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Unethical experiments- The Case of David Reimer

Psychologists argue over which has the greatest influence in determining who we are.
Is it nature? That is our genetic makeup, our biology
Is it nurture? That is, the environment we are brought up in- family, society.
Or both

Is our gender identity determined by our biology or how we our environmment?

1. Construct and complete the table as follows :
Under each heading write down what is associated with each gender
Are these behaviours determined by our nature or nurture?
[Put NUor NA beside each comment]

Common behaviours
Dress Toys/ hobbies
Male Boys dont cry

Female Girls are emotional

Dolls [ NU]

2. Watch the You Tube Clip: DR Money and the Boy with no penis
3 Why does Dr Money suggest a sex change for David?
4. What does he believe determines our gender identity?
5. What behaviours as a therapist do you believe were unethical?
6. What was the impact on Davids mental health from Dr Moneys insistence that he
was a girl? Davids family?
7. David never felt like a girl- what do you think determines our gender?
8. Did Dr Moneys experiment with David prove his theory about how our gender
identity is formed? Explain
9. Do you believe Dr Money should have been penalised for his actions . Whose
interests was he working for- His own or Davids? Explain

Year 10 Psychology- Friday,August 1
, periods 3 and 4

Students are to be given 30 minutes of period 3 to complete the worksheet given on
Wednesday 30
July. The learning task and resources are on Compass under 10C.

Could you please show them the You Tube clip- Dr Money and the boy with no
penis. This goes for about 45 minutes

After the clip could you please give out the question sheet on David Reimer.
Lastly could you explain that all homework will need to be completed by next
Wednesday, August 6
Thank you
Trish Walsh

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