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Recent Treatment of Alzheimer and

Parkinsonian diseases

Public health professional huda almansour

(post-master degree in Public health )
Thomas Jefferson university, Philadelphia, USA
Recent studies showed that more than 3
$billions was spent on Alzheimer and related
diseases in the last 5 years in the researches in
the Universities of the USA alone.
These studies showed that the already present
methods of ttt may aggravate the condition of
the patient.
These studies also showed that the blamed
substance(-synuclein) & B-amyloid are
substances to protect the brain tissues rather
than destroy it.
Our strategy in the research was as follow;

All that mean, we have to search for the actual
exacting causes of these diseases and reverse
these exact causes.
We take the up-to-date researches done the
top universities of the USA related to
Alzheimer & Parkinsonian and other related
diseases .
The results were astonishing and completely
The actual causes of brain damage were
mainly by 2 things(Glucose & free radicles)
The 1
dangerous risk factor(glucose)
The Glucose(reducing agent) and it is the main
source of energy to the brain tissue in the
normal circumstances.
Glucose (causes Glycation of tissues), if
unsafely transported to tissue. This glycation is
non-enzymatic attachment of glucose to
proteins causes it to be dysfunctional. So, it
can not do its function well and clinically
presented as tissue degeneration.
The protection of tissue against glycation by
glucose is discovered recently by lipid
raft(mainly cholesterol-sulphate). These
lipid rafts prevent the glucose from making its
glycation effect and act as a safe method of
transmission of glucose from interstitial
tissues to mitochondria of the brain tissues
Deficiency of Cholesterol-sulphate will
decrease this protective mechanism and allow
glycation of proteins which makes it
The 2
Dangerous risk factor is the free
Radicles (oxidizing agents)
Release of free Radicles as a result of Aerobic
Oxidation(Krebs cycle) Electron transport
chain(ETC) will lead to production of much H2O2
These oxidizing agents causes oxidation of protein
tissues inside the brain

Recent studies show that (Cholesterol_sulphate)
act as a safe method of transmission of oxygen
without oxidation of protein tissues.
These theories are proved by supplementation
to Alzheimer Patient with Sulphur. The
results were astonishing, if this done before
complete irreversible damage to the brain
tissue, the patient is not only improved but
complete reversal of the disease process will
Cholesterol is more or less high in elderly
patient but we do not need to reduce it even
we can encourage the patient to eat food rich
in cholesterol
Is the excess cholesterol hazardous to the
NO(only in sulphur deficiency, it is
hazardous as will be shown in sulphur
cycle )
Cholesterol is not hazardous to
heart as was believed except in
deficiency of sulphur deficiency.
What shall I do to live healthy of whole my
life without geriatric diseases like Alzheimer,
Parkinsonian, dementia, ..?
By combination 3 things
1. Sulphur supplementation over 40
2. eating food contain excess cholesterol
3. good exposure of the skin to sun light
which act as battery to carry energy from skin
to the heart, brain and other tissues need
energy( recently known as skin respiration)
Sulphur cycle
Cholesterol + Sulphur sun light cholesterol-So4

Insoluble in water
Soluble in water
Mitochondria in heart, brain,
Cholesterol sulphate act as a safe transmission of
both glucose and oxygen
H2S carried by blood back to
What are The compensatory mechanisms of
the body for Cholesterol-So4 deficiency?
The body has 3 compensatory mechanisms
that will lead to all geriatric diseases including
Alzheimer, Parkinsonian, Muscles wasting,
coronary artery diseases, even osteoporosis
and arthritis.
1. retrieval of sulphur from its stores
2. Calcium will replace Potassium in Na/K
3. Nitrates based O2 transport replace
sulphate based O2 transport.

1. Retrieval of sulphur from its stores
Depletion of sulphur from Muscles leading to
its weakness because sulphur makes
disulphide bond that connect collagen
Depletion of sulphur from bones leading to
reduction of tensile force of bones.
Depletion of sulphur from skin causes its early
wrinkling and from hairs which have large
amount of sulphur in the form of cysteine A.A
Depletion of sulphur from brain(Alzheimer,
Parkinsonian, and all cognitive function.

2. Calcium(ca) will replace potassium(K) in Na/K
Ca is larger in size than K because a deficiency of
Cholesterol-So4 will increase the permeability of
cell membrane so the cell restore Ca instead of K.
This will be presented clinically by bone
resorption which clinically presented as more
liability of bone fracture
Elevated serum Ca increases the liability of
calcification of the cholesterol plaque in the
coronary and cerebral blood vessels causing their
thrombosis which clinically presented as
myocardial infarction and stroke.
3. Nitrate based O2 transport will replace sulphate
based O2 transport.
This presented clinically of retrieval of nitrates from
continuous breakdown of muscles. This is the main
cause of muscles wasting associated with old age
Most of geriatric diseases above are caused by the
compensatory mechanisms to correct the deficiency
of cholesterol-sulphate. So, reversal of all these
diseases could be done by supplementation of both
1. Sulphur
2. Cholesterol
The old theory of Alzheimer was uncertain
but some explanations are caused by Damage
of brain tissues by ischemia caused by
narrowing of cerebral vessels.
This is explained by (-synuclein) & B-amyloid
because their presence is always associated
with Alzheimer disease.
Recent studies showed that they are the
complications of the disease process rather
than its cause and starting point.
(-synuclein) contains 4 methionine particles
each contains S-end which is oxidized instead
of brain tissues
In other words, (-synuclein) gives the brain
tissues a chance for recovery if sulphur is
supplemented early in disease process.
However, if it is too late by irreversible brain
tissues damage, supplementation of sulphur will
not cause recovery from Alzheimer disease.

So, -synuclein acts as the 1
line of defence
against brain tissue damage not as was thought
in the past as it is part of the disease process.
Sulphur is one of the most important mineral of
the body and enter in many vital structures
1. Amino acids(methionine & cysteine)
methionine is the starting point of any protein
synthesis& cysteine is building block of hairs.
2. Anti-oxidants(Glutathione, lipoic acid, Taurine,
3. Vitamins (thiamine, biotin, Co-A, ..
4. Ground substances( chondroitin, glucosamine
which responsible for ve charges of cartilage
(shock absorbing mechanism) & heparan
5. insulin which is main hormone of metabolism

Sulphur can affect both types of diabetes as follow:
A. Sulphur is included in insulin and its deficiency leads
to reduction of insulin( Type1 DM)
B. Sulphur deficiency will decrease Heparan-sulphate
which act as ground substance of B.cells causing
damage of B.cells( type1 DM)
C. Glycation of intra-cellular proteins increases the
resistance of insulin(type 2 DM)

6. The role of sulphur in hairs, nails, and skin
The hairs are formed from keratin-sulphate which
makes disulphide bonds to each others via sulphur in
cysteine A.A Which make them strong.
7. Sulphur enter in many antibiotics.
Penicillin, cephalosporin, sulphonamide, and
8. Sulphur has an anti-cancer property by stimulation
of apoptosis(programmatic cell death). It induces the
abnormal cells to commit suicide via certain signaling
of the transcription factors
Indeed, sulphur is essential for our health and is a
components of the most vital structures of the
human biology and it fights for our body against
external and internal enemies so we have to consider
To sum up
1. Sulphur is one of most important material to
human body and it enter in the construction of
the most vital structure of the body
2. Sulphur deficiency will operate all geriatric
disease processes and in early stages it can be
corrected before irreversible damage of neural
tissue has occurred
3. Cholesterol is a very vital substance in human
body and enter in formation of many vital
structures like vitamin D, sex hormones, steroid
hormones, and it is essential component of cell
membrane of all tissues of human body.

4. Cholesterol become dangerous only in deficient
sulphur because the plaques will be calcified and
have more liability to thrombosis
5. Human can fight most if not all geriatric diseases
by combination of good exposure to sun light,
sulphur supplementation, and excess cholesterol in
Sun exposure has UVR which may be carcinogenic
for white people thus it is now replaced by infra-
red supplementation that is completely safe and do
the function of sulphating of cholesterol to be
38,472 Women selected in 1991-1992, aged 30-49
monitored for 15 years
Questionnaire asked about frequency of
sunbathing vacations and sunburn
Increased sunburn frequency associated with
reduced all-cause mortality
Sunbathing vacations more than once a year
reduced risk to cardiovascular disease and
* Yang et al., Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 20(4):683-690, 2011
Ultraviolet Exposure and Mortality among
Women in Sweden*
Exposing Skin Cells to Vitamin A

Retinoids [vitamin A] inhibit cholesterol
sulfate accumulation and the increase
in transglutaminase activity

Quote from abstract,
Jetten et al. J Invest Dermatol. 93;1, 108-15, 1989.
The references

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