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Qualities of An Effective

Sexuality Educator
Qualities in An Effective Sexuality Educator

1. S/He has achieved a healthy attitude to her/his own sexuality.

2. S/He has the quality of empathy, which we interpret as
sensitivity and respect for the attitudes, values and feelings
of other persons.

3. S/He is well informed about human sexuality through reading,
participating in workshops and courses and is able to
incorporate this information in her/his teaching.

4. S/He can communicate warmly and effectively both verbally
and non-verbally with her/his audience.
Qualities (cont.)

5. S/He finds the role of sexuality educator satisfying and

6. S/He is able to safeguard with strict confidentiality, private
and personal material communicated to her/him.

7. S/He is able to relate to her/his audience in an open and
honest manner, while maintaining an appropriate
professional attitude.

8. S/He can create a supportive climate in the group, which
can enable members to express their true feelings and
honest opinions without fear of rejection or censure.

Qualities (cont.)

9. S/He must consider both male and female viewpoints.

10. S/He helps students understand and tolerate differing
ethical attitudes about sex, resulting from religion,
family heritage and environment.

11. S/He assures audience that past sexual behaviour does
not determine future behaviour.
Behaviours To Avoid

Don't dominate the discussion.
Don't relinquish your adult role.
Don't "interrogate" your audience.
Don't impose your own value system.
Don't feel that you must give your opinion.
Don't discuss your own sexual behaviour, nor ask the
audience to reveal theirs.
Don't allow audience nervousness or uneasiness to
end discussion.
Don't try to pre-determine the types of questions that
will be asked.

Unit Pendidikan Kesihatan
Bahagian Pembangunan Kurikulum
Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia

FB: Ning Alwiz

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