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Bannah Rose

2SuS Longview Apt 2SS

Austin, Texas 787uS
(21u) 8SS-8212


!"# %&'(#)*'+, -. !#/0* 0+ 12*+'&3 Austin, TX Nay 2u17
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!"# %&'(#)*'+, -. !#/0* 0+ 12*+'& 4-&-) 5"-')3 Austin, TX August 2u1S-piesent
0iganize tianspoitation foi ovei Su choii membeis to peifoimances & special events
Auvance maiketing foi special events via social meuia
Photogiaph & uocument monthly events; utilize iPhoto to euit images

60)7'08#&+ 9+)'&: ;20)+#+3 San Antonio, TX August 2uu9- August 2u12
&2%26*17 8*33$(/
Cooiuinate peifoimances foi weuuings, banquets, & othei events
Negotiate piicing anu financial agieements with venue manageis & event planneis
Aiiange sheet music foi vaiious events & occasions accoiuing to clienteles' iequests

<-)+"#0*+ =&>#?#&>#&+ 9@"--7 A'*+)'@+ 1+"7#+'@*3 San Antonio, TX August 2u11- }une 2u12
Film athletic events, such as football games & tiack meets, fiom fielu siuelines
Facilitate & set up viueo cameia equipment accoiuing to safety piotocol amongst spoiting
Communicate viueo cues anu sequences via heauset with oveiseeing managei in athletic towei


4BCBD E)-@#), 5-8?0&,3 San Antonio & Austin, TX Nay 2u1u-piesent
9-.:/$4* ;*<1*(*%/2/$=*
Nanage piouuct oiueis anu iecipe iequiiements with seveial employees in multiple
uepaitments at once
Tiain anu uiiect an aveiage of S new employees to the uepaitment each month on health coues
anu customei inteiaction
Request inventoiy, oiganize & iestock uepaitment supplies, such as cooking utilities anu
seiving utensils, on a weekly basis

6-)+)0'+ 6"-+-:)0?"#)3 San Antonio & Austin, TX Naich 2u12-piesent
Negotiate piices with vaiious inuiviuual clients
Tailoi photogiaphs to fit clients' iequests & changes
Extensive auveitising via social meuia

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