Atrplex halmus
Atrplex halmus
Yaklak 100 tr olan her dem yel ya da yar her dem yel allardr.
Evergreen or half green shrubs wth nearly 100 speces.
Gr-gm yapraklar, gstersz beyaz ekler olan bu tr denz kysnda
drekt denz rzgarna ve tuzuna olduka dayankldr. Budamaya elverl
olduu n t btks olarak kullanlablr.
These speces wth gray-slvery leaves, plan whte fowers are qute resstant to
drect sea wnd and salt at the seasde. Beng easly pruned, these shrubs can be
used for hedgng.
Atrplex halmus
2,50 m 2 m 8
Her dem yel Asya kkenl allardr. Olduka dayankldr. Koyu kaln
yapraklar ve byk krmz meyveler de beenlen zellklerdr. t veya
snr btks olarak kullanlablr. Hem gnel hem de glge alanlarda yetr.
D meknlarda byk sakslarda da yeteblr.
Evergreen Asan orgn shrubs.They are extremely long-lastng plants. Ther
dark, thck leaves and bg red fruts are also apprecated. They can be used for
hedgng and formng borders. They lve on both sunny and shade lands as well
as they grow n bg pots outdoors.
Anavatan Japonyadr. Yuvarlak formlu, her dem yel, yava gelen allardr.
Round, evergreen, slowly-growng shrubs whch are natve to Japan.
Aucuba japonca
0,80 - 1 m 2 - 3 m 8B





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Aucuba japonca 'Crotonfola'
Aucuba japonca 'Crotonfola Gold'
Bambusa nana 'Varegata'
Her dem yel sar benekl yaprakl olan bu varyete, yar glge ve glge tm
alanlarda yeteblr. Yava gelen bu trn gstersz eklerne karn
parlak krmz meyveler dekoratftr.
These evergreen speces wth yellow-spotted leaves can grow n all half shade
and shade areas. Despte plan fowers of these slowly-growng speces, ther
red, brght fruts are qute decoratve.
Aucuba japonca 'Crotonfola'
0,80 - 1 m 2 - 3 m 8B
Aucuba japonca Crotonofolaya gre daha ok sar yapraklar vardr.
They have yellower leaves than Aucuba japonca Crotonofola.
Aucuba japonca 'Crotonfola Gold'
0,80 - 1 m 2 - 3 m 8B
Anavatan n yamur ormanlardr. Gney Amerka, Afrka ve Asyada
tropkal ve subtropkal aalk alanlarda ve ormanlarda bulunur, yapran
dkmeyen bambularn yaklak 200 ed olduu blnyor. Poaceae
famlyasnn yaklak 20 et btky tanmlamak n kullanlan genel smdr.
Bahelerde zerafet ve egzotk br grnt yaratrlar. Trne gre 20 cmden
20 mye kadar boy yapablrler.
They are natve to Chnese ranforests and located n tropcal and subtropcal
woodlands and forests of South Amerca, Afrca and Asa, and they do not shed
ther leaves. It s known that Bamboos have nearly 200 speces. Poaceae s a
general name used to descrbe nearly 20 plant speces of Poaceae famly. They
create elegance and exotc vew n gardens and may grow tall from 20 cm to 20
m dependng on ther speces.

Aucuba japonica Crotonifolia



20 .

20 20 .
Bambusa vvax 'Aureosulcata'
Bambusa ngra
Bambusa aurea Bambusa ggantea
Bambusa aurea
Bambusa bsset
Bambusa metake
Bambusa vvax 'Aureosulcata'
Erken lkbahardak srgnler lk knda yel daha sonra haff sarya dner.
Btk tepe tacna kadar ok yaprakldr, bol karde vererek ho dokular
oluturur. Taze srgnler yyecek olarak tketleblr. Peyzaj uygulama
almalarnda en yaygn kullanlan trdr.
The sprouts n early sprng are green when they emerge frst but later turn to
lght yellow. The plants are full of leaves up to the top crown and create nce
confguratons by delverng plenty of sblngs. Fresh sprouts are edble. They are
the most commonly used speces n the studes of landscapng applcatons.
Bambusa aurea
2 - 3 m 6 - 9 m 6B

. .
Parlak yel ve gm renkl bambu erken lkbahar ve sonbahar da bazen
sardan pembeye kadar deen renkte gvde zgler oluturur. Parlak
youn yel dokulu yapraklar nedenyle gruplar ve t oluturmada kullanlr.
Brght green and slver color bamboo sometmes create stem lnes rangng from
yellow to pnk n early sprng and autumn. They are used for formng groups
and hedge thanks to ther brght, densely green-textured leaves.
Bambusa bsset
2 - 3 m 6 - 8 m 6B

Yaprak ular ho sarkk palmetler oluturan, mevsme gre gvdes renk
detren, soua ve kurakla dayankl br bambu trdr. Teraslarda,
sakslklarda, aydnlk mekanlarda ve tlerde aranan br trdr.
They are resstant to cold and drought and edges of ther leaves create pleasant
pendulous palmates and ther stems seasonally change color. These speces are
partcularly preferred n terraces, pots, lumnous ndoors and hedges.
Bambusa metake
2 - 3 m 5 - 6 m 5B

. .
Bambusa vvax 'Aureocauls'
Bambusa nana
Bambusa ngra
Parlak yel renkl, bol yaprakl ok kompakt br bambu trdr.
They are brght, green, mult-leaved, qute compact bamboos.
Bambusa nana (syn. Pleoblastus pumlus ve Sasa pumla)
0,40 - 0,80 m 0,30 - 0,80 m 6B
Neml ve sern blgelerde, mevsme ve s derecesne gre syah kahvereng
ve mor gvde oluturur. Her dem yel yaprakldr, ddetl rzgara kar
They create black, brown and purple stems n humd and cool regons depen-
dng on the season and temperature. They are green-leaved n all seasons and
senstve to harsh wnd.
Bambusa ngra
2 - 3 m 6 - 8 m 6B
. .
Der trler arasnda en fazla yksekle ulaan ve 10 cm ye kadar genle-
yeblen sap zellne sahptr. Yapraklar bol ve ak yel renkte olup, gen
tomurcuklar lezzetl olup yenleblr.
Ther stems have the characterstc feature of reachng maxmum heght
among other speces and expandng up to 10 cm and they are green,
mult-leaved bamboos wth delcous and edble sprouts.
Bambusa vrds (syn. Phyllostachys mts)
2 - 3 m 14 - 18 m 6B

10 .
ok zgldr. Saplar sar, taban ksm yel zgldr. 4-5 cm ap yapar.
Yapraklar koyu yel olur, rzgara duyarldr.
They are mult-strped plants wth yellow stems; and the bottom parts are
green-strped. They have 4-5 cm dameter and ther leaves are dark green and
resstant to wnd.
Bambusa vvax 'Aureocauls'
2 - 4 m 10 - 15 m 5B
. . 4 - 5 .
Her dem yel veya yaprak dken allar olup yaklak 450 tr vardr. Kuzey
yar krenn her blgesnde yeten bu btkler ayn zamanda Kuzey ve
Tropk Afrka le Gney Amerka orjnldr. y drene edlm topraklar terch
eder, kayalk topraklarda da yetr. Dona dayankl btklerdr. Yaprak renkle-
rnn gzellnden dolay terch edlr. Budamaya uygun olup t btks
olarak da kullanlablr.
Evergreen or decduous shrubs wth nearly 450 speces. These plants growng n
all regons of Northern Hemsphere are also North and Trophcal Afrcan, South
Amercan orgn plants. They enjoy well-draned sols but also grow n rocky
sols. They are frost-resstant plants and preferred owng to beautful color of
ther leaves. They can easly be pruned and used for hedges.
Sarms yel olan yapraklar sonbahar aylarnda krmzya dnr. Yaylc
br btk olup ok y toprak rter.
Ther yellowsh green leaves turn to red durng autumn months. They are
creepng plants and cover sol well.
Berbers thunberg 'Green Carpet'
Koyu krmz-mor renk olan bu varyetenn yapraklar sonbahar- da krmzya
dnr ve kn yapraklarn dker
Dark red-purple leaves of these speces turn to red n autumn and they shed
ther leaves n wnter.
Berbers thunberg 'Atropupurea'
Krmz-mor kk yapraklar bulunan bu varyete bodur formludur.
Shrubs wth red-purple leaves.
Berbers thunberg 'Atropupurea Nana'
Berbers thunberg 'Green Carpet'
Berbers thunberg 'Atropupurea Nana'
Berbers thunberg 'Atropupurea'
Berbers thunberg 'Red Rocket'
1 - 1,20 m 1,50 - 2 m 5A
0,60 - 0,80 m 0,50 - 0,60 m 5A
1,00 - 1,50 m 0,80 - 1 m 5A


. .

Dk formlu olan bu varyetenn yel veya krmz yapraklarnda lekeler
These uprght speces hold spots on ther green or red leaves.
Berbers thunberg 'Red Rocket'
Krmz-mor yapraklar beyaz benekldr.
Ther red-purple leaves have whte spots.
Berbers thunberg 'Rose Glow'
6 8 tr bulunan Bergenalar her dem yel perennal btklerdr. Anavatan
Dou ve Orta Asyadr.
Evergreen and perennal plants wth 6-8 speces. They are natve to East and
Central Asa.
Yar her dem yel olan bu btk youn br dokuya sahptr. Krmzms-mor
rengndek yapraklar btk yalandka daha koyu renge dnr.
These half evergreen plants have dense textures and ther reddsh-purple leaves
turn to darker color when they become older.
Berbers x meda 'Red Jewel'
These speces wth volet fowers emergng durng March-Aprl prefer humd
and draned sols. They have heart-shaped, round, thck and green leaves.
Mart Nsan aylarnda efatun ekler olan bu tr neml drene edlm
topraklar terch eder. Kalp eklne benzeyen, yuvarlak, etl yel yapraklar
Bergena cordfola
Berbers thunberg 'Rose Glow'
Berbers thunberg 'Red Rocket'
Berbers x meda 'Red Jewel'
Bergena cordfola
0,60 - 0,80 m 0,80 - 1 m 5A
0,80 - 1 m 1,20 - 1,50 m 5A
1,50 - 2 m 1,50 - 2 m 6A
0,60 - 0,80 m 0,60 m 7

6 8 . .
Arecaceae Palmae
Anavatan Kuzey ve Bat Madagaskar olan Bsmarcka cns bol gne terch
eder ve sk sulanmak ster. Hzl byr
Bsmarcka whch are natve to North and West Madagaskar prefer generous
sun and need plenty of water. They grow fast.
Tm Kuzey Yarkrede yayl gsteren bu cnsn 60 tr bulunmaktadr.
Yaprak dken aa ve allardr. Beyaz-gr renklernde gz alc gvdes olan
Betulalar, sonbahar aylarnda etl yaprak renkleryle de gsterldr.
Kuzeyde kend blgesnde abuk ve hzl byr, bol suya htyac vardr.
Bulvar aac olmaya uygundur. Son yllarda al pendula trler lg grmek-
These speces growng n all regons of Northern Hemsphere have 60 speces.
They are decduous trees and shrubs. Betulas havng whte-gray fashy stems
are magnfcent wth ther dferent leaf colors durng autumn months. They
grow fast and rapdly n ther own regons n the North and need plenty of
water. They are sutable trees for boulevard. Grafted pendula speces have been
drawng nterest n recent years.
Mav-gm, yel renkl yapraklar sonbaharda bronza dner. Son dnem-
de Avrupada bulvar aalandrma almalarnda terch edlmektedr.
Ther blue, slvery, green leaves turn to bronze n autumn. They are commonly
preferred n Eurpe for boulevard forestaton
Bsmarcka nobls
Yel yapraklar sonbaharda sar renge dnr, dal ular haff aa doru
sarkktr. En byk zell, gvdelernn efaf jelatn kat eklnde
soyulmas ve gvdesnn beyaz-kahvereng renk almasdr. Haff rzgarda
dah sallanan yapraklar vardr.
Ther green leaves turn to yellow n autumn and the branch tps are pendulous
downward. The most mportant characterstc feature of these plants are ther
stems whch peel lke gelatn paper and turn to whte-brown color. Ther leaves
swng even n mld wnds.
Betula pendula ( B. alba)
Betula pendula Young
Bsmarcka nobls
Betula pendula ( B. alba)
7 - 10 m 18 - 20 m 2
5 - 10 m 30 m 10

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Betula pendula
Betula pendula
Bouganvllea 'Imperal Delght'
Bouganvllea 'Vcky'
Gney Amerka kkenl byk ounlukta sarmak bazen de al formunda
btklerdr. 14 tr bulunan, her dem yel ve ksmen yaprak detren
allardr. Hzl byrler, gz alc renklerdek ekler n yettrlrler.
Gnel ortamlarda daha y eklenr, soua dayanm zayftr.
South Amercan orgn and mostly vy form plants or sometmes shrubs. They
are evergreen shrubs wth 14 speces and partly change ther leaves. They grow
fast and are grown for ther fashy fowers. They better come nto fower n
sunny envronment and are less resstant to cold.
Mor renkl eklere sahp tpk Akdenz begonvldr.
Typcal Medterranean bouganvllea wth purple fowers.
Bouganvllea glabra 'Sanderana'
Avustralya ve Papua Yen Gne orjnl, 30 tr bulunan, her dem yel
aalardr. Donlara kar hassastr. Verml, y drene edlm topraklar sever.
Australan and Papua New Gunean orgn, evergreen trees wth 30 speces.
They are senstve to frost and enjoy fertle and well-draned sols.
ekler mor renkldr. Son yllardak melezleme almalarnda elde edlm
olup gsterl eklernden dolay al ve sarlc olarak kullanm hzla
Ther fowers are purple and they are the product of recent cross-breedng
actvtes and they are begnnng to be commonly used as clutchng and shrub
owng to ther fashy fowers.
Bouganvllea 'Vera Deep Purple'
Bouganvllea glabra 'Sanderana'
Bouganvllea 'Vera Deep Purple'
Brachychton acerfolus
4 - 5 m 8 - 10 m 9
4 - 5 m 8 - 10 m 9


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Arecaceae Palmae
Gney Kalfornya (ABD) ve Mekskadan Guatemalaya kadar yayl gste-
ren bu palmyelern 16 tr bulunur. y drene edlm, bol gnel alanlarda
yaar, vermsz ve kuru topraklar tolere eder.
These palm trees spreadng to Guatemala from South Calforna (USA) and
Mexco have 16 speces. They lve lve n well-draned and extremely sunny lands
and tolerate unproductve and dry sols.
Her dem yel ya da ksmen yaprak detren aalardr. Parlak yel renkl
yapraklar yaklak 15-20 cm uzunluunda ve 3-5 lobludur. Mercan krmzs
ekler ve dkkat ekc meyveler vardr.
They are evergreen trees or the trees whch partly change leaf. Ther brght,
green leaves are about 15-20 cm long and have 3-5 lobes. They have coral red
fowers and fashy fruts.
Brachychton acerfolus
Yapraklar olduka byk mavms parlak gm br mum tabakasyla
kapldr. Yaprak saplar kuvvetl, gsterl sar ekler vardr.
Ther leaves are covered wth bg, blush, brght slvery wax layer. Leaf stems are
strong wth splendd yellow fowers.
Brahea armata
Pramt yapl bu trn yapraklar parlak yel renkte ve oval formlu olup,
ekler de krem-beyazdr.
The leaves of these pyramd-lke speces are green and oval and ther fowers are
Brachychton populneum
Brachychton populneum
Brachychton acerfolus
Brahea armata
8 - 12 m 15 - 35 m 10
3 - 6 m 6 - 20 m 10
5 m 10 m 9
. 15 - 20

3 - 5 . .
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) ( 16

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Buddlejaceae, Loganaceae
Asya, Afrka, Kuzey ve Gney Amerka kkenl allardr. Her dem yel ve
ksmen yaprak detren 100 tr vardr. Hzl byyen btklerdr. Son
yllarda hbrt trler le tm renkler elde edlmtr. Doal formu mav ek
Asan, Afrcan, Northern and South Amercan orgn and evergreen shrubs
wth100 speces and they partly change leaf. They are rapdly-growng plants.
All of ther colors have been obtaned recently through ther hybrd speces.
Ther natural forms bloom blue.
Anavatan Orta ve Gney Amerkadr. 6 tr bulunan her dem yel, yaz
sonundan sonbahar aylarna kadar gzel kokulu ek aan allardr. Verml
ve y drene edlm topraklar sever.
They are natve to Central and South Amerca. Evergreen shrubs wth 6 speces
and fragrant fowers emergng from late summer to sprng months. They enjoy
fertle and well-draned sols.
Koyu mor ekldr.
They have dark purple fowers.
Buddleja davd 'Black Knght'
Beyaz ekldr.
They have whte fowers.
Brugmansa arborea (syn. Datura arborea)
Sar ve pembe ekldr.
They have yellow and pnk fowers.
Brugmansa suaveolens
Buddleja davd 'Pnk Delght'
Buddleja davd 'Black Knght'
Brugmansa suaveolens
Brugmansa suaveolens
2 - 4 m 4 - 5 m 9
2 - 4 m 4 - 5 m 9
3 - 4 m 4 - 5 m 6B
6 . .
. 100
. . ) .(

Arecaceae Palmae
8 12 trn olduu bu cnsn anavatan Gney Amerkann souk ve kuru
blgelerdr. y drene edlm, gnel veya yar glge alanlarda yetr.
They are natve to cold and dry regons of South Afrca and consst of 8-12
speces. They grow on well-draned, sunny and half shade lands.
Yava byyen br palmye trdr. Mavms-gr yapraklar vardr. Yazn,
krem-sar renkl ek aar. Sadece scak klmlerde sar-turuncu renkte
yenleblr meyveler oluur.
Slowly-growng palm trees wth blush-gray leaves and come nto
creamy-yellow fowers n summer. Ther edble fruts only n yellow-orange
color grow n hot clmates.
Buta captata (syn. Cocos captata)
Buddleja davd 'Royal Red'
Canl pembe ekler vardr.
They have brght, pnk fowers.
Buddleja davd 'Pnk Delght'
Canl krmz-mor ekler vardr.
They have brght, red-purple fowers.
Buddleja davd 'Royal Red'
Beyaz ekler vardr.
They have whte fowers.
Buddleja davd 'Whte Profuson'
Buddleja davd 'Whte Profuson'
Buta captata
Buta captata
3 - 4 m 4 - 5 m 6B
3 - 4 m 4 - 5 m 6B
3 - 4 m 4 - 5 m 6B
3 - 5 m 4 - 6 m 8
- .
8 12 .
. .

- .
70 trden oluan her dem yel allardr. Anavatan Avrupa, Asya, Afrkadr.
Sert yaprakl, bymes yava olan btklerdr. Verml toprak sterler.
Budamaya dayankldr.
Evergreen shrubs consstng of 70 speces and are natve to Europe, Asa and
Afrca. They are rgd-leaved, slowly-growng plants. They need fertle sols and
are resstant to prunng.
Buta captatann zellklernn yan sra yapraklar aa doru sarkk ve
daha mavdr.
Ther leaves are penduluous and bluer n addton to havng the characterstc
features of Buta captata.
Buta yatay
Hzl byyen ve abuk gelen bu varyetenn yapraklar yuvarlak formlu ve
ak yel renktedr. Ar krel olmayan verml topraklar sever. Scaa
dayankl olup sk sk yaplan budamalardan zarar grmez.
The leaves of these rapdly-growng and quckly-developng speces are round
and lght green. They enjoy moderately fertle sols and are resstant to heat and
frequent prunng does not gve damage to them.
Buxus macrophylla 'Rotundfola'
Buxus mcrophylla Golden Trumph
Buta yatay
Buxus macrophylla 'Rotundfola'
3 - 5 m 8 - 12 m
2 - 3 m 3 - 4 m
Butia capitata


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. . .
. .
Buxus mcrophylla 'Faulkner'
Buxus mcrophylla Golden Trumph
Buxus macrophylla 'Rotundfola'
2 - 3 m 3 - 4 m 7
Her dem yeldrler. Tam ve yar gne alanlar sever. Parlak ve koyu yel
oval kalp eklnde yukar doru ykselen yapraklar vardr. Budamaya
Evergreen n all seasons and enjoy full and half sunny lands wth brght, oval
heart-shaped, upward leaves. They are resstant to prunng.
Buxus mcrophylla 'Faulkner'
2 - 2,50 m 2 - 3 m 6A
. .
. .
Orjn Japonyadr. Her dem yel kompakt yuvarlak allardr. Oval yaprakla-
r, sar kenarl yel renktedr.
Evergreen, compact and round shrubs wth Japanese orgn. Ther oval leaves
wth yellow edges are green.
Buxus mcrophylla Golden Trumph
0,50 - 0,70 m 0,60 - 1 m 7
. .
Uzun dallar zerndek volet rengndek meyveler olduka ekcdr.
Ther volet fruts on ther long branches are qute nterestng.
Callcarpa bodner 'Profuson'
Callcarpa bodner 'Profuson'
Kmeler halnde, yava yaylan br trdr. Yaz banda aan ekler k
boyunca btk stnde kalr. -25 C ye dayanr. Haff rzgardak salnmlar
ho br grnt yaratr.
Speces spreadng slowly n groups. Ther fowers emergng durng early
summer stay on the plant durng wnter. They are resstant to -25 C. the osclla-
ton n mld wnd creates pleasant appearance.
Calamagrosts x acutfora
al ve kk aalardan oluan 140 kadar tr vardr. Dou Asya ve Kuzey
Yarkre anavatandr. Trkyenn tm zonlarnda rahatlkla kullanm
zell vardr
They have about 140 speces consstng of shrubs and small trees and are natve
to East Asa and Northern Hemsphere. They are also easly used n all zones of
Gramneae - Poaceae
Kuzey yarkrede yayl gsteren, 250 tr bulunan, ok yllk budaygller-
dr. Uzun sre ekl kal ve formu nedenyle dkkat eker. Neml, humusa
zengn topraklar sevmesne ramen ok fakr topraklar har, her trl
topraa dayankldr.
They spread n Northern Hemsphere and are perennal poaceae wth 250
dferent speces. Ther long-lastng fowery survval and form are qute nteres-
tng. Although they enjoy humd and rch sols n humus, they are resstant to all
knds of sols except extremely poor sols.
Calamagrosts x acutfora
Callcarpa bodner 'Profuson'
0,40 - 0,60 m 0,60 - 1,50 m 7
2 - 2,50 m 2,50 - 3 m 6A


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Callstemon laevs
25 tr olan Avustralya kkenl her dem yel al ve aaklardr. Youn,
slndrk formda pembe ve beyaz, ounlukla krmz renkte gsterl
ekler vardr. Neml ve y drene edlm, krel olmayan topraklar sever.
Budamaya dayankl olan bu trler t btks olarak da kullanma uygundur.
Australan orgn, evergreen shrubs and small trees wth 25 speces. They have
dense, cylndrcal, pnk and whte, but mostly red and fashy fowers and they
enjoy humd, well-draned but non-calcareous sols. These plants whch are not
damaged by prunng are also sutable for hedge.
Pembems krmz renkte, peks srgnler olan bu varyetenn, koyu krmz
ekler vardr.
These pnksh, red speces wth slky sprouts have dark red fowers.
Callstemon ctrnus 'Splendens'
Beyaz renkte ekler vardr.
They have whte fowers.
Callstemon ctrnus 'Whte Anzac'
Ylda k dnem eklenen bu tr, lk kez Mays-Hazran aylarnda, daha
sonra Eyll-Ekm aylarnda ek aar.
These speces comng nto fower twce a year frst bloom n May-June and then
n September-October.
Callstemon laevs
Callstemon ctrnus 'Whte Anzac'
Callstemon laevs
Callstemon ctrnus 'Splendens'
1 - 1,50 m 2 - 4 m 9
1 - 1,50 m 2 - 4 m 9
2 - 4 m 2 - 4 m 9



Camella japonca 'Fred Sander'
Anavatan n ve Koredr. K aylarndan lkbahar sonuna kadar aan, gz
alc ve farkl renkte aan ekler nedenyle yettrlr.
They are natve to Chna and Korea and grown for ther fashy and dferent
color fowers emergng from wnter months to the end of sprng.
Camella japonca
Yaklak 250 tr olan, her dem yel al ve aaklardr. Anavatan Hnds-
tan ve Hmalayalardan n ve Japonyaya kadar olan blgelerdr. Sert ve
parlak yapraklar olan bu trler humuslu ve asdk topraklarda ve sern
blgelerde y gelr.
Evergreen shrubs and small trees wth about 250 speces. They are natve to the
regons rangng from Chna and Japan to Inda and the Hmalayas. These
speces wth rgd and brght leaves grow well n humc and acdc sols and cool
Yapraklar zgl sar yel renkte olup, turuncu-krmz renkte ekler
Ther leaves are strped, yellow-green wth orange-red fowers.
Canna 'Bengal Tger'
Anavatan Asya, Kuzey ve Gney Amerkadak ormanlarn ak alanlar olan
bu soanl btklern ortalama 50 tr bulunur. Ak renkl ekler olan
Cannalarn dona tolerans vardr.
These bulbous plants whch are natve to open areas of Asa, Northern and
South Amercan forests have averagely 50 speces. Cannas wth lght-colored
fowers can tolerate frost.
Camella japonca 'Snowball'
Canna 'Bengal Tger'
Canna mx
0,40 - 0,60 m 0,60 - 0,80 m 9
3 - 8 m 4 - 9 m 8B




. .
Canna 'Lucfer'
Gen yel yaprak zernde kahvereng yatay ertldr, sar-krmz eklere
Brown, horzontal-strped plants on wde green leaves wth yellow-red fowers.
Canna 'Cleopatra'
Yaz ortasndan sonbahara kadar ekldr. Ak krmz ya da turuncu
ekler ve koyu yel yapraklar vardr.
They are fowery from mdsummer to autumn and have lght red or orange
fowers and dark green leaves.
Canna ndca
Canna 'Cleopatra'
Canna 'Lucfer'
Canna ndca Rosemond Coles
Canna 'Stuttgart'
0,40 - 0,60 m 0,60 - 0,80 m 9
0,60 - 0,80 m 1 - 1,50 m 9
ek reng sar-krmzdr.
Ther fowers are yellow-red.
Canna 'Lucfer'
0,40 - 0,60 m 0,60 - 0,80 m 9
Beyaz alacal yapraklar, sarms ak turuncu ekler vardr.
They have whte, varegated leaves and yellowsh, lght orange fowers.
Canna 'Stuttgart'
0,40 - 0,60 m 0,60 - 0,80 m 9
Yel yapraklar zernde ykselen olduka gsterl,ortas krmz etraf sar
renkl eklere sahptr.
They have extremely fashy fowers rsng upward wth red mddle parts and
yellow surroundng parts on ther green leaves.
Canna ndca Rosemond Coles
0,40 - 0,60 m 0,60 - 0,80 m 9
Koyu yel-beyaz kenarl, olduka gsterl yapraklar le 60-80 cm ye
ulaablrler. Carex trler arasnda scaa ve soua en dayankl varyetedr.
They can reach up to 60-80 cm wth ther dark green-whte edged, qute fashy
leaves. Of Carex speces, they are the ones most resstant to heat and cold.
Carex oshmenss 'Everest'
Yapraklar yel kenarl, ortalar sar renkte ve dkml ertler halndedr.
Ther leaves are green-edged, the mddle parts are yellow and n the shape of
fowng strpes.
Carex oshmenss 'Evergold'
1500den fazla tr olan Carexlern yaprak dken ve her dem yel trler
vardr. Anavatan lman ve arktk blgeler le tropk blgelern yksek
kesmlerdr. Yapraklar genelde ert eklndedr.
Carex wth more speces than 1500 have also decduous and evergreen speces.
They are natve to mld and arctc regons and hgh hlls of tropcal regons wth
generally strpe-shaped leaves.
Ak yel altun renkte dkml yapraklar vardr.
They have lght green, golden fowng leaves.
Carex elata 'Bowles Golden'
Carex morrow trler nde, gm rengn en hkm olduu varyetedr.
Yapraklar yel-beyaz dkmldr.
A varety among Carex morrow speces n whch slver color s domnant. Its
leaves are green-whte fowng.
Carex morrow 'Slver Sceptre'
Carex morrow 'Slver Sceptre'
Carex oshmenss 'Everest'
Carex oshmenss 'Evergold'
0,20 - 0,40 m 0,40 - 0,60 m 7
0,20 - 0,40 m 0,40 - 0,60 m 7
0,35 m 0,30 m 7
0,35 m 0,30 m 7

. .


Carex morrowii .

60 - 80
- .

Carex .

Carex oshmenss 'Evergold'
Ak kahvereng, nce yapraklar vardr.
They have lght brown, thn leaves.
Carex petre 'Mlk Chocolate'
Olduka gen, u ksmlara doru ncelen, sar ertl, da doru sarkk
yapraklara sahp, bodur br varyetedr.
Shrubs wth qute wde, yellow-shaped leaves slenderng towards edges and
pendulous outward.
Carex sderostcha 'Varegata'
Mevsmne gre renk detreblen yapraklar genellkle
turuncu-kahvereng-kzl-yel renktedr. Peyzaj uygulama almalarnda,
renk gelernn grleblece deal btklerdendr.
Ther leaves whch can change color seasonally are usually
orange-brown-scarlet-green. They are the deal plants n whch color transms-
son can appear n landscapng applcatons.
Carex testacea
Kken Fransa olan, 6 m ye kadar boylanablen aalardr. Budamaya htya-
c olmadan kre formlu ta ap oluur.
Trees natve to France and can grow tall up to 6 m. They create globe-shaped
crown dameter wth no need to be pruned.
Catalpa bgnonodes 'Nana' (syn. C. bunge)
11 tr bulunan yaprak dken bu aalarn anavatan Dou Asya ve Kuzey
Amerkadr. Genellkle nehr yataklarnda bulunur. ok gnel yerlerde, y
drene edlm topraklarda yetr.
Decduous trees wth 11 speces and natve to East Asa and North Amerca.
They are usually found n rver basns and grow n sunny envronment and
well-draned sols.
Carex petre 'Mlk Chocolate'
Carex testacea
Carex sderostcha 'Varegata'
Catalpa bgnonodes 'Nana' (syn. C. bunge)
0,40 - 0,60 m 0,40 - 0,60 m 7
0,40 - 0,60 m 0,40 - 0,60 m 7
0,40 - 0,60 m 0,60 - 0,80 m 7
3 - 5 m 4 - 6 m 6B




11 .
. .

6 .
Pramt formlu brel br aatr. Mavms gr breleryle sedrler arasnda en
dekoratf olandr. Neml, drenaj y topraklar sever. Vurgu btks olarak ok
Pyramd-formed conferous trees. Cedrus atlantca 'Glauca' are the most
decoratve ones wth ther gray needles among cedars. They lke wet,
well-draned sols and are qute efectve as Emphass Plant.
Cedrus atlantca Glauca
Olgunlarken yel, genken altn sars yaprakklar le ok dekoratf ve
gsterl br sedrdr.
Qute decoratve and fashy cedars wth ther leaves whch are green when
growng but golden when they are young.
Cedrus atlantca Aurea
Cedrus deodora ve Cedrus lban zerne alama yntemyle retlen,
peyzaj alanlarnda dallarnn sarkkl ve mav tonlaryla heykelms br etk
brakan br varyetedr.
Speces whch are produced through fertlzaton on Cedrus deodora and
Cedrus lban and create a sculpturesque efect wth pendulous nature of ther
leaves and blue tones.
Cedrus atlantca Glauca Pendula
Bat Hmalayalar ve Akdenz ormanlarnda bulunan 4 tr vardr. ne
yapraklarn her yl yenler, grkeml dekoratf aalardr. Gzel br grnm
n gen br alana gereksnm duyarlar.
They have 4 speces found n Western Hmalayas and Medterranean forests
and renew ther needle leaves annually and are splendd, decoratve trees.
These trees need a spacous area for refectng nce vew.
Cedrus atlantca Glauca Pendula
Cedrus atlantca Glauca
Cedrus deodora Aurea
5 - 7 m 8 - 12 m 7A
10 - 15 m 4 - 8 m 6B
10 - 15 m 20 - 25 m 6B

4 . .
. .


. .


Cedrus deodora Cedrus libani

Konl gen yaylan dallar le karakterstk Akdenz blges sedrlernden
olup, scaa dayankldr. Anavatan Lbnan ve Trkyedr.
Characterstc Medterranean cedars wth ther cone-shaped wdely spread
leaves. They are resstant to heat and natve to Lebanon and Turkey.
Cedrus lban
Tpk br Akdenz aacdr ve susuzlua dayankldr. Parlak uzun yapraklar
ve yenleblen meyveler vardr.
Typcal Medterranean trees and are resstant to drought. They have brght,
long leaves and edble fruts.
Ceratona slqua
Ceratona slqua
Altnms breleryle gsterl sedrlerden olup son yllarda terch edlen
Flashy cedars wth ther golden needles and the trees wdely preferred recently.
Cedrus deodora Aurea
Caesalpnaceae - Legumnosae
Akdenz havzasnn her dem yel, yalandnda daha gsterl olan aala-
Evergreen trees of Medterranean and are fasher when they become old.
ok hzl byyen, gen ve dzgn pramt durulu, heybetl brellerdendr.
Fast-growng, wde and smooth, pyramd shaped, gorgeous conferous trees.
Cedrus deodora
Cedrus deodora Pendula
Cedrus lban
5 - 7 m 8 - 12 m 8
7 - 8 m 20 - 21 m 7B
10 - 15 m 30 - 35 m 7A
12 - 20 m 15 - 20 m 11



. . .

. .
Fazlaca kardelenen bu trn u ana kadar 8 varyetes bulunmutur. Ilman
blgelerde baheler n rnek btk olarak kullanlr. Sar ekler lkbahar-
dan yaza kadar devam ederek sar meyveler ve tohumlar oluturur.
8 varetes of these speces wth excessve sblngs have been found. They are
used as sample plants for gardens n mld regons. Yellow fowers keep ther
color untl the summer from the wnter and gve rse to yellow fruts and seeds.
Chamaerops humls
Yapraklanma nces Nsan - Mays aylarnda plak dallarnn ve ek gzle-
rnn tamam dal saplarn rtecek kadar sk br eklde eklenr. ekler
gsterl ve etkleycdr, reng mor(erguvan) ve edne gre beyaz ek
aanlar vardr. Genel olarak al grnmnde olup, son yllarda yol aac
olarak da yettrlmektedr.
All of ther bare branches and fower cells bloom densely durng Aprl and May
before leafng such that such bloom can cover branch trunks. Ther fowers are
fashy and mpressve; they have varous speces wth purple and whte fowers
accordng to ther types. In general, they are shrub-shaped, and have been
grown recently as road trees too.
Cercs slquastrum
Akdenzn kayalk yamalar, Orta ve Dou Asya ve Kuzey Amerka kkenl
olan, yaprak dken aa ve allardr.
Decduous trees and shrubs whch are natve to rocky hlls of Medterranean,
Central and East Asa, North Amerca.
Arecaceae - Palmae
Ilman Akdenz kylarnda ve Kuzeybat Afrkada yaylan palmyelerdr.
Kumlu, denz kenarlarnda ve kayalk alanlarda rahatlkla yetr.
Palm trees whch spread throughout mld Medterranean coasts and Northwest
Afrca. They easly grow at the seasde and n sand, rocky felds.
Cercs slquastrum
Cercs slquastrum
Chamaerops humls
Chamaerops humls
5 - 8 m 8 - 10 m 7A
4 - 8 m 4 - 8 m 9


. . ) ( .



8 .
. .
Chamaerops humls
Yaprak zer mat gm renkte, yaprak alt se mat gm -beyaz lekeldr.
Kompakt br grntye sahptr.
Surface of ther leaves s matt slvery color, ther underleaf s matt slvery-whte
spotted wth compact appearance.
Chamaerops humuls Argentea
Fas orjnl, mav yapraklara sahptr.
Moroccan orgn wth blue leaves.
Chamaerops humls 'Cerfera'
Gen ve kompakt palmetler oluturur, yaprak saplar der varyetelere gre
az dkenldr.
They create wde and compact palmette and ther leaf trunks are less thorny
than the other varetes.
Chamaerops humuls 'Macrocarpa'
Yel yaprakl alt beyaz benekl, ok kompakt, yava gelme zell olan
karakterstk varyetedr.
Characterstc varetes wth green leaves and ther bottom parts are
whte-spotted wth fast-growng characterstcs.
Chamaerops humuls 'Vulcano'
Kompakt normal palmetler oluturur. Yaprak saplar ok dkenldr.
They create compact and normal palmette wth extremely thorny leaf trunks.
Chamaerops humuls 'Mcrocarpa'
Chamaerops humuls Argentea
Chamaerops humls 'Cerfera'
Chamaerops humuls 'Vulcano'
Chamaerops humuls 'Vulcano'
4 - 6 m 4 - 6 m 8B
4 - 6 m 4 - 6 m 8B
4 - 6 m 4 - 6 m 8B
4 - 6 m 4 - 6 m 8B
3 - 5 m 3 - 5 m 9

. .

. .
Chamaerops humuls 'Macrocarpa'
Chamaerops humuls 'Mcrocarpa'
Anavatan Brezlya ve Arjantn olan k tre sahp, yar her dem yel veya
yaprak dken aalardr. Verml y drene edlm topraklarda y yetr.
Evergreen or decduous trees wth two speces and are natve to Brazl and
Argentne. They grow well n fertle and well-draned sols.
250 tr bulunan her dem yel aa ve allardr. Anavatan Dou ve
Gneydou Asya le Avustralyadr.
Evergreen trees and shrubs wth ther 250 speces. They are natve to East and
Southeast Asa and Australa.
Melez br cns olup yaprak dken al ya da aaklardr.
Hybrd genus of decduous shrubs or small trees.
Anavatan Kuzey Amerka olmasna karn orjnal zbekstan Takenttr.
Amerkada melezleme yoluyla kltre edlmtr. ok gsterl pembe-lla
renkte mor ve sar zgl avze eklnde eklere sahptr. ok souk ve
scaa dayankll kullanm alanlarn genletr.
Although they are natve to North Amerca, ther orgn s Takent n Uzbekstan.
They have been cultured n Amerca through crossbreedng. They have
extremely fashy, pnk-llac, purple and yellow-strped, chandeler shaped
fowers and ther resstance to extreme cold and heat extend ther area of usage.
X Chtalpa tashkentenss Summer Bells
e bml dkenl gvdes, krmzms mor veya beyaz- sar renkl gsterl
ekler le lman blgelerde kendne has karakterstk br btkdr.
It s a characterstc and unque plant growng n mld clmates wth ts
bottle-shaped thorny trunk, reddsh purple or whte-yellow fashy fowers.
Chorsa specosa
X Chtalpa tashkentenss Summer Bells
X Chtalpa tashkentenss Summer Bells
Cnnamomum camphora
Chorsa specosa
4 - 6 m 10 - 12 m 7
2 m 15 m 10


. .


. .
ok dall, dk durulu, her dem yel aa ve allardr. Krem renkl eklere
sahptr, hzl byr. Kuzey blgelernde (-9 Cye kadar ) Fcusa alternatf
olarak kullanm hzla yaylmaktadr. Verml y drene edlm topraklar
Mult-branched, uprght, evergreen trees and shrubs. They have creamy color
fowers and grow fast. They are begnnng to be commonly and rapdly used as
an alternatve to Fcus n Northern Regons (up to -9 C). They enjoy fertle and
well-draned sols.
Cnnamomum camphora
Cnnamomum camphora
Cnnamomum camphora
Cnnamomum camphora
5 - 10 m 15 - 20 m 9
. .
) - 9 ( Ficus .
Anavatan Gneydou Asya olan, 16 tr bulunan her dem yel aa ve
allardr. Beyaz renkl, gzel kokulu ekler ve yenleblen meyveler n
yettrlrler. ok neml olmayan verml topraklar terch eder. Ar krel
topraklarda salkl br gelm gstermezler. Dk scaklklara kar hassas
trler mevcuttur. Yaz aylarnda susuzlua tolerans dk olup rzgrlara
kar duyarldr.
They are natve to Southeast Asa wth 16 speces and are evergreen trees and
shrubs. They are grown for ther whte, fragrant fowers and edble fruts and
prefer less wet fertle sols. They fal to grow healthly n extremely calcareous
sols and have the speces senstve to low temperatures and also less tolerant to
drought n summer and senstve to wnds.
Dkenl aaklar ve bazen byk allardr. Parlak yel yapraklar,
Mart-Nsan aylarnda kokulu beyaz ekler ve turuncu renkl meyveler le
tpk Akdenz aalarndandr. Son yllarda lman ve sern blgelerde, Kuzey
lkelernde dahl Akdenz zlemn gdereblmek n Nsan-Eyll aylarnda
caddelerde kaset sakslarda grmek mmkndr.
Thorny small trees and sometmes huge shrubs. They are typcal Medterranean
trees wth fragrant, whte fowers durng March-Aprl and orange color fruts.
Recently, t has become possble to see these trees n cassette-type fowerpots
on the streets n mld and cool regons ncludng Northern countres so as to
fulfll Medterranean longng.
Ctrus aurantum
Svr bml, parlak yel yapraklaryla yukar ykselen dall al ve kk
aatr. Beyaz ok gzel kokulu ekler, tm yl btkde kalan altn sars
renkl oval meyvelere sahptr. Alkoll k ve ekerleme sanaysnde aranan
br rn halne gelmtr.
Uprght branched shrub and small trees wth ponted-shaped, brght green
leaves. Whte, extremely fragrant fowers have golden, oval fruts remanng on
the plant durng the whole year. They have become commonly preferred
product n the ndustry of alcoholc drnks and confectonery ndustry.
Ctrus fortunella 'Margarta'
Ctrus lmon
Ctrus fortunella 'Margarta'
Ctrus aurantum
6 m 10 m 9
1,50 - 2,50 m 3 - 4 m 9B


. .




Ctrus fortunella 'Margarta'
Mandalna ve kumkuat arasnda br btkdr. Neredeyse tm yl boyunca
kokulu eklere sahptr. Meyveler bol, kk, yuvarlak nce kabuklu ve
tatldr. Parfmer sanaynde aranan br trdr.
Plants between mandarn and goldorange wth fragrant fowers nearly durng
the whole year. Ther fruts are plenty, small, round and thn-shelled and sweet
and they are preferred and used n perfumery ndustry.
Ctrus mts
Blgelere gre deen meyve yapsyla gen durulu, dkenl aa ve
aaklardr. Bulunduu tm lkelerde tketm youndur. Kabuklar ve
suyu ayrca tatl, alkoll kler ve la sanaynde kullanlmaktadr.
Wdely standng, thorny trees or shrubs wth ther fruts varyng dependng on
the regons. They are commonly consumed n all countres where they are
grown. Addtonally, lemon rnd and juce are used n sweets, alcoholc drnks
and pharmaceutcal ndustry.
Ctrus lmon
Meyveler en byk turungllerden olup, dlmler krmzms, ho kokulu ve
Ther fruts are the bggest ctrus fruts, and ther slces are reddsh, fragrant and
Ctrus medca
Br eln parmaklarn anmsatan sar renkte br meyve eklne sahp olduu
n aranan br btkdr.
They are commonly preferred partcularly snce they are yellow, frut-shaped
and redolent of fngers.
Ctrus medca 'Dgtata'
Ctrus lmon
Ctrus mts
Ctrus medca 'Dgtata'
Ctrus medca
1,50 - 3 m 3 - 7 m 9B
1,50 - 3 m 3 - 5 m 9B
1,50 - 3 m 3 - 5 m 9B
2 - 3 m 3 - 6 m 9B

Citrus .

. .
Krmz pembe ekldr.
They have red and pnk fowers.
Clemats 'Ernest Markham
Beyaz eklere sahptr.
They have whte fowers.
Clemats Mme Le Coultre
Lla zgl pembe ekldr.
They have llac-strped pnk fowers.
Clemats Nelly Moser
Kadfems krmz renktedr.
Velvety, red plants.
Clemats Nobe
Katmerl leylak mav renkte eklere sahptr.
They have double llac, blue fowers.
Clemats Vyvyan Pennel
Sern ve souk blgelern zengn toprak ste olan, ok gsterl eklere
sahp, sarlclardr. Melezleme almalaryla 50 ye yakn varyetes bulun-
Barberry of cool and cold regons wth ther desre for rch sol and fashy
fowers. Ther nearly 50 varetes have been found through cross breedng.
Clemats 'Ernest Markham
Clemats Mme Le Coultre
Clemats Nelly Moser
Clemats Vyvyan Pennel
1 - 2 m 3 - 5 m 5A
1 - 2 m 3 - 5 m 5A
1 - 2 m 3 - 5 m 5A
1 - 2 m 3 - 5 m 5A
1 - 2 m 3 - 5 m 5A


Anavatan, Afrka ve Asyann tropkal ve yar tropkal blgeler olan bu
cnsn yaklak 400 tr bulunmaktadr. Yaprak dken al ve aaklardr.
They are natve to tropcal and sem-tropcal regons of Afrca and Asa and
have nearly 400 speces. Decduous shrubs and small trees.
Copernca alba
Clerodendrum trchotomum

400 .

Yaz sonunda balayp, sonbahar aylar boyunca beyaz pembe renkl ekler
aan al ve aaklardr. Yapraklar ezldnde kt kokar. Donlara
dayankl br trdr.
Shrubs and small trees brngng nto whte, pnk blossom startng from summer
and lasts durng autumn. When ther leaves are crushed, they smell unpleasant.
They are resstant to frost.
Clerodendrum trchotomum
2 - 3 m 3 - 5 m 7A

. .
smn nl gk blmc Ncolaus Coperncusdan alr. Gney Amerka kkenl
olup 24e yakn tr mevcuttur.
They have taken ther names from the astronomer Coperncus and are natve to
South Amerca wth nearly 24 speces.

24 .
Yapraklar mat gm renkl, sert dokulu gvdesyle dekoratf palmyeler-
Decoratve palm trees wth ther matt slvery leaves and coarse-textured trunks.
Copernca alba
3 m 5 - 7 m 10
ok yen br varyetedr. Dk ve parlak koyu krmz renkl yapraklar le lman
blgelerde karakterstk zellklern korur.
Extremely new varetes whch keep ther characterstc features n mld regons
wth ther uprght, and brght, dark red leaves.
Cordylne australs 'Red Star'
Her dem yel bu varyetenn, krem sar renklernde, kenarlar bakr krmz
olan ak yel zgl gsterl yapraklar vardr.
Evergreen plants havng creamy yellow, copper red-edged, lght green-strped
fashy leaves.
Cordylne australs 'Torbay Dazzler'
Koyu mor renkl yaprakldr.
Dark purple-leafed plants.
Cordylne australs Purple Tower
Yen Zelanda kkenl, mor-kzl renkl yapraklaryla bazen tek ve bazen ok
gvdeldr. Beyazkrem renkl eklerden sonra gvde atallanablr.
New Zealand orgn plants wth ther purple-scarlet leaves, and sometmes
sngle-boded and sometmes mult-boded plants. Followng whte-creamy
bloomng, ther trunks may dvarcate.
Cordylne australs Atropurpurea
Yaklak 15 tr bulunan, her dem yel allar ve kk aaklardan
oluan tropk ve subtropk btklerdr. Zengn ve y drene edlm topraklar-
da y yetr.
Tropcal and sub-tropcal plants consstng of evergreen shrubs and small trees.
They grow well n rch and well-draned sols.
Cordylne australs 'Red Star'
Cordylne australs 'Torbay Dazzler'
Cordylne australs 'Red Star'
Cordylne australs Atropurpurea & Cordylne australs 'Red Star'
2 - 4 m 5 - 10 m 9B
1 - 3 m 3 - 6 m 10
2 - 4 m 5 - 10 m 9B
1 - 2 m 2 - 3 m 10

15 .



Her dem yel, ok boylanablen eklerden sonra gvdesnde atallar
oluturup, egzotk br grnt sergler. Krel topraklar harcnde rahat
byr. En ok kullanlan trdr.
They are evergreen, grow extremely tall and after bloomng, they create
y-branch on ther trunks and refect exotc mage. They grow well n every sol
except calcareous ones are most commonly used speces.
Cordylne ndvsa (syn. Dracaena ndvsa & Cordylne australs)
Cordylne ndvsa
Cordylne australs 'Torbay Dazzler'
Cordylne banks x pumlo 'Electrc Pnk' not Red Fountan Cordylne banks x pumlo 'Electrc Pnk' not Red Fountan Cordylne australs Purple Tower
2 - 4 m 6 - 10 m 6B


Kk aak ve byk allardr. Mays-Hazran aylarnda aan beyaz
ekler ve sonbaharda oluan krmz meyveleryle gsterl br btkdr.
Small trees and huge shrubs. They are fashy plants wth ther whte bloomng
fowers durng May-June and red fruts repnng n autumn.
Cornus kousa
Turuncu-sar-krmz renklerndek dallaryla ve canl krmzya dnen
yapraklaryla sonbahar ve k aylarnn dekoratf allardr.
Decoratve shrubs of autumn and wnter months wth ther orange-yellow-red
branches and leaves turnng to brght red.
Cornus sangunea 'Wnter Beauty'
Trne gre krmz-beyaz-sar-kahvereng olan dekoratf gvde ve dallary-
la dkkat eken btklerdr. Yaklak 45 tryle souk blgelern yaprak
dken dekoratf allardr. Genletrme budamasndan holanr. Karl
blgelerde tm karakterstk zellklern gsterrler.
Flashy plants wth ther red-whte-yellow-brown decoratve trunks and branc-
hes dependng on ther speces. Decduous and decoratve shrubs of cold
regons wth ther nearly 45 speces. They enjoy rejuvenaton prunng and refect
all of ther dstnctve features n snowy regons.
Cornus sangunea 'Wnter Beauty'
Cornus sangunea 'Wnter Beauty'
Cornus kousa
Cornus alba 'Sbrca'
4 - 5 m 5 - 7 m 6A
1,50 - 2 m 1,50 - 2 m 5A

. .

Kompakt yapl, krem renkl yapraklar olan br varyetedr.
Varetes wth compact textures and creamy color leaves.
Cortadera selloana 'Cool Ice'
Gm renkl baaklara sahp yen br varyetedr.
New varetes wth slvery color ears.
Cortadera selloana 'Evta'
Sar ertl yel yapraklara sahp gsterl br varyetedr.
Flashy varetes wth yellow-strped green leaves.
Cortadera selloana 'Gold Band'
Koyu yel yaprakl, kompakt bodur, bol baakl br varyetedr.
Mult-eared, compact shrubs wth dark green leaves.
Cortadera selloana 'Pumla'
Gramneae - Poaceae
Yaklak 25 tr bulunan, tyl ve gm, pembe, krem sar ekleryle
budaygller arasndak en gsterl btklerdr. Baaklar yaz sonunda belrr
ve k boyunca formunu korur.
The most fashy plants among Poaceae wth ther nearly 25 speces, feathery
and slvery, pnk, creamy yellow fowers. Ther ears emerge at the end of
summer and keep ther forms durng wnter.
Cortadera selloana 'Gold Band'
Cortadera selloana 'Cool Ice'
Cortadera selloana 'Evta'
Cortadera selloana 'Pumla'
1,50 - 1,75 m 1,25 - 1,50 m 7
1,50 - 1,75 m 1,50 - 1,75 m 7
1,50 - 1,75 m 1,50 - 1,75 m 7
1,20 - 2 m 1,20 - 1,50 m 9

. .
Cortadera selloana 'Rosea'
Cotnus coggygra 'Young Lady'
k tr bulunan, yaprak dken, gen al ya da kk aaklardr.
eklenme dnemnde br duman bulutuna benzeyen dekoratf btklerdr.
Wde shrubs or small decduous trees wth two speces. Decoratve plants
resemblng to cloud durng bloomng perod.
200 trden oluan, yaprak dken al ve aalardr. Genellkle dkenl olan
bu btkler, sulak alanlar har her trl toprakta yaar.
Decduous shrubs and trees wth nearly 200 speces. Beng generally thorny,
these plants lve n every knd of sol except wetlands.
Yaz aylarnda ok youn ve parlak krmz yapraklara ve mor renkl eklere
sahptr. Krel topraklarda ve kurak alanlarda yaar.
They have extremely dense and brght red leaves and purple fowers n summer
and lve n calcareous sols and dry regons.
Cotnus coggygra 'Royal Purple'
Kuzey blgelerde, yol aac ve dzgn gvdes zernde talanan beyaz
ekler ve krmz meyveleryle lg eker.
They draw attenton as road trees n Northern regons wth ther whte fowers
and red fruts crowned on ther smooth trunks.
Crataegus 'Carrer'
Alama yntemyle bulunan yol aac formunda krmz meyvel br varye-
tedr. Daha az dkenldr.
Varetes dscovered through fertlzaton and appear n road tree forms wth
ther red fruts and less thorns.
Crataegus laevgata 'Paul's Scarlet'
Cotnus coggygra 'Royal Purple'
Crataegus 'Carrer'
Crataegus 'Carrer'
4 - 6 m 5 - 7 m 6B
4 - 6 m 5 - 7 m 5B
3 - 6 m 5 - 6 m 5B

200 .

. .
Crocosma lucfer
Gney Afrka kkenl, her dem yel ya da yaprak dken ok yllk btklerdr.
Farkl renktek ek salkmlaryla olduka gsterldrler.
They are natve to South Afrca, evergreen or decduous perennal plants and
qute fashy wth dferent color racemes.
Chamaecypars ve Cupressus cnslernn hbrd melezlenmesyle oluturul-
mutur. Her dem yel, hzl byyen brel aalardr. y drene edlm
topraklarda, gne ve yar glge alanlarda rahatlkla yetr.
They have been formed through hybrdzaton of Chamaecypars and Cupres-
sus speces. They are evergreen, fast-growng conferous trees and grow well n
well-draned sols and sunny and half-shade felds.
Budamaya dayankl, hzl byyen bu melez tr, boylu t oluturmada ve
rzgar perdelernde kullanlablr.
These fast-growng hybrd speces, whch are resstant to prunng, can be used
n formng tall hedges and wndbreaks.
x Cupressocypars leyland
Genellkle krmz renkl, karlkl dzlm, smetrk ekler olan soanl,
koyu yel yaprakl btklerdr. y drene edlm topraklarda gnel ve yar
glge alanlarda rahatlkla yetr. Youn kullanmlarda etkleyc br grnt
Dark green bulbous plants wth generally red, symmetrcal fowers ordered
opposte each other. They grow well n well-draned sols and sunny and
half-shade felds. They refect mpressve mage when used ntensvely.
Crocosma lucfer
x Cupressocypars leyland
x Cupressocypars leyland
0,60 - 0,80 m 1 - 1,20 m 9
6 - 8 m 20 - 25 m 7A


. .

Chamaecyparis Cupressus .
. .
Yaklak 20 tr bulunan bu cnse at btklern ounluu Bat ABD, Mekska
ve Guatemalada, baz trler Hmalayalar ve Bat nde, br tr de
Akdenzde doal olarak bulunur. Youn yapraklar ve hzl bymes gb
zellkler nedenyle Cupressuslar t btks ve rzgr perdes olarak kullan-
lablrler. Genellkle tam gne ve y drene olmu topraklar terch ederler.
Most of the plants belongng to these types wth nearly 20 speces are natve to
West USA, Mexco and Guatemala, and some speces are natve to the Hmala-
yas and West Chna and one genus of such plants s natve to Medterranean.
Cupressus can be used for hedge plant and wndbreaks thanks to ther dense
leaves and fast-growng nature. They usually prefer fully sunny and
well-draned sols.
x Cupressocypars leyland 'Gold Rder'
Sk dokulu lmon sars renge sahptr. Cuppressus macrocarpa Goldcrestn
olmad blgelerde renk hkmyet salar ve gsterl brellerdendr.
They have dense-textured, lemon yellow colors and create color domnaton n
the regons where Cuppressus macrocarpa Goldcrest do not exst. They are
fashy, conferous trees.
x Cupressocypars leyland 'Gold Rder'
Cupressus sempervrens 'Pyramdals'
x Cupressocypars leyland 'Gold Rder'
4 - 6 m 10 - 12 m 7B
. Cuppressus macrocarpa

Goldcrest .


. .
Cupressus sempervrens 'Pyramdals'
Konk ve tam stun formundak bu varyete, canl mav renkleryle olduka
gsterldr. Solter ve gruplar halnde, t ve koruluk oluturmada kullanlr.
These cone and full column-shaped varetes are qute fashy wth ther vvd
blue colors. They can be used for hedge and coppce forest n soltary or groups.
Cupressus arzonca 'Fastgata'
Konk, sk dokulu br varyetedr. K aylarnda mavms yaprak reng, lkbahar
aylarnda canl sar, daha sonra ak yelms sar renge dnr.
Cone-shaped, dense-textured varetes, whch turn nto blush leaf color durng
wnter months, brght yellow durng sprng months and then lght greensh
Cupressus arzonca 'Fastgata Aurea'
Bu varyetenn dallar nce dk, sonra yatay olarak dalr ve gen konk br
form oluturur. Parlak sar renkl yapraklar ve gsterl duruuyla aranan
btklerdendr. Toprak seene yoktur.
Branches of these varetes dsperse vertcally frst, and then horzontally and
create wde conc forms. Mostly preferred plants wth ther brght yellow leaves
and fashy appearance. They do not have any preference of sol.
Cupressus macrocarpa 'Aurea' (syn. C. macrocarpa 'Lutea')
Al trlern dallar youn ve dktr. Gvdes renel, her dem yel, canl
altn sars renkte lmon kokulu, budamalara dayankl btklerdr. Asz trler
blgesel artlara uyum salamakta zorlanr ancak ucuz olduundan tket-
m hzla yaylmtr.
Branches of fertlzed speces are dense and uprght. Ther trunks are resnous
and they are evergreen, brght golden color, lemon aromatc and resstant to
prunng. Ungrafted speces fnd t dfcult to harmonze wth regonal condt-
ons; however, as they are cheap, they have quckly become wdespread.
Cupressus macrocarpa 'Goldcrest
Cupressus arzonca 'Fastgata'
Cupressus macrocarpa 'Goldcrest
Cupressus macrocarpa 'Aurea'
4 - 6 m 12 - 15 m 8
3 - 6 m 6 - 10 m 8
3 - 6 m 15 - 16 m 9
2,50 - 3 m 6 - 8 m 9


. .

Cupressus sempervrens 'Pyramdals'
Cupressus sempervrens Pyramdalse gre daha kompakt br gelme
gsteren, az kozalakl, stun formlu, koyu yel yen br varyetedr.
Ths column-shaped wth less cones and dark green new varety refects more
compact development than Cupressus sempervrens Pyramdals.
Cupressus sempervrens Totem
Cupressus sempervrens Totem varyetesnn zelkler yannda, altn sars
rengyle ne kan yen br varyetedr.
In addton to havng the features of Totem varety, t s a new varety that
stands out wth golden colors.
Cupressus sempervrens Totem Aurea
Tpk br Akdenz klasdr. Tm mparatorluklarn zel lgsne mazhar
olmutur, tm der Cupressuslara analk eder, Trkyedek genel kannn
aksne lmszlk ve ge ykseln smgesdr. Doadak en sk dokulu
Cupressus sempervrensn selekte edlerek oluturulmu al rneklerdr.
Daha y form tutan sk dokulu, bulunduklar blgelere karakter kazandran
tpk Akdenz btklerdr. Asmetrk boylarla yaplan oklu gruplar, peyzaj
uygulama almalarnda gzel br etk brakr.
Typcal Medterranean classcs. They have drawn specal attenton of all
empres and have had maternal role for all other Cupressus. They are the
symbol of mmortalty and ascenson contrary to popular belef n Turkey.
Ungrafted patterns formed by selecton of the most dense-textures Cupressus
sempervrens n the nature. They are typcal, dense-textured Medterranean
plants whch keep form well and brng character to the regons where they are
found. Mult-groups formed wth asymmetrc lengths leave beautful mpress-
on n landscapng applcatons.
Cupressus sempervrens 'Pyramdals'
Cupressus sempervrens Totem
Cupressus sempervrens Totem Aurea
2,50 - 3 m 18 - 22 m 8
1,50 - 2 m 8 - 10 m 8
1,50 - 2 m 8 - 10 m 8

cupressus .
. Cupressus sempervirens

Cupressus sempervirens " Pyramidalis "

) ( . .
Totem Cupressus
sempervirens .
Cycas revoluta
Cycas revolutann tm belrgn zellklern tamasnn yannda yaprak
ular sardr.
In addton to havng all dstnctve features of Cycas revoluta, they have
yellow-edged leaves.
Cycas revoluta 'Aurea'
15 tr bulunan Cycaslarn anavatan, Madagaskardan Gney ve Gneydo-
u Asyaya kadar olan blge le Pasfk Adalar ve Avustralyadr. y drene
olmu ve besn maddesnce zengn topraklarda y gelr.
Cycas wth 15 speces are natve to the regons from Madagascar to South and
Southeast Asa and Pacfc Islands and Australa. It grows well n well-draned
and rch sols.
Anavatan Dou Asyann dousudur. Her br yaprak blm ok sk ne
yaprak gb uzayan, her dem yel dekoratf canl btklerdr. Tryas dnemn-
den gnmze kadar geleblen, hbr zelln kaybetmeyen der Gnko
bloba olan k btkden brdr. Nsp rutubet yksek yerlerden holanr.
Fazla su yumru ve klcal kklern rmesne neden olur. Saksl btklerde
toprak sadece neml tutulmal, bol kl ortamlarda bulundurulmaldr.
Dkm yer olarak bol gnel yerler terch edlmeldr. Bulunduu yere
zengn br grnm salar.
They are natve to the east of East Asa. Each part of the leaves stretches lke
dense needle and they are evergreen, decoratve plants. Cycas revolute s one of
the two plants as Gnko bloba whch has survved untl now snce the perod of
Tryas and never lost ts characterstc qualtes. They enjoy relatvely wet and
hgh lands. Excessve water can cause tuberous and capllary roots to be
decayed. Sol should be kept wet n the pots for the plants and full lght envron-
ments should be avoded. Sunny lands should be preferred for plantng. They
brng rch appearance to where they exst.
Cycas revoluta
Cycas revoluta 'Aurea'
Cycas revoluta (D)
Cycas revoluta (Erkek)

. .

. Triyas
Ginko biloba .


Cycas revoluta .
2 - 3 m 2,50 - 3 m 9
2 - 3 m 2,50 - 3 m 9
56 trden oluan aromatk, her dem yel ok yllk btklerdr.
Aromatc, evergreen green plants consstng of 56 speces.
Aromatk br tr olmasndan dolay tp, gda, kozmetk ve endstryel sanay-
de kullanm yaygndr. Toprak secl yoktur. Sulak alanlarda ve lman
blgelerde karakterstk zelln tam olarak gsterr.
They are used n the feld of medcne, food, cosmetcs and ndustry snce they
are aromatc speces. They do not have any preference for sol and fully refect
ther characterstc features n wetlands and warm regons.
Cymbopogon ctratus
Cymbopogon ctratus
ok blnen, su ve sulak alan btklerndendr.
Well-known, water and wetland plants.
Cyperus alternfolus
Tek yllk ve her dem yel ok yllk btklern bulunduu, 600den fazla tr
eren gen br cnstr. Dnyann en souk blgeler har, ounlukla
yamurlu blgeler olmak zere, hemen hemen her yerde yetr. ou tr
su kysnda veya bataklk zemnlernde y yetr.
A wde genus contanng more speces than 600 and where annual and evergre-
en perennal plants take place. They nearly grow everywhere partcularly n
rany regons except the coldest regons of the world. Many of ther speces grow
well at watersdes or n wetlands.
Cyperus alternfolus
Cyperus papyrus

. .

600 .


0,80 - 1 m 1,20 - 1,50 m 10
0,40 - 0,60 m 1 - 1,20 m 10
50 tr bulunan, yaprak dken ve her dem yel al ve aaklardr. y
drene edlm topraklar sever.
Decduous and evergreen shrubs and small trees wth ther 50 speces. They
enjoy well-draned sols.
Mekska kkenl, 18 tr bulunan, her dem yel allar, aalar ve ok yllk
sukulent btklerdr. ABDnn gney ve Mekskann kurak, dalk alanlar ve
ller doal gelm ortamlardr. Donlara kar hassastr.
Mexcan orgn, evergreen shrubs, trees and perennal succulent plants conss-
tng of 18 speces. South part of USA and dry, mountanous lands and deserts of
Mexco are natural habtats. They are senstve to frost.
Doal yaam alan Nl Deltasdr. Sulak alanlarda ve bazen de su ersnde
yaayablrler. gen gvdes zernde sarkk lfer halnde ekler le
dekoratf br grnme sahptr. lk kdn yapld hammadde olarak
Ther natural habtat s the Nle Delta. They may lve n wetlands and sometmes
n water as well and have decoratve appearance wth ther fowers n the form
of pendulous fbers on ther trangle trunks. They are known as the frst raw
materal of whch paper s made.
Cyperus papyrus
Nsan Mays aylarnda, yay eklnde sarkk dallarn rtecek eklde ekle-
nen ve hzl byyen gsterl allardr. ok farkl ek renklerne sahp
varyeteler vardr. y drene edlm, kumlu topraklar sever.
Fast-growng fashy shrubs whch brng nto fower such that these fowers
cover ther sprng-shaped pendulous branches durng Aprl and May. They have
varetes wth extremely dferent fower colors. They enjoy well-draned, sandy
Cytsus x praecox
Cytsus x praecox
Cyperus papyrus
Cytsus x praecox Alba
Dasylron glaucophyllum


. .

. .
sukulent 18

0,60 - 1,20 m 2 m 10
1,20 - 1,50 m 1,50 - 3 m 10
Danella tasmanca
Yaklak 30 tr bulunan her dem yel, ok yllk btklerdr. Orta vermllkte,
humusa zengn, y drene olmu topraklarda ve tam gne veya yar glge
alanlarda yetr.
Evergreen, perennal plants wth nearly 30 speces. They grow n medum-fertle,
rch, well-draned sols and fully sunny or half-shade lands.
Kurakla dayankl olan bu tr olduka yava gelr. Peyzaj uygulama
almalarnda kaya bahelernn vazgelmez btkler arasndadr.
These drought-resstant speces grow rather slowly and are wdely used for rock
gardens n landscapng applcatons.
Dasylron longssmum
Kaln, ok yllk odunsu gvdelere sahptr. Gvdeden kan yapraklarnn
kenarlar dkenldr. Kurakla dayankl olup toprak secl yoktur.
Thck, perennal genus wth woody trunks. Edges of ther leaves emergng from
the trunk are thorny. They are drought-resstant and have no specal preference
for sol.
Dasylron serratfolum
ok yllk otsu br btkdr. Bahar ve yaz aylarnda aan mor ekler takben,
daha koyu mor renktek tohumlar le ho br grnm serglemektedr.
Perennal welwtscha. Followng purple fowers emergng durng sprng and
summer months, they refect pleasant appearance wth ther darker purple
Danella tasmanca
Dasylron longssmum
Dasylron serratfolum
Danella tasmanca 'Varegata'
. .



1,50 m 4 m 10
1 m 1 m 10
0,40 - 0,60 m 1 - 1,20 m 9
Genel zellkler Danella tasmanca le ayn olup yaprak reng yel-beyazdr.
They are smlar to Danella tasmanca n ther general characterstcs and leaf
color s green-whte.
Danella tasmanca 'Varegata'
Yaklak 300 tr bulunan, her dem yel, tek yllk, k yllk ve ok yllk
btklerdr. Gsterl ekler n yettrlr.
Evergreen, annual, bennal and perennal plants wth nearly 300 speces. They
are grown for ther fashy fowers.
25 tr olan, her dem yel ve yar her dem yel aas gvdeye sahp
Evergreen and half-evergreen ferns wth 25 speces and green, woody trunk.
Her dem yel, odunsu ve gl gvdelere sahp bu btk, asdk ve bol
humuslu topraklarda y gelm gsterrken neml havaya htya duyar.
These evergreen plants wth woody and powerful trunks grow well n acdc and
rchly humc sols and need wet ar.
Dcksona antarctca
Alp Dalarnn endemk btkler arasndadr. Soua ve susuzlua dayankl-
lnn yannda gsterl ve bol eklere sahptr. y drene edlm toprakla-
r sever. Peyzaj uygulama almalarnda olduka yaygndr.
They belong to the endemc plants of the Alps. In addton to ther resstance to
drought and cold, they have fashy and plenty of fowers. They enjoy
well-draned sols and commonly used n landscapng applcatons.
Danthus alpnus 'Compacta'
Danthus alpnus 'Compacta'
Danthus alpnus 'Compacta'
Danthus alpnus 'Compacta'
Dianella tasmanica .


. . .

0,40 - 0,60 m 1 - 1,20 m 9
0,20 - 0,40 m 0,10 - 0,15 m 7
1 - 4 m 2 - 6 m 8
Dcksona antarctca
Yaklak 60 tr bulunan her dem yel al ve kk aaklardr. Balca
Avustralya olmak zere tropkal ve subtropkal alanlar doal yayl alanlar-
dr. Neml, y drene olmu, besn deer yksek topraklarda ve gnel
alanlarda y gelrler.
Evergreen shrubs and small trees wth nearly 60 speces. They are natve to
prmarly Australa and tropcal and sub-tropcal regons. They grow well n wet,
well-draned, rch sols and sunny lands.
6 tr bulunan rzomlu ok yllk btklerdr. Trlernn ou Gney Afrka
Rhzome perennal plants wth 6 speces. Many of ther speces are South Afrcan
Kl eklndek yapraklar zernde bulunan gz alc krem renkl eklernn
zernde de etraf turuncu br halkayla evrl koyu mor benek bulunur.
ok yllk br btkdr.
Three dark purple spots surrounded by an orange rng exst on ther fashy,
colorful fowers whch stand on sword-shaped leaves. They are perennal
Detes bcolor
Her dem yel, ok dall aak veya kk allardr. Koyu mor-krmz
yaprak rengyle olduka gsterl br btkdr. Peyzaj uygulama almalarn-
da ksa srede gzel tler oluturur.
Evergreen, mult-branched small trees or shrubs. They are qute fashy plants
wth dark purple-red leaves and create beautful hedges n landscapng
applcatons n a very short tme.
Dodonaea vscosa 'Purpurea'
Detes bcolor
Dodonaea vscosa 'Purpurea'
Dodonaea vscosa 'Purpurea'
Detes bcolor
Detes bcolor
6 . .

. .



. .
0,30 m 0,60 - 0,90 m 10
1 - 3 m 2 - 4 m 9
150 tr bulunan, her dem yel sukulent ve nadren yaprak dken btkler-
dr. Doal yayl alanlar ABD, Mekska ve Orta Amerkann kurak sklkla l
alanlardr. ok gsterl yapraklar vardr. y drene edlm topraklar ve
gnel alanlar sever. Her trl topra tolere eder.
Evergreen, succulent and rarely decduous plants wth 150 speces. Natural
habtat of such plants s USA, Mexco and dry, and often, deserts of Central
Amerca. They have qute fashy leaves and enjoy well-draned sols and sunny
lands and also tolerate every knd of sol.
Anavatan Kanada ve Amerkann kuzeydr. 9 tr olan ok yllk btklerdr.
They are natve to Canada and Amerca and perennal plants wth 9 speces.
Yaklak 150 alt trden oluan her dem yel sukulentlerdr. Peyzaj uygulama
almalarnda kuru ve kayalk alanlarn dzenlenmesnde yer verlr.
Evergreen succulent plants wth nearly 150 speces whch used for arrangement
of dry and rocky areas n landscapng applcatons.
Echevera agavodes
Yukardak zellklere sahp olup, mav renkl yapraklar vardr.
They holds the abovementoned features and have blue leaves.
Echevera secunda 'Glauca'
Echevera agavodes
Echevera agavodes
Echevera secunda 'Glauca'
Echnacea purpurea 'Whte Swan'
sukulent 150


. . .



. 9 .
0,30 m 0,15 m 8
0,30 m 0,05 - 0,10 m 8
Her tr toprakta yeteblr. ok yllk br btkdr, gsterl ekler le peyzaj
uygulama almalarnda yer alrlar. Kzlderller tarafndan uzun yllardr
blnr, souk algnl ve grpte la olarak kullanlr. Tomurcuklar ay olarak
ta tketleblr.
They can grow n every knd of sol and are perennal plants whch are used n
landscapng applcatons. They are known by Indans for a long tme and used
for common cold and fu as a medcne. Ther buds can be used as tea too.
Echnacea purpurea
Beyaz ekleryle gsterl peyzaj btksdr.
Flashy landscapng plant wth ts whte fowers.
Echnacea purpurea 'Whte Swan'
Echnacea purpurea 'Whte Swan'
Echnacea purpurea
. .

. . .

0,40 - 0,60 m 1 - 1,20 m 7
0,40 - 0,60 m 1 - 1,20 m 7
15 tr olan yava gelen, yuvarlak kre ya da stun formda byyen
sukulent btklerdr. Donlara duyarldr.
Slow-growng, round, globe or column-shaped succulent plants wth 15
speces. They are senstve to frost.
Anavatan Mekskadr. Altn sars keskn dkenlere ve kk sar eklere
sahp olan bu kakts Dnya da yaygn ve en popler Ecnnocactus trdr.
It s natve to Mexco. Ths cactus wth golden, sharp thorns and small yellow
fowers s one of the most common and popular Ecnnocactus genus.
Echnocactus gruson
Echnocactus gruson trnn zellklerne sahp olmakla beraber beyaz
dkenl br varyetedr.
In addton to havng the characterstcs of Echnocactus gruson, t s a varety
wth whte thorns.
Echnocactus gruson 'Golden Barrel Cactus'
Echnocactus gruson trnn zellklerne sahp olmakla beraber dkensz
br varyetedr.
In addton to havng the characterstcs of Echnocactus gruson, t s a
thornless varety.
Echnocactus gruson var. brevspnus (subnerms)
Echnocactus gruson
Echnocactus gruson 'Golden Barrel Cactus'
Echnocactus gruson var. brevspnus (subnerms)
Echnocactus gruson
sukulent 15

. .

Echinocactus .
Echinocactus grusonii .
Echinocactus grusonii .
0,60 - 0,80 m 0,40 - 0,60 m 10
0,60 - 0,80 m 0,40 - 0,60 m 10
0,60 - 0,80 m 0,40 - 0,60 m 10
Gney Amerkann tropk ve subtropk alanlarndak, nehrler ve gller
zernde doal olarak yayl gsteren 7 tr bulunan su btklerdr.
Aquarum plants naturally dspersng n tropcal and sub-tropcal lands of
South Amerca, on rvers and lakes wth 7 speces.
Ilman klmler n uygundur. Yazn ta yaprann st ksm sar lekel, mor-
mav ekldr. Yaprak saplarnda oluturduu baloncuklar sayesnde su
yzeynn zernde yzer, krl sular artma zell vardr. Ss havuzlarnn
olmazsa olmazlarndandr.
It s sutable for warm temperatures. Upper part of ts fower petal s
yellow-spotted, purple-blue fowery durng summer. It foats on the water
thanks to the bubbles t has created on leaf-stalks and s capable of purfyng
drty waters. It s a must of ornamental pools.
Echhorna crasspes
45 tr olan her dem yel ve yaprak dken al ve aalardr. ounlukla
Asyada fakat brka tr Gney Avrupa ve Kuzey Amerkada doal olarak
yayl gsterr. ok dayankl btklerdr. y drene edlm, gnel alanlar ve
besn deernce zengn topraklar terch eder. Denz kys rzgrlarn tolere
Evergreen and decduous shrubs and trees wth 45 speces. They mostly grow n
Asa and several speces grow naturally n South Europe and North Amerca.
They are qute long-lastng plants and prefer well-draned, sunny lands and rch
sols wth the tolerance to seasde wnds.
Gm yaprakl, lkbaharda ho kokulu, kk sar eklere ve yenleblen
meyvelere sahptr. lkenn her yernde yettrleblen kurakla, tuzlu denz
suyu serpntlerne dayankl al veya aa formunda btklerdr.
They have slvery leaves, fragrant, small yellow fowers n sprng and edble
fruts. Shrub and tree-shaped plants whch are resstant to drought and seawa-
ter sprnkles and can be grown n every part of the country.
Elaeagnus angustfola
Echhorna crasspes
Elaeagnus angustfola
Echhorna crasspes

. .
45 .

. .
0,45 m 0,45 m 10
4 - 6 m 5 - 7 m 4
lk yllarda daha ok enne daha az boyuna, yapraklar daha byk, yaprak d
kenarlar yel, sardr. Ebbnge zerne alanarak yol aac formunda
btklerde retleblr.
Durng the frst years, they grow more wdthwse and less lengthwse, the leaves
are larger, outer edges of the leaves are green and nner parts are yellow. They
can be grown on road tree plants by graftng on Ebbnge.
Elaeagnus x ebbnge 'Eleador'
Elaeagnus x ebbnge
Daha gen ve kompakt gelr yapraklar haff oyuklu, ortas parlak yel,
kenarlar altn sars, alt yz gm koyu noktalarla bezel, genellkle zel
peyzaj uygulama almalarnda ne kar.
They grow more wdely and n compact, ther leaves are a lttle ptted, ther
mddle parts are brght green, the edges are golden, the lower surface s decora-
ted wth slvery dark spots and generally become dstngushed n specal
landscapng applcatons.
Elaeagnus x ebbnge 'Glt Edge'
Her dem yel gm mav yaprakl kokulu krem eklere sahp, bodur ss
des trdr. Her yl vejetasyona bal olarak gerekl budamalar yaplarak
bordr oluturmada, koruluklardak al gruplarnda, denz kenarlarnda,
kurak blgelerde y sonu verr.
Evergreen, shrubs, ornamental buckthorn havng slvery blue leaves and
fragrant, creamy fowers. They gve better results n formaton of border, shrub
groups n the woodlands, at seasde, dry lands by annually carryng out
requred prunng dependng on the vegetaton.
Elaeagnus angustfola
Elaeagnus x ebbnge 'Eleador'
Elaeagnus x ebbnge
Elaeagnus x ebbnge 'Glt Edge'

ebbingai .


1,50 - 2 m 2 - 2,50 m 7B
2 - 2,50 m 2 - 2,50 m 7B
2 - 3 m 2 - 3,50 m 9
Yaklak 180 tr olan her dem yel ok yllk btkler, allar ve aalardr.
Kken Avustralyadr. ekler n yettrlrler. Gnel alanlarda, y drene
edlm topraklarda y br gelm gsterrler.
Evergreen, perennal plants, shrubs and trees wth nearly 180 speces. Ther
orgn s Australa and are grown for ther fowers. They grow well n sunny
lands, well-draned sols.
Her dem yel 700 tr olan btklerdr. Sulak alanlardan kurak alanlara kadar
Avrupada, Afrkada se lman blgelerde doal olarak yaylr. Genellkle
pembe tonlarnda ek aarlar.
Evergreen plants wth 700 speces. They naturally dsperse n Europe from the
wetlands to the dry lands but n warm regons of Afrca. They usually brng nto
pnk bloom.
Avustralyann kuru klmlernde rastlanan her dem yel gm yaprakl,
youn gsterl altn sars ekler vardr, susuzlua dayankldr.
It has evergreen, slvery leaves, ntensvely fashy golden fowers dscovered n
dry clmates of Australa. It s resstant to drought.
Eremophla glabra 'Kalbarr Carpet'
Her dem yel, koyu parlak yel, dzensz altn sars lekeler vardr. t
yapmnda, bordrlerde yel m alanlarnda renk oluturmak n aranan
renkl ss desdr.
It s evergreen and has dark brght green, rregular golden spots. It s colorful
and ornamental buckthorn whch s preferred for hedgng, formng borders,
and creatng colors n green grassy areas.
Elaeagnus x ebbnge 'Lmelght'
Elaeagnus x ebbnge 'Lmelght'
Erca carnea
Eremophla glabra 'Kalbarr Carpet'


. .



3 m 2 - 2,50 m 7B
1,50 m 1 - 3 m 10
500den fazla tr bulunan, her dem yel al ve aalardan oluan br
cnstr. Aromatk yapraklar ve ekc gvde kabuklar bulunur.
Evergreen genus consstng of shrubs and trees wth more speces than 500. It
has aromatc leaves and fashy trunk shells.
Legumnosae - Paplonaceae
Yaklak 100 tr bulunan yaprak dken, yar her dem yel genellkle dkenl
al ve aalardr. Tm dnyann tropkal blgelernde yayl gsterr. Neml
fakat y drene edlm topraklarda, besn deernce zengn gnel alanlar-
da salkl br gelm gsterrler.
Decduous, half-evergreen and generally thorny shrubs and trees wth nearly
100 speces. They dsperse n all tropcal regons of the world. They grow well n
wet but well-draned, rch sols and sunny lands.
ok dek trler olan, glgede ve tam gnete yeteblen bu fundalk
tr; humuslu, kresz topraklarda y yetr. Olduka cmert eklenme
These scrubs wth a varety of speces and growng n the shade and full sun
grow well n humc and non-calcareous sols. They bloom generously.
Erca carnea
Canl, gz alc, alev krmz ekler le olduka renkl ve ho br aatr.
Ilman klmn hakm olduu yerlerde ok y sonular verr. Budamaya
elverldr, yaprak dken br trdr.
Qute colorful and pleasant tree wth ts brght, fashy, fame fowers. It gves
better results n warm regons and s sutable for prunng and a decduous
Erythrna crsta-gall
Erca carnea
Eucalyptus camaldunensss
Erythrna crsta-gall
Erythrna crsta-gall

100 .

. .
500 .
0,20 - 0,25 m 0,40 - 0,50 m 7
6 - 9 m 3 - 9 m 10
Mavms gr yapraklaryla soua en dayanakl okalptstr. ok krel
topraklar dnda her tr toprakta yaar ve sert budamalara dayankldr.
The most resstant eucalyptus to frost wth ts blush gray leaves. It grows n
every knd of sol except extremely calcareous sols and resstant to hard
Eucalyptus gunn
ok gsterl, youn bulut mavs yapraklaryla peyzaj btks olablmey
It has managed to become a landscapng plant wth ts extremely fashy, plenty,
dense, cloud blue leaves.
Eucalyptus rostrata
Ortalama 175 tr bulunan yaprak dken, yar her dem yel ve her dem
yel allar ve aalardr. ounlukla Asyann ormanlk ve allk alanlarnda
doal olarak bulunur. Her trl ortama uyum salayablen btklerdr.
Decduous, half-evergreen and evergreen shrubs and trees wth averagely 175
speces. They are naturally found n the forests and shrubs of Asa. They harmo-
nze wth all envronments.
Yel yapraklar sonbaharda krmz-mor olur. Yaz aylarnda aan ekler
sonradan turuncu meyvelere dnr. Kendne zg mantarms br gvde
yaps vardr. Toprak secl yoktur, soua dayankldr.
Its green leaves turn to red-purple durng autumn. Its fowers emergng n
summer turn to orange fruts. It has a unque, suberous trunk structure and has
no preference for sol and s resstant to cold.
Euonymus alatus Compactus
Eucalyptus rostrata
Eucalyptus gunn
Euonymus alatus Compactus
Euonymus japoncus 'Elegantssmus Aureus'
) (


175 .

. .
. . . .
15 - 20 m 5 - 6 m 8B
15 - 20 m 15 - 20 m 9
1,20 - 1,50 m 1,50 - 2 m 4
Her dem yel, sert oval nce eklde dl ortas yel kenarlar altn sars
yapraklaryla gzel br tafan varyetesdr. Bordr oluturmada baarldr.
It s an evergreen, beautful Euonymus varety wth ts hard, oval, thn threads,
green mddle part and golden leaves. It s successfully used for creatng borders.
Euonymus japoncus 'Elegantssmus Aureus'
Euonymus japoncus 'Elegantssmus Aureus'
Asteracea - Compostae
Yaklak 100 trden oluan her dem yel allardan oluan ok yllk btklerdr.
Perennal plants consstng of evergreen shrubs wth nearly 100 speces.
Yaprak reng altn sars olmas sebebyle zellkle sahl blgelerndek bodur
tler oluturmada yaygn kullanlr.
It s commonly used for formng short hedges n partcularly coastal regons
thanks to ts golden leaves.
Euonymus japoncus 'Mcrophyllus Aurea'
Youn eklde dallanma gsteren, yel yaprakl her dem yel bodur allardr.
Evergreen shrubs wth ntensvely branchng and green leaves.
Euonymus japoncus 'Mcrophyllus
Gney Afrka kkenl al formunda br papatya trdr. Budamaya olduka
elverldr ve bekler oluturmakta da kullanlr. ok gsterl olan altn
sars ekler mavye alan gr-yel yapraklar zernde uzun sre varln
It s natve to South Afrca and a genus of dasy n shrub form. It s sutable for
prunng and used for creatng groups and ts extremely fashy, golden fowers
survve for a long tme on blue-touched gray-green leaves.
Euryops pectnatus
Euonymus japoncus 'Mcrophyllus
Euonymus japoncus 'Mcrophyllus Aurea'
Euryops pectnatus

. .


100 .

1,50 - 2 m 1 - 1,50 m 8B
0,60 - 0,80 m 0,30 - 0,40 m 8B
0,60 - 0,80 m 0,30 - 0,40 m 8B
0,80 - 1 m 0,80 - 1 m 10
30 trden oluan, kresel formdan stun formlara kadar farkl formlar olan
ok yllk kaktslerdr. Mekska, Gney ve Gneybat ABD ve Guatemalann
dalk blgeler anavatandr. Dkenler olduka gsterl olan bu btkler
donlara hassastr.
Perennal cactuses consstng of 30 speces wth dferent forms from sphercal
form to column forms. They are natve to Mexco, South and Southwest USA
and mountanous regons of Guatemala. These plants wth ther fashy thorns
are senstve to frost.
Euryops pectnatusa gre yaprak reng ak parlak yel ve daha bol ekl-
dr, soua drenc de daha azdr.
Its leaf color s brghter, lghter green and more fowery than Euryops pectnatus
and less resstant to cold.
Euryops vrgneus
Felca amellodes
Asteracea Compostae
Yaklak 80 tr olan, tek ve ok yllk, her dem yel kk allardr. Ortas
sar olan ounlukla mav renkl ekleryle papatyaya benzer ve youn
kullanldnda daha etkldr. Yaz boyu eklenen bu btkler y drene
edlm toprak ve gnel alanlar sterler.
Annual and perennal evergreen small shrubs wth about 80 speces. They
resemble to dasy wth often ther blue fowers wth a yellow mddle part and
more mpressve when used ntensvely. These plants comng nto fower durng
whole summer enjoy well-draned sols and sunny felds.
ok yllk br btkdr. K aylar dnda btn yl ekldr. Mav-sar ek
rengyle bekler halnde ho br grnt sergler.
Perennal plants whch are fowered durng the whole year except wnter. They
refect nce appearance n groups wth blue-yellow fowers.
Felca amellodes
Euryops vrgneus
Felca amellodes
Ferocactus plosus

Euryops pectinatusa .


. .
. .

0,80 - 1 m 0,80 - 1 m 10
0,30 - 0,60 m 0,30 - 0,60 m 9
Gramneae Poaceae
300den fazla tr olan, yaprak dken ya da her dem yel ok yllk btkler-
dr. Zayf topraklardan besnce zengn topraklara kadar her trl toprakta
Decduous or evergreen perennal plants wth more speces than 300. They
survve n all knds of sols rangng from poor sols to rch sols.
Koyu yel, olta ucu eklnde dkenl, top kaktslerdr. Peyzaj uygulamalarn-
da gruplar halnde kullanldnda etk yaratr.
Dark green, barb-shaped thorny, ball cactuses. They create mpresson when
used n groups n landscapng applcatons.
Ferocactus plosus
Soua dayankl olan bu varyete yaygn kullanm alanna sahptr ve toprak
secl yoktur. Bulut mavs renktek yapraklar, yaz banda oluan baak-
laryla ho br grnt oluturur.
Ths cold-resstant varety has a wde area of usage and has no preference of a
certan sol type. It refects nce appearance wth ts cloudy blue leaves and ears
emergng at the begnnng of summer.
Festuca glauca 'Eljah Blue'
Festuca glauca 'Eljah Blue'
Festuca glauca 'Eljah Blue' & Danthus alpnus 'Compacta'
Festuca glauca 'Eljah Blue'
Ferocactus plosus



0,60 - 0,80 m 0,40 - 0,60 m 10
0,25- 0,40 m 0,20 - 0,30 m 7
Fcus carca
Yaklak 800 tr olan, ou her dem yel allar, aalar ve odunsu trman-
clardr. ounlukla dnyann tropk ve subtropk blgelernde, neml,
ormanlk alanlarnda doal olarak bulunurlar. Genellkle yapraklar ve
yenleblen meyveler n yettrlrler.
Mostly evergreen shrubs, trees and woody clmbng plants. Ther natural
habtats are usually tropcal and subtropcal, humd regons and woodlands of
the world. They are usually grown for ther leaves and edble fruts.
Laurus nobls (Defne) zellnde parlak yapraklar olan her dem yel,
Akdenze ve lman blgelere zg, hzl byyeblen btklerdr. Neml
blgelerde yatay gden dallarda hava kk oluturablr. Krem renkl ekler-
den sonra oluan kk meyveler gsterszdr. Genellkle bulvar ve glge
aac, ve t btks olarak kullanlr.
Evergreen, fast-growng plants wth Laurus nobls (Defne) characterstc and ts
brght leaves, whch s specfc to Medterranean and warm regons. They may
create perky roots on horzontal branches n humd regons. Ther small fruts
emergng after creamy fowers are not fashy. They are usually used for
boulevard and shade trees and plants for hedge.
Fcus ntda 'Retusa'
Byme koullar ve kullanm amalar Fcus ntda gbdr. Tek fark yaprak-
lar daha r ve parlaktr.
Ther growth condtons and use purposes are smlar to Fcus ntda. The only
dference of these plants s that ther leaves are more huge and brghter.
Fcus australs
Fcus ntda 'Retusa'
Fcus australs


Laurus nobilis

. .
Ficus nitida . .
Fcus ntda 'Retusa'
10 - 20 m 15 - 20 m 10
20 - 25 m 20 - 25 m 10
Yaklak 65 tr bulunan, yaprak dken, nadren her dem yel aalardr.
Kuzey Amerka, Asya ve Avrupann ounlukla ormanlk alanlarnda
bulunurlar. Krl havaya dayankl btklerdr. Verml, neml fakat y drene
edlm topraklarda yaarlar.
Decduous, rarely evergreen trees wth about 65 speces. They are mostly natve
to the woodlands of North Amerca, Asa and Europe. They are resstant to
polluted ar and lve n fertle, humd but well-draned sols.
Gen, pramt br ta olutururlar. Mevsmlere gre farkl renk tonlaryla lg
ekcdrler. Caddeler ve bulvarlar n uygundur.
They form wde, pyramd crown and are attractve wth dferent color tones
dependng the season. They are sutable for streets and boulevards.
Fraxnus excelsor
Fraxnus excelsor le ayn zellklere sahp, dallar sarkc br varyetedr.
A varety wth pendulous branches and the characterstcs smlar to Fraxnus
Fraxnus excelsor 'Pendula'
Karaypler, Orta ve Gney Amerkann kuzeyndek le benzer alanlarda
doal olarak bulunan bu cnsn 12 tr vardr. ok yllk sukulent btkler
olup dona hassastrlar. Toprak secl yoktur, tam gnel alanlarda
These plants whch are naturally found n Carbbean, desert-lke lands of
Central and South Amerca have 12 speces. They are succulent plants and are
senstve to frost. They have no preference for a certan type of sol and lve n
fully sunny felds.
Furcraea selloa 'Margnata'
Fraxnus excelsor 'Pendula'


. .

. .
Fraxinus excelsior .

. . .
Fraxnus excelsor
15- 20 m 30 m 4
8 - 10 m 10 - 12 m 5
Yaklak 200 tr bulunan her dem yel al ve aalardr. Afrka ve Asyann
tropk blgelernden yaylmtr. ekc parlak yapraklar ve gzel kokulu
ekler olan btklerdr.
Evergreen shrubs and trees wth about 200 speces. They have orgnated from
tropcal regons of Afrca and Asa. They have fashy, brght leaves and fragrant
Yaklak 20 tr olan tek yllk, k yllk ve ok yllk btklerdr. Kuzey
Amerkann neml alanlar ve ayrlk alanlarnda doal olarak bulunurlar.
Snr btks olarak kullanlablen ok dayankl ve zarf btklerdr.
Annual, bennal and perennal plants wth about 20 speces. They are naturally
found n humd lands and meadowlands of North Amerca. They can be used
for border plants and are extremely resstant and elegant plants.
Sukulent, dl mzrak bml, ak sar kenarl yapraklar koyu yel renkldr.
Neml olmayan drenajl topraklar sever. Bol kl meknlarda sakslarda
kullanma uygundur. Denz suyuna ve sahl kenarlarna dayankldr.
Succulent, threaded spear-shaped, lght yellow edged leaves are dark green.
They enjoy non-humd, well-draned sols and are sutable for fower pots n
rchly llumnated places. They are resstant to sea water and coastal regons.
Furcraea selloa 'Margnata'
Her dem yel, kompakt formlu allardr. Gzel kokulu byk katmerl
ekler, kaln beyaz ta yapraklaryla Maystan Kasma kadar aar. Besn
tketm fazla olduundan, drenajl, besn deer yksek topraklar ster.
Evergreen, compact-formed shrubs. Fragrant, large-layered fowers emerge
wth ther petals from May to November. Consumng plenty of nutrents, they
requre draned, rch sols.
Gardena grandfora
Gardena grandfora
Gardena grandfora
Furcraea selloa 'Margnata'
Gaura lndhemer Alba
. .


. .


. .
2 m 1,5 m 10
1,5 - 2 m 1,5 - 2 m 8A
Yel-kahvereng benekl yapraklara ve beyaz eklere sahptr.
A varety wth pendulous branches and the characterstcs smlar to Fraxnus
Gaura lndhemer Alba
Pembe ekl ve yel yaprakldr.
Pnk fowered and green-leafed plants.
Gaura lndhemer 'Passonate Pnk'
Pembe ekl, renk yapraklara sahptr.
They have pnk fowers and three-color leaves.
Gaura lndhemer 'Trcolor'
Her dem yel, kuzey lkelernden Arap Yarmadasna kadar, rahatlkla her
blgede zellklern koruyablen ve bulunduu ortama adapte olablen
btklerdr. Uzun sre ak kalan koyu pembe ekler ve krmz yapraklary-
la gsterl allardr. Her eklenme sonras haff budama yaplmaldr.
Evergreen plants whch can easly mantan ther characterstcs n every regon
rangng from Northern countres to Araban Pennsula and adapt to the
envronment where they are found. They are fashy shrubs wth permanently
emerged, dark pnk fowers and red leaves. Slghtly prunng s necessary
followng each phase of bloomng.
Gaura lndhemer Rosea
Gaura lndhemer Rosea
Gaura lndhemer 'Trcolor'
Gaura lndhemer Alba
Gaura lndhemer 'Passonate Pnk'
- .

. .
0,90 m 1,50 m 8
0,90 m 1,50 m 8
0,90 m 1,50 m 8
0,90 m 1,50 m 8
Gnkgo bloba
Gney n kkenl, tek tr olan yaprak dken aalardr.
Southern Chna orgn and decduous trees wth a sngle speces.
Dnya forasnda kaybolmak zere ken 1700l yllarn banda
Hndstandak br tapnakta bulunan tohumlardan elde edlerek tm
Avrupaya dalmtr. Konk ta yaps, yaygn dallar ve paral yapraklaryla,
yazn koyu yel, sonbaharda lgn sar tonlaryla gzel br btkdr. Yaprak
dkmesne ramen rene salglar ve breller snfndadr. Tryas dnemn-
den (yaklak 240 mlyon yl) kalma zelln ytrmeyen k btkden brsdr.
Erkek ve d ayr aalar halndedr. Son yllarda hbrt almalaryla erkek
ve buna bal olarak meyve vermeyen yen varyeteler retlmtr (Gnkgo
bloba 'Fastgata Blagon'). Pramdal formu le haff kvrk dallara ve hayran
brakacak eklde konk durua sahptr.
It was spread to whole Europe by obtanng from the seeds found n a temple n
Inda at the begnnng of 1700s when t was about to dsappear n the fora of
the world. It s a nce plant wth ts conc petal, wdespread branches and scatte-
red leaves, nterestng yellow tones durng autumn. Though t s decduous, t
excretes resn and belongs to the class of conferous trees. It s one of the two
plants whch have not lost ther characterstcs remaned from Trassc perod
(about 240 mllon years). It s found n male and female form of trees. Recently,
ts new and male varetes, and therefore, frutless, have been produced through
hybrd studes (Gnkgo bloba 'Fastgata Blagon'). It has slghtly curved branc-
hes and mpressvely conc posture wth ts Pyramdal form.
Gnkgo bloba
Gnkgo bloba
Gnkgo bloba
Gnkgo bloba

. .

240 .( .
) (
) Ginkgo biloba Fastigiata Blagon . (
8 - 10 m 15 - 20 m 5B
Grevllea junperana
Yaprak dken ve genellkle dkenl aalardan oluan bu cnsn 14 tr
vardr. Asya, Kuzey ve Gney Amerka ve Tropkal Afrkadak ormanlardan
yaylmtr. ok dayankl btklerdr. Rzgra da dayankl olan bu btkler
genken dondan zarar greblr.
These decduous plants whch usually consst of thorny trees have 14 speces.
They have scattered from the forests n Asa, North and South Amerca and
Tropcal Afrca and are extremely resstant plants. These wnd-resstant plants
can be damaged from frost when they are young.
Her dem yel al ve aalardan oluan bu cnsn 250den fazla tr
bulunur. Trlernn ou Avustralya, bazlar se Endonezya ve Yen Gne
These plants consstng of evergreen shrubs and trees have more speces than
250. Most of the speces are natve to Australa and some are to Indonesa and
New Gunea.
Gen formlu, kn yaprakszken de gzel tal, yaprak dken aalardr.
Yapraklar sonbaharda erkenden sar renge dnr.
Wde-formed, nce-crowned even wthout leaf durng wnter, decduous trees.
Ther leaves turn to yellow early n autumn.
Gledtsa tracanthos 'Sunburst'
Avustralya kkenl, her dem yel allardr. Ilman klmlerde kk salyan-
goz eklndek ekler srekl aar. Susuzlua dayankl olup budamay
sever. tler, bordr kenarlar ve allklar oluturmak n dealdr. Scaklk
dtke eklenme azalr.
Australan-orgn, evergreen shrubs. Ther small snal-shaped fowers always
bloom n warm clmates. They are resstant to drought and enjoy prunng.
These plants are deal for hedges, border edges and formng shrubs. Bloomng
reduces dependng on the decrease n heat.
Grevllea junperana
Grevllea junperana




. . .
Gledtsa tracanthos 'Sunburst'
Gledtsa tracanthos 'Sunburst'
6 - 7 m 8 - 12 m 5A
1 m 2 m 9
Grevllea langera 'Mt. Tambortha'
Grevllea langera Mt. Tambortha' le ayn zellklere sahp olmasna
ramen ekler ak somon ve krem renkldr.
Though they have the same characterstcs as Grevllea langera Mt. Tambort-
ha', ther fowers are lght salmon and creamy color.
Grevllea 'Poornda Tranqullty'
Her dem yel ve yaylc olan bu varyete, yalandnda 75-100 cm boya
ykselr. Yumuak dokulu yapraklar ve krmz-beyaz-krem ekler le
dekoratf btklerdr.
These evergreen and creepng varetes reach 75-100 cm when they get old.
They are decoratve plants wth ther soft-textured leaves and
red-whte-creamy fowers.
Grevllea langera 'Mt. Tambortha'
Akdenz kuanda her dem yel, hzl byyen, dekoratf aalardr. Yal
aalarda grlen ekler sar-krmz bal kp renklerndedr. eklen-
me sres Maystan Eylle kadardr. Donlara duyarldr.
Evergreen, fast-growng, decoratve trees n Medterranean zone. Ther fowers
emergng n old trees are yellow-red and honey bubble color. Bloomng lasts
from May to September. They are resstant to frost.
Grevllea robusta
Grevllea robusta zerne alama yntemyle retlm gsterl al ve
aaklardr. Krem, pembe ve krmz renkl byk salkmlar halndek
ekler uzun sre btkde kalr.
Small fashy trees and shrubs grafted on Grevllea robust. Ther creamy, pnk,
and red fowers n large bunches reman on the plants for a long tme.
Grevllea 'Robyn Gordon'
Grevllea 'Poornda Tranqullty'
Grevllea 'Robyn Gordon'
Grevllea robusta
75 - 100 .
Grevillea lanigera Mt. Tamboritha
. . .
Grevillea robusta .
1 - 1,50 m 0,75 - 1 m 9
1 - 1,50 m 0,75 - 1 m 9
5 - 20 m 15 - 35 m 10
0,50 - 1,50 m 1 - 1,50 m 8B
Grevllea rosmarnfola
Yapraklarnn st koyu yel, alt mat renkte olup ok dall br aldr. Yl
boyunca aralklarla aan pembe-krmz salkmlar halnde eklere sahptr.
Upper parts of ther leaves are dark green, lower parts are mat color and they
are mult-branched shrubs. They have fowers perodcally bloomng n pnk-red
bunches durng the whole year.
Grevllea rosmarnfola
Gney Afrka, Avustralasya ve Gney Amerkann neml blgelernde doal
olarak yaayan her dem yel ok yllk btklerden oluan yaklak 45 tr
bulunur. Dekoratf yapraklar nedenyle yettrlmesnn yannda baz
trlernn de ek baaklar ve meyveler ekcdr.
These evergreens, perennal plants naturally lvng n humd regons of South
Afrca, Australasa and South Amerca have 45 speces. In addton to ther
beng grown for ther decoratve leaves, fower ears and fruts of ther certan
speces are attractve.
Yaklak 100 tr olan her dem yel, denz kenarndan dalk kesmlere
kadar farkl alanlarda doal olarak yaayablen allar, nadren de aalardan
oluan br cnstr.
Evergreen shrubs and rarely trees capable of naturally lvng n dferent regons
rangng from seasde to hghlands wth about 100 speces.
ok uzun yaprak sapnn tad, ok gen, koyu yel ve kenarlar dantelal
yapraklara sahptr. Bu yapraklardan 1 m ve daha uzun, yel veya mat krmz
ekler kar. Yapraklar ve ekleryle son derece dekoratftr. Sern
klmlerde ve sulak alanlarda yaar.
It has extremely wde, dark green leaves wth ornamented edges. Leaves stand
on qute long leaf-stalks. 1 m or longer, green or mat red fowers emerge out of
these leaves. It s qute decoratve wth ts leaves and fowers and lves n cool
clmates and wet lands.
Gunnera mancata
Gunnera mancata
Grevllea rosmarnfola
Hebe x anderson



1 . .


1 m 2 m 9
3 - 4 m 2 - 2,50 m 8B
Hedera algerenss 'Glore de Morengo'
Hedera algerenss
Hedera algerenss Hedera algerenss 'Varegata'
Yaklak 10 tr olan her dem yel, odunsu gvdel, trmanc ve trmand
yzeye kend yapan btklerdr. Yer rtc olarak da kullanlr. Her trl
koula dayankl olmasna ramen, humusa zengn, verml, terchen
alkaln, neml fakat y drene edlm topraklarda daha salkl yetrler. Yel
yaprakl olanlar glge alanlar tolere ederken, alacal yaprakl olanlar daha
ok kl alanlar terch ederler. Baz hederalar ok gnel ve ok scak
ortamlarda salkl gelemeyeblrler.
Evergreen, woody trunk, creepng plants wth about 10 speces and clng to
surfaces where they creep. They are also known as groundcover plants. Though
such plants are resstant to all knds of condtons, they grow well n humc,
fertle, preferably alkalne, humd but well-draned sols. Green-leafed plants of
these speces tolerate shades whlst the ones wth varegated leaves prefer
lghted felds. Certan hedera speces may not grow well n extremely sunny and
hot envronments.

10 .


Hedera colchca 'Dentata Varegata'
Hedera helx
Hedera helx 'Oro d Boglasco'
Hedera colchca 'Sulphur Heart'
Hedera helx 'Elegantssma'
Hedera hbernca Hedera colchca 'Sulphur Heart' & Hedera algerenss 'Varegata'
Anavatan n, Kore ve Japonyann orman kylar ve dalk alanlardr.
Yaklak 15 tr olan her dem yel ve yar her dem yel ok yllk btklerdr.
Hbrd almalaryla ana trlerden ok sayda yen melez varyeteler
retlmtr. Yay formunda koyu yel yapraklar, hun formunda Mays-Ekm
aras aan ekler vardr. Rzomlu yapsyla, gevek, drenajl btksel toprak-
lar ster. Youn kullanmlarda etkldr. Saks btks olmaya uygundur.
They are natve to the forests and mountanous regons of Chna, Korea and
Japan and are evergreen and half-evergreen perennal plants. Countless new
crossbred varetes have been produced from man speces through hybrd
studes. They have sprng-shaped dark green leaves and funnel-shaped fowers
emergng n May-October. Wth ther rhzome nature, they requre loose,
draned, vegetatve sols. They are efectve n extensve utlzaton and sutable
for growng n fower pots.
ok sayda canl sar renkte ekler Maystan Eylle kadar aralksz her
sabah aarlar.
Ther numerous brght, yellow fowers bloom contnuously every mornng from
May to September.
Hemerocalls 'Stella de Oro'
Sar eklernn boaz ksm koyu krmz lekeldr.
Throat of ther yellow fowers are dark red-spotted.
Hemerocalls 'Bonanza'
Kadfems mor krmz, boaz ksm sar renkl ekler vardr.
They have velvety purple-red fowers wth yellow throats.
Hemerocalls 'Frans Hals'
Somon renkl ekler le ok gsterldr. Hemerocallsler arasnda en r
ek aan varyetelerdendr.
Extremely fashy plants wth ther salmon color fowers. They are the varetes
whch come nto the bggest fower among Hemerocalls speces.
Hemerocalls 'Summer Wne'
Hemerocalls 'Summer Wne'
Hemerocalls 'Stella de Oro'
Hemerocalls 'Frans Hals'
Hemerocalls 'Bonanza'


. .
. .

Hemerocallis .
0,70 - 1 m 0,70 - 1 m 7
0,70 - 1 m 0,70 - 1 m 7
0,70 - 1 m 0,70 - 1 m 7
0,40 - 0,60 m 0,40 - 0,60 m 7
200den fazla tre sahp olup, yaprak dken, her dem yel, tek yllk ve ok
yllk allar ve aalardr. Dnyann lman blgelernden yaylmtr.
Decduous, evergreen, annual and perennal shrubs and trees wth about more
speces than 200. They have spread from the warm regons of the world.
ekler varyetesne gre krmz, pembe, beyaz, krmz merkezl beyaz
renkldr. Bulunduu toprak kaltesne gre ek ap 30 la 60 cm arasnda
der. Ka doru btn yapraklarn dken btk lkbaharda canlanr. Klar
sert geen blgelerde korumaya alnmaldr. Her trl toprakta kolayca
Ther fowers are red, pnk, whte, red-centered whte dependng on ther varet-
es. Flower dameter accordng to the qualty of the sol n whch they are found
vares between 30 cm and 60 cm. These plants whch drop ther leaves towards
wnter gan ther vtalty n Sprng. They must be protected n the regons where
wnter s extremely harsh. They can grow easly n all knds of sols.
Hbscus moscheutos
Tropkal ve subtropkal blgelerden lman blgelere yaylm olan her dem
yel ya da yapran dken allar veya aalardr. Kltre edlm varyetele-
r ok dek ek renkler ve yaplaryla yaz dnemlernde gz alcdr. Yen
varyeteler elde edlmes n dnya zernde brok kulp kurulmakta ve
yarmalar dzenlenmektedr.
Evergreen or decduous shrubs and trees whch have spread to warm regons
from tropcal and sub-tropcal regons of the world. Ther cultured varetes are
qute fashy durng summer wth extremely varous fower colors and textures.
Many clubs are establshed and compettons are organzed all over the world
so as to obtan new varetes.
Hbscus rosa-snenss
Hbscus moscheutos
Hbscus rosa-snenss
Hbscus rosa-snenss

30 60 .



0,40 - 0,50 m 0,50 - 0,70 m 10
1,50 - 3 m 2,50 - 5 m 10
Gramneae - Poaceae
8 trden oluan ounlukla stlac, tek yllk ve ok yllk btklerdr. Avrupa,
Kuzey Afrka ve Bat Asyada bulunan ormanlk ve ayrlk alanlardan
yaylmtr. ok ekc yapraklar vardr.
Mostly nvasve, annual and perennal plants consstng of 8 speces. They have
spread to the other regons of the world from the woodlands and the meadow-
lands n Europe, North Afrca and West Asa. They have extremely fashy leaves.
Yumuak, kadfe krem ve yel alacal yapraklaryla lkbaharda pembe
tonlaryla yere yatay byyen gsterl yer rtclerdr. Sern blgelerde
karakterstk zelln gsterr, sakslar ve eklklere uyum salar.
Splendd groundcover plants whch grow horzontally to the ground wth ther
soft, velvety cream and green varegated leaves and pnk tones durng sprng.
They refect ther characterstc qualtes n cool regons and go well wth fower
pots and fowered plants.
Holcus molls 'Jackdawns Cream'
Tek tr bulunan ok yllk btklerdr. Dou Asyann bataklklarnda doal
olarak yaarlar. Yapraklarnn gzell nedenyle yettrlrler.
Perennal plants wth only one speces. Marshlands of East Asa are natural
habtat of these plants and they are grown for the beauty of ther leaves.
Su kenarlarnda ve sulak alanlarda yaarlar. Ayn yaprak zernde yel, ak
sar ve krmznn tonlarnda 3 farkl renk bulunur. Krem renkl ekler
vardr. Stolonlar vastasyla hzl br gelm gsterr.
They lve n waterfronts and wetlands. 3 dferent colors n lght yellow and red
tones exst on the same leaf. They have creamy fowers and grow fast thanks to
ther stolons.
Houttuyna cordata 'Chameleon'
Holcus molls 'Jackdawns Cream'
Hosta varegata
Hosta varegata
Houttuyna cordata 'Chameleon'
Hostaceae - Llaceae
70 tr olan, al formunda, genellkle ok yllk btklerden oluan br cnstr.
Anavatan n, Kore ve Dou Asyadr. ok sayda varyetes bulunur. Farkl
renklerdek dekoratf yapraklar n yettrlr. Neml fakat y drene edlm
ve besn deernce zengn topraklarda salkl br eklde yaarlar. Glge ve
yar glge alanlarda aa altlarnda kullanm uygundur.
Speces generally consstng of perennal plants, and whch are found n shrubs
wth 70 speces. They are natve to Chna, Korea and East Asa and have many
varetes. They are grown for ther decoratve leaves n dferent colors and lve
well n humd but well-draned and rch sols. They are sutable to be used under
trees n shade and half-shade felds.
80 .


. .

. .
. .
. .
0,40 - 0,60 m 0,20 - 0,40 m 7
0,40 - 0,60 m 0,40 - 0,60 m 7
0,15 - 0,30 m 7
Dou Asya ve Kuzey ve Gney Amerkann ormanlk alanlarnda doal
olarak bulunan 80den fazla tre sahp btklerdr. Her dem yel ve yaprak
dken al, trmanc ve nadren aalardr. ounlukla byk gsterl
dek renklerdek ekler n yettrlrler. eklernn reng, topraktak
almnyum yonlarnn mktar le der. Neml ama y drene edlm
topraklar ve rzgrdan korunakl alanlar severler.
Plants found naturally n the woodlands of East Asa, North and South Amerca
wth ther speces more than 80. Evergreen, decduous and creepng and rare
trees. They are mostly grown for ther fowers wth a varety of fashy colors.
Color of ther fowers change wth the amount of alumnum ons n the sol.
They enjoy humd but well-draned sols and the lands protected aganst wnd.
Gen ve yuvarlak formlu yaprak dken allardr. edne gre beyaz, mor,
pembe, mav, krmz ve ebrul renklerndek ekler byk ve gsterldr.
Son dnemlerdek hbrd almalaryla scak ve gnel blgelerde yeten
varyeteler de elde edlmtr.
Wde, round-shaped, decduous shrubs. Ther whte, purple, pnk, blue, red and
varegated fowers dependng on ther varetes are large and fashy. The varet-
es beng capable of growng n hot and sunny lands have also been produced
recently through hybrd studes.
Hydrangea macrophylla
Hydrangea macrophylla
Hydrangea macrophylla

0,60 - 1,50 m 0,60 - 1,50 m 6B
Hymenocalls carbaea
40 tr olan soanl ok yllk btklerdr. Baz trler her dem yeldr. Kuzey
Amerkann gneynden Gney Amerkaya kadar, kayalk ve ayrlk alanlar-
da doal olarak yaylr.
Bulbous and perennal plants wth 40 speces. Certan speces of these plants are
evergreen. They spread naturally n rocky lands and meadowlands rangng
from the southern part of North Amerca to South Amerca.
400 trden oluan, yaprak dken, her dem yel ve yar her dem yel al ve
aalar, tek yllk ve ok yllk btklerdr. Besnce orta zengnlkte, neml fakat
y drene edlm topraklar ster.
Decduous, evergreen and half-evergreen shrubs and trees, annual and
perennal plants consstng of 400 speces. They requre medum-rch but
well-draned sols.
Sar ekl, bulunduu blgeye kolay uyum salayan, her dem yel ve yar
her dem yel btklerdr.
Evergreen and half-evergreen plants wth yellow fowers and they easly
harmonze wth the envronment n whch they are found.
Hypercum 'Hdcote'
ek petallernn aras, jelatn gb br zarla kapl olan kokulu eklere sahp
btklerdr. Srekl neml toprak ster. Sulamalar arasnda topran kurumas-
na zn vermemek gerekr.
Fragrant-leafed plants and center of ther fower petals are covered wth
gelatn-lke membrane. They permanently requre humd sol. Sol shouldnt be
left dry at the ntervals of rrgaton.
Hymenocalls carbaea
Hymenocalls carbaea
Hypercum 'Hdcote'
Hypercum 'Hdcote'

. .

. .

. .
. .
0,30 m 0,60 - 0,80 m 10
1 - 1,20 m 0,60 - 1 m 6B
Her dem yel, yaprak dken allar, aalar ve trmanclardan oluan
400den fazla tr olan br cnstr. Ilman blgeler ve tropk, subtropk blge-
lern ormanlk alanlar doal yayl alandr. Gzel yaprak reng ve meyves
n yettrlr. Kresz topraklar severler. Neml fakat y drene edlm,
humusa zengn topraklarda y gelme gsterrler.
Evergreen, decduous shrubs, trees and creepng plants wth more speces than
400. Warm regons, the woodlands of tropcal and subtropcal regons are
natural habtats of these plants. They are grown for ther pleasant leaf color
and frut and enjoy non-calcareous sols. They also grow well n humd but
well-draned, humus-rch sols.
Gramneae Poaceae
6 tr bulunan ok yllk btklerdr. Neml fakat y drene edlm, humusa
zengn topraklarda, tam gne ve yar glge alanlarda yetrler. -10 Cye
kadar dayankldrlar.
Perennal plants consstng of 6 speces. They grow n humd but well-draned,
humc sols and full sunny and half-shade felds. They are resstant to heat up to -10 C.
Her dem yel, yaprak kenarlar sar ve dkenl, ksmlar koyu yel parlaktr.
Sonbaharda aan krem renkl eklerden sonra ylbanda krmz meyveler
oluur. Bu meyveler btkye ayr br karakter kazandrr. Genellkle kuzey
blgelernde y sonu verr.
Evergreen plants havng leaves wth yellow and thorny edges and nner parts of
these leaf edges are dark green and brght. Followng creamy fowers emergng
n autumn, red fruts emerge. These fruts brng a specal characterstc to the
plant. They are generally produce efectve result n northern regons.
Ilex aqufolum 'Argenteomargnata'
Vejetasyon dnemnde taban ksm yel, ular krmz olan yaprak reng,
hava scaklndak demlere gre sararma gstereblr. peks baaklar
reterek eklenen, her dem yel btklerdr. Gruplar halnde kullanm
Bottom parts of these plants are green and the end parts are red and leaf color
of these plants may become yellow dependng on the changes n ar temperatu-
re. Evergreen plants whch bloom by producng slky ears and are sutable for
usng n groups.
Imperata cylndrca 'Red Baron'
Imperata cylndrca 'Red Baron'
Imperata cylndrca 'Red Baron'
Ilex aqufolum 'Argenteomargnata'
Ilex aqufolum 'Argenteomargnata'
Ilex cornuta 'Dazzler'

. .
. .
6 .
. 10 .

. .
3 - 5 m 4 - 8 m 7A
0,20 - 0,40 m 0,40 - 0,60 m 9
Yaklak 300 tr bulunan soanl ya da rzomlu ok yllk btklerdr. Gste-
rl ve renkl eklere sahptr. Toprak secl yoktur.
Bulbous or rhzome, perennal plants wth about 300 speces. They have fashy
and colorful fowers and have specal preference of sol.
Tek yllk ya da ksa mrl ok yllk btklerden oluan, 70 tre sahp br
cnstr. Tropk ve lman blgelern neml alanlarnda gen br yaylm gste-
rr. Srekl neml toprak sterler.
Speces consstng of annual and short-lved perennal plants wth 70 speces.
They spread well n humd lands of warm regons and contnuously requre
humd sols.
Koyu mav, mor renkl ekler, kenarlar beyaz, ortas yel yapraklar le
der rs trler arasnda en gsterl olandr.
The fashest rs plants among other rs speces havng dark blue, purple
fowers. Edges of ther leaves are whte and the mddle parts are green.
Irs ensata 'Varegata'
Der trlere gre daha ksa ve kl formunda yapraklar olup saysz hbrd
vardr. Blnen en esk trdr.
They have shorter and sword-shaped leaves than the other speces and nume-
rous hybrds. These plants are the oldest well-known speces.
Irs germanca
Fberoptk grass olarak blnr. Toplu ney anmsatan yaprak ucundak
mnk toplar btkye zel br grnt kazandrr. Kuzey blgelernde daha
rahat br yaam ortam bulmasnn yannda, scak ortamlarda da aa altlar
ve koruluklar gb sern ortamlar ster.
They are known as fber optc grass. Tny balls on the leaves remndng pn brng
specal appearance to these plants. In addton to havng more comfortable
lvng envronment n northern regons, they prefer cool envronments such as
the felds under trees and woodlands.
Isoleps cernua (syn. Scrpus cernuus)
Irs ensata 'Varegata'
Irs ensata 'Varegata'
Isoleps cernua
Isoleps cernua


. . .



Fiberoptik grass .
) (

0,60 - 0,80 m 7
0,15 m 0,30 m 7
0,60 - 0,80 m 7
Arecaceae Palmae
l kkenl olan bu cnsn tek tr vardr.
Ths Chlean-orgn genus has one speces.
Her dem yel veya yaprak dken ok yllk btklerden oluan bu cns
300den fazla tre sahptr. En ok sern klmlerde doal olarak yaayan
Juncuslar dnyann her tarafna yaylmtr.
These speces consstng of evergreen or decduous perennal plants have more
varetes than 300. Juncus plants mostly lvng n cool clmatc condtons have
spread to all over the world.
Yaklak 40 tr bulunan, yaprak dken ve her dem yel aalardr. Anava-
tan tropkal Amerkann yamur ormanlardr. Dona duyarl btklerdr.
Besnce zengn, neml fakat y drene edlm topraklarda ve gnel alanlar-
da yetrler.
Decduous and evergreen trees wth about 40 speces. They are natve to the
ranforests of tropcal Amerca. These plants are resstant to frost and grow n
rch, humd but well-draned sols and sunny felds.
Su ve sulak alan kenarlarnda, her dem yel, helezonk, bol mktardak
yapraklaryla, dekoratf, sra d br grnt oluturur. Neml kaya baheler-
ne de uygundur. Saks btks olarak da kullanlr.
These plants create decoratve and extraordnary appearance wth ther
evergreen, spral and plenty of leaves n waterfronts and wetlands. They can be
used n humd rock gardens as well as n fower pots.
Juncus efusus 'Sprals'
zm salkm eklnde, mav, gsterl ekleryle sahl blgelernde
kullanlablen gzel br yol aacdr. lkbaharda youn br eklde eklen-
mesne ramen, sonbahardak knc eklenmes daha azdr
Beautful road trees whch can be used n coastal regons wth ther grape
bunch-shaped, blue and fashy fowers. Though they bloom ntensvely n
sprng, they come nto less fower n ther second bloomng durng autumn.
Jacaranda mmosfola
e eklnde, gsterl, palmyeler nde en byk ve kaygan gvdeye
sahp bu btk, soua en dayankl palmyelerdendr. y drene edlm
topraklardan holanr. Bu zellklerden dolay ok poplerdr.
These bottle-shaped, fashy plants wth the largest and slppery trunks among
palm trees are the most resstant palm trees to cold. They enjoy well-draned
sols and, therefore, they are qute popular.
Jubaea chlenss
Jacaranda mmosfola
Jacaranda mmosfola
Jubaea chlenss
Juncus efusus 'Sprals'


. .

. .


0,40 - 0,60 m 0,30 - 0,40 m 7
6 - 10 m 10 - 15 m 10
5 - 8 m 15 - 20 m 9
Her dem yel, brel allar ve boylu aalardan oluan br cnstr. Son
yllarda baz trlernn, Cupressus zerne alanarak kk, orta ve boylu
aalar elde edlmesyle ardlar yol aac olarak kullanma sunulmutur.
Btksel toprak bulunan her ortama uygundur.
Evergreen, conferous shrubs and tall trees. They have been ofered for road
trees by obtanng small, medum heght and tall trees through graftng of
certan speces on Cupressus recently. They harmonze wth all knds of envron-
ments where vegetatve sols are found.
ok sk dokulu, ak yelden koyu mavye kadar renk alablen yksek, konk
formlu brellerdr.
Densely textured, conc and conferous trees whch may acqure a varety of
colors from lght green to dark blue.
Junperus chnenss 'Strcta'
Junperus chnenss 'Strcta' le ayn zellklere sahp olup, sar yel alacaldr.
They have the same characterstcs as Junperus chnenss 'Strcta' and are
yellow-green varegated trees.
Junperus chnenss 'Strcta Varegata'
Kn bronz, gm ve koyu yel yapraklara sahp, kompakt byyen alms
formdak varyetedr.
Shrub-shaped varetes wth bronze, slver and dark green leaves durng wnter
and they grow compactly.
Junperus horzontals 'Andorra Compacta'
Junperus chnenss 'Strcta Varegata'
Junperus horzontals 'Andorra Compacta'
. .

Juniperus chinensis 'Stricta .

1,50 - 2 m 2,50 - 3 m 3
1,50 - 2 m 2,50 - 3 m 3
1,50 - 2 m 0,30 - 0,40 m 5B
Junperus horzontals 'Andorra Compacta' le ayn zellklere sahptr. Baz
gen yapraklar sar yel lekeldr.
They have the same characterstcs as Junperus horzontals 'Andorra Compac-
ta'. Certan young leaves of these trees are yellow-green spotted.
Junperus horzontals 'Andorra Compacta Varegata'
Sern klmlerde lacvert yapraklar le peyzaj uygulamalarnda kullanlan, yer
rtc formda dekoratf br breldr.
Groundcover, decoratve conferous trees wth ther navy-blue leaves whch are
used n landscapng applcatons n cool clmates.
Junperus horzontals 'Blue Chp'
Yer rtc ve sarkc formda kullanlablen, gm mav renktek yapraklar
le dekoratf br btkdr.
Decoratve plants wth slvery blue leaves and they are used as groundcover
and pendulous form.
Junperus horzontals 'Wlton'
Koyu yel-mav tonlar ve sk dokusuyla yatay grnml brellerdr.
Horzontal-lookng, conferous trees wth ther dark green tones and dense
Junperus sabna 'Tamarscfola'
Yel, mav ve edne gre duman mavs renkl brelere sahptr. Konk
olarak gelr. Gruplar halnde kullanldnda ve dzgn budama yapld-
nda gen m alanlarda ok gzel etk yaratr.
These plants have green, blue and smoke blue needles dependng on ther
varetes. They grow concally. They create wonderful mpresson on wde
grasslands when they are used n groups and pruned well.
Junperus vrgnana 'Skyrocket'
ok sk dokusu ve altn rengyle en gsterl ard trler arasndadr.
The fashest junper varetes wth ther extremely dense textures and golden color.
Junperus x meda 'Old Gold'
Canl altun sar olan ardlardandr.
Lvely, golden color junper trees.
Junperus x meda 'Pftzerana Aurea'
Junperus horzontals 'Andorra Compacta Varegata'
Junperus horzontals 'Blue Chp'
Junperus sabna 'Tamarscfola'
Junperus x meda 'Old Gold'
Juniperus horizontalis 'Andorra Compacta .

. .

) (

1,50 - 2 m 0,30 - 0,40 m 5B
1 - 1,20 m 0,20 - 0,30 m 5A
1 - 1,50 m 0,10 - 0,20 m 5A
2 - 2,50 m 0,60 - 0,80 m 5A
1 - 1,50 m 6 - 7 m 5A
2,50 - 3 m 1 - 1,20 m 5A
3 - 4 m 2 - 3 m 5A
Lagerstroema ndca
Gney Afrka kkenl, 70 tr olan, her dem yel veya yaprak dken ok
yllk btklerden oluan cnstr.
South Afrcan-orgn, evergreen or decduous, perennal plants wth about 70
Da doru yay zerek ykselen sukulent yapraklar vardr. Bu yapraklar
arasnda, 30 - 40 cm uzunluunda, olgunlatktan sonra turuncu-krmz ve
krem renklerne dnen baakklar bulunur. Kurak alanlarda kullanlable-
cek trler arasndadr. ekler arlar n ekcdr.
They have succulent leaves rsng by formng an outward arch. 30-40 cm
spkelets exst between these leaves and they turn to orange-red and creamy
colors after they become rpen. They are the varetes whch can be used n dry
lands. Ther fowers are qute attractve for bees.
Knphofa 'Alcazar'
Yaklak 50 tre sahp, yaprak dken veya her dem yel al ve aalardr.
Asyadan Avustralyaya kadar olan tropkal blgeler ve lman klmlerde
doal olarak yayl gsterr. Besnce orta derecede zengn, y drene edlm
topraklarda ve tam gnel alanlarda salkl yaarlar.
Decduous or evergreen shrubs and trees wth about 50 speces. They spread
naturally n tropcal regons and warm clmates from Asa to Australa. They
grow well n medum-rch, well-draned and entrely sunny lands.
Beyazdan koyu bordo rengne kadar farkl ek renkleryle dekoratf br
grnm oluturan bodur allar ve aalardr. Budamay seven br btkdr.
Yol aac olarak kullanma uygundur.
Short shrubs and trees whch create a decoratve appearance wth ther
dferent fower colors rangng from whte to dark claret red. They enjoy beng
pruned and are sutable for road trees.
Lagerstroema ndca
Lagerstroema ndca
Knphofa 'Alcazar'

. 30
40 .
. .



. .
0,60 m 0,90 m 7
4 - 6 m 6 - 8 m 9
Lagunara peterson
Doal olarak Dou Avustralyadak denz kys ve ormanlk alanlarda
yaayan, tek trden oluan, her dem yel al ve aalardr.
Evergreen shrubs and trees consstng of one speces and whch lve naturally at
seasde and woodlands n Eastern Australa
Gsterl parlak ekleryle n plana kar. Ilman ve scak klmlere uygun-
dur. Orta derecede verml, drenaj y olan topraklar ster.
They are dstnctve wth ther fashy, brght fowers and are sutable for warm
and hot clmates. These plants enjoy medum fertle, well-draned sols.
Lagunara peterson
Yava gelen beyaz renkl varyetedr.
Slowly-growng whte varety.
Lagerstroema ndca 'Nvea'
Kanarya Adalar ve Akdenz havzasnn ormanlk, dalk ve kayalk alanlarn-
da doal olarak yaayan, her dem yel al ve aalardr. Drenajl ve zengn
topraklar terch ederler. ok souk ve kuvvetl rzgrlarda yapraklar zarar
Evergreen shrubs and trees whch lve naturally n the woodlands, mountans-
des and rocky lands of Canary Islands and Medterranean basn. They prefer
draned and rch sols. Ther leaves get damaged n extremely cold and strong
Tpk Akdenz btklernden olup her dem yel, kokulu, krem ve ak sar
renkl eklere sahp, aromatk tbb btklerdendr. Topary n uygundur.
Yol aac, t btks ve saks btks olarak kullanm yaygndr.
Typcal Medterranean and aromatc medcal plants wth evergreen, fragrant,
creamy and lght yellow leaves. They are sutable for topary and are commonly
used as road trees, hedge and n fower pots.
Laurus nobls
Lagerstroema ndca 'Nvea'
Lagunara peterson
Laurus nobls


. .

. .


1 - 2 m 4 - 5 m 11
4 - 6 m 6 - 8 m 9
5 - 12 m 5 - 15 m 8B
Lavandula lanata
Dl, ak grms renktek yapraklaryla der trlerden ayrlr.
They dfer from the other speces wth ther threaded, lght graysh leaves.
Lavandula dentata
Yel yapraklar zerndek gsterl ekler uzun sre btk zernde kalr.
Ther fowers on green leaves stay on the plants for a long tme.
Lavandula lanata
Akdenzn tpk aromatk allarndandr. Trlerne gre dek renk ve
tonlarda baakcklar oluturur. Toprak seene yoktur. Youn kullanmlar-
da etkldr.
Typcal Medterranean, aromatc shrubs. They create spekelets n dferent
colors and tones dependng on ther varetes and do not have a specal
preference of sol. They are efectve n ntensve usage.
Gr yapraklar, mor renkl baak eklndek ekler le en ok blnen lavanta
The most well-known lavender speces wth ther gray leaves and purple,
ear-shaped fowers.
Lavandula ofcnals
Blnen en esk lavanta tr olup kozmetk ve la sanaynde kullanlmakta-
dr. Kompakt formlu ve gr-yel yaprakldr.
The known oldest lavender speces and they are used n cosmetcs and pharmaceutcal
ndustry. They are compact-shaped and have gray-green leaves.
Lavandula stoechas
Lavandula stoechas
Lavandula ofcnals
Lavandula pnnata
Lavandula lanata

. .
. .
Lavandula .
0,80 - 1 m 0,80 - 1 m 9
0,60 - 0,80 m 0,60 - 0,80 m 9
0,80 - 1,20 m 1 - 2 m 7A
0,60 m 0,60 m 9
lkbahar ve sonbahar aylarnda, 60 80 cm uzunluunda boylanan mor ve
beyaz renkl ekler, uzun sre btk zernde kalr. Youn kullanmlarda
Ther purple and whte fowers growng 60 - 80 cm taller durng sprng and autumn
stay long on the plants. They are efectve n ntensve use.
Latrs spcata
Asteracea Compostae
Yaklak 40 tr olan ok yllk btklerdr. ok dayankl btkler olup ekler
arlar n ekcdr.
Perennal plants wth about 40 speces. They are everlastng plants and ther
fowers are attractve for bees.
Her dem yel, 80 tr eren, allar ve aalardan oluan br cnstr. oun-
lukla Avustralya, Gney-Dou Asyadan Yen Zelandaya olan blgedek
yamur ormanlar ve kurak alanlarda doal olarak yaarlar. Aromatk
yapraklar, gzel ve kk ekler n yettrlr. Orta besnce zengn, y
drene edlm topraklarda, tam gne ve yar glge alanlarda y yetr.
Evergreen shrubs and trees wth 80 speces. They mostly lve naturally n the
ranforests and dry lands n the regons rangng from Australa, South-East to
New Zealand. They are grown for ther aromatc leaves, beautful and small
fowers. They grow well n medum-rch, well-draned sols, fully sunny and
half-shade felds.
Her dem yel aromatk yapraklaryla ve beyaz, krmz, pembe gsterl
ekleryle etkldr. Anavatannda yapraklar aromatk ecek olarak
kullanlmaktadr. Budamaya uygundur.
Qute mpressve plants wth ther evergreen, aromatc leaves and whte, red,
pnk and fashy fowers. The leaves are used as aromatc drnk n ther natve
lands. They also respond well to prunng.
Leptospermum scoparum
13 tr bulunan kk su btklerdr. Doal olarak dnyann pek ok blge-
snde bulunurlar. ok kl ortamlar severler.
Small aquatc plants wth 13 speces. They are found naturally n many regons
of the world and enjoy rchly lghted envronments.
Gletlerde ve su bulunan ortamlarda su yzeyn kaplayan, sadece kklery-
le sudan beslenerek yaamna devam eden gezc yel btklerdr.
Green moble plants whch cover water surfaces n ponds and watery felds and
survve by root feedng nsde water.
Lemna mnor
Lemna mnor
Leptospermum scoparum Pnk Queen
Leptospermum scoparum Red Damask
Latrs spcata


. .



. .


60 80
. .
0,30 - 0,40 m 0,80 - 0,90 m 7
1,50 - 2,50 m 2 - 4 m 9
Lbocedrus decurrens Aureovaregata
Lbocedrus decurrens le ayn zellklerde olup, sadece palmet yel yaprak-
larnda belrgn sar lekeler vardr.
They have the same characterstcs as Lbocedrus decurrens and they have
dstnctve yellow spots only on ther palmette green leaves.
Lbocedrus decurrens Aureovaregata (syn. Calocedrus decurrens Aureovaregata)
Koyu yel palmet yaprakl, kokulu, gsterl yapraklar, heybetl durua
sahp al brellerdendr. Sern klmlerde heykelms br formu vardr.
Gvdes tarn kokulu ve kabuklar yalandka gvdeden ayrlarak kzl
lekeler oluturur.
Grafted, monumental, conferous trees wth dark green, palmette, fragrant,
fashy leaves. They have monumental posture n cool clmates. Ther trunks are
cnnamon aromatc and the barks separate from the trunks and create red
spots when they grow old.
Lbocedrus decurrens (syn. Calocedrus decurrens)
Konk, her dem yel brel aa ve allardan oluan 6 tr bulunan br
cnstr. Anavatan Yen Zelanda ve Gney Amerkadr. Her trl dern, neml
fakat y drene edlm topraklar sever.
Conc, evergreen and conferous trees and shrubs wth 6 speces. They are natve
to New Zealand and South Amerca. They enjoy all knds of deep, humd but
well-draned sols.
Avrupa, Kuzey Afrka, Hmalayalar, Gney Bat ve Dou Asya, Avustralya
kkenl her dem yel, yaprak dken, yar her dem yel al ve aalardan
oluan br cnstr. Hzl byyen, budamaya uygun btklerdr.
Evergreen, decduous, half-evergreen shrubs and trees whch are natve to
Europe, North Afrca, the Hmalayas, Southwest and East Asa, Australa. They
grow fast and respond well to prunng.
Lbocedrus decurrens Aureovaregata
6 .
. .

Libocedrus decurrens

. .
Lgustrum japoncum
4 - 6 m 15 - 20 m 7
4 - 6 m 8 - 12 m 7B
Lgustrum texanum
Her dem yel al veya aa formunda, da doru kvrk orta byklktek
yapraklara sahptr. Meyveler olgunlatnda syah renkl salkmlar halndedr.
Evergreen shrubs and trees wth outwardly curved, medum-heght leaves.
When ther fruts become rpen, they stand n black bunches.
Lgustrum japoncum
Lgustrum texanum le ayn zellklere sahp olan bu varyetenn yaprak
reng yel-beyazdr.
The leaves of these varetes havng the same characterstcs as Lgustrum
texanum are green-whte.
Lgustrum texanum 'Varegata'
Lgustrum japoncum le ayn zellklere sahp, yaprak reng altn sar-yeldr.
They have the same characterstc as Lgustrum japoncum and ther leaves are
golden, yellow-green.
Lgustrum japoncum 'Excelsum Superbum'
Der trler arasnda en kk yaprakl trdr. ok youn dall ve yaprakldr.
Btk ekllendrmede ok terch edlr.
The smallest-leafed speces among the other varetes. They are mult-branched
and leafed plants and are largely preferred for plant shapng.
Lgustrum delavayanum (syn. L. onandrum)
Parlak koyu yel gen yapraklaryla der trlerden ayrlan trdr.
Brght, dark green and wde leaves of these speces make them more dstnctve
than the other varetes.
Lgustrum texanum
Lgustrum delavayanum
Lgustrum japoncum 'Excelsum Superbum'
Ligustrum japonicum .

Ligustrum texanum .
Lgustrum texanum 'Varegata'
4 - 6 m 3 - 8 m 8
2 - 3 m 3 - 5 m 8A
3 m 2,50 - 3 m 8B
1,50 - 2 m 2,50 - 4 m 8
1,50 - 2 m 2 - 3 m 8
Lppa ctrodora
Anavatan Gney Amerka ve Kuzey Amerkann scak blgelerdr.
They are natve to hot regons of South Amerca and North Amerca.
4 tr bulunan, anavatan Dou ve Gneybat Asya, Kuzey Amerka,
Mekskann neml ve ormanlk alanlar olan yaprak dken aalardr. Sonba-
har aylarnda yaprak reng ok ekcdr. y drene edlm, ar kuru ve ok
krel topraklar olmad srece farkl topraklarda yaarlar. Orman aalan-
drmas n uygun btklerdr.
Decduous trees wth 4 speces and they are natve to humd regons and the
woodlands of East and Southwest Asa, North Amerca, Mexco. Color of ther
leaves s qute attractve n autumn. They lve n well-draned and dferent sols
provded that they are not extremely dry and calcareous. They are sutable
plants for forestaton.
Aromatk yapraklar olan her dem yel ve yaprak dken allardr. Yapraklar
ay olarak tketleblr.
Evergreen and decduous shrubs wth aromatc leaves. Ther leaves can be
consumed as tea.
Lppa ctrodora
5 - 7 loblu parlak yel yapraklar sonbaharda ald turuncu-sar-erguvan renk
tonlaryla ve mantarms gvde yapsyla olduka dekoratf br grnm
Ther 5-7-lobed brght and green leaves dsplay qute decoratve look wth ther
orange-yellow-purple color tones and suberous trunks.
Lqudambar styracfua
Lqudambar styracfua
Lqudambar styracfua
. .

. .
5 7

1,80 - 2 m 1,20 - 1,80 m 10
6 - 12 m 20 - 25 m 6A
Lrodendron tulpfera
n, Vetnam ve Kuzey Amerka kkenl 2 tr bulunan yaprak dken
aalardr. Bu cnsn de sonbahar aylarndak yaprak renklenmes ok gzel-
dr. Besnce orta zengnlkte, asdk, neml ama y drene edlm topraklar
Decduous trees wth 2 speces and they are natve to Chna, Vetnam and
Northern Amerca. Leaf colorng of these speces durng autumn s also
splendd. They need medum-rch, acdc, humd but well-draned sols.
Yaklak 6 tr olan, her dem yel ve yar her dem yel ok yllk btklerden
oluan bu cnsn anavatan n, Vetnam ve Japonyadr. Haff ve orta derece-
de zengn, terchen astl, neml, y drene olmu topraklar le yar glge ve
tam glge alanlar sterler. Souktan ve kurutan rzgrlardan korunmaldr.
These speces consstng of evergreen and sem-evergreen perennal plants wth
about 6 varetes are natve to Chna, Vetnam and Japan. They need
medum-rch, preferably acdc, humd, well-draned sols and half-shade and
full-shade felds. They must be protected aganst cold and block frost.
4 loblu yapraklar sonbaharda sar renk alr. Laleye benzeyen olduka ho
kokulu ekler ve kabuksuz gvdes le yaprak dken br trdr.
4-lobed leaves of these trees turn to yellow n autumn. Decduous trees whch
look lke tulp wth ther fragrant fowers and unshelled trunks.
Lrodendron tulpfera
Da kvrk, ak yel renkte sarkk ertler halnde yapraklar vardr. Sonba-
harda olgunlaan koyu mor renkl eklernden sonra, kk toplar halnde
syahms mor meyveler oluur.
These plants have outwardly curved, lght green and pendulous-strpe leaves.
After ther dark purple fowers become rpen, blacksh purple fruts n small
round shapes emerge.
Lrope muscar
Lrodendron tulpfera
Lrope muscar
Lrope muscar

25 - 35 m 15 - 20 m 6A


0,30 m 0,45 m 7

Krem-beyaz alacal yapraklar olup der zellkler Lrope muscar le
They have creamy-whte varegated leaves and the other features are smlar to
Lrope muscars.
Lrope muscar 'Varegata'
Arecaceae - Palmae
28 trden oluan tek gvdel palmyelerdr. Avustralya ve Asyann lk
blgeler anavatandr. Besnce zengn, neml fakat y drene edlm toprak-
lar sterler.
Sngle-trunk palm trees consstng of 28 speces. They are natve to warm
regons of Australa and Asa and need rch, humd but well-draned sols.
Campanulaceae - Lobelaceae
Dnyann lman blgelerne yaylan, 350 400 kadar tr bulunan ok yllk
ve tek yllk btklerdr.
Perennal and annual plants whch have spread to warm regons of the world
wth about 350-400 speces.
ok parlak dekoratf yapraklara sahp ve haff dkenldr. Kuzey blgelernde
mekn, gney blgelernde se d mekn ss btks olarak kullanlan gsterl
palmyelerdr. -7 C soua dayanr.
They have brght, decoratve leaves are slghtly thorny. Flashy palm trees whch
are used as ndoor ornamental plants n northern regons and outdoor
ornamental plants n southern regons. They are resstant to -7 C cold.
Lvstona chnenss
40 60 cm boylanan, mor, krmz, mav renkl baaklara sahptr. Youn
kullanmlar etkleycdr.
They may grow 40-60 taller and have purple, red and blue ears. Intensve usage
of these plants s mpressve.
Lobela spcata
Lrope muscar 'Varegata'
Yaklak 150 trden oluur. Bu cnste tek yllk, ksa mrl ok yllklar ve
yaprak dken, her dem yel veya yar her dem yel btkler bulunur.
They consst of about 150 speces whch nclude short-lved perennal and
decduous, evergreen and sem-evergreen plants.
Lobela spcata
Lotus bertolett
0,30 m 0,45 m 7
Liriope muscari . .
10 - 12 m 3 - 5 m 10

- 7 .
1 - 1,20 m 0,30 - 0,50 m 7
350 - 400
40 - 60 .
Lvstona chnenss
12 tr bulunan, anavatan Avustralyann ak ormanlar olan palmyelerdr.
Palm trees wth 12 speces and they are natve to open forests of Australa.
Grms yel renkte yapraklar vardr. Mays Hazran aylarnda aan
sarturuncukrmz renkl ekleryle gzel sarkc ve yer rtc btklerdr.
Dk scaklklara duyarldr.
They have graysh- green leaves and are pendulous and groundcover plants
wth yellow-orange flowers emergng durng May and June. These plants are
senstve to low temperatures.
Lotus bertolett
Stun eklndek gvdes 3 kadar boylanablen, koyu yel yapraklar
bulunan dekoratf br palmyedr. Besnce zayf topraklardan zengn topraklara
kadar her trl, fakat y drene edlm topraklarda yaar. Cycas alesnden olup,
tarh nces dnozorlar dnemnden (240 mlyon yl ncesnden) kalan antsal
btklerdendr. Dnyada dolam Ctes Kanunlaryla mmkndr. 0 Cnn
stndek scaklklarda karakterstk zelln devam ettrr.
Decoratve palm trees wth dark green leaves and column-shaped trunk whch
can grow tall up to 3 m. They lve n all knds of (but well-draned) sols rangng
from poor sols to rch ones. They belong to Cycas famly and are monumental
plants datng back to prehstorc dnosaur era (up to 240 mllon years before).
Crculaton of these palms trees are subject to Ctes Law. They mantan ther
characterstc qualtes over the temperatures of 0 C.
Macrozama moore
Macrozama moore
Macrozama moore Macrozama moore
0,20 - 0,30 m 10

. .
7 - 9 m 4 - 6 m 10
12 .

Cycas 240
Magnola grandfora 'Gallsonenss'
Maysta balayarak Aralk ayna kadar devam eden kokulu ekler en
neml zelldr. Bu nedenle kullanm yaygnlamaktadr. Yapraklar orta
boy byklkte olup altlar kahverengdr.
Ther fragrant fowers survvng from May to December are the most mportant
features of these plants. Therefore, they are becomng wdespread. Ther leaves
are medum-heght and the underneath s brown.
Magnola grandfora 'Golath' (syn. M. grandfora Praecox)
Maysta balayarak Austos sonuna kadar r ve ho kokulu beyaz ekler
gsterldr. Yapraklar byk olup altlar kahverengdr.
Ther huge and fragrant, whte fowers are fashy from May to the end of
August. Ther leaves are large and the underneath s brown.
Magnola grandfora 'Gallsonenss'
1700l yllarn sonlarnda Fransa kylarnda botank Magnol tarafndan
bulunup Napolyonun korumasnda bytld. lk trler Amerkaya
gtrlm ve oradak botankler tarafndan slah edlm ve tm
Avrupaya yaylmtr. Ho kokulu, krem renkl r ekleryle, her dem yel
ve yaprak dken aa ve allardr. Drenajl ve besn deer yksek topraklar-
dan holanr. Yaprak dken trler le brlkte 100e yakn melez ed vardr.
Magnola grandfora tohumunun mlenmesyle elde edlen fdeye alanan
Gallsonenss ve Golath en neml etlerdr. Btn kltr Manolyalarnn
en byk zell, genlk budamalarnn uzman bahvanlar tarafndan,
erken lkbaharda zenle yaplmasdr. Bu lemler yaplmazsa Manolyalar
doal formuna ger dner, yaprak ve ek formlar grsellkten uzaklar.
These plants were dscovered by the botanst Magnol at French seasde at the
end of 1700s and then grown under the protecton of Napoleon. Frst speces
were taken to Amerca and mproved by the botansts and spread to entre
Europe. Evergreen and decduous trees and shrubs wth fragrant, creamy and
huge fowers. They enjoy draned and rch sols. They have about 100 hybrd
varetes along wth ther decduous speces. Gallsonenss and Golath grafted
on seedlng through germnaton of Magnola grandfora are the most mpor-
tant varetes. The most mportant characterstc of cultvated Magnolas s that
they are carefully pruned n ther youth by expert gardeners n early sprng. If
these are not done, Magnolas return to ther natural forms and leaf and fower
forms move away from vsualty.
Magnola grandfora 'Gallsonenss'
15 - 20 m 8 - 12 m 8A
Magnol 1700

100 magnolia grandiflora
Gallisoniensis Goliath

15 - 20 m 8 - 12 m 8A


Magnola grandfora 'Gallsonenss'
Magnola x soulangeana
Magnola Galaxy & Magnola kobus Magnola grandfora 'Gallsonenss'
Magnola grandfora 'Gallsonenss'
Magnola kobus
Magnola x soulangeana
Soua en dayankl, yaprak dken varyetelerdendr. Magnola x
soulangeanann eklenmesnden daha sonra, kadeh eklnde efatun
renkl ekler aar. Yaz aylarnda yenden eklenr.
The most cold-resstant, decduous varetes. After bloomng of Magnola x
soulangeana, they come nto cup-shaped, purple fowers and they bloom once
agan durng summer.
Magnola obovata 'Purpurea'
Yaprak dken manolya trlernden olup, yldz eklnde, saf beyaz renkl, ok
sayda kokulu ekler vardr. Kompakt formludur.
Decduous Magnola speces and they have star-shaped, pure whte, numerous
fragrant fowers. They are found n compact form.
Magnola stellata
Hbrd br varyetedr. Oval, uzun ve svr yapraklarndan nce, krem, d
mor-pembe, byk lale formunda ekler aar.
Hybrd varetes. They come nto tulp-shaped fowers wth creamy nner part
and purple-pnk outer part before ther oval long and ponted leaves emerge.
Magnola x soulangeana
Hzl byyen ve yol aac olmaya yatkn, yaprak dken br manolya
trdr. Drenajl topraklar sever. Manolyalar arasnda en doal grnml
olandr. Gruplar halnde caddeler ve meydanlarda byk etk yaratr.
ekler gen, beyaz ve krem renkldr.
Fast-growng and decduous Magnola varetes whch tend to be used as road
trees. They enjoy draned sols and are the most natural-lookng varetes
among Magnolas. They create great efect on the streets and squares n
groups. Ther leaves are wde, whte and creamy.
Magnola kobus
Magnola x soulangeana
Magnola kobus
5 - 6 m 5 - 6 m 6A
8 - 10 m 4 - 8 m 6A

2 - 5 m 2 - 5 m 5B
magnolia x
soulangeana .
2 - 5 m 2 - 4 m 6A

Magnola stellata
Magnola x soulangeana 'Lenne'
r, koyu yel yaprakldr. D mor, beyaz, byk r ekler erken
lkbahardan sonra, yazn da brka kez tekrarlanarak devam eder.
They have huge and dark green leaves. Ther bg fowers the purple outer parts
and nner whte parts emerge after early sprng and several tmes n summer.
Magnola x soulangeana 'Lenne'
Yaklak 5 tr bulunan bu cnsn anavatan Gneydou Asya, Kuzey Avust-
ralya, Hndstan ve ne kadar olan blgedr. Yaprak dken ve yar her dem
yel al ve aalardr.
They are natve to the regons extendng along Southeast Asa, North Australa,
Chna and Inda wth about 5 speces. Decduous and sem-evergreen shrubs
and trees.
Gramneae - Poaceae
Kmeler halnde byyen ok yllk btklerdr. Besnce orta zengnlkte,
drenajl topraklarda y yetr.
Perennal plants growng n groups and they grow well n moderately fertle,
draned sols.
Yaprak dken aalardr. Uzun sre kalan dekoratf meyveler ve yldz
bml ekler vardr. y drene olduu srece toprak secl yoktur.
Souktan ve kuvvetl rzgrlardan korunmaldr.
Decduous trees. They have long-lastng decoratve fruts and star-shaped
fowers. They have no specal preference of sol provded that such sols are
well-draned. They must be protected from cold and strong wnds.
Mela azedarach
Mela azedarach
Mela azedarach
Melnus nervglums 'Pnk Savannah'
5 - 6 m 5 - 6 m 6B

8 - 15 m 4 - 8 m 8


Gney Amerka kkenl olup dnya sakz sanaynde ve alkoll kokteyllerde,
et yemeklernde yaygn olarak kullanlr. ok keskn kokuya sahptr. Yaprak-
lar desenl ovaldr.
South Amercan-orgn plants whch are commonly used n the world gum
ndustry, alcoholc cocktals and meat dshes. They have sharp fragrance and
ther leaves are patterned and oval-shaped.
Mentha spcata
Mav renkl bekler halndek yapraklarn zernde ykselen 40 60 cm
uzunluunda, pembe bronz renkl baaklaryla ho br grnm sergler.
They dsplay beautful appearance wth ther 40-60 cm tall, pnk- bronze ears
rsng on ther leaves n blue groups.
Melnus nervglums 'Savannah'
25 tr bulunan bu cnste ok yllk, nadren tek yllk aramotk btkler vardr.
Avrupa, Afrka ve Asyada ounlukla s sularda ve slak, neml topraklarda
doal olarak yaarlar.
These varetes wth 25 speces nclude perennal, rarely annual aromatc plants.
They lve naturally n mostly shallow waters and wet, humd sols.
Haff bordo damarlara sahptr. Keskn kokuludur.
They have slghtly purple streaks and are the plants wth sharp fragrance.
Mentha aquatca
Neml ve kurak topraklara dayankl, r yaprakldr.
They are resstant to humd and dry sols wth ther huge leaves.
Mentha longfola
nce uzun, koyu yel yapraklara sahp kokulu br trdr.
Fragrant varetes havng thn, tall, dark green leaves.
Mentha pperta
ok keskn kokuya sahp, stolonlaryla hzl byyen br btkdr. Yel yaprak-
lar sar lekeldr. Tatl ve alkoll k sanaynde, sslemede ve aroma olarak
Havng extremely sharp fragrance, these plants wth ther stolons grow fast and
have yellow spots on ther leaves. They are used n sweet and alcoholc drnk
ndustry, ornamentaton and as aroma.
Mentha spansh 'Varegata'
Melnus nervglums 'Savannah'
Mentha spansh 'Varegata'
0,60 - 0,80 m 0,60 - 0,80 m 10
40 - 60

0,15 - 0,90 m 0,80 - 1 m 7
0,80 - 1 m 0,80 - 1 m 7
0,80 - 1 m 0,40 - 0,50 m 7
0,40 - 0,50 m 7

0,40 - 0,50 m 7

Mentha spcata
Mentha aquatca
Metrosderos excelsus 'Aureus'
Metrosderos excelsus le ayn zellklere sahp, yapraklar sar alacaldr.
They have the same characterstcs as Metrosderos excelsus and ther leaves
are yellow varegated.
Metrosderos excelsus 'Aureus'
Her dem yel br aldr. Mays Hazran aylarnda aan gsterl ekler,
parlak krmz renkte ve fra eklndedr. Verml ve y drene edlm toprak-
lar ster.
Evergreen shrubs. Ther fashy trees emergng durng June are brght red and
brush-shaped. They need fertle and well-draned sols.
Metrosderos excelsus
Yaklak 50 tr vardr. Anavatan Gney Afrkadan Malezyaya kadar olan
blge, Avustralasya ve Pasfk Adalardr. Humusa zengn, orta vermllkte,
neml fakat y drene edlm topraklarda y yetr. Souktan ve kurutucu
rzgrlardan korunmaldr.
They have about 50 speces and are natve to the regons from South Afrca to
Malaysa, Australasa and Pacfc Islands. These plants grow well n rchly
humc, medum fertle, humd but well-draned sols and must be protected
from cold and dryng wnds.
Gramneae - Poaceae
Afrkadan Dou Asyaya kadar olan blgelerde doal olarak bulunurlar. 17
20 arasnda tr vardr. ok ekc olan ek balar yaz sonu ve sonbahar-
da oluur. Tam gnel alanlar, verml, neml fakat y drene edlm toprak-
lar terch ederler. Bahelerde doal br grnm yaratan Mscanthuslar, su
kenarlarnda da kullanlrlar.
They are found naturally n the regons from Afrca and East Asa and nclude
17-20 speces. Extremely attractve fower spkes of these plants emerge at the
end of summer and n autumn. They prefer completely sunny felds, fertle,
humd but well-draned sols. Mscanthus plants whch create natural vew n
gardens are used at the margns of waters.
Metrosderos excelsus 'Aureus'
3 - 5 m 3 - 5 m 10

3 - 5 m 3 - 5 m 10
Metrosideros excelsus .
17 - 20

Mscanthus snenss
Mscanthus snenss
Mscanthus snenss 'Zebrnus Leopard'
Gevek, ok kardeleneblen, pembe gvdel, orta boylu sarkk byk
ekler olan br Mscanthus varyetesdr.
Mscanthus varety havng loose, mult-tllered, pnk trunk, medum heght
pendulous and bg fowers.
Mscanthus snenss 'Flamngo'
Krem renge hkm, nce yel zglere sahp orta boylu br varyetedr.
ekler kn ortalarna kadar devam eder.
Domnantly cream colored medum heght varety wth thn green strpes. Ther
fowers survve untl mdwnter.
Mscanthus snenss 'Mornng Lght'
Soluk yel renkl bantlar olan krems beyaz yapraklar vardr. Canl krmz
renkte baaklar vardr.
They have creamy whte leaves wth pale green bands and these speces have
brght red ears.
Mscanthus snenss 'Varegatus'
Yel, dzensz aralklarla, sar lekel yapraklara ve bakr renkl eklere
They have yellow spotted leaves n green rregular dstances and copper colored
Mscanthus snenss 'Zebrnus'
Yel dzensz aralklarla koyu sar lekel yapraklara ve bakr renkl eklere
sahp orta boylu varyetedr.
They have dark yellow spotted leaves n green rregular dstances and copper
colored medum-heght fowers.
Mscanthus snenss 'Zebrnus Gold Bar'
Mscanthus snenss 'Mornng Lght'
Mscanthus snenss 'Varegatus'
Mscanthus snenss 'Zebrnus'
1,80 - 2 m 0,60 - 0,80 m 7

1,20 - 1,50 m 0,60 - 0,80 m 7

1,80 - 2 m 0,60 - 0,80 m 10
1,20 - 1,50 m 0,60 - 0,80 m 10
1,20 - 1,50 m 0,60 - 0,80 m 9
Mscanthus snenss 'Varegatus'
Mscanthus snenss 'Zebrnus Gold Bar'
Ak yel, dzensz aralklarla, koyu sar lekel, sarkc yapraklara ve bakr
renkl eklere sahp boylanan br varyetedr.
They have dark yellow spotted pendulous leaves n lght green rregular dstan-
ces and copper colored fowers and are the varetes whch can grow taller.
Mscanthus snenss 'Zebrnus Leopard'
Orta boy bambular kadar boylanablen, ok kardelenen, r ve gen, kenar-
lar beyaz yel yaprakl btklerdr. Erken aan ekler daha rdr.
Mult-tllered, huge and wde plants wth the leaves havng whte and green
edges. These plants can grow as tall as medum heght bamboo trees.
Mscanthus snenss var condensatus 'Cosmopoltan
Gramneae - Poaceae
2 tr bulunan, Avrupa le Kuzey ve Gneybat Asyann neml bataklklarn-
da doal olarak yaayan ok yllk btklerdr.
Perennal plants whch can lve naturally n wet marshlands of Europe and
North and Southwest Asa. These plants have 2 speces.
nce uzun, koyu yel yapraklara sahp, Temmuz Eyll arasnda pembe
renkl baaklar kararak bahelerde hareket salayan btklerdr.
Plants wth thn and tall, dark green leaves and ther pnk ears emerge between
July and September and they create moblty n gardens.
Molna caerulea
Afrka, Asya, Kuzey ve Gney Amerka anavatandr. Kalp bml, oval, r
parlak yapraklaryla tm topraklarda ve klmlerde yaayablen, meyvel ya
da meyvesz, yaprak dken al ve aalardr.
They are natve to Asa, North and South Amerca. They are frutful or frutless,
decduous shrubs and trees whch can lve n all knds of sols and clmates wth
ther oval-shaped, huge and brght leaves.
Mscanthus snenss 'Zebrnus Leopard'
Morus platanfola
Morus platanfola
1,25 - 1,50 m 0,60 - 0,80 m 9
1,75 - 2 m 1,25 - 1,50 m 9
1 - 1,20 m 0,40 m 7


Tohumdan kan yaban dutun zerne alanarak sarkk form elde edlen
ok az meyvel varyetedr. Her yl genlk budamas ster. Budama yapldka
yapsal br grnm kazanr.
The least frutful varetes, pendulous form of whch can be acqured through
graftng on wld mulberry emergng from seed. They need prunng n ther
youth every year. When they are pruned, these plants turn nto structural
Morus alba 'Pendula'
Morus alba gvdesne alama le retlen, yaprak dken aalardr. 25 30
cm genlnde ve uzunluunda, loblu, koyu zmrt yel renkl yaprak-
lara sahp mkemmel br glge btksdr. Hzl byrler ve toprak secl
yoktur. Kp, kare, emsye gb formlara da ok yatkndr. Son yllarda
kullanm hzla yaylmaktadr.
Decduous trees whch are produced through graftng on the trunk of Morus
alba. They are perfectly shade plants wth ther 25-30 cm wde and tall, 3-lobed,
dark emerald green leaves. These trees grow fast and do not have any preferen-
ce of sol and are extremely nclned to acqure forms such as cube, square and
umbrella. They have begun to be commonly used n recent years as well.
Morus platanfola (syn. M. bombycs & M. kagayamae)
Gramneae - Poaceae
160 tr bulunan, tek yllk ve her dem yel ok yllk, kmeler halnde
byyen btklerdr. Anavatan Kuzey, Orta ve Gney Amerka le Orta ve
Dou Asyadr.
Annual and evergreen perennal plants whch grow n groups, and have 160
speces. They are natve to North, Central and South Amerca, Central and East
Morus alba 'Pendula'
Morus platanfola
Muhlenberga capllars
3 - 5 m 3 - 3,50 m 5

6 - 8 m 4 - 6 m 7
Morus alba
25 - 30

Her dem yel, gm mav renklernde ve 80 100 cm boylarndadr.
Kardelenerek sonbahara kadar oalr. Bahelerde der eklern az
olduu Ekm - Kasm aylarnda, ak pembeden koyu pembeye kadar farkl
renkler sergleyerek renk patlamas olutururlar. Toprak secl yoktur.
Evergreen, slvery blue and 80-100 cm tall plants. They multply by tllerng untl
autumn. They create color burst by dsplayng dferent colors rangng from
lght pnk to dark pnk durng October-November n whch other fowers are
rare n gardens. They do not have any preference of sol.
Muhlenberga capllars
Murraya panculata
4-5 tr olan her dem yel, aromatk yaprakl, kk yuvarlak aalar ve
allardan oluan br cnstr. Anavatan Gney Dou Asya, Hndstandan
ne kadar olan blge ve Pasfk Adalardr.
Evergreen, aromatc-leafed small and round trees and shrubs havng 4-5
speces. They are natve to Southeast Asa, the regons from Inda to Chna and
Pacfc Islands.
Anavatan Hndstann tropk blgelerdr. 40 tr bulunan, her dem yel,
meyves n de yettrlen tropk btklerdr. Baz varyeteler 0 Cnn altnda-
k scaklklara kadar dayankl se de tm zellklern art derecelerde ve
rzgrsz ortamlarda gsterr.
They are natve to tropcal regons of Inda. Evergreen plants wth 40 speces
and they are grown for ther fruts too. Even though certan varetes of these
plants are resstant to the temperatures below 0 C, they dsplay all ther charac-
terstcs n the temperatures over 0 C and non-wndy condtons.
Mekska Lmon als olarak blnr. Koyu yel yapraklara sahp mnk beyaz
krem ekleryle lmon kokusunu andrr. Meyveler olgunlatklarnda
krmz renkldr ve yenleblr.
It s known as Mexcan lemonade bush. They remnd lemonade fragrance wth
tny, whte- creamy fowers havng dark green leaves. When the fruts become
rpen, they are red and edble.
Murraya panculata
Musa paradse
0,60 - 1 m 0,80 - 1 m 9
80 - 100

4 - 5
5 - 10 m 4 - 6 m 10


Murraya panculata
Gney blgelernde meyve plantasyonlarnda kullannn yannda peyzaj
sektrnde de youn kullanm alan bulmutur. Bol karde vererek gruplar
oluturur. Rzgrsz ortamlarda tropk br grnt salar.
In addton to beng used n frut plantatons n Southern regons, they are also
commonly used n landscapng applcatons. They create groups by tllerng
and dsplay tropcal appearance n non-wndy condtons.
Musa paradse
Genellkle ok gvdel olan bu varyetenn yapraklar zernde krmz ertler
vardr. Yaprak altlar tamamen bordo renkldr. Akdenz havzasnda rahatlk-
la d meknda yeteblr. Yel muz beklernde renk salayc varyete
olarak kullanlr.
The leaves of these generally mult-trunk varetes have red strpes. The under-
neath of the leaves s completely claret red. They can easly grow n outdoor
condtons n Medterranean basn and are used for formng color n green
banana groups.
Musa ensete 'Maurell'
Koyu yel, gen, gsterl yapraklara sahp ok yllk btklerdr. Bodur, kaln
gvdel, az kardel br meyve ve ss btksdr. Ana gvde yl sonunda
meyve verdkten sonra lr ve yavrular hayata devam eder.
Perennal plants havng dark green, wde and fashy leaves. They are short,
thck-trunked ornamental plants wth fewer sblngs and they are also grown
for ther fruts. Man trunk des after bearng frut and the young ones contnue
Musa cavendsh
Pembe, krem ve beyaz ekler olan her dem yel allardr. Mene Akdenz
havzasdr. Parlak yapraklar kokuludur. eklenme dnemnden sonra,
mor renkten syah renge deen meyveler oluur. Bu meyveler tatl
yapmnda kullanlabld gb taze olarak da tketleblr. Kurakla ve
budamaya dayankldr.
Evergreen shrubs wth ther pnk, creamy and whte fowers. They have been
orgnated from Medterranean basn and ther brght leaves are fragrant. The
fruts of these plants turnng to black from purple emerge after bloomng. These
fruts can be consumed raw as well as for makng desserts. They are resstant to
drought and prunng.
Koyu yel yapraklar ve sk dokusuyla gzel br aldr. Denz kylar n
dayankl btklerdr.
Beautful shrubs wth ther dark green leaves and dense textures. They are
long-lastng plants for sea-coasts.
Myrtus communs
Musa paradse
Musa ensete 'Maurell'
Musa cavendsh
Myrtus communs 'Tarentna'
6 m 5 m 9

4 - 6 m 3 - 5 m 10

4 - 6 m 2 -3 m 10


2 - 4 m 1 - 2 m 8B
Her dem yel veya yar her dem yel allardan oluan tek trl cnstr.
Anavatan Hndstan, n ve Japonyann dalk vadlerdr.
Evergreen or sem-evergreen shrubs wth a sngle varety. They are natve to
mountanous valleys of Inda, Chna and Japan.
Fas kkenl olup doal top eklndedr. Fazla budanmasna gerek yoktur.
bekler ve bordr kenarlarnda t oluturmak n uygundur.
Natural top-shaped and Moroccan orgn plants whch do not need excessve
prunng. They are sutable for makng hedges n groups and at the margns of
Myrtus communs 'Tarentna'
Myrtus communs 'Tarentna' le ayn zellkler tamas yannda, yapraklar
sar yel alacaldr.
In addton to havng the same characterstcs as Myrtus communs 'Tarentna',
ther leaves are yellow, green varegated.
Myrtus communs 'Tarentna Varegata'
Her dem yel, mevsmne gre yelden alev krmzsna kadar renk det-
reblen br aldr. Kardelenme zell vardr. Krel topraklar har, tm
topraklarda yetr. Haff budama le form verleblr. Temmuz ve Austos
aylarnda salkmlar halnde krems beyaz ekler aar. Sonbahardan Marta
kadar ok gsterl meyveler oluturur. Meyveler zm salkm eklndedr.
Sert geen k mevsmlernde korumal yerler ster.
Evergreen shrubs whch can change color rangng from green to blaze red
dependng on the season. These shrubs have the characterstc of producng
sblngs and lve n all knds of except calcareous sols-sols. They can be
shaped by the lght prunng and come nto creamy whte fower n clusters
durng July and August. They produce qute splendd fruts from autumn to
March and these fruts are n grape cluster shape. These shrubs need shelter
durng harsh wnter months.
Nandna domestca
Kompakt byme zellne sahp, ok kardeleneblen br varyetedr. Uuk
sar, yel ve pembeye kadar, yl nde klmsel artlara gre renk detren
bodur br btkdr.
These plants are mult-tllered varetes havng the characterstcs of compact
growth. They are short plants whch turn nto dferent colors up to pale yellow,
green and pnk dependng on the clmatc condtons durng the year.
Nandna domestca 'Frepower'
Myrtus communs 'Tarentna Varegata'
Nandna domestca 'Frepower'
Nandna domestca
Nandna domestca
1,50 - 2,50 m 1 - 1,50 m 8B
1,50 - 2,50 m 1 - 1,50 m 8B
myrtus communis Tarentina .
2 m 1,50 - 1,80 m 8A

0,60 - 0,80 m 0,50 - 0,60 m 8A

Doal yaama alan Asya, Kuzey Avustralya ve Kuzey Amerkann dousu
olan, 2 tre sahp bu cns, ok yllk su btklernden oluur.
Ther natural habtats are Asa, North Australa and the eastern part of North
Amerca and they nclude 2 speces consstng of perennal aquatc plants.
15 tr bulunan, ounlukla Orta ve Gney Amerkann dalk alanlarnda
doal yayl gsteren ok yllk btklerdr. Drenajl ve humusa zengn
topraklarda y yetr.
These are perennal plants wth 15 speces whch have spread naturally and
mostly n mountanous lands of Central and South Amerca. They grow n
draned and rchly humc sols.
Madagaskar kkenl, 14 tr bulunan gen gvdel palmyelerdr.
They are Madagascar orgn palm trees wth trangle trunks and have 14
Uzun saplara bal, ok gen, koyu yel-mav, gsterl yapraklar nden,
beyaz, krem, pembe, krmz renklernde, r gsterl ekler oluturur.
They form whte, creamy, pnk, red, huge and fashy fowers through too large,
dark green-blue, fashy leaves connected to long stems.
Nelumbo nucfera
Mav-kahvereng gen gvdel, uzun karlkl dzlm yay yapraklara sahp,
son dnemlern popler palmyelernden brdr.
It s one of the recent popular palm trees wth blue-brown trangle trunk and
long, sprng leaves algned up opposte each other.
Neodypss decary
Neodypss decary
Neomarca northana

1 - 1,50 m 1 - 1,20 m 10

14 .
6 m 4 - 4,50 m 9
Nandna domestca 'Frepower'
Nelumbo nucfera
Yen br trdr. Yryen rs (Irs gracls) olarak blnmektedr. nceler sarkk
formda olan dallar, toprakla bulumasyla kklenr ve bu eklde oalr.
Mav tonun zernde beyaz ve kahvereng beneklerle adeta br orkdey
New genus whch s known as walkng rs (Irs gracls). Prevously pendulous
branches take root and multply n ths way. It remnds orchd wth whte and
brown spots on blue tone.
Neomarca northana
Her dem yel allar ya da aalardr. Akdenzden ne kadar olan blgeler-
dek ky alanlarda doal olarak yayl gsterr. Besn deernce fakr olan
topraklarda yaayablmesne ramen verml topraklarda daha gzel br
gelme gsterr.
Evergreen shrubs and trees whch spread naturally n coastal regons from
Medterranean to Chna. Although they are capable of lvng n poor sols, they
grow better n fertle sols.
Tpk Akdenz btk rtsdr. Uzun, zarf, parlak yel yaprakl al ya da aa
formundadr. Donlara dayankl, tam gnel ortamlardan holanan, dern
budamay seven btklerdr. Alama tekn le ayn aa zernden etl
renkler elde etmek mmkndr. ok sayda varyetes ve 50ye yakn reng
vardr. ehr krllne dayankl olup toprak secl yoktur. Bakm kolay
br btkdr. Gney Avrupada ve lkemzde yol aac eklnde kullanlan
formlar etkleycdr.
They are typcal Medterranean vegetaton and are n the form of long, elegant,
brght green-leafed shrubs or trees. These plants are frost-resstant; enjoy fully
sunny envronment and deep prunng. It s possble to acqure dferent colors
through the same tree by graftng. They have numerous varetes and about 50
colors. They are resstant to cty-polluton and have no preference of sol. They
are easy- care plants. Ther forms used along the roads n South Europe and our
country are qute mpressve.
Nerum oleander
0,40 - 0,60 m 0,40 - 0,65 m 10
ris gracilis

2 - 4 m 2 - 4 m 8B

Nerum oleander
Nerum oleander Varegatum
Nerum oleander 'Rosso Nana'
50 tr bulunan, yaprak dken ve her dem yel ok yllk su btklerdr.
Beyaz, krem, sar, pembe, krmz gb ok farkl renklerde gsterl ekler
They are decduous, evergreen and perennal, aquatc plants wth 50 speces.
They have showy fowers n dferent colors such as whte, creamy, yellow, pnk,
and red.
Nerum oleander 'Salmone Nana'
Somon renkl br varyete olup daha kk yaprakl ve bol ekldr.
They are salmon-color varetes wth smaller leaves and plenty of fowers.
Nerum oleander 'Salmone Nana'
1 - 2 m 0,60 - 1 m 8B
ek renkler ate krmzsdr.
Ther fowers are dark red.
Nerum oleander 'Rosso Nana'
1 - 2 m 0,60 - 1 m 8B
Nerum oleander 'Rosso Nana'
Nymphaea alba
Nymphaea 'Denver'
Nymphaea 'Frecrest'
Nymphaea 'Attracton'
Nymphaea 'Perry's Baby Red
Nymphaea 'Gonnore'
20 tr olan her dem yel aa ve allardr. Anavatan Akdenz ve
Afrkadan, Orta Asya ve Avustralasyaya kadar olan blgedr. Dern, verml,
drenaj y topraklar sterler.
They are evergreen trees and shrubs wth 20 speces and natve to the regons
extendng along Medterranean, Afrca, Central Asa and Australa. They need
deep, fertle, well-draned sols.
Zeytngller Olecaeae famlyasndan yaca zengn meyveler ve kutsal oluu
nedenyle yettrlen br aatr. Alanarak geltrlen kltr zeytn, en esk
tarm rnlernden brsdr. M.. 3500de Grtde zeytn yettrlyordu. Esk
Yunanllarda Homeros zamannda vcut ya olarak da deerlyd. M..
600de se Romallarn en neml tarm rnyd. Nuh Peygambern gems-
ne ald aatan br olduu rvayet edlerek semav dnde de kutsal-
dr. Akdenz klmnn hkm olduu ve subtropk blgelerde yal fdanlar
rahata yaar. Anacna Anadoluda delce denr. Zeytn baharn yaza ge
le eklenr ve meyve oluumu balar. Toprak secl yoktur. Akdenz
btk rtsnn en karakterstk btklernden br olan zeytn artk peyzaj
uygulamalarnda da ska kullanlmaktadr. Gnmzde topary sanatna
uygun olduundan antsal duruu le peyzajda gz doldurmaktadr. Kuzey
lkelernde byk sakslarda ehr merkezlernde Akdenz zlemn neml
lde gderr.
It s a tree grown for ts rch fruts n ol and beng sacred belongng to Olecaeae
famly. Cultvated olve through graftng s one of the oldest agrcultural
products. Olve tree had been grown n Crete n 3500 B.C. It had been also
valuable as body ol durng the perod of Homer n Ancent Greek. It was the
most mportant agrcultural product of Romans n 600 A.D. Olve was sacred n
all three abrahamc relgons based on the rumor that olve was one of the three
trees the Prophet Noah took on hs shp. Aged young plants lve easefully n the
regons where Medterranean clmate prevals and n subtropcal regons. Wld
olve trees are called delce n Turkey. Olve comes nto fower just as sprng
turns to summer and frut emergence begns. It does not have any preference of
ol. Olve, whch s known as one of the most characterstc plant of Medterra-
nean vegetaton has now begun to be commonly used n landscapng applca-
tons. As t suts topary art today, t makes a strong mpresson n landscape
owng to ts monumental standng... Its growth n bg pots n bg ctes of
Northern countres s largely a cure to longng for Medterranean vegetaton.
Olea europaea
Olea europaea
Olea europaea
6 - 8 m 4 - 5 m 9

600 .


Convallaraceae - Llaceae
Yaklak 50 tr bulunan her dem yel, ok yllk btklerden oluan br
cnstr. n ve Japonyadak allk ve ormanlklarda doal olarak yaylmtr.
Neml fakat drenajl, az astl, verml ve humusa zengn topraklar sterler.
Genus consstng of evergreen, perennal plants havng about 50 speces. They
have spread naturally n scrublands and woodlands n Chna and Japan. They
need humd but draned, less acdc, fertle and humus-rch sols.
ok bodur byyen, esnek, sarkc, koyu yel yapraklara sahp dayankl br
m trdr. zellkle ek parterlernde ve peyzaj ekllernde belrleyc t
btks olarak kullanlablr. Yar glge ortamlara da dayankldr.
It s a genus of long-lastng grass whch grows squat wth fexble, pendulous,
dark green leaves. It can be used as a characterstc hedge plant n partcularly
fower parterres and landscape fgures. It s resstant to half-shade envron-
Ophopogon japoncus
Koyu bordo, syaha yakn yaprak rengyle zel br btkdr. Krem renkl
eklerden sonra mor renkl tohumlar oluturur.
It s a specal plant wth dark claret red, blacksh leaves. After cream color
fowers, t forms purple seeds.
Ophopogon planscapus 'Ngrescens'
Anavatan Akdenzden Gney Bat Asyaya kadar uzanan blgeler olup 20
tr vardr. Aromatk zell nedenyle la sanaynde kullanlr. Drenajl her
trl toprakta yaar.
They are natve to the regons extendng along Medterranean and South West
Asa and nclude 20 speces and these plants are used n pharmaceutcal
ndustry for ther aromatc characterstcs.
Aromatk yapraklar n yettrlen bu tr, yyecek-ecek sanaynde yaygn
olarak kullanlmaktadr.
Ths genus grown for ts aromatc leaves s commonly used n food-beverage
Organum vulgare
Ophopogon planscapus 'Ngrescens'
Ophopogon planscapus 'Ngrescens'
Ophopogon japoncus
Organum vulgare
0,20 - 0,30 m 0,20 - 0,30 m 7

0,10 - 0,20 m 0,20 - 0,30 m 7

0,30 - 0,90 m 0,30 - 0,90 m 7
Oxals rubra
Yaklak 500 tr bulunan soanl, rzomlu, yumrulu tek yllk ve ok yllk
btklerden oluan br cnstr. Gney Afrka ve Gney Amerka anavatandr.
Genus consstng of bulbous, rhzome, tuber, annual and perennal plants
whch nclude about 500 speces. They are natve to South Afrca and South
9 trden oluan, stun eklnde byyen aa benzer ok yllk kaktslerdr.
A.B.D ve Mekska anavatandr. Drenajl, orta derecede verml topraklarda
They are tree-lke, perennal cactuses whch grow n column shape and nclude
9 speces. They are natve to USA and Mexco and grow n draned, medum-
level fertle sols.
Yapraklarnn merkez kzl kahverengdr.
Central parts of ther leaves are golden brown.
Oxals deppe
Dnyann en byk kakts tr olarak blnr. Yava byyen ve olduka
uzun yaayan br trdr.
They are known as the largest cactus speces of the world and grow slowly and
lve qute long.
Pachycereus prngle
Gramneae - Poaceae
Yaklak 470 tr olan tek yllk ve ok yllk, yaprak dken ve her dem yel
btklerdr. Dnyann tropkal alanlar le Avrupa ve Kuzey Amerkann lman
blgelernden yaylmtr. y drene olmu topraklar ve gnel alanlar
terch ederler.
They are annual and perennal, decduous and evergreen plants whch nclude
about 470 speces. They have spread from tropcal regons of the world and
warm regons of Europe and North Amerca. They prefer well-draned sols and
sunny felds.
Toprak secl olmayan bu tr ayn zamanda kurakla da dayankldr.
Olgunlatnda sarms baak rengyle gz alcdr.
These speces wth no partcular preference of sol are resstant to drought as
well. They are showy wth ther yellowsh ears when they become mature.
Pancum vrgatum 'Heavy Metal'
Oxals deppe
Pachycereus prngle
Pancum vrgatum 'Heavy Metal'
0,15 - 0,20 m 0,15 - 0,20 m 9
. .

12 - 15 m 3 m 10

0,80 - 1 m 0,80 - 1 m 7
400den fazla tr olan, ounlukla her dem yel ve yaprak dken sarlc,
trmanc btklerden oluan btklerdr. Verml, neml, drenajl topraklar
sterler. Tam gnel ve yar glge alanlarda yetrler. Souktan ve kurutucu
rzgrlardan korunmaldrlar.
They are plants mostly consstng of evergreen, decduous, pendulous and
clmbng plants whch nclude speces over 400 and need fertle, humd, draned
sols. They grow n fully sunny and half-shade felds. They must be protected
aganst cold and dryng wnds.
En dayankl passfora trdr. Rzgarsz ortamlarda oluan aromatk
meyveler saknletrc zelle sahptr ve mav-beyaz tonlarndak gster-
l ekler le terch sebebdr.
The most long-lastng passfora speces. Ther aromatc fruts emergng n
non-wndy condtons have soothng efect and they are preferred for ther
blue-whte showy fowers.
Passfora caerulea
Passfora caerulea
Gramneae - Poaceae
Yaklak 120 tr olan, bekler halnde byyen tek yllk ve ok yllk
btklerdr. Dnya genelnde tropk, subtropk ve lman klmlerde doal
olarak yaarlar. Toprak secl yoktur, fakat drenajl toprak sterler.
They are annual and perennal plants growng n groups and nclude about 120
speces. They lve naturally n tropcal, sub-tropcal and warm regons n most
parts of the world and do not have a specal preference for sol but need draned sol.
ok boylanablen, gl gvde ve baaklara sahp, soua dayankl ve yel
dk yaprakl br trdr.
Speces whch can grow excessvely tall and have strong trunks and ears. They
are cold-resstant and have green, uprght leaves.
Pennsetum alopecurodes
Passfora caerulea
Pennsetum setaceum 'Rubrum'
Pennsetum alopecurodes
10 m 8B
- .

0,60 - 0,90 m 0,80 - 1 m 9
Sonbaharda kzaran yaprak ular ve daha ovalms baaklaryla yen br
They are new varetes wth the leaves havng reddenng edges n autumn and
more oval-shaped ears.
Pennsetum messacum 'Red Buttons'
Trnn en yen varyetesdr. Yapraklar pembe-krmzdr.
The newest varetes of ther speces wth pnk-red leaves.
Pennsetum setaceum 'Freworks'
ok gsterl krmz baak ve krmz yapraklara sahp, soua duyarl br
These varetes have extremely showy, red ears and red leaves and are
cold-resstant plants.
Pennsetum setaceum 'Rubrum'
Daha yaylc formda ve pskl eklnde beyaz baakldr.
They are more pendulous and have coma-shaped, whte ears.
Pennsetum vllosum
Bu cnsn, her dem yel al ve aalardan oluan 150 tr bulunmaktadr.
En ok blnen tr Persea amercanadr.
These varetes nclude 150 speces consstng of evergreen shrubs and trees. The
most well-known speces are Persea amercana.
Pennsetum messacum 'Red Buttons'
Pennsetum vllosum
Pennsetum setaceum 'Freworks'
0,60 - 0,80 m 0,40 - 0,60 m 9
0,60 - 0,80 m 0,40 - 0,60 m 9
0,60 - 0,80 m 0,40 - 0,60 m 9
0,80 - 1 m 0,40 - 0,60 m 9
150 persea americana
Persea amercana (syn. Persea gratssma)
Yaklak 50 tr bulunan, sarlc btklerden oluan br cnstr. Anavatan
Genus consstng of pendulous plants whch nclude about 50 speces. They are
natve to Amerca.
Byk, sert, yel-kahvereng kabuklu, armut bml tropk meyveleryle
blnen, her dem yel aalardr.
They are evergreen trees whch are known for ther bg, hard, green-brown
shelled, pear-shaped tropcal fruts.
Persea amercana (syn. Persea gratssma)
Bu sarlc btk; salyangoz eklnde, smbl anmsatan kvrml, olduka
kokulu ve gsterl mor-beyaz eklere sahptr. Neml ve scak hava ste
vardr. Ege, Akdenz ve Yunan Adalarnda ok esk ve kokulu br ek
olduundan olduka poplerdr.
These pendulous plants have snal-shaped, curved lke hyacnth, qute fragrant
and showy purple-whte fowers. They need humd and hot weather condtons
and are qute popular plants snce they are very old and fragrant fowers on
Aegean, Medterranean and Greek slands.
Phaseolus caracalla (syn. Vgna caracalla)
17 tr olan br cnstr. Anavatan Kanarya Adalar, Afrka, Grt le Bat ve
Gney Asyadan Flpnlere kadar olan blgedr. Donlara hassas btklerdr.
Verml, neml, drenajl topraklar severler.
They are natve to the regons extendng along Canary Islands, Afrca, Crete,
West and South Asa and Phlppnes and nclude 17 speces. They are
frost-resstant plants and enjoy fertle, humd, well-draned sols.
ok gsterl, gr yaprakl, gen ta ap oluturablen, haff sarkk formlu
ve gen gvdel btklerdr. Akdenz klmnn uygun olduu blgelerde (-9
Ca kadar), rzgra, tuzlu suya, kurakla dayankl, toprak secl
olmayan palmyelerdendr.
They are slghtly pendulous, showy plants whch have lush leaves, wde trunks
and can form wde petal dameter. They are resstant to wnd (up to -9 C), salty
water, drought n the regons where Medterranean clmate s sutable. These
plants do not have a specal preference for sol.
Phoenx canarenss
Phaseolus caracalla
Phaseolus caracalla
Phoenx dactylfera
10 - 12 m 3 - 5 m 11
- .
50 .
6 - 8 m 10

15 - 20 m 10 10 - 12 m

- 9
Phoenx canarenss zellklernde olup, daha fazla boylanablen, dp
ksmlarndan ve gvdesnden kardelenen palmyelerdendr. Metalk
gm svr yapraklara sahptr. Uygun klmlerde meyve veren ve meyves
yenlen br palmye trdr.
Palm trees whch bear the same characterstcs as Phoenx canarenss, can
grow taller and tller from ther roots and trunks. They have metallc slvery
ponted leaves and are palm speces whch bear frut n sutable clmates and
these fruts are edble.
Phoenx dactylfera
ok zarf ve dekoratf, soua duyarl, nce gvdel, (pygmea) cce palmye-
lerdendr. Cce olmasna karn 8-10 m boylanablr. Akdenz klmnde d
mekn, der klmlerde mekn btks olarak kullanlablr.
They are extremely elegant and decoratve, cold-resstant, thn-trunked and
dwarf (pygmea) palm trees. Although they are dwarf, these trees can grow to
8-10 m. They can be used as outdoor plants n Medterranean clmate but
ndoor plants n other clmates.
Phoenx roebelen
Phoenx canarenss
Phoenx roebelen
20 - 30 m 10 6 - 12 m
Phoenix canariensis
2 - 5 m 11 2 - 4 m

8 - 10
Phormum tenax 'Varegatum'
Her dem yel, ok yllk btklerden oluan, 2 tr bulunan br cnstr. Anava-
tan Yen Zelandadr. Verml, neml, y drene edlm topraklar sterler.
Genus consstng of evergreen, perennal plants whch nclude 2 speces. They
are natve to New Zealand and need fertle, humd, well-draned sols.
Uzun, kl formunda ykselen yapraklarndak gl lfer ok gen br
sanay alannda kullanlmakta olup peyzaj uygulama almalarnda da ok
sk kullanlan br trdr.
Strong fbers on ther leaves erectng long and n sword shape are used n many
ndustres and are also commonly used n landscapng applcatons.
Phormum tenax
Kzl-kahvereng yapraklara sahptr.
They have golden brown leaves.
Phormum tenax 'Atropurpureum'
Yapraklarn ortas yel, kenarlar pembedr.
Mddle parts of the leaves are green and the edges are pnk.
Phormum tenax 'Pnk Panther'
Sar-yel yapraklaryla derler arasnda en yaygn kullanlan varyetedr.
The most commonly used varetes wth ther yellow-green leaves among other
Phormum tenax 'Varegatum'
Phormum tenax
Phormum tenax 'Atropurpureum'
Phormum tenax 'Pnk Panther'

3 m 9 2 m

2 - 2,50 m 9 2 m
- .
0,80 - 1 m 9 0,80 - 1 m
3 m 9 2 m
- .
Photna serrulata 'Red Robn'
Bu cnsn yaprak dken ya da her dem yel al ve aalardan oluan 60 tr
bulunmaktadr. Anavatan Hmalayalardan Dou ve Gney Dou Asyaya
kadar alanlardr. Zengn, neml, fakat y drene edlm topraklar severler.
These varetes nclude 60 speces consstng of decduous or evergreen shrubs
and trees. They are natve to the regons extendng along the Hmalayas, East
and South East Asa and enjoy rch, humd but well-draned sols.
Yaz aylarnda yel, sonbahardan tbaren ate krmzs renge brnen
byleyc yapraklara sahp bodur allardr.
They are squat shrubs havng dazzlng leaves whch turn to green n summer
and deep red as from autumn.
Photna serrulata 'Lttle Red Robn' (syn. P. x fraser 'Nana')
Her dem yel, son yllarda bulvar aac olarak da kullanm yaygnlaan bu
aalar krmz yapraklaryla gz doldururlar.
These evergreen trees whch have become wdespread and begun to be
commonly used along the roads n recent years make a strong mpresson wth
ther red leaves.
Photna serrulata 'Red Robn' (syn. P. x fraser 'Red Robn')
Yaklak 12 tr bulunan, yaprak dken ok yllk btklerden oluan br
cnstr. Kuzey Amerkann dousu anavatandr. Neml ve gnel alanlar,
verml topraklar sterler.
Genus wth about 12 speces consstng of decduous, perennal plants. They are
natve to the eastern part of North Amerca and need humd and sunny felds,
fertle sols.
Photna serrulata 'Lttle Red Robn'
Photna serrulata 'Red Robn'
1,50 - 2 m 6A 1,50 - 2 m

3 - 5 m 6A 3 - 4 m
Physostega vrgnana
Her dem yel, konfer aalardan oluan yaklak 40 tr bulunan br cnstr.
Kuzey Yarmkrenn sern klmlerndek ormanlarda doal olarak bulunur-
lar. Neml, drenajl, her tr dern topraklar sterler.
Genus consstng of evergreen, conferous trees wth 40 speces. They are found
naturally n the woodlands of cool clmates n Northern Hemsphere. They need
humd, draned and all knds of deep sols.
120 tr bulunan her dem yel konfer aa ve allardan oluan br cnstr.
Gnel ve y drene olmu her trl toprakta yetrler.
These are evergreen, conferous trees and shrubs whch nclude 120 speces.
They grow n sunny and well-draned all sols.
Sern klmlerde toprak secl yoktur. Bulut mav renktek yaprak dzl ve
sergled rengyle en gzel brellerdendr.
They do not have a specal preference for sol n cool clmates. They are beautful
conferous trees wth ther order of cloud blue leaves and the color they dsplay.
Pcea pungens 'Hoops'
Alp Dalar orjnl, youn koyu yel, toprak secl olmayan, bodur br
They are densely dark green, squat speces whch fnd ther orgn n the Alps
and do not have a specal preference for sol.
Pnus mugo 'Mughus'
Gm, mav-yel yapraklar le yava byyen, yaprak dkmeyen kozalakl
br varyetedr. Drene edlm y topraklar ve gnel alanlar terch eder.
They are evergreen, conferous trees whch grow slowly wth ther slver,
blue-green leaves and prefer well-draned sols and sunny felds.
Pnus parvfora 'Negsh'
Su kenar peyzajnda kullanlan, lkbahar ve sonbaharda uzun sre btk
zernde kalan beyaz eklere sahp ok yllk btklerdr.
They are perennal plants havng whte fowers whch stay long on the plants
durng sprng and autumn. They are used n waterfront landscapng applcatons.
Physostega vrgnana
Pcea pungens 'Hoops'
Pnus mugo 'Mughus'
Pnus mugo 'Mughus'
1 - 1,20 m 7 0,40 - 0,60 m

konifer 40

12 - 15 m 4 3 - 4 m
120 .
2 - 3 m 4 2 - 4 m

0,50 - 2 m 4 0,50 - 2 m
emsye formlu, Akdenz forasna at, Anadolu ve Grt kkenldr. Karakte-
rstk yapsyla ehr aalandrmalarnda, korular oluturmada ve peyzaj
uygulama almalarnda ska kullanlan btklerdendr. Gl br kk yaps
They are umbrella-shaped plants belongng to Medterranean fora and natve
to Anatola and Crete. These plants wth ther characterstc features are
commonly used for urban reforestaton, formaton of woods and landscapng
applcatons. They have strong root structures.
Pnus pnea
9 tr eren br cnstr. Yaprak dken ve her dem yel aalar ve allardan
oluur. Kuzey Yarmkrenn lman blgelernde doal olarak bulunurlar.
Tam gnel alanlardak y drene edlm topraklar terch ederler.
Genus consstng of 9 speces. They are decduous and evergreen trees and
shrubs. They are found naturally n warm regons of Northern Hemsphere and
prefer well-draned sols n fully sunny felds.
Yapraklar rene kokusu verr. Mart Nsan aylarnda aan krmz-mor
eklernden sonra kk tohumlar oluur. Tohumlar sonbahar aylarnda
olgunlar. Yava byyen bu tr en y gelm alkal topraklarda gsterr. y
drene edlm, haff, kuru ve scak topraklar terch eder.
Ther leaves produce resn scent and seeds emerge after red-purple fowers
emergng durng Aprl. Seeds become rpen durng autumn months. These
slowly-growng speces grow best n alkalne sols and prefer well-draned, lght,
dry and hot sols.
Pstaca terebnthus
Her dem yel bu btknn Nsan Mays aylarnda aan, yelms renkte, fazla
gsterl olmayan ekler vardr. Meyveler olgunlanca syaha dnr.
Btknn gvde ve dallarnn yaral yerlernden akan renesnden sakz elde
edlr. Olduka verml topraklar ster.
These evergreen plants have greensh, less showy fowers emergng durng Aprl
and May. When ther fruts become rpen, they turn to black. Gum s obtaned
from ther resns fowng through the trunks of the plants and the njured parts.
They need qute fertle sols.
Pstaca lentscus
Pnus pnea
Pstaca terebnthus
Pstaca lentscus
Pstaca lentscus
15 - 25 m 7B 6 - 15 m


4 - 6 m 10 2 - 6 m
4 - 6 m 10 3 - 5 m
Bu cnsn br tr vardr. Her dem yel, ok yllk su yzeynde yzen su
btksdr. Tm dnyann tropk ve subtropk blgelernde doal olarak
Ths genus has one speces. It s evergreen, perennal aquatc plant foatng on
the surface of water. It lves naturally n tropcal and subtropcal regons of the
entre world.
Yaklak olarak 200 tr olan genellkle her dem yel al ve aalardan
oluan br cnstr. Budamaya dayankl btkler olup y t btklerndendr.
Denz rzgrlarna dayankldrlar. Verml, neml, drenajl topraklarda y
They are mostly evergreen shrubs and trees whch nclude about 200 speces.
They are prunng-resstant plants and sutable for hedge formaton and
resstant to sea wnds. These plants grow well n fertle, humd, draned sols.
Su zernde yzeblen, yumuak rozet grnml yapraklaryla havuz
peyzajna grsellk kazandran neml btklerdendr.
They are mportant plants whch brng vsualty to pool landscapng wth ther soft
badge-lookng leaves whch are capable of floatng on waters surface.
Psta stratotes
Koyu gr-syah gen dallar oluturur. lkbahar ve yaz sonunda kokulu ekle-
re sahptr. Tuzlu denz suyu rzgrlarna ve ehr krllne dayankl bu
btkler budamaya dayankldr.
They produce dark gray-black young branches and fragrant flowers emerge
towards the end of sprng and summer. These plants whch are resstant to salty
sea water wnds and urban polluton are also resstant to prunng.
Pttosporum tenufolum
Pttosporum tenufolum le ayn zellklere sahp olan bu varyetenn
yapraklar alacaldr.
The leaves of these varetes whch nclude the same characterstcs as Pttospo-
rum tenufolum are varegated.
Pttosporum tenufolum 'Varegatum'
Psta stratotes
Pttosporum tenufolum 'Varegatum'
Pttosporum tenufolum

0,10 - 0,15 m 10
4 - 10 m 2 - 5 m 5B

4 - 10 m 2 - 5 m 5B
Pttosporum tobra
Toprak ve ortam secl olmad n ok yaygn br kullanm alanna
sahp br varyetedr.
As these speces do not have a specal preference for sol and envronment, they
are commonly used.
Pttosporum tobra 'Nana'
Son yllarda yol aac formuna getrlerek de peyzaj uygulama almalarn-
da kullanlr. Der pttosporum trlerne gre daha hzl gelm gsteren,
koyu yel, r ve sert yapraklara sahp br trdr. ok gzel kokulu eklere
These speces have begun to be used along the roads as well as n landscapng
applcatons n recent years. They grow faster than the other pttosporum
speces and have dark green, huge and hard leaves. They have extremely
fragrant fowers.
Pttosporum tobra
Yaprak dken aalardan oluan ve 6 tr eren br cnstr. ounlukla,
Kuzey Amerka ve Mekska vadlernn alt ksmlarnda, br tr de Gney
Dou Asyada doal olarak yayl gsterr. Verml, y drene olmu toprak-
larda y yetrler.
Genus consstng of decduous trees and ncludes 6 speces. They mostly spread
n lower parts of North Amerca and Mexcan valleys and one of the speces
spread naturally n South East Asa. They grow well n fertle, well-draned sols.
ok hzl gelen, grkeml, tac kubbe bml, yapraklar byk polensz,
lkbahar-yaz parlak, sonbaharda sar ve haff kzl, hava krllne drenc
yksek, yol aac ve koruluklar oluturmada kullanlan gvde kabuklar
yalandka ak yel-gr ok gzel desenler oluturan antsal aalardandr.
Fast-growng, splendd and monumental trees whch have dome-shaped
petals, pollen-free bg leaves. These trees are brght durng sprng and summer,
yellow and lght crmson, hghly polluton-resstant and used for roads and
woods. Barks of ther trunks form beautful, lght green-gray patterns as they age.
Platanus occdentals
Anadolu Yarmadasna zg br nar ed olup, yava gelr. Antsal
zell vardr, parklarda ve cadde aalandrmasnda kullanlr.
Sycamore speces whch are specal to Anatolan Pennsula and grow slowly. They
have monumental characterstcs and are used along the roads and n parks.
Platanus orentals
Pttosporum tobra 'Nana'
Pttosporum tobra
Platanus occdentals
2 - 5 m 1,50 - 3 m 8B

0,80 - 1 m 1 - 1,50 m 9
20 - 25 m 15 - 20 m 9

20 - 25 m 15 - 25 m 6B

Platanus x acerfola
Yaklak 15 tre sahptr. Tek yllk ve ok yllk her dem yel allar ve
trmanclardan oluan br cnstr. Dnya zernde lman klmlerden
tropkal alanlara kadar gen br alanda doal olarak yaamaktadrlar. Besn
deernce zengn, y drene edlm topraklarda y yetrler. Budamaya
These plants have about 15 speces. They are annual and perennal, evergreen
shrubs and clmbng speces and lve naturally n wde felds extendng along
warm clmates and tropcal lands n the world. They grow well n rch,
well-draned sols and respond well to prunng.
Anadolu kkenl Platanus occdentals zerne hbrd olan Amerkan kkenl
acerfolann alanmas sonucu elde edlmtr. ok gsterl ve r yaprakl
zel cadde aalar ve peyzaj alanlar n deal antsal hbrd narlardr. Tm
nar etlernn asl dkm yerlerne nakledldkten sonra erken lkbaharda
dkkatl budanmalar hem k grnmler asndan hem de btknn
gelecektek karakterstk yaps asndan nem tar.
They have been obtaned through graftng hybrd Amercan orgn acerfola
on Anatolan orgn platanus occdentals. They are deal, monumental hybrd
plane trees for extremely showy and huge-leafed specal street trees and
landscapng areas. Careful prunng of all plane speces n early sprng after they
are transferred to ther orgnal plantng locatons holds great mportance n
terms of both ther wnter appearance and the characterstc structure of the
plant n the future.
Platanus x acerfola (syn. P. x hspanca)
bek bek mav renkler olan, lman blgelerde uzun sre varln srd-
ren eklere sahp br trdr.
Speces whch have long-lastng fowers n warm regons wth ther blue colors
n groups.
Plumbago capenss (syn. P. aurculata)
Platanus x acerfola
Platanus x acerfola
Plumbago capenss
Plumbago capenss
20 - 25 m 15 - 25 m 6A


2 - 4 m 1 - 2 m 9
Plumbago capenss 'Alba'
13 trden oluan bu cns, ok yllk btklerden oluur. Mekska ve Texasn
ak ormanlarnda ve kumlu alanlarnda yol kenarnda doal olarak bulunurlar.
Genus wth 13 speces conssts of perennal plants. They are found naturally n
open forests and sandy felds of Mexco and Texas and at the roadsdes.
Yaklak 500 tr bulunan bu cns, tek yllk ve her dem yel ok yllk allardan
oluur. Dnyann pek ok yernde doal olarak bulunan bu cnse at trler
renkl ekler n yettrlrler. Besn deernce orta derecede zengn, humus-
a zengn, ok y drene edlm topraklarda, tam gne ya da yar glge
yerlerde yetrler.
Ths genus wth about 500 speces conssts of annual and evergreen, perennal
shrubs. The speces belongng to ths genus found naturally n many parts of the
world are grown for ther colorful fowers. They grow n medum-rch, rchly
humc, well-draned sols and fully sunny or half-shade felds.
Beyaz, ok ho kokulu karlkl dzlm ekler le parfmer sanaynde de
kullanlan soanl br trdr.
Bulbous speces wth ther whte, extremely sweet-scented fowers ordered
opposte each other. These plants are also used n perfumery ndustry.
Polanthes tuberosa
Plumbago capenss zellklerne sahp, ek reng beyaz olan varyetedr.
Havng the characterstcs of Plumbago capenss, ths varety has whte fowers.
Plumbago capenss 'Alba' (syn. P. aurculata 'Alba')
Polanthes tuberosa
Polanthes tuberosa
2 - 4 m 1 - 2 m 9
plumbago capensis .
1 - 1,20 m 0,15 - 0,20 m 10

Polygala myrtfola
Her dem yel, lkbahardan sonbahar sonuna kadar aan mor-lla renkl
ekleryle olduka dekoratf br aldr.
Extremely decoratve and evergreen shrub wth ther purple-llac fowers
emergng from sprng to the end of autumn.
Polygala myrtfola
5 trn bulunduu bu cns ok yllk su kenar btklernden oluur. Kuzey,
Orta ve Gney Amerkann bataklk hendeklernde ve tatl su bataklklarnda
doal olarak bulunurlar. Olduka renkl ekler ve ayn karakterstk yaprak-
lar n yettrlrler. Su bahelernde, gl kylarnda ya da ss havuzlarnn
nde kullanlablrler. Gnel ama korumal alanlarda y gelrler.
Ths genus wth 5 speces conssts of perennal, waterfront plants. They are
found naturally n marshlands and fresh water marshlands. They are grown for
ther qute colorful fowers and the same characterstc leaves and also can be
used n aquatc gardens, at the margns of the lakes or ornamental pools. They
grow well n sunny but sheltered felds.
ek reng beyazdr.
Leaf color of these speces s whte.
Pontedera cordata 'Alba'
Her dem yel, mor-lla rengnde, uzun sre btk zernde kalan eklere
sahp, kompakt formlu br btkdr.
Evergreen, compact-shaped plants havng purple-llac color fowers whch stay
on the plants for long.
Polygala myrtfola 'Bb Pnk'
Sulak alanlarda kolaylkla yetr. Parlak yel renkl lf yapraklar, trne
gre mav renkl ekler le olduka etkldr.
They grow easly n wetlands and are qute mpressve wth ther brght, green-
fbered leaves and blue fowers accordng to ther speces.
Pontedera cordata
Polygala myrtfola
Polygala myrtfola 'Bb Pnk'
Pontedera cordata
0,80 - 1 m 1,20 - 1,50 m 10
0,50 - 0,70 m 0,80 - 1 m 10


0,90 - 1,20 m 0,60 - 0,80 m 7

0,90 - 1,20 m 0,60 - 0,80 m 7
Pontedera cordata 'Alba'
Punca granatum
200den fazla tr vardr. Yaprak dken ya da her dem yel aalar ve
allardr. Doal olarak Kuzey lman blgelerde ve Gney Dou Asyada
bulunurlar. Her trl, neml fakat y drenajl topraklarda, besn deernce
orta zengnlkte topraklarda yetrler.
Genus consstng of speces over 200. They are decduous or evergreen trees and
shrubs. They are found naturally n Northern warm regons and South East Asa
and grow n all knds of, humd but well-draned and medum-rch sols.
Krmz renkl yapraklaryla ve flzlenme dnemnde kzaran gvdesyle gz
dolduran aa ya da aaklardr. lk yapraklaryla brlkte beyaz-pembe
eklern krmz meyveler takp eder.
Showy trees or shrubs wth ther red leaves and reddenng trunks durng germ-
naton. Wth the frst leaves emergng, ther whte-pnk fowers are followed by
ther red fruts.
Prunus cerasfera 'Pssard Ngra'
2 trden oluan yaprak dken allar ya da aalardr. Besn deernce zengn,
y drene olmu topraklarda ve tam gne alan yerlerde yaarlar.
Decduous shrubs and trees consstng of 2 speces. They lve n rch,
well-draned sols and fully sunny felds.
Sonbaharda sarkk kk meyveler bulunur.
They have pendulous small fruts n autumn.
Punca granatum 'Nana'
Mercan krmz renkl ekler, parlak yel yapraklar ve trne gre syah ve
krmz-yel yenleblr meyveler le yaprak dken al ya da aaklardr.
Decduous shrubs or trees wth ther coral color fowers, brght, green leaves and
black and red-green edble fruts.
Punca granatum
Prunus cerasfera 'Pssard Ngra'
Prunus cerasfera 'Pssard Ngra'
Punca granatum 'Nana'

5 - 7 m 3 - 5 m 5A

- .

4 - 6 m 4 - 6 m 8B

0,80 - 1,50 m 0,40 - 0,50 m 9
Punca granatum
Quercus cerrs
Hzl byyen mee olarak blnr. Dk durulu, yaygn olarak konk durulu,
yapraklarn dken, soua dayankl br trdr.
They are known fast-growng oak trees and uprght, commonly conc-shaped,
decduous and cold-resstant speces.
Quercus cerrs
Her dem yel, sk dokulu, dern budamaya dayankl, olgun yapraklar koyu,
gen flzler ak renkldr. Akdenz blgesne zg, denze ve glgeye
dayankl br trdr.
They are evergreen, densely textured, prunng-resstant speces wth dark and
mature leaves and lght color young sprouts. They are natve to Medterranean
and sea and shade-resstant speces.
Quercus lex
Ilman ortamlardan ve drenajl topraklardan holanr. Dk yapl, tac dolgun,
her dem yeldr. Son dnemlerde peyzaj btks olarak kullanm artmtr.
e mantar olarak da kullanlr.
They enjoy warm condtons and draned sols. They have uprght structure, full
petals and are evergreen plants and have also begun to be commonly used as
landscapng plant recently. They can also be used as cork.
Quercus suber
17 trden oluur. Bu cnse at palmyelern boylar trlerne gre olduka
farkllk gsterr. Mnyatr ve ok boylu trler mevcuttur. Madagaskar ve
evresndek adalarn endemk btklerdr.
They consst of 17 speces. Heght of the palms belongng to ths genus dfers
dependng on ther speces. Mnature and extremely tall speces are avalable.
They are endemc plants of Madagascar and the slands around ths regon.
Quercus lex
Quercus suber
Ravenea rvulars
20 - 30 m 10 - 20 m 6A
20 - 25 m 15 - 20 m 8A

15 - 20 m 10 - 15 m 8B

Yaprak dken, yar her dem yel ya da her dem yel aalar ve allardan
oluur. 600 tr bulunan br cnstr. ounlukla Kuzey Yarmkrenn ormanlk
ve allk alanlarndan yaylmlardr.
These plants consst of decduous, sem-evergreen or evergreen trees and
shrubs wth 600 speces. They have mostly spread n the woodlands and bushes
of Northern Hemsphere.
500den fazla tr olan, her dem yel ve yaprak dken aalar ve allardan
oluan bu cnsn btkler ok farkl habtatlarda bulunur. ounlukla kokulu
ve byleyc ekler n yettrlrler. Neml fakat y drene olmu, humusa
zengn, astl topraklarda (deal olarak pH 4,5 - 5,5) yetrler.
The plants of ths genus consstng of evergreen and decduous trees and shrubs
wth ther speces over 500 are found n qute dferent habtats. They are usually
grown for ther fragrant and dazzlng fowers. They grow n humd but
well-draned, rchly humc, acdc sols (deally, 4,5-5,5 pH).
Gney Dou ve Dou Asyadak allklarda doal olarak bulunan her dem
yel allar ve aalardr. ounlukla kylar dl, parlak ve koyu yel
yapraklar le yldz ekll kokulu ekler n yettrlrler. Neml fakat y
drene olmu, besn deernce orta zayfktak topraklarda da yetrler.
Souk ve kurutucu rzgrlardan korunmaldrlar.
Evergreen shrubs and trees whch are found naturally n the bushes of South
East and East Asa. They are usually grown for ther brght and dark green leaves
wth threaded edges and star-shaped, fragrant fowers. These plants grow n
well-draned, medum-rch sols and must be protected aganst cold and dryng
Yaprak dkmeyen, koyu parlak yel yapraklara ve gsterl salkm eklnde
rengrenk eklere sahptr. Astl topraklar, sern ortam ve glge yerler
Evergreen plants whch have dark, brght and green leaves and showy,
crust-shaped colorful fowers. They need acdc sols, cool envronment and
shade felds.
Rhododendron japonca
Yuvarlak formlu, lkbaharda pembe ve beyaz youn ekleryle gsterl
bodur allardr.
Round-shaped, showy and short shrubs wth ther fowers emergng n pnk and
whte colors n sprng.
Rhapholeps ndca 'Sprngtme'
Madagaskar kkenl, gen karlkl dzlm gsterl yapraklara sahp,
lman blgelerde d meknda hzl byyen palmye trdr.
They are Madagascar orgn, fast-growng palm speces n outdoor condtons
n warm regons wth ther wde and showy leaves ordered opposte each other.
Ravenea rvulars
Ravenea rvulars
Rhapholeps ndca 'Sprngtme'
10 - 12 m 1,80 - 2 m 10



1 - 1,20 m 1 - 1,20 m 8B

4.5 - 5.5 .
0,50 - 1,50 m 0,50 - 1,50 m 7

Rhododendron japonca
Rhapholeps ndca 'Sprngtme'
Pembe ekleryle gzel br akasya varyetesdr.
Beautful robna varety wth pnk fowers.
Robna x margaretta 'Casque Rouge'
Bu cnse at btkler; A.B.D.nn ormanlk ve allklarnda bulunan, yaprak dken
bazen dkenl aalar ve allardr. Orta derecede verml, y drene olmu neml
topraklarda yetrler. Fakr ve kurak topraklar da tolere ederler. Krl havaya
dayankl btklerdr.
The plants belongng to ths genus consst of decduous, occasonally thorny
trees and shrubs found n the woodlands and bushes of USA. They grow n
medum fertle, well-draned humd sols and are tolerant of poor and dry sols.
They are resstant to polluted ar.

Yazn yele dnen, lkbaharda canl sar yapraklar olan dk ve dank
formlu aalardr.
They are uprght and straggly trees wth brght, yellow leaves whch turn to
green n summer.
Robna pseudoacaca 'Frsa'
12 - 15 m 4 - 6 m 6A
Robna pseudoacaca zerne al, kresel yapl tac youn ve sk, koyu
yeldr. ok nadr ek aarlar, genellkle glge ve yol ac olarak kullanlrlar.
Sphercal-shaped, dark green plants wth dense and compact petal and grafted
on Robna pseudoacaca. They rarely bloom and are usually used for shade
and roads.
Robna pseudoacaca 'Inerms' (syn. R. pseudoacaca 'Umbraculfera')
5 - 6 m 4 - 5 m 5A
Robinia pseudoacacia
Robna pseudoacaca zerne alanan helezon dallara sahp beyaz kokulu
ekl bodur akasyalardr.
Whte, fragrant and fowered squat robnas wth spral branches grafted on
Robna pseudoacaca.
Robna pseudoacaca 'Twsty Baby' (syn. R. pseudoacaca 'Lace Lady')
3 - 4 m 4 m 6A
Robinia pseudoacacia .
6 - 10 m 5 - 8 m 6A
Robna pseudoacaca 'Inerms'
Robna pseudoacaca 'Frsa'
Robna pseudoacaca 'Twsty Baby'
Robna x margaretta 'Casque Rouge'
Yaklak 150 trden oluan bu cnsn btkler yar her dem yel veya yaprak
dken ok yllk aalar ve trmanclardr. Asya, Avrupa, Kuzey Afrka ve
Kuzey Amerkadak ok etl habtatlarda bulunurlar. Peyzaj uygulamala-
rnda ok farkl amalarla kullanlablen gller tam gnel alanlar terch
eder. Orta derecede verml, humusa zengn, neml fakat drenaj y toprak-
larda gelrler. Budamasna ve gbrelemeye dkkat edlmeldr.
Plants of ths genus consstng of about 150 speces are sem-evergreen or
decduous perennal trees and clmbng plants. They are found n varous
habtats n Asa, Europe, North Afrca and North Amerca. Roses whch can be
used for many purposes n landscapng applcatons prefer fully sunny felds.
They grow n moderately fertle, humus-rch, humd but well-draned sols.
Prunng and fertlzaton should be performed carefully.
2 tr eren bu cns, Akdenzde doal olarak bulunan her dem yel allar-
dan oluur. Aromatk ekler ve yapraklar n yettrlrler. Drenaj y olan,
fakr ve orta vermllktek topraklarda yetrler ve tam gne sterler.
Budamaya dayankl btklerdr.
Ths genus consstng of 2 speces are evergreen shrubs found naturally n
Medterranean. They are grown for ther aromatc fowers and leaves and grow
n well-draned, poor and medum fertle sols and need full sun. They are
resstant to prunng.
Aromatk yapraklaryla, parfmer ve gda sanaynde ska kullanlr. Bahe-
lerde se dk formu le t olarak terch edlrken, aromatk bahelern vazge-
lmez btksdr.
They are commonly used n perfumery and food ndustry for ther aromatc
leaves. They are preferred as hedge for ther erect forms and ndspensable
plants of aromatc gardens.
Rosmarnus ofcnals
Rosa lynda
Rosmarnus ofcnals 'Prostratus'
Rosmarnus ofcnals

1 - 1,50 m 0,80 - 1,50 m 9


Rosmarnus ofcnals 'Prostratus'
6 tr bulunan Ruscus cns her dem yel allardan oluur. Yar glge veya tam
glge alanlarda yetebld gb gnel alanlarda da yetrler.
Ruscus genus wth 6 speces conssts of evergreen shrubs. They grow n sunny
felds as well as half-shade or fully sunny felds.
Rosmarnus ofcnals zellklern tar, fakat ek reng pembems mavdr.
They hold the characterstcs of Rosmarnus ofcnals but the leaf color s
pnksh blue.
Rosmarnus ofcnals 'Corscan Blue'
Aromatk yaprakl, sarkk formlu, susuzlua dayankl, hzl byyen, kaya
bahelernde ve teraslarda sk kullanlan br varyetedr.
Varety wth aromatc leaves, pendulous form. They are drought-resstant,
fast-growng plants whch are commonly used n rock gardens and terraces.
Rosmarnus ofcnals 'Prostratus'
Her dem yel, r ve dkensz yaprakl, koyu krmz renkte meyvelere sahp
allardr. Aa altlar ve glgelerde yel br ge oluturur.
Evergreen shrubs havng huge and thornless leaves and dark red fruts. They
form a green passage under the trees and n the shades.
Ruscus hypoglossum
Rosmarnus ofcnals 'Corscan Blue'
0,30 - 0,50 m 0,60 - 0,80 m 9
Rosmarinus officinalis .
0,30 - 0,50 m 0,60 - 0,80 m 9

Ruscus 6
0,40 - 0,50 m 0,80 - 1 m 8B

Ruscus hypoglossum
Russela equsetforms
Mekska ve Kbadan Kolombyaya uzanan blgelerdek orman kylarnda
bulunan, her dem yel veya yaprak dken allardan oluan bu cnste yaklak
50 tr bulunur. Gsterl, kk boru eklnde, krmz, pembe veya beyaz
renkl ekler vardr. Korumal alanlarda, humusa zengn, drenaj y, orta
vermllktek topraklarda ve tam gnel alanlarda yetrler.
Ths genus consstng of evergreen or decduous shrubs found at the margns of
the forests n the regons extendng along Mexco, Cuba and Colomba has
about 50 speces. They have showy, small ppe-shaped, red, pnk or whte
fowers. They grow n humus-rch, well-draned, moderately fertle sols and
fully sunny and sheltered felds.
Ilman klmlern en gzel btklerndendr. Maystan Eyll sonuna kadar
aan ekler le gz doldurur.
The most beautful plants of warm clmates. They are charmng wth ther
fowers emergng from May to the end of September.
Russela equsetforms
Arecaceae - Palmae
14 trden oluan bu cnse at palmyeler ounlukla Gney A.B.D.den
Gney Amerka ktasnn kuzeyne kadar olan blgelerde ve Karayplerde
doal olarak bulunur. Dernlemesne ayrlm, yelpaze ekll yapraklar
vardr. Dona duyarl btklerdr. Orta vermllktek, neml ama y drene
edlm topraklarda yetrler.
Palm trees belongng to ths genus consstng of 14 speces are found naturally
n the regons extendng along Southern parts of the USA, northern regons of
South Amercan contnent and Carbbean slands. They have deeply separated
and fan-shaped leaves and are frost-resstant plants. They grow n medum
fertle, humd but well-draned sols.
Russela equsetforms

50 . .
1 - 1,50 m 0,80 - 1 m 10

Sabal mnor
ok yava gelen, kk ve dk yapraklara, dayankl gvde ve krem renkl
eklere sahp, sern klmlere dayankl gsterl palmyelerdendr.
Extremely slowly-growng, showy palm trees whch have small and uprght
leaves. They have long-lastng trunks and cream color fowers and are resstant
to cold clmatc condtons.
Sabal mnor
Tm zellkler Sabal mnor le ayn olup yapraklar daha byktr.
All characterstcs of these speces are the same as Sabal mnor but ther leaves
are bgger.
Sabal palmetto
Yaklak 300 tr eren bu cns, yaprak dken aalar ve allardan oluur.
ok farkl habtatlarda bulunurlar. Her trl dern, neml fakat drenaj y
yaplm topraklarda yetrler ve tam gne sterler.
Ths genus consstng of about 300 speces nclude decduous trees and shrubs.
They are found n qute dferent habtats and grow n all knds of, deep, humd
but well-draned sols. They also need full sunlght.
st koyu, alt gr-yel, gsterl ve trtkl yapraklar vardr. Erken lkbahar-
da, sarkk dallarnda sar bkml, parlak baaklar yapraklanmadan nce
aar. Neml ve slak topraklarda y gelm gsterr. Ar kurak ve orak
topraklara tolerans gsteremez. Ik aacdr.
They have showy and uneven leaves, the upper part of whch are dark green
and the lower parts are gray-green. Yellow curved, brght ears on pendulous
branches emerge n early sprng before leafng. They grow well n humd and wet
sols but are not tolerant to extremely dry and poor sols. These trees need lght.
Salx caprea 'Pendula' (syn. S. caprea 'Klmarnock')
Asya kkenl, neml sulak alanlarda ok gsterl, yaprak dken aalar
olup, zellkle gl kenarlarnda etkleyc br grnts vardr.
These Asan orgn speces are extremely showy n humd wetlands and they are
decduous trees and partcularly have mpressve appearance at the margns of lakes.
Salx babylonca
2 - 3 m 2 - 2,50 m 10

20 - 30 m 5 - 7 m 9B
Sabal minor .
10 - 15 m 10 - 15 m 5B

1,50 - 2,50 m 1 - 1,50 m 4
Salx babylonca
Sabal palmetto
Sabal palmetto
Salx caprea 'Pendula'
Salva ofcnals
Salvna natans
900 cvarnda tre sahp bu cnsn btkler tek yllklar, k yllklar, otsu
btkler, her dem yel ok yllklar ve allardr. ok scak ve ok rutubetl
alanlar har, lman ve tropkal blgelerde, gnel alanlarda, kayalk evler-
de, allklarda ve neml ayrlarda bulunurlar. Haff, orta vermllkte, humus-
a zengn, neml fakat drenaj y olan topraklarda yetrler.
Plants of ths genus consstng of about 900 speces are annual, bennal, herba-
ceous plants, evergreen perennal plants and shrubs. They are found n warm
and tropcal regons, sunny felds, rocky bevels, bushes and wet grasslands
except extremely hot and humd lands. They grow n moderately fertle,
humus-rch, humd but well-draned sols.

Kadfe, gr renkl yaprakl, dk formlu, her dem yel allardr. Aromatk
bahelerde ve kaya bahelernde kullanlr.
Velvet, gray leafed, uprght, evergreen shrubs. They are used n aromatc
gardens and rock gardens.
Salva ofcnals
0,60 - 0,80 m 0,80- 1 m 7

Salva ofcnals zellklern tar, yapraklar k renkldr.
They bear the characterstcs of Salva ofcnals and ther leaves are bcolored.
Salva ofcnals 'Icterna'
0,60 - 0,80 m 0,80- 1 m 7
Salvia officinalis .
Der trlerden gen flzlernn krmz rengyle ayrlr.
They dfer from other speces wth the red color of ther young sprouts.
Salva ofcnals 'Purpurascens'
0,60 - 0,80 m 0,80- 1 m 7
10 trn bulunduu Salvna cns, tek yllk su btklernden oluur. zellkle
tropkal Afrka, Orta ve Gney Amerkada olmak zere, tropk ve subtropk
alanlarda yaylm gsterrler.
Salvna genus havng 10 speces conssts of annual aquatc plants. Partcularly,
they spread n tropcal and subtropcal regons prmarly n tropcal Afrca,
Central and South Amerca.
Salvinia 10
Salva ofcnals 'Icterna'
Salva ofcnals 'Trcolor'
Santolna chamaecyparssus
Asteracea - Compostae
Santolna chamaecyparssus
Santolna chamaecyparssus
Santolna pnnata
Su yzeynde karlkl dzlm yapraklar le ho br grnm sergler. Su
bahelernde su altn glgelemede de kullanlr.
They refect pleasant appearance wth ther leaves ordered opposte each other
on the surface of water. They are used n aquatc gardens for underwater
Salvna natans

Her dem yel allardan oluan 18 tre sahp bu cns, Akdenzdek kurak ve
kayalk habtatlarda bulunur. Aromatk ve dekoratf yapraklar balca yett-
rlme sebebdr. Fakr ve orta vermllktek, y drene olmu topraklarda
Ths genus wth 18 speces conssts of evergreen shrubs. They lve n dry and
rocky habtats n Medterranean. They are prmarly grown for ther aromatc
and decoratve leaves and grow n medum fertle, poor and well-draned sols.

Santolna chamaecyparssus
0,30- 0,50 m 0,40- 0,50 m 9
Aromatk yaps ve gm gr rengyle aromatk bahelerde ve kaya bahe-
lernde terch edlrken, t btks olarak da kullanlr.
Whle they are preferred n aromatc gardens and rock gardens wth ther aromatc
structure and slvery color, they are also used for hedge formaton.
santolina chamaecyparissus .
Santolna chamaecyparssus zellklern tar. Yaprak reng yeldr ve daha
gsterl sar eklere sahptr.
They bear the characterstcs of Santolna chamaecyparssus. Ther leaves are green
and have more showy and yellow fowers.
Santolna pnnata
0,30- 0,50 m 0,40- 0,50 m 9
santolina chamaecyparissus .
Schnus molle
Schnus terebnthfolus
Solanum rantonnet
Solanum rantonnet
Mekskadan Uruguaya uzanan ormanlk blgelerde doal olarak bulunan
Schnuslarn, yaklak says 30 olan her dem yel allar ve aalardan
oluan trler vardr. Orta vermllkte, humusa zengn, neml, y drenajl
topraklar sterler.
Schnus plants found naturally n the woodlands extendng along Mexco and
Uruguay have about 30 speces consstng of evergreen shrubs and trees. They
need moderately fertle, humus-rch, humd but well-draned sols.
Akdenz peyzajnda neml br yer olan, her dem yel, sarkk formlu, toprak
seene olmayan, bber kokulu aalardr. Krem renkl eklerden sonra
krmz meyveler oluturur.
Pendulous, evergreen and pepper-scented trees wth no specal preference for sol.
They hold a specal mportance n Medterranean landscapng. Red fruts emerge
followng cream color fowers.
Schnus terebnthfolus
5- 7 m 3 - 5 m 10

Bu cnse at tek yllk, k yllk, ok yllk, her dem yel, yar her dem yel ve
yaprak dken allar, aalar ve trmanc btklerden oluan 1400 tr vardr.
Dnya genelnde ok farkl habtatlarda bulunurlar. Orta vermllkte, neml,
y drenajl topraklarda, tam gnel alanlarda yetrler.
There are 1400 speces belongng to ths genus and whch conssts of annual,
bennal, perennal, evergreen, sem-evergreen and decduous shrubs, trees and
clmbng plants. They are found naturally n qute dferent habtats all over the
world. They grow n moderately fertle, humd, well-draned sols and fully
sunny felds.

Solanum rantonnet
Solanum rantonnet zellklern tayan, yapraklar yel-beyaz olan varye-
Varety bearng the same characterstcs of Solanum rantonnet wth
green-whte leaves.
Solanum rantonnet 'Varegata'
Solanum rantonnet 'Varegata'
Soldago vrgaurea
Solanum rantonnet
Ilman blgelerde bol ekl al, daha sern blgelerde saks btks olarak
dealdr. ekler koyu mor, merkez sar renkldr. eklenme dnem ok
uzun srer. Donlardan etklenr.
These plants are deal as generous fowers n warm regons, and houseplants n cooler
regons. Ther leaves are dark purple, the central part s yellow. Bloomng perod of
these plants s extremely long.
Solanum rantonnet
2 - 3 m 1,50 - 2 m 5B

2 - 3 m 1,50 - 2 m 5B
Solanum rantonneti .
Yaklak 100 tr bulunan, odunsu tabanl ok yllk btklerdr. Gne veya
glge alanlarda, verml her trl y drene edlm topraklarda yaarlar.
Dona ok dayankldrlar.
Woody-based perennal plants whch nclude about 100 speces. They lve n
sunny or shade felds, all knds of fertle and well-draned sols. They are
extremely frost-resstant plants.
60 80 cm boyunda, parlak sar ekler olan, olduka etkleyc ok yllk
Qute mpressve perennal plants wth ther 60 80 cm tall, brght, yellow
Soldago vrgaurea
0,60 - 0,80 m 0,40 - 0,60 m 10
60 - 80 .
Soldago vrgaurea
Legumnosae - Paplonaceae
ok yllk, her dem yel, yaprak dken aalardan ve allardan oluan bu
cnste 50 tr bulunur. Tropk ve lman blgelerde yaylm gsterrler. Orta
vermllkte ve drenajl topraklarda, tam gnel alanlarda y yetrler.
Ths genus consstng of perennal, evergreen, decduous trees and shrubs has
50 speces. They spread n tropcal and warm regons and grow well n
medum-fertle and well-draned sols, fully sunny felds.
ngltere kkenldr. Sophora japonca gvdesne a le elde edlm, sarkk
formlu, yel, emsye gb gsterl aalardr. Kavsl dallardan oluan br
ta yapar. Yaprak dktkten sonra dah gsterldr. ehr krllne
They are natve to England and are pendulous, green, umbrella-shaped showy
plants acqured through graftng on the trunk of Sophora japonca. They create
petal consstng of curved branches. They are showy even after they shed ther
leaves and resstant to urban polluton.
Sophora japonca 'Pendula'
5 - 8 m 5 - 8 m 7A
Sophora japonica
14 tr vardr. Atlantk Okyanusuna kys olan blgelern ounda doal
olarak yaarlar. Denz kysndak tuzlu bataklklarda gen ve youn formludurlar.
They have 14 speces and lve naturally n most of the regons havng a coast on
the Atlantc Ocean. These plants are found n large and dense forms n salty
marshlands at seashore.
14 . .
Stolonlu reyen, sulak alan sazlarndandr. Yapraklar da doru kvrk, k
kenar sar ertldr.
They belong to watery reeds. Leaves are outwardly curved and two sdes of these
leaves are yellow-strped.
Spartna pectnata 'Aureomargnata'
0,60 - 1,50 m 1 - 1,20 m 4
. .
Sophora japonca 'Pendula'
Spartna pectnata 'Aureomargnata'
Spartum junceum
Tek tr vardr. ounlukla Akdenzde, kurak yerlerde, ak ormanlk alanlarda
ve yol kylarnda bulunan yaprak dken allardr. Orta vermllkte, y drene
edlm topraklarda ve gnel alanlarda yetrler. Denz kylarnda ve krel
topraklarda da yaarlar.
These plants have one speces. They are decduous shrubs mostly found n
Medterranean, dry lands, open woodlands and at roadsdes. They grow n
medum-fertle, well-draned sols and sunny felds. They lve at seashores and
calcareous sols as well.

. .
Koyu, yel gvdelere ve nce uzun dallara sahp br trdr. lkbahar aylarn-
da sar renkl, gzel kokulu ekler oluturur. Gl kk yapsyla erozyona
engel olduu n evlerde kullanlablr.
Genus havng dark green trunks and thn, tall branches. They form yellow,
sweet-scented fowers n sprng and can be used on clfs as they prevent eroson
wth ther powerful root structures.
Spartum junceum
2 - 3 m 2 - 2,50 m 8
Gramneae - Poaceae
Yaklak 300 trden oluur. Her dem yel veya yaprak dken, ok yllk (nadren
tek yllk) btklerdr. Ilman blgelerdek tal evler ve ak ormanlarda yaylm
gsterrler. Orta vermllkte, drenaj y yaplm, tam gnel alanlarda yetrler.
They consst of about 300 speces and are evergreen or decduous, perennal
(rarely annual) plants. They spread n rocky clfs n warm regons and open
woodlands. They grow n medum-fertle, well-draned sols and fully sunny felds.
300 )
. (
Ular da doru sarkk, yel renkl sa eklndek yapraklaryla haff
rzgrlarda ble salnarak rzgrla br ahenk oluturur.
These plants sway n even a lght wnd and create harmony wth the wnd wth
ther green, har-shaped leaves havng outwardly pendulous edges.
Stpa tenussma

0,60 m 0,30 m 7
Spartum junceum
Stpa tenussma
Stpa tenussma
Streltza juncea
Streltza ncola
Streltza regnae
Streltza ncola
Yaklak 5 trdr. bekler halnde byyen, her dem yel, ok yllk btklerdr.
Gney Afrkann allk alanlarndan nehr yataklarna kadar ok farkl habtatlar-
da bulunurlar. Verml, neml fakat drenaj y yaplm topraklarda, tam gnel
veya yar glge alanlarda yetrler. Souk rzgrlardan korunmaldrlar.
These plants consst of about 5 speces and are evergreen, perennal plants
whch grow n groups. They are found n qute dferent habtats rangng from
bushes of Afrca to the rver beds. They grow n fertle, humd but well-draned
sols, fully sunny or half-shade felds. They must be protected from cold wnds.
5 .

nce, yass, yapraksz, 50-60 cm uzunluunda youn saz gb yapraklara
sahptr. Turuncu ek zernde mav ta yaprakldr. Ilman blgelerde d
mekn, der blgelerde kl mekn btksdr.
These plants have 50-60 cm tall, dense, thn, fat, bare leaves such as reed. They
have blue petals on orange fowers and are used as outdoor plants n warm
regons and lghted nner plants n other regons.
Streltza juncea
1,50 m 1 m 11
50 - 60
1-1,5 m. boyundak saplarn ucunda, yuvarlak, gderek ncelen, 50-60 cm
uzunluunda, koyu yel, haff mav renkl yapraklar vardr. Olgunlam
dallarn arasndan kan, 80-100 cm. uzunluundak ek sap zernde,
etkleyc turuncu eklere sahptr. Kesme eklkte ve Akdenz peyzajn-
da aranan btklerdendr.
There are round, gradually thn, 50-60 cm long, dark green, lght blue leaves at
the edges of ther 1-1,5 cm long stems. They have mpressve, orange fowers on
80-100 cm long pedcels emergng through matured branches. They are prefer-
red n cut forculture and Medtarranean landscapng.
Streltza regnae
2 m 1,50 - 2 m 11
50 - 60
1 - 1,5 .
80 - 100 .
1-1,5 m. uzunluundak yaprak saplar zernde, uzun gsterl, krek
eklnde yapraklar vardr. Olgunlama dnemnde aan, 40-50 cm. uzunlu-
unda beyaz ekler nde mav-mor ta oluturan ekler vardr. Tropk
grnml, kardeleneblen btklerdr. 10 mye kadar byyeblr.
They have long, showy, spade-shaped leaves on 1-1,5 m long leafstalks. There
are fowers formng blue-purple petals nsde 40-50 cm long whte fowers
emergng durng maturaton. They are tropc-lookng plants whch can be tlered
and grow up to 10 m.
Streltza ncola
8 - 10 m 4 - 6 m 11
- 1
1,5 . 40 - 50

. 10 .
Streltza regnae 'Mandela's Gold'
Taxus baccata
Taxus baccata
Streltza regnae le ayn zellklere sahp olmasna ramen sar ekler
zernde mav ta yaprakldr. Yen br varyetedr.
Although they have the same characterstcs as Streltza regnae, these plants
have blue petals on yellow fowers. It s a new varety.
Streltza regnae 'Mandela's Gold'
2 m 1,50 - 2 m 11
Strelitzia reginae
. .
Yaklak 5-10 trden oluur. Her dem yel, brel, gen allar veya kk aalar-
dr. Kuzey lman blgelerden Flpnlere ve Orta Amerkaya kadar uzanan
ormanlarda bulunurlar. t btks ve topary n kullanlablrler. Dayankl btkler
olup, ou tr kurak topraklara ve ehr krllne dayankldr. y drene edlm
her trl verml topraklarda yetrler. Hem gnel hem de koyu glge alanlarda
Genus consstng of 5-10 speces and they are evergreen, conferous, large
shrubs and small trees. They are found n the woodlands extendng along
Northern warm regons and Phlppnes, Central Amerca and can be used as
hedge plant and topary. They are long-lastng plants most of whch are
resstant to dry sols and urban polluton. They grow n all knds of well-draned,
fertle sols, both sunny and dark shade felds.
5 - 10 . .
topiary .
. .
Her dem yel, yumuak dokusuyla sert budamalara dayankl, stenlen form
ve ekle greblen btklerdr. y drene edlm btksel toprak ve uygun
klmlerde karakterstk zelln ve yapsn bozmayan brellerdendr.
Evergreen plants whch are resstant to hard prunng wth ther soft textures and
can take any desred form and shape. They are conferous trees whch do not
deform ther characterstc features n well-draned sols and sutable clmates.
Taxus baccata
20 m 10 m 6A

Teucrum frutcans
Teucrum frutcans
Thala dealbata
Thala dealbata
Yaklak 300 tr vardr. ok yllk, her dem yel ve yaprak dken allardr.
zellkle Akdenz havzas olmak zere dnyann pek ok blgesndek dalk,
kayalk, orman ve allklarda bulunurlar. ekler ve aromatk yapraklar n
yettrlrler. y drene olmu topraklar ve gnel alanlar severler.
Genus consstng of 300 speces. They are perennal, evergreen and decduous
shrubs whch are found n mountanous, rocky lands, forest and bushes n
partcularly Medterranean basn and many parts of the world. They are grown
for ther fowers and aromatc leaves and enjoy well-draned sols and sunny
300 .

. .
12 tr vardr. ok yllk su kys btklerdr. Karaypler dahl olmak zere, Gney-
dou ABDden Arjantne kadar olan blgelerde, gl kylarndak bataklklarda
doal olarak bulunurlar.
Genus consstng of 12 speces whch are perennal, watersde plants. They are
found naturally n the regons extendng along Southeast USA and Argentna
ncludng Carbbean Islands and n the marshlands at the margns of lakes.
12 .


Su ve su kenarlarnda, karlkl dzelenm, da sarkk gen yapraklar
bulunur. Sonbaharda oluan mor renkl, yuvarlak, kk tohumlaryla
tannan su btksdr.
These plants have outwardly pendulous, large leaves ordered opposte each
other n wetlands and at watersdes. They are aquatc plants whch are known
for ther purple, round, small seeds formed n autumn.
Thala dealbata
2 - 3 m 2 m 10

1,50 - 1,80 m 1,20 - 1,50 m 9A
Parlak, beyaz-gr ve haff mav renkl gsterl yapraklara sahptr. Nsan
ayndan Ekm ayna kadar bol mav ekldr. Kurakla, denz rzgrlarna
ve ehr krllne drenldr. Youn kullanmlar etkleycdr.
These plants have whte-gray and lght blue, showy leaves. They have plenty of
blue fowers from Aprl to May and are resstant to drought, sea wnds and urban
polluton. Ther ntensve usage s mpressve.
Teucrum frutcans

. .
1,50 - 1,80 m 1,20 - 1,50 m 9A
ok kompakt, erken lkbahar yel, yaz dnem altn, souk k dnemnde
bronz renkl olan top formlu brellerdr.
Extremely compact, ball-shaped conferous trees whch are green n early sprng,
golden durng summer and bronze durng cold wnter.
Thuja orentals 'Aurea Nana'
Theveta peruvana
Thuja orentals 'Pyramdals Aurea'
Thuja orentals 'Aurea Nana'
Bu cnse at, her dem yel allar ve kk aalardan oluan 8 tr bulunmak
tadr. Kuzey ve Gney Amerka le Karayplern ormanlk ve ounlukla
denze yakn alanlarnda doal olarak bulunurlar. Neml, fakat drenaj y
yaplm verml topraklarda ve tam gnel alanlarda y yetrler.
Ths genus has 8 speces consstng of evergreen shrubs and small trees. They
are found naturally n the woodlands and largely seashore parts of North and
South Amerca and Carbbean Islands. They grow well n humd but
well-draned, fertle sols and fully sunny felds.
8 .

Her dem yel, parlak, nce ve uzun yaprakldr. Sar ve turuncu renkl, kokulu
eklere sahp br trdr. Kurakla dayankl Akdenz peyzajnn etkl al
ve aaklarndandr.
Evergreen, brght, thn and long-leafed plants whch have yellow and orange,
fragrant fowers. They are drought-resstant, efectve shrubs and small trees of
Medterranean landscape.
Theveta peruvana
2 - 8 m 1 - 3 m 10

2 - 3 m 3 - 4 m 6B
5 tr vardr. Her dem yel brel aalardr. Dou Asya ve Kuzey Amerka
ormanlarnda doal olarak bulunurlar. ou tr t btks olarak kullanma
uygundur. Dern, neml fakat y drenajl topraklarda ve gnel alanlarda
Genus consstng of 5 speces and they are evergreen, conferous trees and are
found naturally n the forests of East Asa and North Amerca. Most of ts speces
are sutable for hedge plant. They grow n deep, humd but well-draned sols
and sunny felds.
5 . .

Mevsmle deen renkler Thuja orentals 'Aurea Nana' le ayn olup pramt
Ther colors changng along wth season are the same as Thuja orentals 'Aurea
Nana' and they are pyramd-shaped plants.
Thuja orentals 'Pyramdals Aurea'
6 - 8 m 2 - 2,50 m 6B
Thuja orientalis 'Aurea Nana' "
Thymus vulgars
Labatae - Lamaceae
Yaklak 350 tr vardr. Aromatk, her dem yel ok yllklar ve allardr. Anava-
tan Avrupa ve Asyadr. Trlernn heps arlar eker. Drenaj y olan topraklarda
ve gnel yerlerde yetrler.
Genus consstng of about 350 speces. They are aromatc, evergreen, perennal
trees and shrubs, natve to Europe and Asa. All of ts speces attract bees. They
grow n well-draned sols and sunny felds.
350 . .
. .
Aromatk, lmon kokulu, sar-yel yapraklar n yettrlr. Her dem yel,
soua dayankl br trdr.
They are grown for ther aromatc, lemon-scented, yellow-green leaves and
evergreen, cold-resstant plants.
Thymus ctrodorus
0,10 - 0,30 m 0,10 - 0,30 m 6

Kl-gr renkl yapraklara ve leylak-pembe renkl eklere sahp, her dem
yel aromatk btklerdr.
Evergreen, aromatc plants whch have ash-gray leaves and llac-pnk fowers.
Thymus vulgars
0,10 - 0,30 m 0,10 - 0,30 m 6

Thymus ctrodorus zellklern tar, fakat yaprak rengndek sar daha
Ths genus bears the characterstcs of Thymus ctrodorus but yellow color on
ther leaves s more emphatc.
Thymus x ctrodorus 'Doone Valley'
0,10 - 0,30 m 0,10 - 0,30 m 6
Thymus citrodorus .
Thymus vulgars
Thymus ctrodorus
Tla cordata
Tla tomentosa
Yaklak 40 tr bulunan, yaprak dken aalardan oluan br cnstr. Avrupa,
Asya ve Kuzey Amerkadak ormanlk alanlarda doal olarak bulunurlar. Yaprak-
lar ve ekler n yettrlrler. Neml fakat y drenajl topraklarda, tam gne ya
da yar glge alanlarda yettrler.
Genus wth 40 speces and consstng of decduous trees. They are found
naturally n the forestlands of Europe, Asa and North Amerca and grown for
ther leaves and fowers. These trees grow n humd but well-draned, fully sunny
or half-shade felds.
40 .
. .
Byk, gen, parlak, koyu yel gsterl yapraklar bulunur. Scak blgeler-
de yol aac ve koruluk oluturmada ok etkldr. Kokulu ekleryle aranan
gsterl aalardr.
They have bg, large, brght, dark green and showy leaves and are qute mpressve
as road trees and n formaton of woodland n warm regons. They are showy
trees preferred wth ther fragrant fowers.
Tla cordata
20 - 30 m 10 - 15 m 4

Yuvarlak ve yass olan orta boydak koyu yel yapraklarnn alt beyaz
tyldr. Stun eklnde boylanan kokulu beyaz-krem eklere sahp, sern
klm aalardr.
These plants have round and fat, medum-heght, dark green leaves whte-hary
beneath. They are cool clmate trees havng fragrant, whte-cream fowers whch
can grow tall n column shape.
Tla tomentosa
25 - 30 m 20 m 5A

Trachelospermum jasmnodes
Trachelospermum jasmnodes
Trachelospermum asatcum 'Trcolor'
Yaklak 20 tr vardr. Odunsu, her dem yel trmanc btklerdr. Hndstandan
Japonyaya kadar olan ormanlk alanlarda doal olarak bulunur. Gzel kokulu
ekler ve ekc yapraklar n yettrlr. Verml, y drene olmu topraklarda ve
tam gnel ya da yar glge alanlarda yetr. Dondan korunmaldr.
Ths genus has 20 speces. They are woody, evergreen, clmbng trees and found
naturally n the forestlands extendng along Inda and Japan. These plants are
grown for ther sweet-scented fowers and showy leaves. They grow n fertle,
well-draned sols and fully sunny or half-shade felds and must be protected
from frost.


Her dem yel sarlc btklerdr. Sarkk salkmlarda, yldz eklnde, mkem-
mel kokulu, beyaz renkl eklere sahptr. ehr krllne dayankl olup, y
gbreleme yaplan yerlerde daha salkl yetrler. Son yllarda kullanm
yaygnlam, peyzaj uygulama almalarnda pramt ve dek formlaryla
kullanm artmtr.
Evergreen, clutchng plants whch nclude star-shaped, perfectly fragrant, whte
fowers n pendulous clusters. They are resstant to urban polluton and grow
well n well-fertlzed lands. These plants have begun be wdely used n landsca-
png applcatons wth ther pyramd and dferent forms.
Trachelospermum jasmnodes (syn. Rhyncospermum jasmnodes)
9 - 12 m 4 - 10 m 8


Trachelospermum jasmnodes zellklern tamakla brlkte, ayn btkde
pembe, yel, beyaz ve leylak renklernde yapraklar grleblr.
In addton to havng the characterstcs of Trachelospermum jasmnodes, the
same plant may bear pnk, green, whte and llac color leaves.
Trachelospermum asatcum 'Trcolor' (syn. Rhyncospermum asatcum 'Trcolor')
9 - 12 m 4 - 10 m 8
Trachelospermum jasminoides
Trachelospermum jasmnodes
Trachycarpus fortune
Yapraklar tayan saplar daha ksadr. Yapraklar kompakt duruludur ve
sarkk olmayan br ta oluturur. Soua ok drenldr.
The stems bearng the leaves are shorter. Ther leaves have compact standng
and form non-pendulous petal. They are extremely cold-resstant.
Trachycarpus fortune 'Wagneranus'
Trachycarpus fortune
10 - 12 m 2,50 m 8B
Arecaceae Palmae
6 tr bulunan subtropkal Asyann dalk ormanlarnda ve lman blgele-
rnde doal olarak bulunan, her dem yel palmyelerdr. y drene olmu
verml topraklar ve tam gnel ya da haff gnel alanlar sterler. Kuvvetl
veya souk, kurutan rzgrlardan korunmaldrlar.
Evergreen palms havng 6 speces. They are found naturally n the forestlands
and warm regons of subtropcal Asa and need well-draned, fertle sols and
sully sunny or slghtly sunny felds. These trees must be protected from strong or
cold, dryng wnds.
. .
Bu tr, Chamaerops excelsa olarak da blnr. 20-25 m ye kadar boylanan,
nce, dz gvdel, koyu yel yaprakl palmyelerdr. Kk sar ekler ve
bezelye eklnde syah tohumlar vardr. Soua en dayankl palmyelerden
brdr. kl, l gruplarla ok gsterl olurlar. Gvde, bulunduu klme
gre kendn korumak n bol lf retr. Toprak secl yoktur.
Ths genus s also known as Chamaerops excelsa. They are palm trees whch
can grow 20-25 m tall and have thn, fat trunks and green leaves. These palm
trees have small, yellow fowers and pea-shaped, black seeds. These are the
speces whch are the most cold-resstant palms. The trunk produces plenty of
fbers dependng on the clmate n whch t lves so as to protect tself. They do
not have a specal preference for sol.
Trachycarpus fortune (syn. T. excelsus)
10 - 12 m 2,50 m 8B
ops excelsa chamaer . 20 - 25
. .
. .
Trachycarpus fortune 'Wagneranus'
Trthrnax campestrs
Trthrnax campestrs
Tulbagha volacea
Topraktan kta haff br S zer ve dzgn gvde oluturur. Yaprak saplar
ksa ve haff trtkldr.
They emerge through sol n S shape and form smooth trunk. Ther leafstalks are
short and slghtly uneven.
Trachycarpus takl
10 - 12 m 2,50 m 8B
S . .
Arecaceae Palmae
5 tr bulunur. Bolvyadan Gney Brezlyaya ve Arjantne kadar; kumlu
bataklklar le nehr kylar boyunca ve kurak alanlara kadar yayl gsteren
palmyelerdr. Tam gnel alanlarda salkl yetrler. y drene edlm topraklar-
da yaarlar.
Genus consstng of 5 speces. They are palm trees whch spread n sandy
marshlands, along rversdes and up to dry lands extendng along Bolva,
South Brazl and Argentna. They grow well n fully sunny felds and lve n
well-draned sols.
5 .
Gsterl mat gm yapraklar ve hasr eklnde gr gvdes bulunur.
Gvde ve yaprak ular keskn dkenldr. Dnya forasnda soua en
dayankl palmyelerdendr. ok yava gelr.
They have showy, mat slvery leaves and straw-shaped, huge trunks. Edges of
ther trunks and leaves have sharp thorns. They are the most cold-resstant
palms n the world forabut grow slowly.
Trthrnax campestrs
4 m 2 m 9
. . .
Allaceae - Llaceae
Yaklak 24 tr bulunan, kmeler halnde byyen btklerdr. ounlukla
yaprak dken, bazen yar her dem yel, rzomlu veya soanl ok yllk
btklerden oluan br cnstr. Gney Amerkann tropkal ve lman blgele-
rnde doal olarak bulunurlar. Drenaj y yaplm, orta vermllkte, humus-
a zengn topraklarda ve tam gnel alanlarda salkl yetrler. Don olan
blgelerde kn mal yaplmaldr.
Plants whch nclude about 24 speces and grow n groups. It s a genus conss-
tng of mostly decduous, sometmes half-evergreen, rhzome or bulbous,
perennal plants. They are found naturally n tropcal and warm regons of
South Amerca and grow well n well-draned, moderately fertle, humus-rch
sols and fully sunny felds. Mulch s necessary n the regons where frost prevals durng wnter.
24 .
Yel renkl buket eklnde yapraklar vardr. Bu yapraklar arasndan ykselen
mor ekler, lkbahardan sonbahar sonuna kadar btk zernde kalr.
They have green, bouquet-shaped leaves. Purple fowers rsng through these
leaves stay on the plant from sprng to autumn.
Tulbagha volacea
0,50 - 0,70 m 0,25 - 0,40 m 10
Koyu kahve-bronz renkl, gsterl baaklar kesme eklkte de kullanlr.
Stolonlaryla reyen sulak alan btklerdr.
Ther dark brown-bronze color, showy ears are used n cut forculture. They are
wetland plants whch reproduce through ther stolons.
Typha latfola
Tulbagha volacea 'Alba'
Tulbagha volacea 'Slver Lace'
Typha latfola
Typha latfola 'Varegata'
Tulbagha volacea trne gre ek buketler daha youn ve daha rdr.
Beyaz ekler Maystan Temmuz sonuna kadar olduka etkleycdr.
Flower bouquets of these speces are denser and larger than Tulbagha
volacea. Ther whte fowers are qute mpressve from May to the end of July.
Tulbagha volacea 'Alba'
0,50 - 0,70 m 0,25 - 0,40 m 10
Tulbaghia violacea .
1,50 - 2,50 m 0,60 m 7
Tulbagha volacea le ayn zellkler gsterr. Yaprak ortas grms yel,
kenarlar beyaz ertldr.
They bear the same characterstcs asTulbagha volacea. Mddle part of ther
leaves s graysh green and the edges are whte-strped.
Tulbagha volacea 'Slver Lace'
0,50 - 0,70 m 0,25 - 0,40 m 10
Tulbaghia violacea .
Yaklak 15 tr bulunan, ok yllk su kys btklernden oluan br cnstr.
Ilman ve tropkal blgelerde doal olarak bulunurlar.
Genus havng about 15 speces whch conssts of perennal, watersde plants.
They are found naturally n warm and tropcal regons.
15 .
Typha latfola le ayn zellkler tayan, yapraklar yel-beyaz ertl varyetedr.
Varety havng the same characterstcs as Typha latfola and ther leaves are
Typha latfola 'Varegata'
0,90 - 1,20 m 0,60 m 7
latifolia Typha .
Verbena hybrd
Verbena hybrd 'Dark Blue'
Vburnum lucdum
Bu cnse at 250 tr bulunur. Tek yllk, ok yllk ve kk allardan oluur. ok
farkl habtatlarda bulunur. Baz trler kurak, baz trler de neml alanlar terch
eder. Neml ama y drene edlm, orta vermllktek topraklarda, tam gnel
alanlarda yetr.
Ths genus has 250 speces and conssts of annual, perennal and small shrubs.
They are found n extremely dfferent habtats. Some speces prefer dry lands
and some others prefer humd lands. They grow n humd but well-draned,
medum-fertle sols and fully sunny felds.
250 .
. .
Canl yel yapraklaryla, mor-lacvert renkl ekler lkbahar aylarndan k
aylarna kadar canlln korur. Hastalklara, budamalara ve blmeye olduk-
a dayankl olup zernde gezleblr yer rtcdr.
They preserve ther lvelness wth ther vvd, green leaves and purple-navy blue
fowers from sprng to wnter months. These plants are largely resstant to
dseases, prunng and reapng and trafcable groundcover plants.
Verbena hybrd 'Dark Blue'
0,30 - 0,50 m 9

. .
Her dem yel, yar her dem yel ve yaprak dken allar, nadren aalardan
oluan 150 tr err. ounlukla kuzey lman blgelerde ve Gneydou Asya le
Gney Amerkann allk ve ormanlk blgelernde yayl gsterrler. Neml fakat
y drene olmu, orta vermllktek her trl toprakta yaarlar. Tam gne veya
yar glge alanlarda yetrler.
Ths genus ncludes 150 speces consstng of evergreen, half-evergreen and
decduous shrubs, rarely trees. They mostly spread n northern warm regons
and bushes and forestlands of Southeast Asa and South Amerca. They grow n
humd but well-draned, medum fertle all sols and fully sunny or half-shade felds.
. .
Vburnum lucdum
Vburnum opulus
Vburnum opulus
Vburnum tnus 'Eve Prce'
Her dem yel btklerdr. Parlak, gen, uzun gsterl yapraklar vardr. Hzl
gelm ve budamaya ok elverl olmas nedenyle t oluturmak n
Evergreen plants whch have brght, wde, long and showy leaves. They are deal
plants for formng hedges thanks to ther fast-growng nature and beng sutable
for prunng.
Vburnum lucdum
4 - 5 m 3 - 4 m 8B
Yaprak dken br trdr. Yuvarlak gl srgnlere sahptr. Gen yaprakla-
r sonbaharda kzararak ho br grnt sergler. Gsterl, r kartopu ekln-
de beyaz ekler vardr. eklenmeden sonra krmz meyveler oluturur.
Decduous speces. They have round, strong sprouts. Ther leaves dsplay
pleasant appearance when they become red durng autumn. They have showy,
huge snowball-shaped fowers and red fruts emerge followng bloomng.
Vburnum opulus
2 - 5 m 2 - 4 m 4

Her dem yel btklerdr. nce, uzun, oval, damarl, koyu yel yapraklar
vardr. Sonbahardan tbaren, yaz dnemne kadar krmz pembe tomurcuk-
lardan sonra, gl, gzel ve kokulu ekler oluur. Aydnlk alanlarda
kompakt ve youn dall, glgede se az ekl ve seyrek dokuludur.
Budamaya uygundur.
Evergreen plants whch have thn, long, oval, lobed, dark green leaves. Strong,
beautful and fragrant fowers emerge from autumn to summertme after red,
pnk bud. These plants are compact and densely branched but less fowered and
loose-textured. They respond well to prunng.
Vburnum tnus 'Eve Prce'
1,50 - 2 m 1,50 - 2 m 8A
. .

. .
Vtex agnus-castus
Washngtona flfera
Washngtona robusta
250 tr eren bu cns yaprak dken veya her dem yel aalar ve allardan
oluur. ounlukla tropkal blgelerde, sklkla ormanlk ve kurumu nehr
yataklarnda doal olarak bulunur. Drenaj y yaplm her trl toprakta ve
tam gnel alanlarda yetrler.
Ths genus havng 250 speces conssts of decduous or evergreen trees and
shrubs. They are found naturally n tropcal regons, frequently forestlands and
dry rver beds. They also grow n all well-draned sols and fully sunny felds.
250 .

Zarf yapraklar ve gsterl ekler n yettrlmesne ramen, lkemzn
ou blgesnde doal olarak bulunur. Kurakla dayankldr.
Despte beng grown for ther elegant leaves and showy fowers, they are found
naturally n many regons of our country and drought resstant plants.
Vtex agnus-castus
2 - 3 m 2 - 3 m 7B

. .
Arecaceae Palmae
2 tr olan tek gvdel palmyelerdr. Gneybat ABD ve Kuzey Mekskann
kayalk ve orak blgelernde doal olarak bulunurlar. Verml ve y drene
olmu topraklar ve tam gne sterler.
Sngle-trunk palms consstng of 2 speces. They are found naturally n rocky
and badlands of Southwest USA and North Mexco and need fertle,
well-draned sols and fully sunny felds.
2 .
. .
Denz dolgu topra, kayalk alanlar, neml ve kurak topraklar gb her trl
alanda yaamn devam ettreblr. Toprak kndan tbaren gvdes tepeye
doru gttke ncelr. Gen, koyu yel yaprakl ve haff sarkk formda hzl
byyen palmyelerdendr. Ilman blgelerde -12 C ye kadar dayanr.
They may survve n all knds of lands such as flled lands at coastal regons,
rocky lands, humd and dry sols. Ther trunks become thnner upwards
begnnng from emergence of sol. They are wde, dark green-leafed palms
growng fast n slghtly pendulous form and they are resstant to the temperatu-
res up to 12 C n warm regons.
Washngtona robusta
20 - 30 m 3 - 5 m 9

. .
- 12 .
Washngtona robusta
Wedela trlobata
Wedela trlobata
Wegela forbunda Rosea
Wegela forbunda Varegata
Asteracea - Compostae
Trmanclar, tek yllklar, her dem yel ok yllklar ve yumuak gvdel veya
odunsu allardr. Yaklak 70 tr vardr. Tropk ve subtropk blgelern
denze yakn alanlarnda doal olarak bulunurlar. Drenaj y yaplm her
trl toprakta yetrler.
Clmbng, annual plants, evergreen perennal and soft-trunked or woody
shrubs whch nclude about 70 speces. They are found naturally n the lands of
tropcal and subtropcal regons close to sea and grow n well-draned all sols.

. 70 .
. .
3 loblu, parlak, ak yel yapraklar vardr. Mnk saplar zerndek sar renkl
ekler le sarkk formlu yer rtclerdr. eklern yaz boyunca btk
zernde grmek mmkndr. Ayrca denze yakn alanlarda da yetr.
These plants have 3-lobed, lght green leaves. They are pendulous groundcover
plants wth ther yellow fowers on tny stems. It s possble to see ther fowers on
the plant durng summer and they lve n the lands close to sea.
Wedela trlobata
0,20 - 0,30 m 10

. .
12 tr vardr. Dou Asyann allk ve ormanlk kylarnda doal olarak bulunan
yaprak dken allardr. Renkl ve gsterl ekler n yettrlrler. Verml ve y
drenajl her tr toprakta ve tam gnel veya yar glge alanlarda yaarlar.
Ths genus conssts of 12 speces. They are decduous shrubs found naturally at
the margns of shrubs and forestlands of East Asa. They are grown for ther
showy flowers, grow n fertle and well-draned all sols and fully sunny or
half-shade felds.
12 .
. .
Bol srgnler ve lkbahardak gsterl pembe, koyu krmz, salkm ekln-
dek ekler n yettrlen allardr.
Shrubs whch are grown for ther plenty of sprouts and showy, pnk, dark red
fowers n clusters durng sprng.
Wegela forbunda
1 - 3 m 1 - 2,5 m 6A

Westrnga frutcosa
Westrnga frutcosa
Wstera snenss
Wstera snenss
Odunsu, yaprak dken trmanclardan oluan bu cnsn yaklak 10 tr
vardr. n, Kore, Japonya le Orta ve Gney ABDnn neml ormanlklarnda
ve nehr kylarnda doal olarak bulunurlar. Kokulu ve gsterl ekler
n yettrlrler. ok dayankldrlar ama ek tomurcuklar ge donlardan
zarar greblr. Verml, neml fakat y drene edlm topraklarda ve tam
gne veya yar glgede yetrler.
Ths genus consstng of woody, decduous and clmbng plants has about 10
speces. They are found naturally n humd forestlands and rversdes of Chna,
Korea, Japan and Central and South Amerca. They are grown for ther fragrant
and showy flowers. They are qute long-lastng plants but flower buds may get
damaged from late frost. They grow n humd but well-draned sols and fully
sunny or half-shade felds.
10 .

Labatae Lamaceae
Her dem yel allardan oluan bu cns yaklak 25 tr err. Avustralyann kurak
sahl kys allklar, kumsallar ve kurak ormanlarnda doal yayl gsterrler.
Yapraklar ve ekler n yettrlrler. Orta vermllkte, neml, y drene edlm
topraklar sterler. Dona duyarl btklerdr.
Ths genus consstng of evergreen shrubs ncludes about 25 speces. They
spread naturally n dry coastal bushes, sandy beaches and dry forestlands of
Australa. They are grown for ther leaves and flowers and need medum-fertle,
humd and well-draned sols. They are frost-resstant plants.
25 .
. .

Her dem yel, kurakla ve tuza dayankl btklerdr. Beyaz ve meneke
renkl ekler olan allardr.
They are evergreen, drought and salt-resstant plants whch have whte and
volet fowers.
Westrnga frutcosa
1,20 - 1,50 m 1,20 - 1,50 m 10
. .
Xanthorrhoea johnson
ok yava gelr. Mav-yel gm renkl yapraklar ve odunsu ve syah
gvdesyle etkleyc ve estetk btklerdr. Kurakla dayankl olup drenajl
topraklar sterler.
They grow extremely slowly and are mpressve and aesthetc plants wth ther
blue-green slvery leaves and woody and black trunks. They are drought-resstant
plants whch need draned sols.
Xanthorrhoea johnson
Xanthorrhoea johnson
Wstera snenss
lkbaharda youn, yaz ve sonbahar aylarnda daha az aan, sarkk salkmlar
eklnde, ok gsterl ve kokulu ekler olan ve hzl byyen sarmaklar-
dr. Son dnemlerde al trler yettrlerek, sar, beyaz, koyu mav, pembe
renkl ve daha uzun salkml etler elde edlmtr.
Fast-growng ves wth ther extremely showy and fragrant fowers whch
emerge plentfully n sprng but less durng summer and autumn and they grow
n clusters. Grafted speces have been grown n recent years and thus, yellow,
whte, dark blue, pnk and longer-clustered varetes have been acqured as well.
Wstera snenss (syn. W. chnenss)
10 - 15 m 5 - 10 m 6B


1 - 4 m 1 - 3 m 9
Wstera snenss le ayn zellklere sahp olmakla brlkte ek reng beyazdr.
In addton to havng the same characterstcs as Wstera snenss, leaf color of
these speces s whte.
Wstera snenss 'Alba' (syn. W. chnenss Alba)
10 - 15 m 5 - 10 m 6B
Wisteria sinensis .
Doal yaam alan Avustralyadr. Her dem yel bu btkler ok yava byr-
ler ama uzun yaarlar. Ak, gnel alanlara ve y drenajl topraklara htyac
vardr. Byk sakslarda da yeteblrler.
Natural habtat of these speces s Australa. These evergreen plants grow qute
slowly but long. They need open, sunny lands and well-draned sols and can
also be grown n bg flower pots.
. .
Yucca rostrata
Yucca elephantpes
Yucca alofola
Yaklak 40 trden oluan ok yllklar, her dem yel allar ve aalardr.
Drenaj y olan her trl toprakta ve tam gne alan yerlerde yaarlar.
Kurakla dayankl btklerdr.
Perennal plants, evergreen shrubs and trees consstng of about 40 speces.
They lve n all knds of well-draned sols and fully-sunny felds. They are
drought-resstant plants.
40 .
. .
Her dem yel br trdr. Kardelenerek byyen bu btknn ana gvdes
yalandka fl ayaklarna benzer. Krem renkl, gsterl, kokulu ekler vardr.
Gruplar halnde, kaya bahelernde veya tek bana da etkleycdr.
Evergreen genus. These plants grow through tllerng and the man trunk
resembles to elephant foot as long as t grows old. They have cream, showy and
fragrant fowers. They are mpressve n rock gardens n groups or alone.
Yucca elephantpes (syn. Y. guatemalenss)
10 m 5 - 8 m 9
. ) (

Mav yapraklar ve hasr grnml gvdesyle ok gsterl btklerdr. Krem
renkl, kokulu, amdan eklnde eklere sahptr. Toprak secl yoktur.
Gen m alanlarda, kaya bahelernde, teraslarda ok etkleyc br grnt
They are extremely showy plants wth ther blue leaves and straw-lookng trunk
and have cream, fragrant, chandeler-shaped fowers. They dont have a specal
preference for sol but refect an mpressve vew on wde grasslands, rock
gardens and terraces.
Yucca rostrata
4 - 5 m 1 - 2 m 9
. .
Zantedescha aethopca
8 tr eren bu cns ok yllk btklerden oluur. Gney ve Dou Afrkann
gl kenarlarnda, neml topraklar ve bataklklarda doal olarak yetrler.
Humusa zengn, neml topraklar sterler.
Ths genus wth 8 speces conssts of perennal plants. They grow naturally at
the margns of the lakes n South and East Afrca, humd sols and marshlands.
They need rchly humc, humd sols.
Zantedescha aethopca Orange Beauty
Zantedescha aethopca Black
Beyaz ekl olan, suya da dayankl trdr.
Water-resstant speces wth ther whte fowers.
Zantedescha aethopca
1 - 2 m 0,60 - 1 m 9
8 .
Yaklak 70 tr vardr. Bazlar her dem yel, soanl ok yllk btklerdr.
Neml fakat dranaj y olan topraklarda ve gnel alanlarda yetrler.
Ths genus conssts of about 70 speces. Some of these speces are evergreen,
bulbous and perennal plants. They grow n humd but well-draned sols and
sunny felds.
70 . .
Da doru kvrk, yay eklndek yapraklar arasndan tek sap zernde ykse-
len dek renklerdek ekler vardr. Yaz bandan sonbahar sonuna kadar
ek aan soanl btklerdr.
These speces have dferent color fowers rsng on a sngle stem through
outwardly curved, sprng-shaped leaves. They are bulbous plants whch bloom
from early summer to late autumn.
Zephyranthes grandfora
0,20 - 0,30 m 0,10 m 10
Zephyranthes grandfora
Zzphus jujuba 'Lang'
Zzphus jujuba
Zzphus jujuba
Yaklak 80 tr err. Yaprak dken veya her dem yel aalar ve allardan
oluur. Kuzey ve Gney Yarkrenn lman ve scak blgelernde doal
olarak bulunurlar. Bazlarnn dkenl dallar vardr. Verml ve y drenajl
topraklarda ve tam gne alan yerlerde yetrler.
It ncludes about 80 speces. These plants consst of decduous or evergreen
trees and shrubs. They are found naturally n warm and hot regons of Northern
and Southern Hemspheres. Some of these speces have thorny branches. They
grow n fertle and well-draned sols and fully sunny felds.
80 . .
. .

Fakr topraklarda dah yaamn devam ettren bu btk, er gvdel ve parlak
yel yaprakldr. Krem renkl eklerden sonra, nce yel, sonbaharda da
kahvereng olan meyveler oluur. Vtamnce ok zengn olan meyveler
baklk sstemn glendrr. Olduka uzun sren kuraklklara da dayankldr.
Ths plant whch can mantan ts lfe even n poor sols has curved trunk and
brght, green leaves. Frst, green and then brown fruts n autumn emerge
followng cream fowers. Ther fruts rch n vtamn support mmune system.
They are resstant to extremely long-term drought.
Zzphus jujuba
5 - 10 m 4 - 6 m 8

Special thanks to my esteemed colleagues Emel Tenik, Ozlem Erdal, Aydin Dincaslan the Director
of Kardelen Fidanclk and all Kardelen Peyzaj and Fidancilik family for their great effort in
preparation of this first catalogue which is very valuable for Kardelen family.
Kardelen ailesi iin ok deer tayan bu ilk kataloumuzun hazrlanmasnda zel emei geen
deerli meslektalarm Emel Tenik , zlem Erdal , Kardelen Fidanclk Mdr Aydn
Dinaslan , tm Kardelen Peyzaj ve Fidanclk ailesine teekkr ederim.


Nuran Altun
Dayankllk Kua
Alt Zone Blgeler
C cnsnden yllk mnmum scaklklar
Annual mnmum temperatures n C


< - 45, 5
- 45,50 / -40,1
- 40,00 / -34,50
- 34,40 / -28,90
- 28,80 / -23,40
- 23,30 / - 17,80
- 17,70 / - 12,30
- 12,20 / - 6,70
- 6,60 / - 1,20
- 1,10 / +4,40
> + 4,40
C cnsnden yllk mnmum scaklklar
Annual mnmum temperatures n C
Sub zone regons
Sub regon

Alt Blge C
5B - 26,00 / - 23,40
6A - 23,30 / - 20,60
6B - 20,50 / - 17,80
7A - 17,70 / - 15,00
7B - 14,90 / - 12,30
8A - 12,20 / - 9,50
8B - 9,40 / - 6,70

'Edward Goucher',56
x grandfora 'Confett',56
x grandfora 'Francs Masson',57
x grandfora 'Prostrata,57
japoncum 'Acontfolum',62
negundo 'Flamngo',62
palmatum 'Atropurpureum',62
palmatum 'Bloodgood',62
palmatum 'Freglow',63
palmatum 'Orange Dream',63
palmatum 'Sango-kaku',63
calamus 'Varegata',64
gramneus 'Ogon',64
afrcanus 'Alba',66
'Black Buddhst',66
'Gold Strke',66

'Navy Blue',66
orentals 'Cloudy Days',67
'Queen Mum',67
umbellatus 'Ovatus',67
amercana 'Medopcta',68
amercana 'Varegata',68
vctorae-regnae ,69
julbrssn 'Ombrella',70
julbrssn 'Summer Chocolate',70
japonca 'Varegata',72
excelsa ,73
donax 'Varegata',76
densforus 'Meyer',76
densforus 'Sprenger',76

japonca 'Crotonfola',78
japonca 'Crotonfola Gold',78
vvax 'Aureosulcata',82
thunberg 'Atropupurea',83
thunberg 'Atropupurea Nana',83
thunberg 'Green Carpet',83
thunberg 'Red Rocket',84
thunberg 'Rose Glow',84
x meda 'Red Jewel',84
pendula ,85
glabra 'Sanderana ,90
'Vera Deep Purple',90
davd 'Black Knght',92
davd 'Pnk Delght',93
davd 'Royal Red',93
davd 'Whte Profuson',93
macrophylla 'Rotundfola,94
mcrophylla 'Faulkner,95
mcrophylla'Golden Trumph,95
x acutfora,96
bodner 'Profuson',96
ctrnus 'Splendens',97
ctrnus 'Whte Anzac',97
decurrens Aurevaregata,185
'Bengal Tger',98
Cleopatra' ,100
ndca Rosemond Coles,100
pendula ,85
glabra 'Sanderana ,90
'Vera Deep Purple',90
davd 'Black Knght',92
davd 'Pnk Delght',93
davd 'Royal Red',93
davd 'Whte Profuson',93

macrophylla 'Rotundfola,94
mcrophylla 'Faulkner,95
mcrophylla'Golden Trumph,95
x acutfora,96
bodner 'Profuson',96
ctrnus 'Splendens',97
ctrnus 'Whte Anzac',97
decurrens Aurevaregata,185
'Bengal Tger',98
Cleopatra' ,100
ndca Rosemond Coles,100

elata 'Bowles Golden',101
morrow 'Slver Sceptre',101
oshmenss 'Everest',101
oshmenss 'Evergold',101
petre 'Mlk Chocalate',104
sderostcha 'Varegata',104
bgnonodes 'Nana',104

atlantca Aurea,105
atlantca 'Glauca',105
atlantca Glauca Pendula,105
deodora Aurea,106
humuls Argentea,109
humls 'Cerfera',109
humuls 'Macrocarpa',109
humuls 'Mcrocarpa',109
humuls 'Vulcano',109

tashkentenssSummer Bells,112
fortunella 'Margarta' ,114
medca 'Dgtata',116
Ernest Markham,117
Mme Le Coultre,117
Nelly Moser,117
Vyvan Pennel,117
Cocos plumosa,74
australs Atropurpurea,119
australs 'Purple Tower',119
australs 'Red Star',119
australs 'Torbay Dazzler',119
sangunea 'Wnter Beauty',121

selloana 'Cool Ice',122
selloana 'Evta',122
selloana 'Gold Band',122
selloana 'Pumla',122

coggygra 'Royal Purple',125
laevgata 'Paul's Scarlet',125

leyland 'Gold Rder,127
arzonca 'Fastgata',130
arzonca 'Fastgata Aurea',130
macrocarpa 'Aurea',130
macrocarpa 'Goldcrest',130
sempervrens 'Pyramdals',131
sempervrens Totem,131
sempervrensTotem Aurea,131
x praecox,136
tasmanca 'Varegata',139
alpnus 'Compacta',139
vscosa 'Purpurea',141
Dracaena ndvsa ,120
secunda 'Glauca',143
purpurea 'Whte Swan',144
gruson 'Golden Barrel Cactus',145
gruson var. brevspnus ,145
x ebbnge,149
x ebbnge 'Eleador',149
x ebbnge 'Glt Edge',149
x ebbnge 'Lmelght',150
glabra 'Kalbarr Carpet',150
alatus Compactus,152
japoncus 'Elegantssmus Aureus,153
japoncus 'Mcrophyllus',153
japoncus 'Mcrophyllus Aurea',153
glauca 'Eljah Blue',155
ntda 'Retusa',157
excelsor 'Pendula',158

selloa 'Margnata',159
lndhemer 'Alba',160
lndhemer 'Passonate Pnk',160
lndhemer Rosea,160
lndhemer 'Trcolor',160

tracanthos 'Sunburst',163
langera 'Mt. Tambortha',164
'Poornda Tranqullty',164
'Robyn Gordon'164


Frans Halls,169
Stella de Oro,169
Summer Wne,169
molls 'Jackdawns Cream',171
cordata 'Chameleon',171

aqufolum 'Argenteomargnata',174

cylndrca 'Red Baron',174
ensata 'Varegata',176


efusus 'Sprals',177
chnenss 'Strcta',178
chnenss 'Strcta Varegata',178
horzontals 'Andorra Compacta',178
horzontals 'Andorra Compacta Varegata',179
horzontals 'Blue Chp',179
horzantals Wlton,179
sabna 'Tamarscfola',179
vrgnana Skyrocket,179
x meda Old Gold,179
x meda Pftzerana Aurea,179
ndca 'Nvea',181
mnor ,184
decurrens Aureovaregata ,185

japoncum 'Excelsum Superbum',186
texanum 'Varegata',186
muscar 'Varegata',189
grandfora 'Gallsonenss',191
grandfora Golath,191
obovata 'Purpurea',194
x soulangeana,194
x soulangeana 'Lenne',195
nervglums 'Savannah',196
spansh Varegata,196

excelsus 'Aureus',197
snenss Flamngo,199
snenss 'Mornng Lght',199
snenss 'Varegatus',199
snenss 'Zebrnus',199
snenss 'Zebrnus Gold Bar',199
snenss 'Zebrnus Leopard' ,200
snenss var.condensatus Cosmopoltan,200
alba 'Pendula',201

ensete 'Maurell',203

communs 'Tarentna',204
communs 'Tarentna Varegata',204
domestca 'Frepower',204
oleander ,206
oleander Rosso Nana,208
oleander 'Salmone Nana',208
volacea 'Alba',256
volacea 'Slver Lace',256
latfola 'Varegata'256
hybrd 'Dark Blue',257
tnus 'Eve Prce,258


snenss 'Alba'263

OLEA ,210
planscapus 'Ngrescens',212

vrgatum Heavy Metal,213
trcuspdata Vetch,71
messacum 'Red Buttons',215
setaceum 'Freworks',215
setaceum 'Rubrum',215
tenax 'Atropurpureum',218
tenax 'Pnk Panther',218
tenax 'Varegatum',218

serrulata 'Lttle Red Robn',219
serrulata 'Red Robn' ,219
pungens 'Hoops',220
mugo 'Mughus',220
parvfora 'Negsh',220
tenufolum Varegatum,222
tobra 'Nana',223
x acerfola,226

capenss 'Alba',227
myrtfola 'Bb Pnk',228
cordata 'Alba',2208
cerasfera 'Pssard Ngra',229
granatum 'Nana',229
ndca 'Sprngtme',232
asatcum 'Trcolor',253
pseudoacaca 'Frsa',233
pseudoacaca 'Inerms',233
pseudoacaca 'Twsty Baby',233
x margaretta 'Casque Rouge',233

ofcnals 'Corscan Blue'236
ofcnals 'Prostratus',236
caprea Pendula,238
ofcnals 'Icterna',239
ofcnals 'Purpurascens',239
rantonnet 'Varegata',242
japonca 'Pendula',243
pectnata 'Aureomargnata',243
regnae 'Mandela's Gold',247
orentals 'Aurea Nana',249
orentals 'Pyramdals Aurea',249
x ctrodorus 'Doone Valley',250
asatcum 'Trcolor',253
fortune Wagneranus,254


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