Sentencematch 1

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Classroom Activity Classroom Activity

Health and Safety Responsibilities Health and Safety Responsibilities

Sentence Match Sentence Match
Pair the sentence fragments.
1. You could put other people at risk by

... looking after their own health and

safety and taking care not to put other
people at risk.
2. Employers have the primary
responsibility for ...
... ask for clarification, help or
. !egal responsibilities for workplace
health and safety are set out in ...
... reducing the risks as effectively as
they can.
". #f you$re not sure about how to
perform a task safely, you should ...
... someone else getting hurt.
%. &here workplace risks can't be
eliminated, employers are responsible
for ...
... making sure that the workplace is
(. Employees are responsible for ... ... listen carefully to safety information
provided by the employer.
). *o help them work safely, employees
must ...
... the +ccupational ,ealth and -afety
.ct 2//".
0. 1ailing to report an unsafe situation
at work could result in ...
... not following agreed safe work
Classroom Activity Classroom Activity 1 1/ /1 1

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