Characteristics of Valuable Information

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Quantitative Information
Qualitative Information
Formal Information
Formal Information
Informal Information

Characteristics of Valuable Information
Accurate Accurate information is error free. In some cases, problems in the knowledge required for the
process or errors are found in input (data), it will result to the inaccuracy of the output. This is known as
Garbage In Garbage Out (GIGO).
Complete Complete information contains all the important facts to make clear decisions.
Economical Information should be relatively economical to produce. Decision makers must always
balance the value of information with the cost of producing it.
Flexible Flexible information can be used for a variety of purposes.
Reliable Reliable information can be depended on, it describes the correctness of the information. If
there are any problems with respect to correctness of data, it will affect the reliability of information. A
common case is the reliability of the data collection method or the source of information.
Relevant The relevance of information is determined based of the usefulness of information with
respect to the decision making process.
Simple Information should also be simple, not overly complex. Providing too many information could
affect the simplicity in the presentation and it is also known as information overloading.
Timely Timely information refers to providing information at the right time and for the decisions to be
made to achieve effectiveness.
Verifiable If it is possible to confirm the reliability of the information about its correctness (validate), it
becomes verifiable information. If you are not sure about a particular information, research for it.
Accessible Information should be easily accessible by authorized users to be obtained in the right
format at the right time to meet their needs.
Secure Information should be secure from access by unauthorized users. The value of information
could be lost due to unauthorized access or intentionally damaging its existence.

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