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Jaguar XE: Frugally Progressive?

The Jaguar XE is being referred to as the Baby Jag. This is a slightly inaccurate description
since the new Jag isnt small by any standard. It is just that most Jags have such
overwhelming dimensions that this reasonably sied XE might seem a lot smaller. The most
tal!ed about aspect of the new Jaguar is the ".# litre turbo$diesel engine. It is e%pected to be
a brea!through introduction in the niche of luxury brand cars.
Aluminium Seems Like the Way Ahead
The XE will use an aluminium$heavy
composition to ensure that the high
mileage offered as a result of the engine is
further accentuated by a lighter& but not
wea!er& frame. 'or many of us& who have
been dedicatedly following the Jaguar over
the last decade& this bit of news is rather
e%citing. Jaguar isnt the most innovative
brand& often dubbed as being apprehensive
about change.
This !ind of initiative means it has become sensitive to the demand for greener cars that have
a smaller environmental imprint. (eople who were saying that lu%ury car ma!ers are not
bothered about lowering emissions must be getting a reality chec! as more updates pour
from the much awaited XE.
)ith the confirmed feature of a *+" rating that is far below the benchmar! of ,## g-!m&
Jaguar British has impressed everyone. (eople are already guessing whether the Ingenium
engine will eventually become a staple of for Jags of all sies. This might not be the case. )e
need to understand that Jaguars are essentially restrained& but highly powered road bullies.
They are meant to intimidate and impress you. .sing an aluminium$intensive body structure
might not be the case with other Jags at the moment or the near future. /owever& the XE
should be the game$changer that the lu%ury car segment has been loo!ing for since a long
Its tal!ed about frugality is going to challenge the impressively economical specs of the B0)
1$series or the * class members of the 0ercedes$Ben fraternity. )e feel that the Jaguar XE
will outperform these contenders& i.e. in the form of the frugal aspect. Jaguar has given
strong indications that aluminium might form a substantial& nearly 23 percent of XEs
structural configuration.
4ecent revelation point towards the use of 5riveted aluminium technology& which hasnt been
interpreted too well& Jaguar seems confident of this particular blend of aluminium. 6ctually it
is a type of aluminium$based alloy7the 4*3238. )hat has impressed some analysts is the
high concentration of recycled aluminium.
What to expect more from the Jaguar XE?
0ar! )hite& the man who has been in charge Jaguars innovations& has claimed that a fully
aluminied body structure is the preferred way to go for Jaguar in the near future. /owever&
there are some serious doubts about this stream of thin!ing. 9es& low weight helps to raise
the fuel efficiency but it also compromises the driving dynamics that have become
synonymous with Jaguar. 6ll eyes are now on Jaguar XEs hardware. Even the front
suspension is li!ely to be made of forged aluminium. Industry analysts are e%pecting the
Jaguar XE to have better low speed manoeuvrability along with a wider range of variable
steering damping and an advanced traction gaining technology. +ther features we e%pect
from the XE include:
; Crankshaft reduced friction for longer life
; !urbochargers use of double turbo$charging
; "alancer shafts si%$cylinder performance
; Cam chain as durable as the engine
; #istons use of 3## cc cylinders
Wrapping$up this %iscussion
)e will !eep you updated about any more changes-updates as the launch of the Jaguar XE
comes nearer. )e are e%pecting the XE to generate a lot of consumer interest and become
perhaps the first volumes model for the .< carma!er. If you have any inputs to share about
the XE& please share them with us. If you want to e%plore an array of used Jaguars& please
click here to e%plore various options. 9ou can also contact us for a payment plan tailored to
your preferences.

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