IIMAProfile Admission Procedure - 14

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Post-graduate Programme (PGP)

The two-year Post-graduate Programme in Management (PGP) is a full-time residential course for graduates from
all disciplines wishing to choose a career in management. This Programme was ranked at No.7
in the world y
the !inancial Times in M."c (Management) category in the year #$%%.
The candidate must hold a achelor&s degree' with at least ($) marks or e*ui+alent ,GP- .in case of the candidates
elonging to "cheduled ,aste (",)/ "cheduled Trie ("T) and 0ifferently -led (0-) category' this is rela1ed to
2()3' of any of the 4ni+ersities incorporated y an act of the central or state legislature in 5ndia or other educational
institutions estalished y an act of Parliament or declared to e deemed as a 4ni+ersity under section 6 of 4G, -ct'
%7(8' or possess an e*ui+alent *ualification recogni9ed y the Ministry of :;0' Go+ernment of 5ndia. The
achelor&s degree or e*ui+alent *ualification otained y the candidate must entail a minimum of three years of
education after completing higher secondary schooling (%$<#) or e*ui+alent. The percentage otained y the
candidate in the achelor&s degree would e ased on the practice followed y the uni+ersity/institution from where
the candidate has otained the degree. 5n case of the candidates eing awarded grades/,GP- instead of marks' the
e*ui+alence would e ased on the e*ui+alence certified y the uni+ersity/ institution from where they ha+e otained
achelor=s degree. 5n case the uni+ersity/ institution does not ha+e any scheme for con+erting ,GP- into e*ui+alent
marks' the e*ui+alence would e estalished y 55M -hmedaad y di+iding otained ,GP- with the ma1imum
possile ,GP- and multiplying the resultant with %$$.

,andidates appearing for the final year achelor&s degree / e*ui+alent *ualification e1amination and those who
ha+e completed degree re*uirement and are awaiting results can also apply. "uch candidates must produce a
certificate from the Principal/:ead of the 0epartment/;egistrar/0irector of the uni+ersity/ institution certifying
that the candidate is currently in the final year / is awaiting final results and has otained at least ($) marks or
e*ui+alent (2() in case of candidates elonging to ",/"T/0- category) ased on latest a+ailale grades/marks.
"uch candidates' if selected' will e allowed to >oin the programme pro+isionally only if they sumit a certificate
latest y ?une 6$' #$%( from the Principal/;egistrar of their college/institute (issued on or efore ?une 6$' #$%()
stating that they ha+e completed all the re*uirements (the results may' howe+er' e awaited) for otaining the
achelor&s degree/ e*ui+alent *ualification on the date of issue of the certificate. Their admission will e
confirmed only when the candidate sumits the mark sheet and a certificate of ha+ing passed the achelor&s
degree / e*ui+alent *ualification referred to in the certificate issued y the Principal/;egistrar with at least ($)
marks (2() in case of candidates elonging to ",/"T/0- category). 5t is mandatory for the final year students'
who are pro+isionally admitted' to sumit the mark-sheet and degree certificate of the final year achelor&s degree
e1amination held on or efore ?une 6$' #$%( (including supplementaries' if any)' to e eligile for admission to
the Post Graduate Programme atch #$%(-%7. The deadline for submission of the mark sheet and the certificate is December
31, 2015. Non-fulfillment of this condition will automatically result in the cancellation of the ro!isional admission. ""#$ would not
allow any candidate to %oin its ro&ramme in case the candidate is unable to comlete all the re'uirements for a bachelor de&ree on or
before (une 30, 2015. The 55M- would also not offer admission to any candidate after ?une 6$' #$%(.
Admissio"#Sele$tio" Pro$ess
The selection of candidates for admission to the #$%(-%7 atch of the PGP at 55M -hmedaad is a two-step
5n the first step' candidates are short-listed for -cademic @riting Test (-@T) and Personal 5nter+iew (P5) from
among the candidates who ha+e a +alid ,-T score' who ha+e applied for the programme and who satisfy the
eligiility criteria for the programme.

Shortlisting and Selection
Criteria %or PGP &'()-(* at$+
(, Preliminary Screening

,andidates fulfilling the following minimum cut offs in ,-T #$%2 percentile ranks and -pplication ;ating (-;)
scores gi+en in Tale %

and otaining a positi+e (greater than 9ero) raw score in oth Aeral and Buant "ections
will only e considered for all suse*uent stages.
Tale (- Minimum ,-T-#$%2 Percentile ;ank C -; scoreD
,ategory Aeral percentile rank Buant percentile rank Total percentile rank
General E( E( 7$ %(.(
N,-FG,-cum-transgender E$ E$ E( %%
", 7( 7( E$ E.(
"T 7( 7( E$ E.(
0- 7( 7( E$ E.(
) *efer Table 2 for calculation of $*
Note: Scheduled Castes (SC), Scheduled Tribes (ST), Non-creamy Other Backward Castes (NC-OBC), Dierently !bled

!or computation of -; score of an applicant rating scores H$& and H+& and H,&( Tale #) will e computed ased
on her/his percentage of marks otained in %$
standard' %#
standard and achelor&s degree e1aminations

Tale &- -pplication ;ating (-;)I #$%(-%7 ;ating "cores
Percent score in
10th Std. Exam
<= 55 1
> 55 and <= 60 2
> 60 and <= 70 3
> 70 and <= 80 4
> 80 and <= 90 7
> 90 10

Percent score in
12th Std. Exam
<= 55 1
> 55 and <= 60 2
> 60 and <= 70 3
> 70 and <= 80 4
> 80 and <= 90 7
> 90 10

Percent score in
ache!or"s #egree
<= 55 1
> 55 and <= 60 2
> 60 and <= 65 3
> 65 and <= 70 4
> 70 and <= 80 7
> 80 10

A..li$atio" /ati"g S$ore- A/0',)1A2(,)1B2&,)13
Ma4imum S$ore %or A/ 0 5)
Notes aout the marks otainedI
%. Percentages of marks of an applicant who is yet to complete achelor&s degree will e computed ased on her/his
a+ailale marks.
#. !or a candidate ha+ing cleared ,-/5,@-5/," without ha+ing a achelor&s degree' the a+erage of
intermediate and final e1aminations& percentages of marks otained would e treated as achelor&s degree

IIM Ahmedabad reserves the right to make changes in the Shortlisting and Selection Criteria, if considered necessary
at any point.
6. !or computing -; score of an applicant' scores in all su>ects that appear in the marks- sheet of %$
"td. e1aminations will e considered irrespecti+e of whether the oard/uni+ersity considers them for
calculating the percentage.
2. !or achelor&s degree' the percentage of marks awarded y the institute/uni+ersity will e treated as final.
5f the institute/uni+ersity does not award the percentage of marks' it will e calculated on the asis of the
marks otained in all su>ects listed in the marks- sheet.
(. 5f the percentage of marks awarded y the institute/uni+ersity does not take into account marks otained
in all the su>ects as mentioned in the marks-sheet(s) for all the years' the candidates must produce a
certificate from the Principal/:ead of the 0epartment/ ;egistrar/ 0irector of the uni+ersity/ institution
certifying details of the practice at the time of the inter+iew' if shortlisted for the same.
8. 5f any oard/institute/uni+ersity awards only letter grades without pro+iding an e*ui+alent percentage of
marks on the grade sheet' the candidate should otain a certificate from the oard/institute/uni+ersity
specifying the e*ui+alent marks which should e used for filling the online ,-T application form. The
original e*ui+alence certificate needs to e sumitted at the time of inter+iew' if shortlisted for the same.
7. !or candidates ha+ing a (-year integrated master=s degree' percentage of marks otained in the first 6
years will e considered as achelor&s degree percentage. !or candidates in the final year of ( year
integrated master=s degree' the marks otained in the first 6 years will e considered as achelor&s degree
HNot ,ompleted& percentage.

2. Screening for Academic Writing Test (AWT) & Personal Interview (PI)
To recogni9e e1ceptional performers across di+erse academic ackgrounds' from each of the fi+e categories of
academic disciplines' top ($ candidates or top %) of the numer of applicants to 55M -hmedaad -- whiche+er is
less -- will e shortlisted for -@T C P5 on the asis of their ,-T percentiles. !or the classification of academic
disciplines' refer to Tale 6.
Gased on the ,-T percentile' from the remaining candidates of the pool meeting the minimum cut offs' and
minimum -; scores prescried in Tale %' a merit list will e drawn and shortlisted for -@T C P5 for General
category and for the reser+ed categories separately.
Tale 6- Dis$i.li"e %or a$+elor7s degree (as .er 3AT A..li$atio")
%. -griculture .-gronomy' "oil "cience' -gricultural Giochemistry' -gricultural Jconomics' -gricultural
J1tension' Plant Greeding and Genetics' Jntomology' Plant Pathology etc.3
#. -nimal :usandry
6. 0airy "cience/Technology
2. !isheries
(. !orestry
8. !ood Technology
7. :orticulture
E. Medicine/0entistry
7. Pharmacology/Pharmacy
%$. "cience .Giology' Giochemistry' Gio-technology' Gotany' Kife "cience' Loology3
%%. "cience .,hemistry' Mathematics' Physics' "tatistics3
%#. "cience (Fthers) I :ome "cience' Nursing and all other ranches of "cience not e1plicitly mentioned
elsewhere in this list3
%6. Aeterinary "cience
%. -rts/:umanities .-rchaeology' Jducation' !ine -rts (0ance' Music' Painting)' Geography' :istory'
?ournalism' Kanguages' Kirary "cience' Kiterature' Philosophy' Political "cience' Psychology' Pulic
-dministration' "ocial @ork/@elfare' "ociology' etc.3
#. Kaw
6. Jducation .including Physical Jducation and "ports3
2. ;ural "tudies/;ural "ociology/;ural ,ooperati+es/;ural Ganking
%. ,ommerce/Jconomics .-ccountancy' -uditing' Ganking' Gusiness Mathematics' Gusiness Frganisation'
Jconomics' Jconomic 0e+elopment and Planning' Pulic -dministration' Pulic !inance' "ecretarial
Practices etc.3
#. ,hartered -ccountancy
6. ,ost and @orks -ccountancy
2. ,ompany "ecretaryship
(. :otel C Tourism Management
8. Management .Gusiness -dministration' Gusiness Management' Gusiness "tudies' Management "tudies3
%. -gricultural Jngineering
#. -rchitecture
6. Jngineering/Technology .G.J.' G."c. (Jngg.)' G.Tech. in all engineering su>ects including ,omputer
Jngineering' ,omputer "cience' 5T' other than -gricultural Jngineering and 0airy Technology3
%. -ny other discipline not mentioned ao+e.
Note, !inal discretion on the academic category that an academic program will e classified into rests with the -dmissions
,ommittee of 55M--hmedaad.
3. Final Selection

"election at this stage will strictly e ased on the ranks of the candidates computed separately for each category
(General/",/"T/N,-FG,-Transgender/0-) on the asis of their ,omposite "cores (,"). The numers
selected in different categories will e in proportions mandated y law.

The ," of a candidate who appears in -@T C P5 will e computed using the following ruleI
!irst' ,-T' -@T and P5 scores of a candidate are normali9ed y di+iding it with the corresponding ma1imum
possile score that could e otained.

The ," of a candidate is then otained asI

3S 0 ',)' (Normali8ed PI S$ore) 2 ',(' (Normali8ed A9T S$ore) 2 ',5' (Normali8ed 3AT Total S$ore),

The followin& information is about the admission rocess followed by ""#$ for its -.- subse'uent to /$T. "t is therefore, imortant for the
candidates to read them carefully.

1. -erformance in /$T is an imortant inut in the admission rocess. /andidates should note that it is imortant to erform well in each
section of the test. "n addition to the erformance in /$T, ""#$ uses academic back&round for short-listin& for $0T 1 -".
2. -lease note that ""#$ short-lists candidates for $0T1-" indeendent of other ""#s. 2ence it is ossible to obser!e !ariations in the
lists of candidates short-listed by different ""#s.
3. Details of candidates short-listed will be made a!ailable on ""#$ website 3www.iimahd.ernet.in4 tentati!ely in the last week of
December 2015 after the /$T results are ublished. 6hort-listed candidates would also be sent $0T1-" call letters by ""#$. No
communication would be sent to alicants who are not short-listed for $0T1-".
5. $fter the $0T1-" round, admission offers are made by ""#$ to successful candidates. The rankin& and final selection is based on a
di!erse set of attributes which includes erformance in /$T, erformance in $0T1-", academic, co-curricular and e7tra-curricular
achie!ements, work e7erience etc.
5. Disclosure of information about the admission rocess is dri!en by concerns which at times conflict with each other. The ""#$ would
like the admission rocess to be transarent. $t the same time, ""#$ would wish to rotect the ri!acy of indi!idual candidates and
confidentiality of the rocess to re!ent abuse. +ased on these considerations, the erformance of an indi!idual is not made a!ailable to
any other erson. 6imilarly, the erformance of candidates in $0T1-", includin& assessment of attributes mentioned under ara&rah
5 abo!e is not disclosed to anyone to re!ent e7ercise of undue ressure on the anelists articiatin& in the admission8selection rocess.
""#$ e7ercises its own discretion in disclosin& wei&hts assi&ned to di!erse sets of attributes mentioned under ara&rah 5 abo!e. To
ensure that the ercei!ed lack of transarency does not in any way affect the candidates ne&ati!ely, ade'uate care is taken in formation of
anel, de!eloment of ob%ecti!e criteria for assessment, random allocation of candidates to a anel and other such measures.
9. /andidates, who aear in $0T1-" will be able to !iew whether they ha!e been offered admission by ""#$ tentati!ely durin& the
second week of $ril 2015 by !isitin& the ""#$ website. $dmission offer letter would be sent to all successful candidates. /andidates,
who are offered admission, need to confirm their accetance by comletin& all the re'uired formalities by first8second week of #ay 2015.
6ome candidates may also be laced on the waitin& list initially durin& second week of $ril 2015. :ffers to candidates on the waitin&
list would deend uon the number of successful candidates accetin& the offer made by ""#$.

5n the e+ent of specific guidelines eing issued y Go+ernment of 5ndia' 55M- reser+es the right to' depending on
the nature of the guidelines' continue with its $0T1-" as stated ao+e F; use an alternati+e selection
procedure which may include calling for additional information from short-listed candidates' a supplementary test
or any other suitale process/mechanism. ,are will e taken to ensure that candidates are not put to undue
Please note that 55M -hmedaad will conduct its -cademic @riting Tests and Personal 5nter+iews (-@T C P5s)
in -hmedaad' Gengaluru' ,hennai' :yderaad' Molkata' Kucknow' Mumai and New 0elhi/N,;. ,andidates
short-listed for -@T C P5 will e intimated y registered .ost te"tati:el! i" t+e last ;ee< o% De$emer &'(5,
The ,-T takers applying to 55M-&s post-graduate programmes can also check out if they ha+e een short-listed
for -@T C P5 y +isiting the 55M- wesite (www.iimahd.ernet.in) tentati+ely in the last week of 0ecemer #$%2,
No indi+idual regret letters shall e sent to candidates not short-listed for -@T C P5.
-s per Go+ernment of 5ndia re*uirement' #7) of the seats are reser+ed for N,-FG,' %() for ", and 7.() for
"T candidates. ,andidates also need to mark carefully the category to which they elong in the application form.
6) seats are reser+ed for 0ifferently -led (0-)

candidates. The three categories of disaility areI a) low-
+ision/lindness' ) hearing impairment' and c) locomotor disaility' cereral palsy.
The candidates elonging to categories for which seats are reser+ed need to note and read carefully the eligiility
re*uirements efore applying. 5t should e noted that while it is the endea+our of 55Ms that the candidates
elonging to N,-FG,/",/"T/0- categories >oin the programme in proportions mandated y the law' they
ha+e to meet the eligiility criteria and a certain minimum le+el of performance in ,-T and -@T C P5.
Pre.arator! Programme
- preparatory programme will e offered in ?une #$%( to those selected students who in 55M-&s opinion need
special inputs in mathematics or/and communication in order to facilitate their learning in the first year of the
Met+od o% I"stru$tio"
The case method is a ma>or instrument of learning at 55M-. Fther methods' such as seminars' group e1ercises'
role-plays' lectures and discussions' are also used. Management cases are description of actual management
situations ased on the e1periences or organi9ations in a wide range of settings. They present facts known to the
e1ecuti+es responsile for dealing with the situations presented' and through discussions of these situations'
students learn how to sol+e different kinds of managerial prolems. Goth 5ndian and foreign cases are used.
The !ees and other charges payale y the PGP students of the #$%2-#$%8 atch for their first academic year is
appro1imately ;s.7'7$'$$$/-. Kaptop computer' personal e1penses on oarding' tra+el' clothes and laundry are
e1tra. The fees and other charges for the #$%(-#$%7 atch will e ased on the fees and other charges for the
#$%2-#$%8 atch' ad>usted for inflation.
Fi"a"$ial Assista"$e#S$+olars+i.s
55M-- aspires to gi+e the opportunity to pursue its programmes (PGP C PGP--GM) to all eligile applicants
irrespecti+e of their financial status. Meeping this in mind' 55M- has instituted a "pecial Need-Gased "cholarship
"cheme to complement the +arious scholarships pro+ided y the industry and go+ernment. J+ery year many
students are pro+ided sustantial financial support under the "cheme. The scholarship amount is decided on the
asis of se+eral criteria such as annual gross family income' ownership of assets' and the numer of dependents in
the family. The applications for these scholarships are in+ited e+ery year in the month of ?uly. Many commercial
anks and financial institutions pro+ide educational loans to students. !or details' candidates may contact ranch
offices of such anks.
Pro%ile o% Past Stude"ts
"tudents admitted to the Post-graduate Programme in the past ha+e had scholastic achie+ements in different
disciplines such as arts' commerce' science and professional streams such as medicine' engineering and
agriculture. "ome of the *ualities which characteri9e past students include high le+els of initiati+e and energy'
capacity for hard work' strong task orientation' willingness to learn' and a temperament suitale for teamwork.
The PGP classes ha+e had a mi1 of fresh graduates and persons with work e1perience. -mong the recent PGP
students' a significant proportion has had full-time paid work e1perience of more than si1 months after their
The first year&s curriculum is compulsory and co+ers the asic functional areas of accounting and finance'
eha+ioural science' communication' economics' information technology' marketing' personnel management and
industrial relations' operations management' and *uantitati+e methods. -t the end of the first year' a student
works in an organisation on a summer assignment lasting eight to ten weeks. The second year courses pro+ide the
students with an opportunity to pursue studies in areas of special interest to them. Therefore' all the second year
courses are electi+es. 5t helps students to de+elop an integrated approach to sol+ing management prolems.

The 5nstitute has an e1change programme with o+er fifty-two peer institutes all o+er the world. J+ery year' aout
one third of the atch spends a term with these premier management institutes aroad. "imilarly' students from
the corresponding institutes study at 55M- for a term. The "tudent J1change Programme enales 55M- students
to appreciate di+erse cultures and working en+ironments and de+elop a more holistic +ision. 5t facilitates free flow
of ideas and knowledge among academic institutions' rings an international fla+or and perspecti+e to the
classroom and prepares students for work in foreign countries.

The 5nstitute has also an arrangement for 0oule 0egree Programme with three Juropean 5nstitutes. The
students completing the 0oule 0egree Programme will recei+e the diploma / degree from 55M- as well as from
the partner 5nstitute.
Graduates of the PGP are awarded the HPost-graduate 0iploma in Management&.
PGP graduates ha+e een employed in a wide range of companies from pulic sector' pri+ate sector and
multinational corporations. 5n recent years' recruiters ha+e included -ma9on' -ccenture "er+ices P+t. Ktd. -ditya
Girla Group' -rthur 0 Kittle' - T Mearney' -sian Paints' -1is Gank' ,itigroup Gloal Markets' ,redit-"uisse'
Gain C ,ompany' Gank of -merica Merrill Kynch' Garclays ,apital' Goo9 C ,ompany' Gharti -irtel Ktd.'
,ogni9ant' 0eloitte ,onsulting' 0eutsche Gank' JNK "er+ices Ktd.' !eedack Aentures' Goldman "achs' Google
5ndia' :industan 4nile+er' :indu>a Group' :"G,' 5GM 5ndia' 5T, Ktd.' ,adury Mraft' MahindraCMahindra'
McMinsey C ,o' Mindtree ,onsulting' Microsoft 5ndia' Monitor Group' Morgan "tanley' Nestle 5ndia Ktd.'
Nomura 5nternational' Fli+er-@yman' Pricewaterhouse,oopers' Procter C Gamle' ;eliance 5ndustries Ktd.'
;PG Group' ;eser+e Gank of 5ndia' "uperMa1' "tandard ,hartered Gank' Tata -dministrati+e "er+ices' T-T-
"teel' The ;oyal Gank of "cotland Group' The Goston ,onsulting Group' @ipro' Oes Gank. -out E2$# PGP
alumni today occupy top managerial positions in industry' within and outside the country.

For %urt+er details .lease $o"ta$t-
-dmissions Ffficer
5ndian 5nstitute of Management
Aastrapur' -hmedaad 6E$$%(
JmailI admissionPiimahd.ernet.in (!or post-cat *ueries only)

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