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Date: Tuesday February 4

, 2014 Class period: - Class level: 1
year Bac
Textbook: Gateway to
Unit: 5 Our eating Habits
Lesson type: Listening & Speaking Host Teacher: Mr. Jamel HAKEM Class number: 42
Lesson title : Enough & Too Trainee teacher: Hassan EL BAHI

Timing Procedure Techniques
20 min
T. greets students and asks them what the date is.

T.: am I tall or short (youre tall), what about the ceiling? (Its high). So can I
touch the ceiling? (No), why? (Because its high). So the ceiling is too high
for me to touch. Or? (I am not very tall), yes, I am not tall enough to touch
the ceiling.
T.: now tell me how many students are in this class (42), and how many
tables are in the classroom? (19). So what can you say about this? (There are
not enough tables for students). Or, students are too many for the tables.
T.: now listen, I would like to buy a new phone; there are three available:
I-phone Nokia Samsung
6000 DH 100 DH 1000 DH
T.: I have 1500 DH in my pocket; so can I buy the first one? (no) why? (its
very expensive/ you dont have enough money), yes or it is too expensive for
me to buy. What about the second and the third? (You have enough money
to buy them).
T.: now look [lifting the chair], can I lift the chair? (yes), so (you are strong
enough to lift the chair), what about the desk [tries to lift it] (no you cant),
why? (Its too heavy), yes, or I am not strong enough to lift the desk.

answers from

Using real

Drawing on
5 min
T.: open your books p.57; can s.o. read the question? (How many people
came to Jeremys party?). Now read the text silently and answer the

5 min
T.: Ok, how many people came to Jeremys party? (25 girls and boys)
T. asks general comprehension questions.

10 min
T.: Now read the text again and fill in the table with a pencil (elements &

10 min
T.: now you are going to give me FOUR sentences of your own, in which
you use too and enough.

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