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Course: CCNA

Cisco Certifed Network Associate (CCNA)

#eaher$s: %ASHI& ' Muha!!ad (ubair
)oation: Cor*it )ahore (+,-C-III. /u0ber1
Startin1 Date: +2
Se3te!ber. 20+0
4re3ared by: Ishaq Ah!ad Cor*it )ahore 4a1e +
CCI5 Seurity CCI5 6oie CCI5 Ser*ie
CCI5 7 8 S
CCNA Seurity
CCNA 6oie 9,0-
CCNA ;ire0ess
CCNA 640-
Course: CCNA
Lecture no-1
What is a network?
;hene*er t=o or !ore than t=o de*ies are onneted =ith eah
other and o!!uniate =ith eah other is a00ed a net=or>.
#here are t=o onditions in the net=or> de?nition. &irst one the
de*ies !ust be onneted =ith eah other (I a! not on0y ta0>in1
about the o!3uters beause the sha3e o@ the onneted de*ies
!ay be anythin1". Seond one is o!!uniation bet=een the!. I@
t=o de*ies are onneted and they are not ab0e to o!!uniate
=ith eah other then it is not a net=or>. &or eAa!30e i@ you
onnet t=o o!3uters =ith a =ater 3i3e0ine so they annot
o!!uniate =ith eah other. it is not a net=or>. Bou ha*e to
re!e!ber t=o thin1s. one =e need a onnetion and seond one
to o!!uniate o*er that onnetion. Mini!u! require!ent @or a
net=or> is to ha*e t=o de*ies. beause one de*ie annot !a>e
a net=or>.
Sharin1 is not a 3art o@ the net=or> de?nition beause there is a
diCerene bet=een o!!uniation and sharin1. #o understands
this 3oint 0et$s ta>e the @o00o=in1 eAa!30e.
I@ you onnet one hard dis> =ith another hard dis> in the sa!e
o!3uter and you ha*e o3ied data @ro! one hard dis> to
another and then you 30u1 the seond hard dis> into another
o!3uter. In this =ay you ha*e shared one o!3uter data =ith
another o!3uter but you don$t ha*e a net=or>. Deause there is
no o!!uniation and no onnetion. Sharin1 is done but there is
4re3ared by: Ishaq Ah!ad Cor*it )ahore 4a1e 2
Course: CCNA
no net=or>in1. 4rinter sharin1. ?0e sharin1 are the ad*anta1es o@
the net=or>.
In a net=or> the onneted de*ies !ust ha*e the abi0ity to
o!!uniate =ith eah other.
$%& 'ode#:
I@ you =ant to !o*e data @ro! one 30ae to another 30ae in a
net=or> then you ha*e to do so!e 3re3aration @or this trans@er.
Bou ha*e to 3re3are the data @or !o*e!ent. #here are ertain
ste3s or sta1es to !o*e data @ro! one o!3uter to another
o!3uter in a net=or> =hih is a00ed ESI 0ayers.
&or eCeti*e o!!uniation to ta>e 30ae the =ho0e 3roess is
di*ided into se*en 0o1ia0 1rou3s =hih are a00ed se*en 0ayers o@
ESI stands @or o3en syste! interonnetion. It is a0so a00ed ISE
ESI !ode0 !eans ISE (internationa0 standard or1aniFation"
de*e0o3 ESI !ode0 in +2<0. #his or1aniFation de?nes standards
@or data o!!uniation =hih onsists o@ se*en ste3s. #hese
se*en sta1es or ste3s are a00ed ESI se*en 0ayer !ode0. 5*ery
0ayer has its o=n na!e and @untions in this !ode0.
It is a theoretia0 !ode0 it has no 3hysia0 eAistene. It does not
eAist in tan1ib0e @or! (tan1ib0e !eans you annot touh it". It
!eans that i@ you o3en your o!3uter and =ant to ?nd =here
these 0ayers are 0aid in !y o!3uter you =i00 see nothin1 beause
it is Gust a one3t or 3roess.
)et$s ta>e an eAa!30e o@ hu!an 3re3aration. Assu!e you are
data and you =ant to 1o @ro! your ho!e to your oHe. No= you
=i00 3er@or! so!e 3re3aration ste3s to do this. i.e. ?rst o@ a00 you
=i00 ta>e a bath. han1e your 0othes. ta>e a brea>@ast. sit in a ar
and !o*e to=ards your oHe. #his =ho0e 3re3aration 3roess o@
!o*e!ent is di*ided into diCerent ste3s. Ste3 no + is re0ated to
4re3ared by: Ishaq Ah!ad Cor*it )ahore 4a1e 3
Course: CCNA
ta>in1 bath and han1in1 0othes .ste3 no 2 is ta>in1 brea>@ast
and ste3 no 3 is sittin1 in a ar. Ste3s are not neessary @or
o!!uniation 3roess i@ you don$t di*ide the 3roess into ste3s
sti00 o!!uniation =i00 be ahie*ed but the reason @or di*idin1
the 3roess into ste3s is to understand the =ho0e o!!uniation
or !o*e!ent 3roess easi0y. I@ I as> that I a! ta>in1 tea so you
=i00 >no= that it is ste3 no 2 and i@ I ta0> about bath so it is ste3 +.
no= you annot touh 3hysia00y these ste3s you an on0y >no=
@untions re0ated to eah ste3.
Si!i0ar0y. in order to understand the data o!!uniation the
=ho0e 3roess is di*ided into se*en 0ayers o@ ESI !ode0. I@
so!eone as> a question that =ithout 0ayers o!!uniation is
3ossib0e or not so the ans=er is yes o!!uniation is 3ossib0e
beause o!!uniation does not de3end on 0ayers. It is on0y the
eCort o@ ISE to di*ide the o!!uniation 3roess in ste3s in order
to de?ne standards. )ayers on0y si!30i@y the o!!uniation
3roess it is not addin1 or re!o*in1 so!ethin1 in the
o!!uniation 3roess.
Na!e and order o@ the ESI se*en 0ayers are:
La(er-1 )h(sica# #a(er
La(er-* Data #ink #a(er
La(er-+ Network #a(er
La(er-4 ,rans"ort #a(er
La(er-- %ession #a(er
La(er-6 )resentation #a(er
La(er-. A""#ication #a(er
Bou !ust re!e!ber na!e o@ ESI 0ayers in 3ro3er order.
4re3ared by: Ishaq Ah!ad Cor*it )ahore 4a1e ,
Course: CCNA
Lecture no-*
Wh( $%& 'ode#?
A question arises that =hat is the ad*anta1e or 3ur3ose o@
introduin1 ESI 0ayers. So the ans=er is to !a>e the o!30eA data
o!!uniation 3roedure !ana1eab0e and understandab0e and
to si!30i@y teahin1 and 0earnin1.
What is )eer to )eer Co//unication?
4eer !eans at the sa!e 0e*e0 in =hih there is no senior Gunior
one3t. I@ you ta>e the eAa!30e o@ uni*ersity. so your 0ass!ates
are your 3eer but your senior$s or Gunior$s are not your 3eer. ;hen
t=o de*ies are onneted and they are o!!uniatin1 =ith eah
other in a 0ayered !ode0 a33roah so that o!!uniation is
a0=ays 3eer to 3eer.
Data !o*e!ent =i00 start @ro! the a330iation 0ayer o@ the
sendin1 de*ie. A330iation 0ayer is ste3 no + @or the sendin1
de*ie and data =i00 0ea*e the sender o!3uter at 3hysia0 0ayer.
#he reei*er o!3uter =i00 reei*e the data on the 3hysia0 0ayer.
#he reei*er o!3uter 3hysia0 0ayer =i00 3er@or! a00 the
o3erations in re*erse o@ their orres3ondin1 sender 3hysia0 0ayer
and =i00 3resent data to the data 0in> 0ayer. No= data 0in> 0ayer
=i00 3er@or! o33osite o3erations on the data o@ their
orres3ondin1 sender data 0in> 0ayer.
#here are t=o i!3ortant thin1s to note in this 3roess. &irst one
the o!30ete o33osite o3eration is done =ith the data on the
other side. It !eans that eah 0ayer 3er@or! an eAat o33osite
o3eration on the data on the o33osite side that is =hy it is a00ed
3eer to 3eer o!!uniation. 7eei*er side Data 0in> 0ayer undo
the =or> o@ sender side Data 0in> 0ayer. Si!i0ar0y 3hysia0 0ayer.
trans3ort 0ayer. net=or> 0ayer et an undo on0y their
4re3ared by: Ishaq Ah!ad Cor*it )ahore 4a1e :
Course: CCNA
orres3ondin1 0ayers data. It is not 3ossib0e that data 0in> 0ayer o@
reei*er side =i00 undo trans3ort 0ayer data @ro! the sender side.
Seond one e*ery 0ayer o!!uniates =ith the sa!e 0ayer on the
other side.
In order to e*a0uate the one3t o@ 3eer to 3eer o!!uniation
0et us ta>e an eAa!30e o@ a 0etter.
I@ a 3erson =ants to send a 0etter to his @riend. #he 0etter is not
si!30y thro=n in the 3ost oHeI a nu!ber o@ other thin1s =i00 be
3er@or!ed =ith that 0etter. Si!i0ar0y a330iation 0ayer hando*er
the 0etter to the 3resentation 0ayer. the 3resentation 0ayer =i00
attah its o=n o*er to the 0etter and 3ass it to the session 0ayer.
the session 0ayer =i00 attah its o=n o*er o*er the 0etter and =i00
3ass and so on. 7e!e!ber on0y the 3hysia0 0ayer not attah any
o*er to the 0etter. It 3asses the 0etter as it is reei*ed @ro! the
data 0in> 0ayerI @ran>0y you an say 3hysia0 0ayer is an i00iterate
=hih annot =rite so!ethin1 on the o*er o@ the 0etter. 4hysia0
0ayer does not in0ude data in an en*e0o3e 0i>e other 0ayers.
Data 0in> 0ayer =rite instrutions on both sides o*er the en*e0o3e.
In short @ro! the sendin1 side e*ery 0ayer has =ritten its o=n
instrutions o*er the en*e0o3e eAe3t 3hysia0 0ayer and data 0in>
0ayer =rote on both side.
En the reei*er side the en*e0o3e is ta>en by the 3hysia0 0ayer
and 3ass it to the data 0in> 0ayer. Data 0in> 0ayer re!o*e its
en*e0o3e @ro! the 0etter inserted by data 0in> 0ayer o@ the sendin1
side and 3ass it to the net=or> 0ayer and so on. A330iation 0ayer
reei*e the ori1ina0 0etter and dis30ay it to the user on the
In data o!!uniation 3roess the en*e0o3e is atua00y headers
that are attahed by eah 0ayer to the data and in@or!ation is
stored inside header. 5*ery 0ayer attahes its o=n header =ith the
data then 3asses it to other 0ayer. 4hysia0 0ayer do not attah any
4re3ared by: Ishaq Ah!ad Cor*it )ahore 4a1e 9
Course: CCNA
header =ith a data =hi0e data 0in> 0ayer attah header as =e00 as
trai0er =ith the data.
#o3 !ost three 0ayers (a330iation. 3resentation and session" are
o@ the so@t=are de*e0o3er interests. !eans 3ro1ra!!ers !ost
o@ten dea0 =ith these 0ayers. #he botto! @our 0ayers (trans3ort.
net=or>. data 0in> and 3hysia0" are o@ the net=or>
ad!inistrator$s interest. #here@ore bein1 a net=or> 3ro@essiona0
=e !ost0y onentrate on these @our 0ayers and the beha*ior o@
data on these 0ayers. #hat is =hy the to3 three 0ayers an be
o!bined0y treated as an a330iation 0ayer. ;hen the data unit is
ready on the trans3ort 0ayer then it is a00ed se0/ent. ;hen the
net=or> 0ayer attahes its header and 3re3ares a data unit then it
is a00ed "acket. ;hen data 0in> 0ayer attahes its header and
trai0er and 3re3ares a data unit then it is a00ed 1ra/e. 4hysia0
0ayer does not attah any header it on0y on*ert @ra!e into bits.
4eer to 3eer o!!uniation is the one3t by =hih e*ery 0ayer
on a o!3uter o!!uniates on0y =ith its 3eer 0ayer on the other
#rans3ort 0ayer eAhan1es se1!ents =ith eah other. net=or>
0ayer eAhan1es 3a>ets =ith eah other. data 0in> 0ayer
eAhan1es @ra!e =ith eah other and 3hysia0 0ayer eAhan1es
bits =ith eah other durin1 o!!uniation.
Data 0ra/ is the seond na!e o@ the 3a>et.
4resentation 0ayer data onsists o@ atua0 data 30us a330iation
0ayer header and session 0ayer data is atua0 data 30us a330iation
0ayer header 30us 3resentation 0ayer header.
nca"su#ation and Deca"su#ation:
#he 3roess o@ attahin1 header =ith a data is a00ed data
ena3su0ation. En the reei*in1 side re!o*in1 o@ headers @ro!
the data is a00ed dea3su0ation.
4re3ared by: Ishaq Ah!ad Cor*it )ahore 4a1e <
Course: CCNA
A""#ication La(er:
A330iation 0ayer is res3onsib0e @or reei*in1 data @ro! the user
and on*ertin1 it into a @or! ae3tab0e @or the net=or>.
Inherent0y o!3uter a330iations (=ord. eAe0. aess. 1a!es et"
=ere bui0t to =or> on a sin10e 3. In order to !a>e these
a330iation 3ro1ra!s to =or> on a net=or> 30u1 in =ere added to
it. Dut no= a day$s these a330iation 3ro1ra!s o!e =ith
net=or>in1 a3abi0ities.
)resentation La(er:
4resentation 0ayer is res3onsib0e @or on*ertin1 the data unit
reei*ed @ro! the a330iation 0ayer in a @or! that is !o*ed o*er
the net=or>. &or eAa!30e i@ you ty3e your e!ai0 in 5n10ish. In a
net=or> this e!ai0 annot be !o*ed in 5n10ish. It !ust be
on*erted into binary @or! (0 and +".
I@ the sendin1 side 3resentation 0ayer on*erts JA$ into ++00 and
at the reei*in1 side 3resentation 0ayer on*erts ++00 into JD$
then the user =i00 not understand anythin1. So it is neessary that
the sendin1 side 3resentation 0ayer ditionary is identia0 to
reei*in1 side 3resentation ditionary. #he ditionary =hih is
used @or this on*ersion is a00ed ASCII (A!erian Standard Code
@or In@or!ation Interhan1e". In ASCII there is a ode @or eah
harater on the >eyboard. Dut i@ you =ant to eAhan1e so!e
3itures on an internet then there are no ASCII haraters @or
3itures in 3resentation 0ayer. &or this you need another
ditionary =hih on*erts 3iture into binary and on the reei*in1
side binary into 3iture. #hese ditionaries are a00ed K45/. /I& et
=hih on*erts your 3itures into binary and *ie *ersa. Si!i0ar0y
M43. MIDI and ;A6 are audio standards that on*erts audio into
binary and *ie *ersa. A6I and M45/ et are *ideo standards that
on*erts *ideo into binary and *ie
%ession La(er:
4re3ared by: Ishaq Ah!ad Cor*it )ahore 4a1e L
Course: CCNA
Session 0ayer is res3onsib0e @or estab0ishin1 a session (@or!a0
understandin1" bet=een t=o o!3uters that I =ant to 1et so!e
data @ro! you are you ready @or thatM It !onitors the
o!!uniation inside that session and =hen the o!!uniation
reah to an end then it ter!inate the session.
;hen you 0i> on a hy3er0in> then ho= you >no= that session is
estab0ished you =i00 see this in@or!ation on the status bar o@ the
bro=ser =hih =i00 sho= that 3a1e is o3enin1 !eans session is
estab0ished and your =or> is in 3ro1ress.
And =hen the session is ter!inated then the status bar sho=s
done. Dro=ser is the so@t=are in =hih you =i00 1et the
@untiona0ities o@ a330iation. 3resentation and session 0ayers.
As =e disussed that 3resentation 0ayer is res3onsib0e @or
on*ertin1 i!a1e. audio or *ideo into binary @or! but =e a0so
>no= that 3hysia0 0ayer is res3onsib0e @or on*ertin1 into bits. So
=hat is the diCerene bN= these t=o.
#he ans=er is that 3resentation 0ayer 3er@or! binary on*ersion
and 3hysia0 0ayer reei*e data in binary @or! but it 1i*es 3hysia0
sha3e to these bit de3endin1 u3on the !ediu!. I@ the !ediu! is
o33er then 3hysia0 0ayer on*ert it into *o0ta1es. i@ the !ediu!
is ?ber then it on*ert these bits into 0i1ht and i@ the !ediu! is
=ire0ess then it on*erts these bits into =a*es.
Lecture no-+
4rotoo0s are res3onsib0e @or de?nin1 the ru0es and re1u0ations
@or o3eratin1 the @untions o@ any 3artiu0ar 0ayer. Er 3rotoo0 is a
set o@ ru0es and re1u0ations or a !ethod @or 3er@or!in1 the
4re3ared by: Ishaq Ah!ad Cor*it )ahore 4a1e 2
Course: CCNA
@untions o@ any 3artiu0ar 0ayer. I@ you ta>e the eAa!30e o@
dri*in1 a ar. so there are diCerent !ethods @or dri*in1 a ar by
diCerent 3ersons and these !ethods are a00ed 3rotoo0s.
Si!i0ar0y in ESI !ode0 eah 0ayer has its o=n 3rotoo0s. 0i>e H##4
(=eb 3rotoo0". &#4 (&i0e #rans@er 4rotoo0". SNM4 (Si!30e Net=or>
Mana1e!ent 4rotoo0". SM#4 (Si!30e Mai0 #rans@er 4rotoo0".
4E43 (4ost EHe 4rotoo0 *ersion 3" et are a330iation 0ayer
#rans3ort 0ayer 3rotoo0s are #C4 (#rans!ission Contro0 4rotoo0".
OD4 (Oser Data /ra! 4rotoo0" and S4P (Sequene 4a>et
5Ahan1e (it$s a No*e00 o!3any 3rotoo0"".
Net=or> 0ayer 3rotoo0s are I4. I4P and A330e #a0>. I4 =or>s =ith
trans3ort 0ayer #C4 and OD4 3rotoo0s. I4P is re0ated to S4P on
the trans3ort 0ayer. A330e #a0> is an A330e o!3any 3rotoo0 and it
an =or> =ith any 3rotoo0 on a trans3ort 0ayer.
In our dai0y 0i@e !u0ti30e !ethods are a*ai0ab0e to 3er@or! the
sa!e tas>. &or eAa!30e to 3re3are a tea. one !ethod is to boi0
the =ater ?rst then add su1ar and then add !i0>. seond !ethod
is to boi0 =ater and !i0> ?rst then add su1ar. third !ethod ?rst
add su1ar in =ater boi0 it then add !i0> etQSo the sa!e tas> is
3er@or!ed by !u0ti30e !ethods you an se0et any !ethod.
In ESI !ode0 !u0ti30e 3rotoo0s an be run on side by side in one
0ayer. It !eans that !u0ti30e 3rotoo0s an =or> to1ether.
A330iation 0ayer 3rotoo0s are not the re30ae!ent o@ eah other
beause eah 3rotoo0 has its o=n @untion =e annot use @t3
instead o@ htt3. Dut trans3ort 0ayer 3rotoo0s are the re30ae!ent
o@ eah other. 5*ery 3rotoo0 has its o=n header that he attahes
to the data. It !eans that the header on eah 0ayer is de3endent
on the 3rotoo0 runnin1 on that 0ayer. #hat is =hy the data unit
1ot another na!e 4DO (4rotoo0 Data Onit" beause the header is
attahed to the data by the instrutions o@ the 3rotoo0.
4re3ared by: Ishaq Ah!ad Cor*it )ahore 4a1e +0
Course: CCNA
;e an say that the trans3ort 0ayer 4DO an be !ade by #C4 or
OD4 or S4P =hih is then a00ed #C4 se1!ent or OD4 se1!ent or
S4P se1!ent.
&irst =e ha*e disussed in ESI Mode0 that =hat @untions =i00 be
3er@or!ed (0ayers". and then =e ta0>ed about ho= these @untions
=i00 be 3er@or!ed (3rotoo0s" and =ho =i00 3er@or! these @untions
aordin1 to 3rotoo0s are the so@t=are$s.
&or eAa!30e i@ I =rite a boo> ho= to dri*e a ar it is a 3rotoo0.
No= dri*er =i00 dri*e the ar aordin1 to the boo>. he is so@t=are.
Si!i0ar0y Internet 5A30orer or Netsa3e Co!!uniator is the
so@t=are o@ htt3 and Cute&t3 is the so@t=are o@ &#4. Miroso@t
out0oo> is the so@t=are o@ SM#4.
Abo*e are the 3rotoo0s and so@t=are$s o@ the a330iation 0ayer
no= =hat =i00 be the so@t=are$s @or the net=or> 0ayer and
trans3ort 0ayer 3rotoo0s. #he ans=er is o3eratin1 syste! is
res3onsib0e @or 3er@or!in1 the tas>s o@ the net=or> and trans3ort
0ayer 3rotoo0s. 4rotoo0s are not so@t=are it is Gust a theory and to
!a>e this theory 3ratia0 =e use the so@t=are$s.
,rans"ort La(er:
#rans3ort 0ayer is a @orth 0ayer =hih ensures end to end sa@e data
&or eAa!30e i@ =e =ant to de0i*er a tru> @u00 o@ bott0e$s to
Is0a!abad then ho= =e ensure that the tru> is reahed sa@e0y to
its destination. nor!a00y a 3erson is seated at the to3 o@ the tru>
=hih ensure that the bott0e$s are reahed sa@e0y atua00y he is
3er@or!in1 the Gob o@ trans3ort 0ayer. A0so note this 3oint that the
3erson on the to3 o@ the tru> has no onern =ith a rout @o00o=ed
by the tru>. Si!i0ar0y trans3ort 0ayer has no onern =ith the
3ath @o00o=ed by the data to reah its destination it on0y he>
=hether the data is reahed sa@e0y or not.
4re3ared by: Ishaq Ah!ad Cor*it )ahore 4a1e ++
Course: CCNA
No= 0et see the @untions o@ the trans3ort 0ayer =hih ensure end
to end de0i*ery.
&irst o@ a00 trans3ort 0ayer at the sender side attah a 3ort nu!ber
(it$s 0o1ia0 or so@t=are 3ort nu!ber not 0i>e hard=are 3orts on
your o!3uter" =ith e*ery a330iation so that it an o!!uniate
=ith the orret a330iation on the reei*er side. Seond0y
trans3ort 0ayer di*ide eah a330iation data into s!a00 3iees
a00ed se1!ents and send se1!ents o@ diCerent a330iation to the
destination. It is due to the 3ort nu!bers that eah se1!ent is
de0i*ered to its orres3ondin1 a330iation at the reei*er side. &or
eAa!30e 3ort L0 is used @or htt3 =hen you do=n0oad so!ethin1
so the o!3uter >no=s that I =i00 o3en this data in the bro=ser
beause =ith eah se1!ent 3ort L0 is attahed.
A question arises that i@ !u0ti30e =indo=s o@ the sa!e a330iation
is o3ened then ho= it =i00 diCerentiate a!on1 =indo=s. So the
ans=er is that =hen you o3en !u0ti30e =indo=s o@ the sa!e
a330iation they annot diCerentiate on the basis o@ 3ort nu!bers
rather they an be diCerentiated by session ids. ;hen you 0i>
on 0in> so a session is reated and 3ro3er id is assi1ned to that
session by the o!3uter. =hen data o!es @ro! the o!3uter
then it is sent to that =indo= @or =hih this session is reated.
Session ids are assi1ned =ith data at session 0ayer. In one =indo=
on0y one session an be reated there is no 3ossibi0ity o@ !u0ti30e
sessions in the sa!e =indo=.
Lecture no-4
#rans3ort 0ayer 3er@or! onnetion oriented o!!uniation. It
!eans that sendin1 de*ie ?rst estab0ish a onnetion =ith a
4re3ared by: Ishaq Ah!ad Cor*it )ahore 4a1e +2
Course: CCNA
reei*er a@ter that it starts o!!uniation. &or eAa!30e i@ you
=ant to a00 so!eone. you ?rst dia0 his nu!ber !eans you are
estab0ishin1 a onnetion and then you ta0>. #e0e3hone
o!!uniation is a0so onnetion oriented. #he one3t is si!i0ar
to session 0ayer. A330iation estab0ishes a session on its o=n 3art
at session 0ayer and net=or> estab0ishes a onnetion on its o=n
3art on a trans3ort 0ayer.
Another i!3ortant @untion 3er@or!ed by the trans3ort 0ayer is
Ro= ontro0. It !eans to ontro0 s3eed o@ data bet=een sender
and reei*er. A 3rob0e! ours i@ the s3eed o@ sender de*ie is
!ore than the s3eed o@ reei*er de*ie. Data is stored in the
buCer o@ the reei*in1 de*ie i@ the s3eed o@ 3roessin1 data o@
the reei*er o!3uter buCer is s0o= than the s3eed o@ sendin1
de*ie buCer then a@ter so!e ti!e data 0ost =i00 be started.
#o a*oid this 3rob0e! either =e =i00 inrease the s3eed o@ reei*er
de*ie (by han1in1 hard=are" or =e =i00 derease the s3eed o@ a
sender de*ie. In the seond ase the reei*er =i00 reei*e data
unti0 its buCer is @u00 then he send a sto3 si1na0 to the sender.
;hen he 3roess the data then he send a ready si1na0 to the
sender and o!!uniation resu!e.
#rans3ort 0ayer a0so ensures re0iab0e de0i*ery. no= ho= it ensures
re0iab0e de0i*ery @or this you ha*e to >no= t=o one3ts. i.e.
=indo=in1 and a>no=0ed1!ent.
;hen the sender reei*es a reei3t o@ the suess@u0 de0i*ery
@ro! the reei*er it is a00ed a>no=0ed1!ent. In this ase on0y
one se1!ent is sent to the destination and then =aits @or
Dut in order to inrease the s3eed =e use =indo=in1 in =hih
!u0ti30e se1!ents are o!bined and sent it to the destination
and then =ait @or a sin10e a>no=0ed1e!ent in res3onse to the
=ho0e =indo= then send another =indo= o@ se1!ents and so on.
4re3ared by: Ishaq Ah!ad Cor*it )ahore 4a1e +3
Course: CCNA
MaAi!u! nu!ber o@ un-a>no=0ed1ed se1!ents at a ti!e is
a00ed =indo= siFe.
;hen the sender send se1!ent +. 2 and 3 then reei*er =i00 send
a>no=0ed1e , !eans that I ha*e reei*ed u3 to 3 se1!ents no=
you =i00 send se1!ent ,.
No= the question is that in =hih situation the =indo= siFe be
inreased or dereased. #he ans=er is =indo= siFe de3ends u3on
the re0iabi0ity o@ the !ediu!. i@ the !ediu! is re0iab0e then sender
and reei*er an inrease the =indo= siFe and i@ un re0iab0e then
they an derease it. I@ one se1!ent is !issed then it is reo*ered
usin1 the se0eti*e re3eat a01orith! no= days in the trans3ort
0ayer. Se0eti*e re3eat !eans on0y send those se1!ents =hih
are !issed rather than sendin1 the =ho0e =indo=.
Sender and reei*er =ait @or eah other res3onse @or a s3ei?
a!ount o@ ti!e =hih is a00ed ti!e out. ;hen this ti!e out
o!30etes then a0=ays the sender retrans!it not the reei*er.
Lecture no--
Note: #o understand the one3t o@ data 0in> 0ayer and 3hysia0
0ayer. ?rst =e disuss t=o other one3ts i.e. )AN and ;AN.
)AN stands @or )oa0 Area Net=or> and ;AN stands @or ;ide Area
Net=or>. /enera00y i@ a o!!uniation is ta>in1 30ae =ith in a
bui0din1 or a!3us it is a00ed )AN. i@ o!!uniation is ta>in1
30ae bet=een t=o re!ote 30aes then it is a00ed ;AN. #hese t=o
de?nitions are the 1enera0 one3ts o@ )AN and ;AN. Dut
tehnia0 de?nition o@ )AN and ;AN is not onern about the
1eo1ra3hia0 0oations rather it onsider the tehno0o1ies you are
#here are diCerent tehno0o1ies @or )AN and ;AN. &or eAa!30e i@
t=o 3ersons are o!!uniatin1 =ith eah other and they are
sittin1 in diCerent 3arts o@ the =or0d but they are usin1 the )AN
4re3ared by: Ishaq Ah!ad Cor*it )ahore 4a1e +,
Course: CCNA
tehno0o1ies then this is a00ed )AN o!!uniation. I@ t=o
3ersons are sittin1 side by side and they are usin1 ;AN
tehno0o1y @or o!!uniation =ith eah other then it is a00ed
;AN o!!uniation. Dein1 a tehnia0 3erson ate1oriFin1 )AN
and ;AN on the basis o@ distane is not a0=ays a330iab0e.
)AN and ;AN one3ts are assoiated to data 0in> 0ayer and
3hysia0 0ayer. Deause the tehno0o1ies used by )AN and ;AN
are =or>in1 on data 0in> and 3hysia0 0ayers. )ets ?rst 0oo> )AN
5thernet. L02.3. L02.: and &IDDI are )AN tehno0o1ies. I@ you use
any o@ these tehno0o1ies @or o!!uniation then =e said that
=e are o!!uniatin1 in a )AN. i@ you are usin1 5thernet and the
distane bet=een o!!uniatin1 de*ies is !ore than +00 >!
sti00 it is )AN o!!uniation. I@ you o!3are 5thernet =ith L02.3.
L02.: and &IDDI then you =i00 see that 5thernet o!30ete0y
3er@or!in1 the @untions o@ both data 0in> and 3hysia0 0ayer. It
!eans that 5thernet o*ers 3hysia0 and data 0in> 0ayers but
L02.3. L02.: and &IDDI o*ers a00 the @untions o@ 3hysia0 0ayer
but so!e o@ the data 0in> 0ayer. #he re!ainin1 @untions are then
o*ered by the he03 o@ L02.2 =hi0e 5thernet is a0one 3er@or!in1
@untions o@ both 0ayers. L02.3 and L02.2 =i00 =or> to1ether to
3er@or! @untions o@ both 0ayers. si!i0ar0y L02.: and L02.2 =i00
=or> to1ether to do both 0ayers @untions and sa!e is the ase
=ith &IDDI.
&IDDI stands @or &iber Distributed Data Inter@ae. 5thernet is
de?ned as a standard by a o!3any in +2<0 @or data
o!!uniation. A@ter so!e ti!e I555 =as estab0ished. I555
(Institute o@ 50etria0 and 50etroni 5n1ineers" de?nes standards
o@ o!!uniation re0ated to e0etria0 and e0etroni one3ts a00
o*er the =or0d. #here@ore I555 has ta>en the res3onsibi0ity o@
de?nin1 standards and estab0ished a o!!ittee @or this 3ur3ose
in &ebruary +2L0. Sine the o!!ittee started its =or> in the
seond !onth o@ +2L0 that is =hy it is 1i*en a na!e L02. L0
4re3ared by: Ishaq Ah!ad Cor*it )ahore 4a1e +:
Course: CCNA
!eans +2L0 and 2 !eans seond !onth o@ +2L0. #his o!!ittee
introdues @urther o!!ittees @or de?nin1 diCerent standards
=hih is na!ed as L02.+. L02.2. L02.3 et. the o!!ittee L02.3
de?ned a standard @or )AN o!!uniation @or =hih they too>
5thernet as a base and did *ery !ini!a0 han1es and a00ed it
L02.3 that is =hy L02.3 is *ery si!i0ar to 5thernet but 5thernet is
a 3ro3rietary standard =hi0e L02.3 is an o3en standard o@ I555
that an be used any o!3any 0i>e CISCE. Miroso@t and De00 et
they an @o00o= this standard @or !a>in1 hard=are$s @or 0ayer +
and 0ayer 2. IDM Co!3any has a0so de?ned its standard @or )AN
o!!uniation =hih is >no=n as #o>en 7in1. I555 has ta>en
#o>en 7in1 and =ith *ery @e= !odi?ations. they introdued
L02.: standards. #hat is =hy it is *ery si!i0ar to the IDM #o>en
7in1. &IDDI standard is de*e0o3ed by I555 itse0@. #he !ost 3o3u0ar
standard @or )AN o!!uniation is L02.3 =hih =or> to1ether
=ith L02.2 but no= a day it is na!ed as 5thernet. Atua00y it is
L02.3 =ith the na!e o@ 5thernet. Deause there is no 5thernet
i!30e!entation in the =or0d at this ti!e.
Lecture no-6
So!e =here you =i00 study that 5thernet or L02.3 is standard and
in so!e 30aes you =i00 study that it is a 3rotoo0. No= =hat is the
diCerene bet=een standard and 3rotoo0M 4rotoo0 is that
standard @or =hih you =i00 need so@t=are to i!30e!ent =hi0e @or
standard so@t=are is not neessary. In other =ords in 3hysia0
0ayer no header is attahed =ith the data and attahin1 header to
the data is the res3onsibi0ity o@ 3rotoo0s so it !eans that there
are no 3rotoo0s in 3hysia0 0ayer. they are a00ed standard. 5*ery
3rotoo0 is a standard but e*ery standard is not a 3rotoo0.
7e!e!ber that the set o@ ru0es and re1u0ations @or 3hysia0 0ayer
is a00ed standard =hi0e on u33er 0ayers these standards are
a00ed 3rotoo0s. Deause to i!30e!ent the 3hysia0 0ayer ru0es
and re1u0ations =e need hard=are not so@t=are.
4re3ared by: Ishaq Ah!ad Cor*it )ahore 4a1e +9
Course: CCNA
No= 0et$s ta0> about ;AN. In ;AN the 3rotoo0s @or data 0in> 0ayer
and 3hysia0 0ayer is o!30ete0y diCerent @ro! )AN. #here is no
3rotoo0 in ;AN that o3erates both on 3hysia0 0ayer and data 0in>
0ayer. 5ah 0ayer 3rotoo0s are tota00y diCerent @ro! other. ;AN
data 0in> 0ayer 3rotoo0s are SD)C (Synhronous Data )in> Contro0
3rotoo0". HD)C (Hi1h )e*e0 Data )in> Contro0 4rotoo0". &ra!e
7e0ay. ISDN (Inte1rated Ser*ies Di1ita0 Net=or>". and 444 (4oint
to 4oint 4rotoo0".
4hysia0 0ayer ;AN standards are P6.3:. 6.2,. 6.<03 etQ you an
ta>e any standard o@ the 3hysia0 0ayer and you an o!bine it
=ith any 3rotoo0 in the data 0in> 0ayer they =i00 =or> to1ether
=hih is o33osite to the )AN.
Data Link La(er and )h(sica# La(er:
De@ore 1oin1 to disuss data 0in> 0ayer =e re*ise so!e one3ts
about data 0in> 0ayer. Data 0in> 0ayer nu!ber in a sequene is 2
and 4DO on a data 0in> 0ayer is a00ed @ra!e. Data 0in> 0ayer is
diCerent @ro! other 0ayers in sense it attahes header as =e00 as
trai0er =ith the data. #here are a 0ot o@ @untions to 3er@or! on
data 0in> 0ayer in ase o@ )AN. In )AN en*iron!ent the data 0in>
0ayer is di*ided into t=o sub 0ayers i.e. MAC (Media Aess
Contro0" sub 0ayer and ))C ()o1ia0 )in> Contro0" sub 0ayer. MAC
sub 0ayer is *ery 0ose to 3hysia0 0ayer =hi0e ))C sub 0ayer is
0ose to net=or> 0ayer. 4hysia0 0ayer is hard=are 0ayer and
net=or> 0ayer is so@t=are 0ayer that is =hy MAC sub 0ayer is !ore
re0ated to hard=are @untions o@ data 0in> 0ayer and ))C sub 0ayer
is !ore re0ated to so@t=are @untions o@ data 0in> 0ayer. ))C sub
0ayer !a>e the u33er 0ayer so@t=are inde3endent o@ the 0o=er
0ayer hard=are. Dri*ers @or the hard=are$s are atua00y =or>in1 on
the ))C sub 0ayer.
Su!!ariFe the =ho0e story o@ the 0ayered a33roah. ?rst o@ a00
you 3urhase a hard=areI it o!es in 3hysia0 or data 0in> 0ayer
no= you ha*e added the @untiona0ities o@ net=or> 0ayer and
4re3ared by: Ishaq Ah!ad Cor*it )ahore 4a1e +<
Course: CCNA
trans3ort 0ayer by insta00in1 o3eratin1 syste! no= you need to
1et @untiona0ities abo*e trans3ort 0ayer @or =hih you =i00 insta00
a330iations (=ord. bro=ser. 1a!es et" and @or 0o=er 0ayers you
=i00 insta00 dri*ers. Dri*ers 3ro*ide a 0in> bet=een the data 0in>
0ayer and net=or> 0ayer.
Addressin0 %che/es:
Identi?ation is i!3ortant @or o!!uniation. I@ you =ant to
o!!uniate o*er a net=or> then you =i00 need addressin1
she!e. #here an be t=o ty3es o@ addressin1 one ty3e =i00 our
in the MAC sub 0ayer o@ the data 0in> 0ayer and the other =i00 our
on the net=or> 0ayer.
Data 0in> 0ayer addresses are a00ed 3hysia0 addresses and
net=or> 0ayer addresses are a00ed 0o1ia0 addresses. #here is a
sequene or 0o1i in the 0o1ia0 addresses =hi0e there is no
sequene or 0o1i in the 3hysia0 address. 4hysia0 address is a0so
a00ed MAC address. It is a0so a00ed 5thernet address it is
e0etria00y burned inside a hi3 in an 5thernet ard.
)o1ia0 addresses an a0so be a00ed I4 address. It de3ends on the
3rotoo0s runnin1 on the net=or> 0ayer. I@ I4 is runnin1 then it is
a00ed I4 address. i@ I4P runnin1 then it is a00ed I4P address and i@
A330e #a0> is runnin1 then it is a00ed A330e #a0> address.
%tructure o1 'AC Address:
)et$s ta>e a 0oo> o@ the struture o@ MAC address. #hese are ,L bit
addresses and they are re3resented in the @or! o@ heAa dei!a0
notation. HeAa dei!a0 di1its are a nu!ber syste! in =hih one
heAa dei!a0 harater re3resents , binary di1its. #here@ore ,L
binary di1its are re3resented in +2 heAa dei!a0 di1its.
#his address is di*ided into t=o 3arts 2, bits on one side and 2,
bits on another side. #he 0e@t side 2, bits are a00ed *endor ode
4re3ared by: Ishaq Ah!ad Cor*it )ahore 4a1e +L
Course: CCNA
and the ri1ht side 2, bits are a00ed seria0 nu!ber. I@ a o!3any
=ants to !a>e )AN ards it =i00 request to the I555 to assi1n !e a
*endor ode. I555 =i00 1i*e one o!bination o@ 2, bits to this
o!3any. MAC addresses an ne*er be re3eated beause *ender
ode is unique @or eah !anu@aturer.
2ow the co//unication take "#ace on LAN:
#he traH that !o*es o*er the net=or> =i00 he> the eAistene
o@ reei*er on the basis o@ I4 address and reahes to that net=or>.
Ene it reahes to the net=or> then it he>s the MAC address
and o!!uniates =ith the! on the basis o@ MAC address. I4
addresses are used to ?nd out MAC addressesI one MAC
addresses are >no=n then o!!uniation is done throu1h MAC
address in a net=or>.
Ene question is =hy =e are not o!!uniatin1 on0y on I4
addressI =hat is the 3ur3ose o@ ?ndin1 out MAC address. #he
ans=er is that I4 addresses are 3roessed on net=or> 0ayer then
e*ery !essa1e =i00 1o to the net=or> 0ayer and 1et 3roessed it
=i00 =aste ti!e o@ o!3uter. So usin1 the MAC address the
3roessin1 o@ the !essa1e =i00 be 3er@or!ed on data 0in> 0ayer
=hih s3eed u3 the o!!uniation and it =i00 sto3 =astin1 o@
resoures o@ other o!3uters.
Address 3eso#ution )rotoco# (A3)):
#he 3roess o@ ?ndin1 MAC addresses on the basis o@ I4 addresses
is a00ed Address 7eso0ution 4rotoo0 (A74". Ene you 1et MAC
address it =i00 be stored in a tab0e a00ed A74 tab0e or A74 ahe.
A74 tab0e does not store MAC addresses 3er!anent0y. A@ter a
s3ei? a!ount o@ ti!e these addresses are re!o*ed i@ no
o!!uniation is 3er@or!ed. &or eAa!30e CISCE router =i00 store
on0y @or , hours in the tab0e i@ no o!!uniation is done =ith that
o!3uter then the entry is re!o*ed @ro! the tab0e. #his ti!e
de3ends on the o3eratin1 syste!.
4re3ared by: Ishaq Ah!ad Cor*it )ahore 4a1e +2
Course: CCNA
Lecture no-.
4eha5ior o1 'AC address and &) address when
co//unicatin0 de5ices are in di6erent networks:
#he de*ie =hih interonnets diCerent net=or>s is a00ed
7outer. No= 0et su33ose one net=or> is onneted =ith one
inter@ae o@ the router and another net=or> is onneted =ith
another inter@ae o@ the router. Sine both inter@aes o@ a router
are onneted =ith o!3uters there@ore you ha*e to 1i*e I4 and
MAC addresses to these t=o inter@aes. Su33ose one inter@ae
na!e is e0 and another inter@ae na!e is e+. It is not neessary
that a router has on0y t=o inter@aes it an ha*e thousands
inter@aes de3ends u3on the !ode0. No= su33ose I4 addresses
@ro! + to :0 are assi1ned to o!3uters at 0e@t hand side net=or>
and @ro! :+ to +00 are assi1ned to the net=or> at ri1ht hand
side. I@ a o!3uter @ro! 0e@t hand side =ants to o!!uniate =ith
o!3uter ha*in1 I4 address <: at ri1ht hand side. &irst o@ a00 this
o!3uter =i00 send a request to <: to 1i*e !e your MAC address
no= in his net=or> no one =i00 1i*e hi! re30y beause no one I4
addresses is !athed =ith the requested I4. No= router bein1 an
inte00i1ent de*ie >no=s that <: I4 address be0on1s to ri1ht side
net=or>. #here@ore on beha0@ o@ that o!3ute router sends its o=n
MAC address to this o!3uter. No= this o!3uter =i00 store MAC
address o@ router and start o!!uniation. NeAt ti!e =hen this
o!3uter send a !essa1e to <: a00 o!3uter =i00 he> this
!essa1e on data 0in> 0ayer on0y router =i00 ae3t this !essa1e
beause MAC address is !athed =ith router and router =i00 3ass
it to the net=or> 0ayer. Net=or> 0ayer he> it$s I4. it is <: the
router understand that this o!3uter =ants to send this !essa1e
to so!e other o!3uter *ia !e. #here@ore it route this 3a>et on
inter@ae e+ but be@ore routin1 router =i00 1enerate an A74
request to <: that send !e your MAC address. A@ter reei*in1
MAC address o@ <: router re!o*e its o=n MAC address @ro! the
tab0e and store o!3uter <: MAC address. 7outer han1es soure
4re3ared by: Ishaq Ah!ad Cor*it )ahore 4a1e 20
Course: CCNA
and destination MAC addresses =hi0e I4 addresses re!ains the
sa!e. No= i@ another o!3uter on 0e@t hand side =ants to
o!!uniate =ith o!3uter I4 address <: at ri1ht hand side.
A1ain a !essa1e =i00 be 1enerated by this o!3uter as>in1 @ro!
o!3uter <: MAC address. #his ti!e router >no=s MAC address o@
<: but he =i00 not 1i*e =hyM Deause i@ he 1i*es MAC o@ <: then
neAt ti!e 0e@t side o!3uter send a !essa1e =ith MAC o@ <: and
in 0e@t side net=or> no one a0on1 =ith router =i00 ae3t this
!essa1e beause no one MAC is !athed =ith it.
#he 3roess o@ ?ndin1 MAC address aross net=or> is a00ed
)ro!( A3). #he disad*anta1e o@ 3roAy A74 is that you =i00
1enerate ne= A74 request @or e*ery destination. No= i@ the sa!e
o!3uter =ants to o!!uniate hundred o!3uters at ri1ht side
so he =i00 1enerate A74 request and e*ery ti!e he reei*es router
inter@ae MAC address. instead =hy not te00 to this o!3uter on0y
one i@ you =ant to o!!uniate =ith a o!3uter outside o@ your
net=or> then use this MAC =hih is no= days a00ed de1au#t
0atewa(. /ate=ay !eans the =ay to 1o out.
No= 0et$s disuss 5thernet as )AN tehno0o1y. 5thernet is =or>in1
on both 3hysia0 and data 0in> 0ayers. &irst =e see the @untions
5thernet 3er@or! on 3hysia0 0ayer. In a 3hysia0 0ayer it de?nes
=hat =i00 be the arran1e!ent o@ o!3uters. =hih ab0es =i00 be
used. ho= ab0es =i00 be used =hat =i00 be the !aAi!u! 0en1th o@
the ab0es and =hat =i00 be the s3eed o@ data o*er these ab0es.
ho= onnetors =i00 be used =ith ab0es and =hat =i00 be the
sha3e o@ si1na0s. It$s the res3onsibi0ity o@ 5thernet to ans=er a00
these questions.
In ase o@ 5thernet the arran1e!ent o@ o!3uters an be o@ t=o
ty3es or you an say that t=o to3o0o1ies o@ 5thernet are 3ossib0e.
#o3o0o1y !eans 3hysia0 arran1e!ent o@ thin1s. Ene is a00ed Dus
to3o0o1y and the other is a00ed Star to3o0o1y. In bus to3o0o1y
=ith one !ain ab0e a00 the o!3uters are attahed in diCerent
4re3ared by: Ishaq Ah!ad Cor*it )ahore 4a1e 2+
Course: CCNA
0oations. In star to3o0o1y a00 the o!3uters are attahed =ith a
entra0 de*ie a00ed Hub.
4us to"o#o0( is an o0d to3o0o1y =hih is rare0y used in the =or0d
at this ti!e. 5thernet ans=er ?rst question arran1e!ents o@
o!3uter on 3hysia0 0ayer in the @or! bus to3o0o1y.
Seond question =hih ab0es =i00 be used so in bus to3o0o1y
oaAia0 ab0es are used. #here are @urther t=o ty3es o@ oaAia0
ab0e one is a00ed thin net oaAia0 ab0e and thi> net oaAia0
ab0e. #hin net ab0e has a tehnia0 na!e +0 base 2 and thi>
net ab0e tehnia0 na!e is +0 base :.
#hird question is =hih onnetors are usedM So the ans=er is in
bus to3o0o1y DNC. # Kuntion and ter!inator onnetors are used.
&orth question is distane o@ ab0es the ans=er is hidden in the
tehnia0 na!e o@ 10 7ase *. In this +0 !eans the data =i00
tra*e0 on the ab0e =ith +0 !e1a bits 3er seond 2 !eans 200
!eters it !eans that a !aAi!u! distane bet=een t=o
o!3uters an be 200 !eters a33roAi!ate0y and +L: !eters
eAat0y in ase o@ bus to3o0o1y. Dase !eans base band si1na0in1.
Si1na0in1 an be base band or broad band. #he diCerene is i@ the
si1na0 is 1enerated on the @requeny and it is a0so trans!itted on
the sa!e @requeny then =e say that 7ase 7and si1na0in1 is
done. Dut =hen the 1enerated @requeny o@ the si1na0 is han1ed
durin1 trans!ittin1 then it is a00ed 7road 7and si1na0in1. In
ase o@ 10 7ase -. data s3eed is +0 !e1a bits 3er seond.
distane is :00 !eters and si1na0in1 is base band. No= =e =i00
disuss another to3o0o1y o@ 5thernet =hih is star to3o0o1y.
%tar to"o#o0( =i00 a0so 1i*e ans=er to a00 these questions that
ans=ered by bus. #=isted 3air ab0e is used in star to3o0o1y.
Inside this , 3airs or L =ires are there. #his ab0e is a00ed O#4
(Onshie0ded #=isted 4air ab0e". #ehnia0 na!e o@ this ab0e is +0
base # =here # stands @or t=isted 3air. Distane 0i!itation @or this
4re3ared by: Ishaq Ah!ad Cor*it )ahore 4a1e 22
Course: CCNA
is +00 !eters and this distane is bet=een o!3uter and hub. 7K
,: onnetor is used in t=isted 3air ab0es.
Lecture no-8
No= 0et see 0o1ia0 o!!uniation o@ de*ies on the 5thernet
!eans beha*ior o@ 5thernet on data 0in> 0ayer. &or eAa!30e
o!3uter A. D. C. and D are onneted to the 5thernet. Co!3uter
A =ants to o!!uniate =ith o!3uter D @or this o!3uter A
send a !essa1e to o!3uter D but this !essa1e is a*ai0ab0e to D
and C a0so beause it is the nature o@ 5thernet. En0y o!3uter D
ae3ts this !essa1e =hi0e D and C =i00 reGet this. I@ =e ta0>
about the nature o@ the net=or> so the nature o@ 5thernet is that
=hen =e ta0> =ith one o!3uter a00 other o!3uters =i00 0isten
this and it is a00ed broadast nature. Deause o@ the broad ast
nature o@ the 5thernet =hene*er =e ta0> to one o!3uter the
*oie or data reahes to a00 other o!3uters. It is 0ear @ro! this
that your !ediu! an ha*e diCerent ty3es and your !essa1es
an be o@ diCerent ty3es.
#here an be three ty3es o@ !essa1es. Ene is uniast seond one
is !u0tiast and third one is broadast.
A !essa1e @or on0y one 3erson is a00ed unicast /essa0e but
the !ediu! throu1h =hih this a !essa1e sent is broad ast.
A !essa1e @or a00 3ersons in a net=or> is a00ed 7roadcast
A !essa1e @or a 1rou3 o@ 3eo30e in a net=or> is a00ed /u#ticast
I@ a00 the bits in a MAC address beo!e Fero then it is a00ed
broadast address.
4re3ared by: Ishaq Ah!ad Cor*it )ahore 4a1e 23
Course: CCNA
No= you require a !ediu! or !edia to send !essa1e. 5thernet is
one o@ the !ediu! =hih is by nature broadast. Another !ediu!
is 3oint to 3oint in =hih on0y t=o de*ies are onneted and an
o!!uniate. 5*ery !ediu! is suitab0e @or diCerent ty3es o@
o!!uniation. I@ =ant to do broad ast o!!uniation then
5thernet is !ore suitab0e @or it. Dut you an use 5thernet @or other
ty3es o@ o!!uniation a0so.
rror detection is one o@ the @untions o@ data 0in> 0ayer @or
=hih &CS (&ra!e Che> Sequene" is used. &CS uses C7C (Cy0i
7edundany Che>" !ethod @or error detetion beause &CS is a
1eneri na!e.
C%'A9CD (Carrier %ense 'u#ti"#e Access with Co##ision
In 5thernet i@ a o!3uter =ants to o!!uniate he =i00 =ait unti0
!ediu! is @ree by sensin1 the !ediu! beause one o!3uter
an o!!uniate at one ti!e. Dut a situation our i@ !u0ti30e
o!3uters sensin1 the !ediu! and =hen !ediu! beo!e @ree
then a00 send data at one ti!e in this ase o00ision =i00 our. At
this 3oint these o!3uters =i00 ba>u3 and send Ga! si1na0s on
the !ediu! that no other =i00 o!!uniate beause o00ision
ourred and these t=o o!3uters =i00 start ti!er inde3endent o@
eah other. #hat o!3uter =i00 o!!uniate ?rst =hose ti!er
eA3ires ?rst. #his =ho0e 3roess is a00ed CSMANCD (Carrier Sense
Mu0ti30e Aess =ith Co00ision Detetion". It is a 0o1ia0
o!!uniation =hih is a*ai0ab0e on the MAC sub 0ayer o@ the
data 0in> 0ayer.
4hysia0 0ayer nu!ber in ESI !ode0 is +. It is diCerent @ro! other
0ayers in a sense it does not attah any header =ith the data.
Network La(er:
Net=or> 0ayer is the third one 0ayer =hose i!3ortant =or> is to
?nd the 3ath in a net=or>. It se0ets best 3ath in a net=or> to
4re3ared by: Ishaq Ah!ad Cor*it )ahore 4a1e 2,
Course: CCNA
reah the destination. Net=or> 0ayer !ust use so!e addressin1
she!e @or 3ath se0etion.
#he 3rotoo0 =hih te00s the !ethod to 3er@or! the @untions o@
net=or> 0ayer 3ro*ides this addressin1 she!e. I4 use its o=n
addressin1 she!e. I4P =i00 use its o=n and A330e #a0> =i00 use its
o=n addressin1 she!e.
#here are t=o 3ortions in the net=or> 0ayer addressin1 one is host
3ortion and other is net=or> 3ortion. Net=or> 3ortion re3resent
the net=or> =hi0e node or host 3ortion address diCerent
o!3uters in that net=or>.
&or eAa!30e i@ I =ant to 1o :2: shad!an so in this address
net=or> 3ortion is shad!an and host 3ortion is :2:.
7outin1 is a0=ays done on the basis o@ net=or> 3ortion o@ the
destination I4 address. ;ithin one net=or> a00 the o!3uters ha*e
sa!e net=or> 3ortion but diCerent host 3ortion.
7outin1 is a0=ays done on the neAt ho3 basis. It !eans that =hen
router reei*es a 3a>et it @or=ard this 3a>et to neAt router.
4a>ets @or un>no=n destination are disarded by the router. It
!eans that i@ a router does not >no= the destination o@ a reei*ed
3a>et then he disards the 3a>et.
En a net=or> 0ayer t=o ty3es o@ 3rotoo0s an our one is routin1
3rotoo0s other is routed 3rotoo0s.
3outin0 5erses 3outed )rotoco#s
7outin1 3rotoo0s se0et best 3ath in a net=or> to the destination
=hi0e routed 3rotoo0s is res3onsib0e @or de0i*ery o@ 3a>ets o*er
that best 3ath se0eted by routin1 3rotoo0s to destination.
7I4 (7outin1 In@or!ation 4rotoo0". I/74 (Interior /ate=ay 7outin1
4rotoo0". 5I/74 (5nhaned Interior /ate=ay 7outin1 4rotoo0".
ISIS (Inter!ediate Syste! to Inter!ediate Syste!". ES4& (E3en
4re3ared by: Ishaq Ah!ad Cor*it )ahore 4a1e 2:
Course: CCNA
Shortest 4ath &irst" and D/4 (Dorder /ate=ay 4rotoo0" are the
eAa!30es o@ routin1 3rotoo0s.
I4. I4P and A330e #a0> are the eAa!30es o@ routed 3rotoo0s.
7outin1 3rotoo0s stores a00 these 0atest in@or!ation o@ best 3aths
in a tab0e a00ed routin1 tab0e. 7outin1 3rotoo0s on0y runs
bet=een routers =hi0e routed 3rotoo0s runs on router as =e00 as
on o!3uters.
Lecture no-:
DiCerent 7outed 3rotoo0s an run on the sa!e in@rastruture.
!eans that I4. I4P and A330e #a0> an use the sa!e routers to
reah its destination it is a00ed Mu0ti 3rotoo0 routin1. #hat is
!u0ti30e 3rotoo0s share the sa!e net=or> in@rastruture.
%tatic 3outin0 and D(na/ic 3outin0
7outin1 tab0e an be 3o3u0ated by t=o =ays.
Ene is the ad!inistrator enters routes in@or!ation in the routin1
tab0e =hih is a00ed stati routes and the 3roess is a00ed stati
Seond one is routin1 3rotoo0s stores in@or!ation o@ routes in the
routin1 tab0e =hih is a00ed dyna!i routes and the 3roess is
a00ed dyna!i routin1.
Stati routin1 is 1i*en a na!e stati beause in this ase the data
annot ado3t a0ternati*es =ith the han1in1 situation. Dut in ase
o@ dyna!i routin1 data an han1e its deision =ith the han1in1
#he disad*anta1e o@ dyna!i routin1 is the o*erhead (eAtra 0oad"
o@ routin1 3rotoo0s that =or>s as a s3y @or router. It a0so
inreases o*erhead on router beause routin1 3rotoo0s brin1s the
in@or!ation then router 3er@or! a0u0ations and ta>e best 3ath
4re3ared by: Ishaq Ah!ad Cor*it )ahore 4a1e 29
Course: CCNA
deision =hi0e in ase o@ stati routin1 a00 these deisions are
ta>en by ad!inistrator.
In so!e situations dyna!i routin1 =i00 1i*e no ad*anta1e o*er
stati routin1. #his situation ours =hen there is on0y one 3ath to
the destination then it is better to use stati routin1 instead o@
Aordin1 to third 3rini30e o@ routin1 =hen router reei*es a
3a>et @or =hih there is no destination a*ai0ab0e in the routin1
tab0e then instead o@ disardin1 it another route is used =hih is
a00ed de@au0t rout and the 3roess is a00ed de1au#t routin0.
No= third 3rini30e beo!e 0i>e this. in the absene o@ de@au0t
route the router =i00 disard 3a>ets @or un>no=n destination. Dut
sti00 there is no 3ossibi0ity that the 3a>et =i00 reah to its
destination. &or eAa!30e i@ router A de@au0t rout is router D and
the de@au0t rout o@ router D is router A then they =i00 send this
3a>et to eah other a1ain and a1ain =hih is a00ed routin0
&or eAa!30e Cor*it has a net=or> in )ahore. %arahi and
Is0a!abad and they are onneted =ith eah other. 5*ery router
in Cor*it net=or> >no=s about his net=or>. I@ a 3a>et =ith
un>no=n destination is reei*ed. &irst router =i00 he> its
destination in its o=n net=or> i@ not @ound then he =i00 @or=ard
this 3a>et to the de@au0t rout !eans to the 1ate=ay =hih is
onneted to the yber IS4 router. No= yber net=or> router =i00
he> this destination in its o=n net=or> i@ not @ound then he =i00
@or=ard it to his de@au0t route =hih is 4#C) router @ro! =ho!
yber IS4 ta>es internet band=idth. No= 4#C) router =i00 he>
the destination in its o=n usto!er$s net=or> i@ not @ound then he
=i00 @or=ard this 3a>et on his de@au0t route =hih is 5tisa0at
router. #hey are ba>bone router =hih >no=s about e*ery
net=or> in the =or0d i@ there is not @ound the destination o@ this
3a>et then it !eans that this destination does not eAist.
4re3ared by: Ishaq Ah!ad Cor*it )ahore 4a1e 2<
Course: CCNA
2ow the router knows that it is a 7est "ath?
7outer deide best 3ath se0etion on a riteria a00ed 'etric or
you an say that !etri is that riteria on the basis o@ =hih best
3ath se0etion an be done.
5*ery 3rotoo0 has its o=n !etris. #here are diCerent !etris.
1; 2o" count: - It ounts nu!ber o@ routers that o!es in a
3ath @ro! soure to destination. 7I4 3rotoo0 uses ho3 ount
as it$s !etri. Ho3 ount on0y 1i*es in@or!ation about
nu!ber o@ routers in a =ay. Ho3 ount is not an inte00i1ent
!etri there@ore 7I4 is not an inte00i1ent 3rotoo0. &or
eAa!30e i@ t=o 3aths are a*ai0ab0e @ro! soure to destination
and both ha*e t=o routers in a =ay no= the ho3 ount is
t=o. Dut one =ay has band=idth :9 >b3s and the other is
+02, >b3s no= 7I4 onsiders both 3aths equa0 and send ha0@
traH on one 3ath and ha0@ on another =hih is not a 1ood
*; Cost: - Cost is another !etri =hih 3er@or! best 3ath
se0etion on the basis o@ band=idth. ES4& 3rotoo0 uses ost
as it$s !etri.
I/74 and 5I/74 an use ?*e !etris @or best 3ath se0etion.
#hey are 7andwidth. de#a( (indiret0y it a0so 1i*es
in@or!ation about nu!ber o@ routers in a =ay". re#ia7i#it( (it
1i*es in@or!ation that =hih 3ath is !ore re0iab0e". #oad (it
te00s ho= !uh 0oad on eah 3ath" and ',< (MaAi!u!
#rans!ission Onit". Dy de@au0t I/74 and 5I/74 1i*es
in@or!ation about band=idth and de0ay.
C#asses o1 3outin0 )rotoco#s
/enera00y there are t=o 0asses o@ routin1 3rotoo0s one is a00ed
Distance =ector 3outin0 )rotoco#s and the other one is a00ed
Link %tate 3outin0 )rotoco#s.
4re3ared by: Ishaq Ah!ad Cor*it )ahore 4a1e 2L
Course: CCNA
Another ate1ory an a0so be used =hih is a00ed 2(7rid
3outin0 )rotoco#s.
7I4 and I/74 are the eAa!30es o@ distane *etor routin1
3rotoo0s. ES4& and ISIS are the eAa!30es o@ 0in> state 3rotoo0s.
5I/74 o!es in a ate1ory o@ hybrid routin1 3rotoo0s.
I@ t=o 3rotoo0s are runnin1 on a router then ho= the router =i00
deide to 3roess =hih one 3rotoo0 @or best 3ath. #here is a0so a
!etri @or 3rotoo0 se0etion =hih is a00ed Ad/inistrati5e
Distance; It is si!30y a nu!ber =hih is assi1ned to eah
3rotoo0 by CISCE. )o=er the ad!inistrati*e nu!ber the !ore
desirab0e 3rotoo0. #he ad!inistrati*e distane o@ 7I4 is +20. ISIS
has ++:. ES&4 has ++0. I/74 has +00. 5I/74 has 20. D/4 has 20.
Stati rout has + and diret0y onneted has 0.
I/74 and 5I/74 are CISCE 3ro3rietary 3rotoo0s they an on0y
su33ort CISCE routers.
Con*er1ene !eans =hen the net=or> beo!es stab0e. ;hen
there is a han1e in the to3o0o1y o@ a net=or> i.e. =hen a 0in>
@ai0s. ?rst this in@or!ation reahes to the router 0ose to this 3oint
then he ad*ertise this han1e to a00 the other routers (that don$t
send traH on this route" throu1h =hih the net=or> beo!e
stab0e a1ain =hih is a00ed con5er0e network. Con*er1ene
ti!e !eans the ti!e @ro! the 0in> @ai0ure to stabi0ity. So the
on*er1ene ti!e shou0d be as 0o= as 3ossib0e.
/enera00y on*er1ene ti!e de3ends on t=o thin1s. Ene is
routin1 3rotoo0s. eah 3rotoo0 has its o=n on*er1ene ti!e
and seond one is siFe o@ the net=or>.
/enera00y s3ea>in1 the on*er1ene ti!e o@ the distane *etor
3rotoo0 is !ore =hi0e 0in> state 3rotoo0 has 0ess on*er1ene
4re3ared by: Ishaq Ah!ad Cor*it )ahore 4a1e 22
Course: CCNA
In 0ar1e net=or> nor!a00y 0in> state 3rotoo0s are used =hi0e in
s!a00 net=or> 0in> state as =e00 as distane *etor 3rotoo0s an
be used.
Hybrid routin1 3rotoo0 has a *ery 1ood on*er1ene ti!e but it is
on0y =or>s on CISCE.
Lecturer no-10
&) Addressin0
Conneti*ity o@ de*ies annot o!30ete the de?nition o@
net=or>in1 beause the net=or> de?nition is the onneti*ity o@
t=o or !ore de*ies so that they an o!!uniate =ith eah
other. #here@ore ?rst thin1 @or the o!!uniation a@ter the
onneti*ity o@ de*ies is the addressin1 she!e. &or
o!!uniation de*ies @o00o= so!e addressin1 she!e. De*ies
@o00o= three addressin1 she!e @or o!!uniation.
+. I4 addresses
2. MAC addresses
3. 4ort addresses
&) addressin0: I4 addresses are the 0o1ia0 addresses it !eans
that these are han1eab0e addresses. It de3ends on the net=or>
ad!inistrator beause he an han1e it. #here are t=o *ersions o@
I4 addressin1 one is I4*, and the other is I4*9. )en1th o@ I4*, is
32 bits =hi0e the 0en1th o@ I4*9 is +2L bits. I@ you =ant to ?nd out
the tota0 nu!ber o@ I4 address in I4*, then you an a0u0ate this
as 2
SM Addresses in I4*, she!e is a0!ost near to ?nish that is
=hy I4*9 o!es and the tota0 nu!ber o@ address in I4*9 an be
@ound as 2
#here are , otets in I4*, address =here otets !ean L bits. It
!eans L bits ' L bits ' L bits ' L bits S 32 bits. &or eAa!30e
4re3ared by: Ishaq Ah!ad Cor*it )ahore 4a1e 30
Course: CCNA
+0.+.0.+00 in this address eah otet is se3arated by dot (." there
are t=o 3ortions o@ I4 addresses.
+. Network "ortion: #his 3ortion identi?es your 3artiu0ar
net=or> in =hih you are =or>in1.
2. 2ost "ortion: #his 3ortion o@ I4 address identi?es eah
!ahine in the 3artiu0ar net=or>.
#he dai0y 0i@e eAa!30e o@ the net=or> 3ortion and host 3ortion is
the te0e3hone nu!ber i.e 0,2-+++222 or 0:+-3,:23:9 in =hih
0,2 is a ity ode (net=or> ID" =hih identi?es that it is )ahore
ity net=or> and 0:+ is a ity ode (net=or> ID" =hih re3resents
Is0a!abad ity net=or> =hi0e +++222 identi@y a 3artiu0ar 3hone
nu!ber (host" in )ahore ity and 3,:23:9 re3resents a unique
3hone nu!ber (host" in Is0a!abad ity.
#he I4 address o@ eah o!3uter o*er the internet !ust be
unique. &or eAa!30e i@ I ha*e a o!3uter in )ahore branh
net=or> =ith the I4 address +0.+.+.+ and a0so another o!3uter
in )ondon brand net=or> =ith the I4 address +0.+.+.+ and both
request @or yahoo 3a1e then the yahoo ser*er =i00 be on@used to
=hih one I4 address re30y beause o@ the onRit. In order to
=e00 !ana1e I4 addresses =ithout any onRit they are di*ided
into diCerent 0asses by IANA (Internet Assi1nin1 Nu!ber
Authority". #here are ?*e 0asses o@ I4 addresses.
C#asses o1 &) addresses
C0ass A: +-+29
C0ass D +2L-+2+
C0ass C +22-223
C0ass D 22,-232
C0ass 5 2,0-2::
4re3ared by: Ishaq Ah!ad Cor*it )ahore 4a1e 3+
Course: CCNA
Note: i@ you =ant to ?nd out 0ass @ro! a 1i*en I4 address then
he> ?rst otet o@ the I4 address and !ath their *a0ue to the
abo*e 0ass ran1es.
+2< is the reser*ed I4 address =hih is used @or 0oo3 ba> testin1.
It is not used @or o!!uniation rather it is used to test your o=n
!ahine that is ab0e @or o!!uniation or not. ;hen a !ahine
sends data o*er the internet then ?rst it he>s =hether #C4NI4
suit is insta00ed or not beause =ithout #C4NI4 !ahine annot
o!!uniate o*er the internet. #his he>in1 or testin1 o@ #C4NI4
is a00ed 0oo3ba> testin1. &or 0oo3ba> testin1 1o the o!!and
3ro!3t and ty3e 3in1 +2<.+.+.+ i@ re30y is o!in1 then it !eans
that #C4NI4 suit is insta00ed on !ahine. Cone3tua00y +2< o!es
in 0ass A ran1e but sine it does not use @or data o!!uniation
3ur3ose that is =hy it is >e3t se3arate @ro! 0asses ran1e.
C0ass A. D and C are used @or data o!!uniation. #C4NI4 is a set
o@ 3rotoo0s or so@t=are or a330iation or 3ro1ra!s that enab0e a
!ahine @or o!!uniation. C0ass D is used @or !u0tiastin1 and
0ass 5 is used @or testin1 and researh 3ur3ose. Castin1 !eans to
send the in@or!ation @ro! one to another end o*er the net=or>.
#here are three ty3es o@ astin1.
+. <nicastin0: Ene to one o!!uniation is a00ed uniastin1.
2. 4roadcastin0: Ene to a00 o!!uniation is a00ed
3. 'u#ti castin0: Ene to a s3ei? 1rou3 is a00ed
!u0tiastin1. It is a s3eia0 ty3e o@ broadastin1. 7outin1
3rotoo0s on net=or> 0ayer uses !u0tiast addressin1
she!e @or sharin1 in@or!ation bet=een routers.
In 0ass A there are L net=or> bits and 2, host bits. In 0ass D
there are +9 bits @or net=or> and a0so +9 bits @or host. In 0ass C
net=or> bits are 2, and host bits are L.
#ota0 net=or>s in C0ass A: 2
S 2:9
4re3ared by: Ishaq Ah!ad Cor*it )ahore 4a1e 32
Course: CCNA
#ota0 nu!ber o@ hosts in eah net=or> o@ C0ass A: 2
#ota0 nu!ber o@ *a0id I4 addresses in eah net=or> o@ C0ass A: 2
#ota0 net=or>s in C0ass D: 2
#ota0 nu!ber o@ hosts in eah net=or> o@ C0ass D: 2
#ota0 nu!ber o@ *a0id I4 addresses in eah net=or> o@ C0ass D: 2
#ota0 net=or>s in C0ass C: 2
#ota0 nu!ber o@ hosts in eah net=or> o@ C0ass C: 2
#ota0 nu!ber o@ *a0id I4 addresses in eah net=or> o@ C0ass C: 2
#he I4 addresses are in dei!a0 @or!at. Dut the !ahine on0y
understand binary @or!at. In binary @or!at =hen the bit is T0U it
!eans oC =hi0e T+U re3resents that bit is on. #he ountin1 o@
binary bits starts @ro! ri1ht side =hose initia0 *a0ue is Fero. #he
@o00o=in1 struture sho= o!30ete re3resentation.
Dei!a0 *a0ues: +2L 9, 32 +9 L , 2 +
&or!u0a: 2
Dei!a0 ountin1: < 9 : , 3 2 + 0
Dinary bits: + 0 0 + + + + +
Add bits =hih are on to ?nd out dei!a0 *a0ue:
+2L'0'0'+9'L','2'+ S +:2
5Aa!30es: I4 address in dei!a0 @or!: 223.+2+.+00.2<
#he abo*e I4 address an be =ritten in binary @or! as:
4re3ared by: Ishaq Ah!ad Cor*it )ahore 4a1e 33
Course: CCNA
I4 address in dei!a0 @or!: 2+2.+9<.+2,.232
I4 address in binary @or!:
Lecture no-11
An I4 address =hih 0oses its de@au0t *a0ues in a 0ass is a00ed
0ass0ess I4 addresses. #he de@au0t *a0ue o@ 0ass A I4 address is L
net=or> bits and 2, host bits. de@au0t *a0ue o@ C0ass D I4 address
onsists o@ +9 net=or> bits and +9 host bits and de@au0t *a0ues o@
C0ass C I4 address is 2, net=or> bits and L host bits. I@ the
net=or> bits in C0ass A beo!e 2 then it is 0ass0ess I4 address.
#he dei!a0 *a0ue o@ eah otet annot eAeed than 2:: in an I4
address. Hu!an bein1 an deide on the basis o@ ?rst otet that
I4 address be0on1s to =hih 0ass. Dut ho= the !ahine >no=s
that this is C0ass A. D or C I4 addressM So the ans=er is subnet
!as>. o!3uter identity the address 0ass on the basis o@ subnet
!as>. EN a00 o@ the net=or> bits and E&& the entire host bits in an
I4 address o@ any 0ass an a0u0ate its subnet !as>.
De@au0t Subnet Mas> o@ 0ass A: ++++++++.00000000. 00000000.
Dei!a0 *a0ue 2::.0.0.0
De@au0t Subnet Mas> o@ 0ass D: ++++++++. ++++++++. 00000000.
Dei!a0 *a0ue 2::.2::.0.0
De@au0t Subnet Mas> o@ 0ass C: ++++++++. ++++++++. ++++++++.
Dei!a0 *a0ue 2::.2::.2::.0
#here are !any @eatures o@ subnet !as>. It an be used to
a0u0ate the net=or> ID. I@ t=o o!3uters =ant to o!!uniate
=ith eah other ?rst o@ a00 they a0u0ate their net=or> ID. I@ both
4re3ared by: Ishaq Ah!ad Cor*it )ahore 4a1e 3,
Course: CCNA
the net=or> ID$s are sa!e then they o!!uniate other=ise they
annot in )AN. #he net=or> ID an be a0u0ated by AND
o3eration bet=een the subnet !as> and I4 address. &or eAa!30e
I4 Address: +0.+0.+00.+ subnet !as>: 2::.0.0.0
Con*ert both into binary @or! as
I4 Address: 0000+0+0.0000+0+0.0++00+00.0000000+
Subnet Mas>: ++++++++.00000000.00000000.00000000
No= 3er@or! AND o3eration (Mu0ti30iation" bet=een I4 address
and subnet !as>.
0000+0+0.00000000.00000000.00000000 S + (net=or> id"
Another I4 address: 20.+0.+00.2 subnet !as>: 2::.0.0.0
Net=or> id:
A question is that an + and o!!uniateM So the
ans=er is that e*en thou1h both net=or>s be0on1 to C0ass A but
they annot o!!uniate beause @or o!!uniation the
net=or> ID !ust be sa!e. Dy de@au0t t=o diCerent net=or>s
=ithout in*o0*in1 anythin1 an ne*er o!!uniate =ith eah
other. #hen another question arises that ho= a o!3uter =ith I4
address +22.+9L.0.+ an o!!uniate =ith!
ha*in1 I4 address L<.2,L.+22.+22. #he ans=er is that i@ you =ant
to o!!uniate bet=een t=o diCerent net=or>s then you !ust
use a de*ie a00ed router.
Note: #he +$s and 0$s in the subnet !as> !ust be onti1uous.
4re3ared by: Ishaq Ah!ad Cor*it )ahore 4a1e 3:
Course: CCNA
No one an 3redit C0ass o@ I4 address on0y on the basis o@ subnet
!as>. &or eAa!30e 2::.2::.2::.0 subnet !as> does not !eans
that it is 0ass C beause it an a0so be used @or C0ass D and C0ass
A in Subnettin1.
Lecture no-1*
#he 0asses an be identi?ed in binary @or! as
I@ the ?rst bit o@ the ?rst otet is T0U then it is a00ed C0ass A I4
address. &or eAa!30e
No= in the abo*e eAa!30e ?rst bit o@ the ?rst otet is T0U the
re!ainin1 bits an be 0 or +. I@ the re!ainin1 < bits o@ the ?rst
otet are 0$s t hen the dei!a0 *a0ue =i00 be 0 and i@ a00 the
re!ainin1 < bits o@ the ?rst otet are +$s then the dei!a0 *a0ue
=i00 be +2<. It is the ran1e o@ C0ass A in =hih =e annot use T0U
beause it is used @or Net=or> ID and +2< is used @or 0oo3ba>
testin1 3ur3ose. In 0ass D ?rst t=o bits o@ the ?rst otet are +0
?Aed =hih is ?AedI the re!ainin1 9 bits an be +$s or 0$s. &or
Ca0u0ate the dei!a0 *a0ue. I@ the re!ainin1 9 bits o@ the ?rst
otet are 0$s then the dei!a0 *a0ue is +2L. I@ the re!ainin1 9 bits
o@ the ?rst otet are +$s then the dei!a0 *a0ue beo!es +2+
=hih is the ran1e o@ 0ass D.
Si!i0ar0y in 0ass C ?rst three bits o@ the ?rst otet are ++0 =hih
are ?Aed. I@ the re!ainin1 : bits are 0$s then the dei!a0 *a0ue
beo!e +22 and i@ a00 the re!ainin1 : bits are +$s then the
dei!a0 *a0ue beo!es 223. &or eAa!30e
4re3ared by: Ishaq Ah!ad Cor*it )ahore 4a1e 39
Course: CCNA
In these 0asses so!e addresses are reser*ed =hih is a00ed
3ri*ate I4 addresses. 4ri*ate I4 addresses annot be used o*er the
internet @or o!!uniation but these 3ri*ate addresses an be
trans0ated into 3ub0i I4 address throu1h NA# so that a o!3uter
=ith 3ri*ate I4 address an o!!uniate o*er the internet.
&o00o=in1 are the 0ist o@ 3ri*ate I4 addresses in eah 0ass
C0ass A: + +0.2::.2::.2:: (one 4ri*ate net=or> in C0ass
C0ass D: +<2.+9.0.0 +<2.3+.2::.2:: (+9 3ri*ate net=or>s in
C0ass D"
C0ass C: +22.+9L.0.0 +22.+9L.2::.2:: (2:9 3ri*ate net=or>s
in C0ass C"
#here are t=o ty3es o@ broad astin1 on is a00ed 0oa0 broadast
and the other is a00ed direted broadast. )oa0 broadast
(2::.2::.2::.2::" is the *ery 0ast address in the I4 addresses in
=hih a00 the de*ies =i00 3roess the 3a>et. Direted broadast
is the 0ast address in any net=or> (+22.+9L.+.2::" =hih
re3resents a00 hosts in that net=or>. #he !ain diCerene bet=een
the! is that router a00o= direted broadast but not 0oa0
5ah net=or> has t=o reser*ed addressesI one is net=or> address
(!eans ?rst address" and the direted broadast address (!eans
0ast address". Any address bet=een these t=o addresses an be
assi1ned to de*ies.
Internet 5n1ineerin1 #as> &ore 3ro*ide the @o00o=in1 short ter!
so0utions to the I4*, addresses shorta1e:
6ariab0e )en1th in Subnettin1
C0ass0ess Interdo!ain routin1
4ri*ate I4 addresses
NA# (Net=or> Address #rans0ation"
4re3ared by: Ishaq Ah!ad Cor*it )ahore 4a1e 3<
Course: CCNA
%u7nettin0: Subnettin1 is the 3roess o@ addin1 host bits into
net=or> bits in order to !a>e the uti0iFation o@ I4 addresses !ore
eHient and to a*oid onRits bet=een I4 addresses. I@ you ha*e
:00 !ahines on your net=or> and you 3urhased 0ass D
address then you are =astin1 o*er 9:000 I4 addresses. #o
o*ero!e this de?ieny the one3t o@ Subnettin1 =as
&or Subnettin1 you ha*e to @o00o= so!e ru0es or reo!!endations
as @o00o=:
+. >irst fnd out (ou network and host re?uire/ents: In
this ste3 you =i00 a0u0ate ho= !any subnets you are
required and then in eah subnet ho= !any hosts you need.
2. <se 1or/u#a: 2
S nu!ber o@ net=or>s you need. =here A
re3resent subnet bits. 2
V 2 S nu!ber o@ hosts on your
0ar1est se1!ent =here y re3resents host bits. In ?rst @or!u0a
you =i00 borro= bits re3resented by A @ro! host 3ortion =hih
is required to reate your desired subnets. In the seond
@or!u0a you =i00 a0u0ate your hosts on eah subnet.
3. @ABCDtota# nu/7er o1 host 7its: It !eans that in any
ase the nu!ber o@ host bits !ust not inrease their
!aAi!u! ran1e i.e in 0ass A !aAi!u! host bits are 2,. in
0ass D !aAi!u! host bits are +9 and in 0ass C !aAi!u!
host bits are L.
!a/"#e: Cor*it has 3urhased a 3ub0i I4 address +22.+9L.+.0
@or their net=or>. No= there are , branhes o@ Cor*it net=or> and
eah branh ontains :0 hosts. No= @o00o= the @o00o=in1 ste3s one
by one as:
+. Net=or> require!ents S , and host require!ents S :0
2. 2
S , subnets and 2
V 2 S 9, hosts
3. 2'9 WS L hosts bits true in ase o@ 0ass C
4re3ared by: Ishaq Ah!ad Cor*it )ahore 4a1e 3L
Course: CCNA
,. &) address 1:*;168;1;09*6 su7net /ask D
:. List su7nets: &or this subtrat the !as> o@ sub netted otet
@ro! 2:9 i.e. in this ase 2:9 V +22 S 9, there@ore the
subnets are 0. 9,. +2L and +22.
>ist su7net: 1:*;168;1;0 9*6
&irst *a0id I4 address S +22.+9L.+.+
)ast *a0id I4 address S +22.+9L.+.92
Droad ast I4 address S +22.+9L.+.93
%econd su7net: 1:*;168;1;64 9*6
&irst *a0id I4 address S +22.+9L.+.9:
)ast *a0id I4 address S +22.+9L.+.+29
Droad ast I4 address S +22.+9L.+.+2<
,hird su7net: 1:*;168;1;1*8 9*6
&irst *a0id I4 address S +22.+9L.+.+22
)ast *a0id I4 address S +22.+9L.+.+20
Droad ast I4 address S +22.+9L.+.+2+
>orth su7net: 1:*;168;1;1:* 9*6
&irst *a0id I4 address S +22.+9L.+.+23
)ast *a0id I4 address S +22.+9L.+.2:,
Droad ast I4 address S +22.+9L.+.2::
Assi0n/ent-1: I4 address S + subnet requiredS2000I
host requiredS:90
Assi0n/ent-*: I4 address S +<2.+9.0.0 subnet requiredS,20I
host requiredS++2
=L%' (=aria7#e Len0th %u7net 'ask): 6)SM a00o=s an
or1aniFation to use !ore than one subnet !as> =ithin the sa!e
4re3ared by: Ishaq Ah!ad Cor*it )ahore 4a1e 32
Course: CCNA
net=or> address s3ae. I!30e!entin1 6)SM is o@ten a00ed
Subnettin1 a subnet. It an be used to !aAi!iFe addressin1
eHieny. 6)SM enab0es you to ha*e !ore than one !as> o@ the
sa!e 0ass address. It is su33orted by 0ass0ess routin1 3rotoo0s
0i>e D/4. 5I/74. IS-IS. 7I4*2 and ES4& =hi0e it is not su33orted by
0ass@u0 routin1 3rotoo0s 0i>e 7I4*+ and I/74. #here are t=o !ain
ad*anta1es o@ 6)SM
+. More eHient use o@ I4 addressin1
2. Abi0ity to 3er@or! route su!!ariFation
Consider the @o00o=in1 eAa!30e senario in =hih =e ha*e @our
routers A. D. C and D. 7outer A is onneted throu1h ;AN 0in>
=ith router D. C and D. 7outer D. C and D eah are onneted =ith
)AN se1!ents. 5ah )AN ontains :0 hosts.
In ?rst ase be@ore 6)SM @or :0 hosts on eah se1!ent =e borro=
2 bits to the net=or> and 0e@t 9 bits in the host 3ortion =hih 1i*es
92 hosts. Dut in this ase =e used t=o 0ass C addresses
4re3ared by: Ishaq Ah!ad Cor*it )ahore 4a1e ,0
Course: CCNA
+22.+9L.+.0N29 and +22.+9L.2.0N29. In the abo*e ?1ure router A
onnets =ith other routers throu1h ;AN 0in> =hih require on0y
t=o addresses @or eah onnetion but on ;AN 0in>s a 0ot o@
addresses are =asted =hih is ineHient use o@ I4 address.
#he ineHieny =as re!o*ed throu1h 6)SM in =hih on0y one
C0ass C net=or> is needed to assi1n addressin1 to the =ho0e
net=or> as sho=n in the seond ?1ure abo*e. In this ase the t=o
diCerent !as>s N29 and N30 =ere used in =hih N30 is a 0itt0e
subnet that is assi1ned to ;AN 0in> sho= !ore eHient uti0iFation
o@ I4 addresses.
!a/"#e-1: you ha*e a 0ass C net=or> (+22.+9L.+.0" and your
or1aniFation ha*e three )AN se1!ents =ith +20. 90 and 30 hosts
res3eti*e0y. Bou are a net=or> ad!inistrator and you ha*e to
assi1n I4 addresses usin1 6)SM to this net=or>.
&i1ure out your 0ar1est se1!ent =hih is +20 in this ase.
#here@ore @or +20 hosts =e need < bits i.e 2
S +2L
)e@t < bits in the host 3ortion and borro= the other to the
net=or> 3ortion. Sine + bit is added to the net=or> 3ortion
there@ore the tota0 nu!ber o@ net=or> bits is 2:.
Ca0u0ate the subnet !as>: 2::.2::.2::.+2L
Ca0u0ate nu!ber o@ subnets i.e 2
S 2
S 2 subnets
Ca0u0ate the inreasin1 nu!ber in eah subnet i.e. 2:9-+2L
S +2L
)ist a*ai0ab0e subnets: +22.+9L.+.0 N 2: . +22.+9L.+.+2LN2:
Assi1n +22.+9L.+.0 N 2: subnet to your ?rst )AN se1!ent
ha*in1 +20 hosts.
Sine the neAt )AN se1!ent ontains 90 hosts and =e on0y
need 9 bits @or this se1!ent there@ore =e borro= another bit
to the net=or> 3ortion. A1ain a0u0ate the subnet !as> i.e.
4re3ared by: Ishaq Ah!ad Cor*it )ahore 4a1e ,+
Course: CCNA
Ca0u0ate nu!ber o@ subnets i.e 2
S 2
S 2 subnets
Ca0u0ate the inreasin1 nu!ber in eah subnet i.e. 2:9-+22
S 9,
)ist a*ai0ab0e subnets: +22.+9L.+.+2L N 29 .
Assi1n +22.+9L.+.+2L N 29 subnet to your seond )AN
se1!ent ha*in1 90 hosts.
No= the 0ast )AN se1!ent ha*e 30 hosts and @or this =e
need on0y : bits there@ore 0e@t : bits in the host 3ortion and
borro= another one to the net=or> 3ortion.
Ca0u0ate the subnet !as>: 2::.2::.2::.22,
Ca0u0ate nu!ber o@ subnets i.e 2
S 2
S 2 subnets
Ca0u0ate the inreasin1 nu!ber in eah subnet i.e. 2:9-22,
S 32
)ist a*ai0ab0e subnets: +22.+9L.+.+22 N 2< .
Assi1n +22.+9L.+.+22 N 2< subnet to your third )AN se1!ent
ha*in1 30 hosts. Bou ha*e sti00 one subnet +22.+9L.+.22, @or
@uture use.
!a/"#e-*: Bou ha*e a 0ass C net=or> +22.+9L.2.0 N 2, and you
are tas>ed to use 6)SM to ao!!odate the @o00o=in1
require!ents in =hih eah re!ote site (tota0 <" has no !ore than
30 de*ies. #he 0in>s bet=een the entra0 and site routers is 3oint
to 3oint.
4re3ared by: Ishaq Ah!ad Cor*it )ahore 4a1e ,2
Course: CCNA
&i1ure out the 0ar1est se1!ent in this ase it is 30. It !eans
that @or 30 hosts =e need on0y : bits there@ore 0e@t : bits in
the host 3ortion and borro= the other bits to the net=or>
Ca0u0ate the subnet !as>: 2::.2::.2::.22,
Ca0u0ate nu!ber o@ subnets i.e 2
S 2
S L subnets
Ca0u0ate the inreasin1 nu!ber in eah subnet i.e. 2:9-22,
S 32
)ist a*ai0ab0e subnets: +22.+9L.2.0 N 2<. +22.+9L.2.32N2<.
+22.+9L.2.9,N2<. +22.+9L.2.29N2<. +22.+9L.2.+2LN2<.
+22.+9L.2.+90N2<. +22.+9L.2.+22N2<. +22.+9L.2.22,N2<.
Assi1n subnets +22.+9L.2.0 N 2<. +22.+9L.2.32N2<.
+22.+9L.2.9,N2<. +22.+9L.2.29N2<. +22.+9L.2.+2LN2<.
+22.+9L.2.+90N2<. +22.+9L.2.+22N2< to 7outer A. D. C. D. 5.
& and / res3eti*e0y eah ha*in1 30 hosts.
No= sine the entra0 router has a 3oint to 3oint onnetion
=ith other router there@ore it require on0y 2 I4 addresses.
4re3ared by: Ishaq Ah!ad Cor*it )ahore 4a1e ,3
Course: CCNA
No= @or t=o hosts =e need 2 bits that is =hy 0e@t 2 bits in the
host 3ortion and trans@er the re!ainin1 to the net=or>
3ortion o@ the a*ai0ab0e subnet.
Ca0u0ate the subnet !as>: 2::.2::.2::.2:2
Ca0u0ate nu!ber o@ subnets i.e 2
S 2
S L subnets
Ca0u0ate the inreasin1 nu!ber in eah subnet i.e. 2:9-2:2
S ,
)ist a*ai0ab0e subnets: +22.+9L.2.22, N 30.
+22.+9L.2.22LN30. +22.+9L.2.232N30. +22.+9L.2.239N30.
+22.+9L.2.2,0N30. +22.+9L.2.2,,N30. +22.+9L.2.2,LN30.
Assi1n subnets +22.+9L.2.22, N 30. +22.+9L.2.22LN30.
+22.+9L.2.232N30. +22.+9L.2.239N30. +22.+9L.2.2,0N30.
+22.+9L.2.2,,N30. +22.+9L.2.2,LN30. +22.+9L.2.2:2N30 to
the 3oint to 3oint ;AN 0in> as @o00o=
!a/"#e-+: /i*en C0ass C net=or>: +22.+9L.3.0 N2,. Ose 6)SM
and ao!!odate the @o00o=in1 net=or> by usin1 the abo*e
sin10e C0ass C net=or>.
4re3ared by: Ishaq Ah!ad Cor*it )ahore 4a1e ,,
Course: CCNA
&i1ure out the 0ar1est se1!ent in this ase it is +29. It !eans
that @or +29 hosts =e need on0y < bits there@ore 0e@t < bits in
the host 3ortion and borro= the other bits to the net=or>
Ca0u0ate the subnet !as>: 2::.2::.2::.+2L
Ca0u0ate nu!ber o@ subnets i.e 2
S 2
S 2 subnets
Ca0u0ate the inreasin1 nu!ber in eah subnet i.e. 2:9-+2L
S +2L
)ist a*ai0ab0e subnets: +22.+9L.3.0 N2: and +22.+9L.3.+2L N
Assi1n subnet +22.+9L.3.0 N2: to the ba>bone router ha*in1
+29 hosts.
7outer A. D and C require 30 hosts there@ore @or 30 hosts =e
need on0y : bits there@ore 0e@t : bits in host 3ortion and
trans@er the re!ainin1 to the net=or> 3ortion @ro! the
a*ai0ab0e subnet.
Ca0u0ate the subnet !as>: 2::.2::.2::.22,
Ca0u0ate nu!ber o@ subnets i.e 2
S 2
S , subnets
Ca0u0ate the inreasin1 nu!ber in eah subnet i.e. 2:9-22,
S 32
)ist a*ai0ab0e subnets: +22.+9L.3.+2L N2<. +22.+9L.3.+90 N
2<. +22.+9L.3.+22 N2<. +22.+9L.3.22, N 2<.
Assi1n subnets +22.+9L.3.+2L N2<. +22.+9L.3.+90 N2<.
+22.+9L.3.+22 N2< to router A. D and C res3eti*e0y.
4re3ared by: Ishaq Ah!ad Cor*it )ahore 4a1e ,:
Course: CCNA
No= use the 0ast subnet @or your router to router
onneti*ity =hih needs 9 hosts there@ore 9 hosts needs
on0y 3 bits that is =hy 0e@t 3 bits in the host 3ortion and
trans@er the re!ainin1 into the net=or> 3ortion.
Ca0u0ate the subnet !as>: 2::.2::.2::.2,L
Ca0u0ate nu!ber o@ subnets i.e 2
S 2
S , subnets
Ca0u0ate the inreasin1 nu!ber in eah subnet i.e. 2:9-2,L
)ist a*ai0ab0e subnets: +22.+9L.3.22, N22. +22.+9L.3.232 N
22. +22.+9L.3.2,0 N22. +22.+9L.3.2,L N 22.
Assi1n subnets +22.+9L.3.22, N22. +22.+9L.3.232 N22.
+22.+9L.3.2,0 N22 to ;AN 0in>s as @o00o=.
Route Summarization
Route summarization, also called route aggregation, is a method of minimizing the number of
routes in routing tables .As we know that with the passage of time the number of subnets and
network addresses in routing tables is increasing rapidly .This growth taxes C! resources,
memory, and bandwidth used to maintain the routing table. "n large internetworks, hundreds, or
e#en thousands, of network addresses can exist. "t is often problematic for routers to maintain
this #olume of routes in their routing tables. Route summarization $also called route aggregation
or super netting% can reduce the number of routes that a router must maintain, because it is a
method of representing a series of network numbers in a single summary address. &or example,
in &igure, router ' can either send four routing update entries or summarize the four addresses
into a single network number. "f router ' summarizes the information into a single network
number entry, the following things happen(
)andwidth is sa#ed on the link between routers ' and *.
Router * needs to maintain only one route and therefore sa#es memory.
4re3ared by: Ishaq Ah!ad Cor*it )ahore 4a1e ,9
Course: CCNA
Router * also sa#es C! resources, because it e#aluates packets against fewer entries in
its routing table.
Route Summarization Calculation Example
"n the abo#e topology we ha#e four routes in the routing table of ' router mentioned

4ere first we calculate manually the summary of these Routes .The routes to be
summarized must ha#e fulfill the two condition
All the Routes participate in the Route summarization must belong to same
erform longest match $ 5ocate the bit where the common pattern of digits ends. %
calculate and perform A6' operation on all the rows
+,-.+.. / / / / + + / /
4re3ared by: Ishaq Ah!ad Cor*it )ahore 4a1e ,<
1*8 64 +* 16 8 4 * 1
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Course: CCNA
+,-.+.. / / / / + + / +
+,-.+.. / / / / + + + /
+,-.+.. / / / / + + + +
+- /
+,-.+..+-./ 0 -- 77777777777777777777777Total bits 8-17-8-- 9here - bits are !6 match
Route summarization offers se#eral important ad#antages o#er flat routing. Route summarization
can minimize the latency in a complex network, especially when many routers are in#ol#ed.
)ecause of the reduced number of routing entries, the o#erhead for routing protocols is
minimized. 6etwork stability can be impro#ed by reducing or eliminating unnecessary routing
updates after part of the network undergoes a change in topology. Route summarization also
greatly reduces processor workloads, memory re:uirements and bandwidth demand.
R" #ersion - and *";R also both perform auto summarization on routes that are ad#ertised
across classful network boundaries. This is done with the route summarization command "ip
summary-address." And disabled with the protocol7le#el command "no auto-summary".
Lecture no-1+
;hen you =ant to use router in a net=or> then ?rst o@ a00 you =i00
on?1ure it. Bou an on?1ure a router by so!e hard=are and
so!e so@t=are !ethods. #here are 3hysia0 3orts in a router by
usin1 that 3orts you an on?1ure router. Nor!a00y t=o 3orts are
used throu1h =hih you an aess and on?1ure a router. Ene is
a00ed onso0e 3ort and the other is a00ed auAi0iary 3ort.
;hen router is brand ne= then on0y onso0e 3ort an be used to
on?1ure it. Attah ab0e one end =ith onso0e 3ort o@ router and
seond end =ith your o!3uter. #hen you an aess the router
throu1h so!e so@t=are 0i>e hy3er ter!ina0 or #7#. #here are
diCerent so@t=are$s runnin1 in your o!3uter that enab0e you to
onnet =ith a router throu1h onso0e 3ort.
Seond !ethod that is used to aess and on?1ure the router is
usin1 auAi0iary or auA 3ort. Bou an aess router by auAi0iary 3ort
4re3ared by: Ishaq Ah!ad Cor*it )ahore 4a1e ,L
Course: CCNA
in the sa!e =ay as by onso0e 3ort but you annot aess a
brand ne= router by auAi0iary 3ort.
;hen you on?1ure the router usin1 onso0e 3ort then you ha*e
to be 3hysia00y 0ose to the router. Dut you an on?1ure a router
by auAi0iary 3ort @ro! any 3art o@ the =or0d. Bou don$t need to be
3hysia00y 0ose to router. Bou an do this by si!30y onnet the
auAi0iary 3ort =ith !ode! instead o@ o!3uter and then onnet
a !ode! =ith a te0e3hone 0ine. #hen you an re!ote0y aess
your router by dia0in1 the te0e3hone nu!ber to =hih the router
auAi0iary 3ort is onneted. Conso0e 3ort does not need any
!ode!. It is used @or 0oa0 aess and auAi0iary 3ort is @or 0oa0 as
=e00 as re!ote aess. #hese are a00ed hard=are !ethods o@
aessin1 a router.
No= =e =i00 disuss so@t=are !ethods o@ aessin1 a router. &irst
one is te0net. In this !ethod you an aess a router by usin1 the
te0net so@t=are. Dut usin1 te0net you need a hard=are 3ort to
enter in a router 0i>e seria0 3orts or 5thernet 3orts. #e0net so@t=are
is bui0t in a*ai0ab0e in o3eratin1 syste! and @or te0net ?*e te0net
0ines are used in a router =hih are a00ed te0net 0ine or 6ty
(6irtua0 #er!ina0 Aess". #hey are 6ty0. 6ty+. 6ty2. 6ty3 and
6ty,. It !eans that ?*e 3ersons an te0net a router at one ti!e.
Another !ethod is #&#4 (#ri*ia0 &i0e #rans@er 4rotoo0" to aess a
router. It$s a0so a so@t=are !ethod. Another is SNM4 (Si!30e
Net=or> Mana1e!ent 4rotoo0" @or on?1urin1 the router. #hese
are the so@t=are !ethods it an use any 3hysia0 3ath i.e. onso0e
or auA. sine =e 0earned that e*ery 3rotoo0 needs so@t=are @or
i!30e!entation that is =hy these !ethods are a00ed so@t=are
!ethods o@ on?1urin1 router.
Most0y t=o !ethods are used to aess and on?1ure router that
is onso0e and te0net.
#here are diCerent thin1s in router. #here are seria0 inter@aes in
router @or ;AN onneti*ity and 5thernet inter@aes @or )AN
4re3ared by: Ishaq Ah!ad Cor*it )ahore 4a1e ,2
Course: CCNA
onneti*ity. #here are t=o 3orts on and auA on !eans onso0e
and auA !eans auAi0iary. In o0d routers another 3ort is AOI
(Attah!ent Onit Inter@ae" =hih is used @or )AN onneti*ity
beause there are t=o 3ossib0e to3o0o1y o@ )AN one is Dus and
the other is Star. In Dus to3o0o1y the onnetors are DNC and in
Star to3o0o1y 7K ,: onnetor is used. #here@ore Ciso de*e0o3ed
a 1eneri inter@ae A<& =hih an be used =ith Dus as =e00 as
=ith Star onnetors. A on*erter or transei*er =as used =ith
AOI =hih 3ro*ide either 7K-,: onnetor or DNC onnetor on the
other side. Bou =i00 on0y han1e the transei*er by han1in1 the
to3o0o1y. Dut no= a day on0y star to3o0o1y is used in the =or0d. So
you an on0y see 7K-,: onnetor 3ort in the router @or )AN
;e an say that router is an inte00i1ent de*ie so 0et$s eAa!ine
=hy it is inte00i1ent or =hih thin1s !a>e it inte00i1ent. Inte00i1ene
o!es in any de*ie by 3roessor and !e!ory.
7outer bein1 an inte00i1ene de*ie has 3roessor and !e!ory.
4roessors o@ Ciso routers on0y 3er@or! net=or> re0ated ati*ities
it does not 3er@or! 1enera0 ati*ities 0i>e o!3uter 3roessors.
CISCE har1e ha0@ 3rie @or hard=are and ha0@ 3rie @or so@t=are in
#here are diCerent ty3es o@ !e!ory in router. 3A' is one ty3e o@
!e!ory in router that is used @or 1enera0 3ur3ose =or> but its
nature is *o0ati0e. #here is no hard dis> in routers. 7outer
o3eratin1 syste! is a00ed &$% (&nternetwork $"eratin0
%(ste/); IES is stored in a !e!ory a00ed >#ash 'e/or( =hih
is non *o0ati0e in nature. Con?1uration ?0e or on?1 ?0e or settin1
?0e o@ router is stored in N=3A' (Non =o#ati#e 3A'); A00
hard=are re0ated in@or!ation is stored in 3$'. ;hen router boots
so it 3er@or! )$%, ()ower $n %e#1 ,est) !eans it he> a00 its
hard=are attah to it.
4re3ared by: Ishaq Ah!ad Cor*it )ahore 4a1e :0
Course: CCNA
#he startu3 sequene o@ router starts =hen ?rst o@ a00 it reads its
hard=are in@or!ation @ro! 7EM the he 0oads o3eratin1 syste!
@ro! Rash !e!ory then he 0oads on?1uration ?0e @ro! N67AM
into 7AM.
3outer Conf0uration 'odes
;e are aessin1 router throu1h onso0e 3ort. So o3en hy3er
ter!ina0 so@t=are in your o!3uter by 0i>in1 3ro1ra!s then
aessories then o!!uniation and then Hy3er #er!ina0. Bou
=i00 1i*e a na!e @or this session then 1i*e a CEM+ 3ort throu1h
=hih you are onnetin1 @or! o!3uter to router. A@ter this 1i*e
the s3eed 2900. #he @o00o=in1 =i00 a33ear
AX ( it !eans you are in the user !ode o@ the router. it is
a restrited !ode re3resented by 1reater than si1n a@ter
router na!e. in this you an 3er@or! a 0i!ited a!ount o@
AX 5nab0e (3ress enter it =i00 as> a 3ass=ord "
AY (it is a00ed 3ri*i0e1e !ode re3resented by Y sy!bo0
a@ter the router na!e. it is 0ibera0 !ode. Bou an 3er@or! any
ty3e o@ on?1uration in this !ode"
AY disab0e (3ress o>. It =i00 0et you ba> to the user !ode"
AX M (i@ you =ant to ta>e he03 @or o!!ands in this !ode.
It =i00 dis30ay a 0ist o@ o!!ands in this !ode =ith brie@
desri3tion. Bou an 3ress s3aebar to *ie= another 3a1e o@
o!!ands. ;hen you 3ress enter >ey then it sho= another
0ine. I@ you 3ress any other >ey then it =i00 0et you ba>"
AYM (it =i00 dis30ay he03 @or 0ist o@ o!!ands that an be
a330ied to this !ode. It is a 3o=er@u0 !ode a00 user !ode
o!!ands are a*ai0ab0e here. I@ you =ant to he> on0y those
o!!ands that starts =ith 0etter then ty3e M Si!i0ar0y 0M
;i00 sho= a00 o!!ands starts =ith 0 0etters"
4re3ared by: Ishaq Ah!ad Cor*it )ahore 4a1e :+
Course: CCNA
)ets on?1ure ti!e on this router
AY 0o> (it =i00 sho= ino!30ete o!!and !eans there are
other thin1s a0so =ith this o!!and"
AY 0o> set (a1ain ino!30ete o!!and =i00 be dis30ayed.
No= ho= I =i00 >no= =hat 3ortion re!ains neAt so I =i00 use M
a@ter set"
AY 0o> set M (it =i00 sho= hh:!!:ss !eans 1i*e ti!e in this
AY 0o> set +3:+L:33 (enter but a1ain ino!30ete o!!and
ta>e a he03 by 30ain1 M"
AY 0o> set +3:+L:3: M (it =i00 sho= dd:!!:yy !eans 1i*e
AY 0o> set +3:+L:,0 2::02:20+0 (3ress enter"
I@ you =ant to dis30ay this ti!e then ty3e
AY sho= 0o> (3ress enter"
Note: =hen you use u3 arro= >ey it =i00 sho= 3re*ious
o!!ands. ;hen you =ant to >no= the o!!ands entered
then use sho= history o!!and (AY sho= history". #ab >ey
o!30etes the o!!ands a@ter ty3in1 one or t=o 0etters o@ the
AY sh 0o (3ress enter it a0so eAeute the sa!e o!!and
beause it unique0y identi@y the o!!and"
&$% %hortcuts Ee(s
Ctr0 'A =i00 ta>e you to the start o@ the 0ine
Ctr0 ' 5 =i00 ta>e ursor to the end o@ 0ine
Ctr0 ' D =i00 ta>e ursor ba> one harater
4re3ared by: Ishaq Ah!ad Cor*it )ahore 4a1e :2
Course: CCNA
Ctr0 ' & =i00 ta>e ursor one harater @or=ard
Ctr0 ' 4 =i00 sho= 3re*ious o!!ands
Ctr0 ' N =i00 sho= neAt o!!ands
Ctr0 ' H =i00 do the =or> o@ ba>s3ae
Ctr0 ' ; =i00 de0ete the =ho0e =ord
Ctr0 ' O =i00 de0ete o!30ete 0ine
Lecture no-14
I@ you =ant to he> the *ersion o@ IES then
AF show 5ersion (3ress enter. It a0so sho= on?1uration
re1ister *a0ue"
;hen router is runnin1 then there are t=o ty3es o@
on?1uration ?0e one is stored in N67AM =hih is a00ed
%tartu" conf0uration f#e and the other is in the 7AM =hih
is a00ed 3unnin0 conf0uration f#e. I@ you =ant to !a>e
so!e han1es in the on?1uration ?0e =hi0e router is runnin1
then it is not diret0y stored in Startu3 on?1 it =i00 store in the
7unnin1 on?1. Dut =hen you s=ith oC router then 7unnin1
on?1 =i00 be 0ost =hen you s=ith on the router a1ain it =i00
0oad Startu3 on?1uration ?0e @ro! N67AM. I@ you =ant to
!a>e these han1es 3er!anent then you !ust store your
7unnin1 Con?1 ?0e o*er Startu3 Con?1 ?0e in N67AM.
Ho= you =i00 he> Startu3 on?1uration ?0e and 7unnin1
on?1uration ?0eM
AF show runnin0-conf0 (3ress enter. It =i00 sho=
on?1uration ?0e runnin1 in a 7AM"
AF show startu"-conf0 (3ress enter. It =i00 sho=
on?1uration ?0e stored in N67AM"
4re3ared by: Ishaq Ah!ad Cor*it )ahore 4a1e :3
Course: CCNA
I@ you =ant to >no= the status o@ diCerent inter@aes o@ a router
AF show inter1aces (3ress enter. It =i00 sho= detai0s o@ eah
AF show seria#0 (it =i00 sho= detai0s o@ seria0 0 inter@ae"
I@ you =ant to he> =hih one routin1 3rotoo0s are runnin1 in
router then
AF show "rotoco0 (3ress enter"
#hese o!!ands are 3ro*ide basi in@or!ation about router.
AF show i" inter1ace 7rie1 (it =i00 sho= a brie@ desri3tion o@
a00 inter@aes"
2ow to %a5e Conf0uration >i#e?
AF co"( runnin0-conf0 startu"-conf0 (it =i00 o3y runnin1
on?1 into stratu3 on?1"
I@ a situation o!es =hen you done on?1uration on a router
but then you rea0iFed that the on?1urations =ere =ron1 then
=hat you =i00 doM
Ene so0ution is to undo a00 these han1es but i@ there are
!u0ti30e o!!ands then it =i00 ta>e ti!e.
Seond o3tion reboot router beause these han1es =ere not
sa*ed in the startu3 on?1uration ?0e. So =hen you reboot the
router it =i00 0oad startu3 on?1 @ro! N67AM but it =i00 a0so ta>e
In 0i*e net=or> it is not suitab0e to reboot the router. #here@ore
you =i00 o3y startu3 on?1 on runnin1 on?1 to so0*e the
3rob0e! in seonds;
AF co"( startu"-conf0 runnin0-conf0 (3ress enter"
4re3ared by: Ishaq Ah!ad Cor*it )ahore 4a1e :,
Course: CCNA
Dut i@ you ha*e sa*ed the runnin1 on?1 on startu3 on?1 and
then you rea0iFed that the on?1urations =ere =ron1 then =hat
you =i00 doM Er i@ the router @ai0ed durin1 =or>in1M
Dest so0utions @or 3rob0e!s 0i>e this a0=ays ta>e a ba>u3 o@
startu3 on?1 be@ore sa*in1 on?1uration han1es to it.
Da>u3 is a0=ays >e3t out o@ router inside a o!3uter a00ed
#&#4 Ser*er. Insta00 #&#4 so@t=are on any o!3uter it =i00
beo!e #&#4 Ser*er.
2ow to store 7ack u" on ,>>) %er5er
AF co"( startu"-conf0 ,>,) (3ress enter"
I@ you =ant to restore the ba>u3 then use
AF co"( ,>,) startu"-conf0 (3ress enter"
Note: A0=ays ta>e a ba>u3 a@ter on?1uration bein1 a 1ood
net=or> ad!inistrator
AF co"( startu"-conf0 ,>,) (=hen you 3ress enter it =i00
as> address and na!e o@ #&#4 Ser*er. #hen it =i00 as>
destination ?0e na!e and 3ress o>"
AF co"( ,>,) runnin0-conf0 (=hen you 3ress enter >ey it
=i00 as> address and na!e o@ re!ote host. It !eans @ro! =here
you are restorin1. #hen it =i00 as> soure ?0e na!e"
In su!!ariFed @or! it is 0ear that on?1uration ?0e is stored in
three 0oation one is 7unnin1 on?1 . seond one is Startu3
on?1 and third one is #&#4.
3outer Conf0uration
&or router on?1uration =e =i00 1o to the router on?1 !ode or
10oba0 on?1 !ode.
AF conf0ure ter/ina# (3ress enter"
4re3ared by: Ishaq Ah!ad Cor*it )ahore 4a1e ::
Course: CCNA
A (Conf0)F (it is a router on?1uration !ode"
A (Conf0)F e!it (it =i00 a1ain 0et you to enab0e !ode or you
an ty3e end or Ctr0'( to eAit @ro! this !ode"
AF Con1 t (it is a shortut to 1o to 10oba0 !ode or i@ you ty3e
on@ and 3rss enter t=o ti!es "
A (conf0)F hostna/e AA (4ress o>. It =i00 han1e na!e o@
the router"
AA(conf0)F e!it (1o to 3ri*i0e1e !ode"
AAF show runnin0-conf0 (@or on?r!ation to he> this
han1e in runnin1 on?1"
AAF show startu"-conf0 (@or on?r!ation to he> this
han1e in startu3 on?1"
AAF co"( runnin0-conf0 startu"-conf0 (It =i00 sa*e
runnin1-on?1 into startu3-on?1"
AAF show startu"-conf0 (to *eri@y =hat =e ha*e done"
AA(conf0-t)F 7anner /otd F we#co/e to Cor5it F (3ress
enter. It is !essa1e o@ the day =hen so!ebody enters into a
router this !essa1e =i00 be dis30ayed ?rst"
AA(conf0-t)F inter1ace seria#0 (it =i00 1o to the inter@ae
on?1 !ode"
AA(conf0-1)F descri"tion this is a 0ood inter1ace (a00
on?1uration =i00 be a330ied in this !ode to seria00 inter@ae.
A0=ays 1i*e aurate desri3tion @or eAa!30e this inter@ae is
onneted =ith Is0a!abad net=or> then 1i*e in desri3tion
onneted to Is0a!abad"
AAF show inter1ace seria#0 (it =i00 dis30ay in@or!ation about
this inter@ae"
4re3ared by: Ishaq Ah!ad Cor*it )ahore 4a1e :9
Course: CCNA
Y in the banner !otd o!!and is a00ed de0i!itin1 harater.
Bou an 1i*e any harater as de0i!itin1 harater but that
harater !ust not o!e in your !essa1e beause router =i00
ta>e that harater as endin1 o@ your !essa1e.
)assword Conf0uration
;hen you =ant to aess a router throu1h onso0e then he
as>s a 3ass=ord AG ena7#e (enter. it =i00 1o to the 3ri*i0e1e
AF con1 t (enter. it =i00 1o to the 10oba0 on?1uration !ode"
A(conf0)F #ine conso#e 0 (enter"
A(conf0-#ine)F3ass=ord na (enter. It is onso0e 0ine
A(conf0-#ine)F #o0in (3ress enter. na 3ass=ord is set on
0o1in throu1h onso0e"
AGena7#e (enter. it =i00 1o to the 3ri*i0e1e !ode"
AF con1 t (enter. it =i00 1o to the 10oba0 on?1uration !ode"
A(conf0)F#ine 5t( 0 (enter)
A(conf0-#ine)F"assword Cor*it (enter"
A(conf0-#ine)F#o0in (enter. it =i00 set te0net 3ass=ord on
A(conf0"Yenab0e 3ass=ord ishaq (enter. It is enab0e !ode
A(conf0"Y eAit (3ress enter"
AF show runnin0-conf0 (enter"
4re3ared by: Ishaq Ah!ad Cor*it )ahore 4a1e :<
Course: CCNA
A(conf0-t)ena7#e secret (it =i00 sho= 3ass=ord in enry3ted
@or! in sho= runnin1 on?1 ?0e"
Lecture no-1-
3outer %tartu" %e?uence: =hen the router is s=ithed on it
reads hard=are in@or!ation (4ES#" @ro! 7EM into 7AM. #hen it
0oads the IES @ro! &0ash by de@au0t but you an han1e the
de@au0t nature o@ the IES 0oadin1 into 7AM. IES an be 0oaded
@ro! three 0oations. #he o!!and throu1h =hih you an
han1e the 0oation o@ the IES is a00ed Doot Syste!. Seond it
an be 0oaded @ro! #&#4 ser*er. It is 3er@or!ed in a ase i@ you
=ant to u31rade your IES then either you =i00 do=n0oad IES
@ro! internet or brin1 it in CD then you store that u31raded IES
in your #&#4 ser*er and then instrut the router to 0oad IES
@ro! #&#4 ser*er. Nor!a00y on #&#4 ser*er a ba>u3 o@ startu3
on?1uration ?0e and IES is stored. #hird an IES an be 0oaded
@ro! the 7EM. In 7EM a sub set o@ IES or !ini IES is stored. I@
you =ant to 0oad the !ini IES then you =i00 !ention 7EM in the
boot syste! o!!and but this is not a o!30ete IES it is used
on0y i@ the atua0 IES is rashed then you an 0oad this !ini IES
and you an restore the atua0 @u00 @eatured IES @ro! your #&#4
ser*er. #his sub set is not u31radab0e beause it is read on0y
that is 3ro*ided by the iso @or troub0e shootin1 3ur3ose. )et
see the o!!and
A(conf0)Fboot syste! M (enter. it =i00 sho= a00 the three
o3tions =ith boot syste! i.e Rash boot syste!. #&#4 booty
syste! and 7EM boot syste!"
A(conf0)Fboot syste! Rash Na!eZo@Z&i0e (enter. you =i00 1i*e
na!e o@ the ?0e beause there !ay be !u0ti30e IES inside the
A(conf0)Fboot syste! #&#4 Na!eZo@Z?0e I4 Address (enter.
In ase o@ #&#4 you =i00 !ention na!e o@ IES and a0so I4
address o@ #&#4 ser*er"
4re3ared by: Ishaq Ah!ad Cor*it )ahore 4a1e :L
Course: CCNA
A(conf0)Fboot syste! 7EM (enter. In ase o@ 7EM no na!e is
!entioned beause there is on0y one IES stored in 7EM"
A(conf0)Fo3y runnin1 on?1 startu3 on?1 (enter"
Sa*e the abo*e on?1uration in the startu3 on?1uration ?0e
and neAt ti!e =hen the router reboot then he =i00 @o00o= the
abo*e sequene. Bou an he> the *ersion o@ IES throu1h
sho= *ersion o!!and on router.
I@ you =ant to >no= =hih one IES is stored in Rash then use
the o!!and
AX Sho= Rash (enter. it =i00 dis30ay the siFe and na!e
o@ IES"
IES is in binary @or! =hi0e the on?1uration ?0e is in teAt
@or!. &ro! this o!!and you >no= siFe o@ IES ?0e. used
s3ae o@ &0ash. a*ai0ab0e s3ae on &0ash. tota0 siFe o@ &0ash
and IES ?0e na!e =hih you an !ention in boot syste!
I@ you did not on?1ure router throu1h boot syste! then ?rst o@ a00
router try to 0oad IES @ro! &0ash i@ here not @ound then 1o to the
#&#4 ser*er @or 0oadin1 IES and the third o3tion is 7EM this is the
de@au0t sequene.
A question arises that =hen =e store the abo*e startu3 sequene
in the startu3 on?1uration ?0e =hih is stored in N67AM but =e
>no= that =hen a router boots then ?rst he 3er@or!s 4ES# in
7EM then 0oad IES @ro! Rash and in the 0ast ste3 0oads the
startu3 on?1uration ?0e @ro! N67AM it !eans that the 0oadin1
ste3 o@ IES o!es ?rst than the on?1uration ?0e 0oadin1 then
=hat is the ad*anta1e o@ storin1 startu3 sequene o@ router in the
startu3 on?1uration ?0e. So the ans=er is that a@ter 3er@or!in1
4ES# router read the on?1uration re1ister *a0ue. Con?1uration
re1ister is a s3eia0 hard=are inside router and its *a0ue
4re3ared by: Ishaq Ah!ad Cor*it )ahore 4a1e :2
Course: CCNA
deter!ine that =hat the router =i00 do a@ter 4ES#. In order to
he> the on?1uration re1ister *a0ue run the sho= *ersion
o!!and and 0oo> at the end on?1uration re1ister *a0ue is
0A2+02 =here 0A !eans that this nu!ber is in heAadei!a0
@or!at. Sine these are @our heAadei!a0 nu!bers there@ore
onsists o@ +9 bits beause one heAadei!a0 nu!ber is equa0 to ,
bits. 0A2+02 is the de@au0t *a0ue o@ the on?1uration re1ister. In
this nu!ber the ri1ht !ost di1it 2 deter!ine the neAt ste3 o@ the
router a@ter 4ES#. En this 3osition the !ini!u! *a0ue is 0 and
!aAi!u! *a0ue is & i@ the ri1ht !ost di1it o@ the on?1uration
re1ister *a0ue is 0 (0A2+00" then it is an instrution @or the router
to 0oad the non IES o3eratin1 syste! @ro! 7EM. #here are three
thin1s in 7EM one is hard=are in@or!ation seond is sub set o@
IES !eans !ini IES and the third one is non-IES =hih is used @or
0o= 0e*e0 debu11in1 and 3ass=ord reo*ery. I@ the *a0ue o@ the
on?1uration re1ister$s ri1ht !ost di1it is + (0A2+0+" then it is an
instrution @or the router to 0oad the sub set or Mini IES @ro! 7EM.
I@ the ri1ht !ost di1it is @ro! 2 to & then it !eans that ?rst 1o to
on?1uration ?0e he> the boot sequene @ro! the boot syste!
o!!ands and 0oad IES aordin1 to the sequene.
A (on?1" Yo3y Rash #&#4 (it =i00 o3y IES @ro! Rash to #&#4
A (on?1" Yo3y #&#4 Rash (it =i00 restore IES @ro! #&#4 to Rash"
A (on?1" Y o3y runnin1 #&#4 (it =i00 o3y runnin1 on?1uration
?0e on #&#4 ser*er"
A (on?1" Y o3y startu3 #&#4 (it =i00 o3y startu3 on?1uration
?0e on #&#4 ser*er"
Note: you an !a>e han1es in the on?1uration ?0e on #&#4
ser*er beause it is a teAt ?0e and these han1es =i00 be
i!30e!ented =hen you o3y on?1uration ?0e @ro! #&#4 ser*er
to 7outer.
4re3ared by: Ishaq Ah!ad Cor*it )ahore 4a1e 90
Course: CCNA
A (on?1" Y o3y #&#4 runnin1 (it =i00 o3y on?1uration ?0e @ro!
#&#4 ser*er to the runnin1 on?1uration ?0e in router. si!i0ar0y
you an do it @or startu3 on?1"
CD) (Cisco Disco5er( )rotoco#): It is a Ciso 3ro3rietary
3rotoo0 that =or>s on 0ayer 2 (data 0in> 0ayer". It !eans that this
3rotoo0 is on0y su33orted on Ciso de*ies not on non-Ciso
de*ies. #hrou1h CD4 a router >no=s in@or!ation about its
nei1hborin1 de*ies that =hih one de*ie is runnin1 in its
nei1hbor. &irst and !ost i!3ortant thin1 @or a net=or>
ad!inistrator to !ana1e the net=or> is the need o@ net=or>
dia1ra!. Bou =i00 >no= about the net=or> to3o0o1y @ro! the
net=or> dia1ra!. I@ you are as>ed to !ana1e a net=or> that ha*e
no dia1ra! then you ha*e to 0o1in in any router and throu1h CD4
you o!e to >no= that =hih de*ies are onneted in its
nei1hbor. #hen 0o1in on another router and run CD4 throu1h
=hih you >no= about its nei1hbors. Si!i0ar0y re3eat this 3roess
on a00 routers and add the! into your dia1ra! and on this =ay
you =i00 reate a o!30ete to3o0o1y o@ your net=or>. It !eans
that CD4 =i00 3ro*ide @ro! no net=or> dia1ra! to a o!30ete
net=or> dia1ra! =hih beo!e easy @or you to troub0e shoot and
!ana1e your net=or>. CD4 3ro*ides you a00 the in@or!ation about
the net=or> throu1h =hih you an reate a 3iture o@ your
net=or>. CD4 is not a re30ae!ent o@ routin1 3rotoo0s beause it
on0y arries in@or!ation about diret0y onneted de*ies in its
nei1hbor =hi0e routin1 3rotoo0s arries in@or!ation about the
3aths in the =ho0e net=or>. Seond0y routin1 3rotoo0s are
=or>in1 on net=or> 0ayer =hi0e CD4 =or>s on data 0in> 0ayer.
5*ery router a@ter so!e ti!e ad*ertises its in@or!ation on a00 its
inter@aes. #his in@or!ation is sent a@ter e*ery 90 seonds by
de@au0t =hih is a00ed CD4 ti!er. A00 routers store this in@or!ation
in its tab0e =here it re!ains @or +L0 seonds by de@au0t =hih is
a00ed CD4 ho0d ti!e. It !eans that be@ore disardin1 the 3a>et
u3 to =hih ti!e it re!ains in tab0e. CD4 ho0d ti!e is ontro00ed
by that router =ho sends the in@or!ation. CD4 ti!er is a0so
4re3ared by: Ishaq Ah!ad Cor*it )ahore 4a1e 9+
Course: CCNA
ontro00ed by the ad*ertisin1 router you an han1e the ti!in1
onsider the @o00o=in1 o!!and
AX sho= CD4 (enter. it =i00 sho= CD4 ti!er and ho0d ti!e
#o han1e the ti!er and ho0d ti!e in@or!ation 1o to on?1uration
!ode and ty3e o!!and as:
A (on?1" Y CD4 #i!er 30 (no= this router =i00 send u3dates a@ter
e*ery 30 seonds to its inter@aes"
A (on?1"Y CD4 ho0dti!e 20 (this in@or!ation =i00 >e3t @or 20
seonds by other routers"
AXsho= CD4 (no= it =i00 sho= d3 ti!er 30 and d3 ho0dti!e 20"
I@ you =ant to >no= about the nei1hbors o@ the router then use
the @o00o=in1 o!!and.
AXsho= CD4 nei1hbor (it =i00 dis30ay CD4 tab0e that ontains
in@or!ation about nei1hbor"
I@ you =ant to he> detai0 in@or!ation then use the @o00o=in1
AXsho= CD4 nei1hbor detai0 (enter"
AXsho= CD4 entry C (it =i00 on0y sho= detai0s o@ router C"
Lecture no-16
,C)9&) 'ode#: #C4NI4 is the @a!i0y o@ 3rotoo0s =hih onsists o@
#C4. OD4. CD4. 4E43. SNM4. DHC4 et. #C4NI4 has its o=n 0ayered
Mode0 a00ed #C4NI4 Mode0 0i>e ESI in =hih o!!uniation tas> is
di*ided into diCerent 0ayers. It is *ery !uh 0i>e to the ESI !ode0.
It is o0der than ESI !ode0. #he ?rst three 0ayers (a330iation.
3resentation and session" o@ #C4NI4 !ode0 is o00eti*e0y a00ed
A330iation 0ayer. Seond 0ayer is a00ed trans3ort 0ayer. third
0ayer is a00ed internet 0ayer and @orth is a00ed data 0in> 0ayer and
4re3ared by: Ishaq Ah!ad Cor*it )ahore 4a1e 92
Course: CCNA
the 0ast one is a00ed 3hysia0 0ayer. #he 0ast t=o 0ayers (data 0in>
and 3hysia0" an be o00eti*e0y a00ed net=or> inter@ae 0ayer
beause #C4NI4 does not o*er it and has no onern =ith these
t=o 0ayers. #here is no 3rotoo0 o@ #C4NI4 =hih =or>s on these
t=o 0ayers. #here@ore you an treat it as a sin10e 0ayer or se3arate
No= 0oo> at the a330iation 0ayer that =hih one 3rotoo0s is
oCered by #C4NI4 !ode0 on it. #C4NI4 3ro*ides diCerent 3rotoo0s
@or 3er@or!in1 diCerent ty3es o@ @untiona0ities on a330iation
0ayer. #hey are #&#4 and &#4 @or ?0e trans@er si!i0ar0y @or e!ai0
4E43. SM#4 and IMA4. &or net=or> !ana1e!ent SNM4. @or
re!ote !ana1e!ent #e0net and @or )AN !ana1e!ent DNS is
used on the a330iation 0ayer. #rans3ort 0ayer ha*e t=o 3rotoo0s
o@ #C4NI4 @a!i0y =hih are #C4 and OD4. #C4 and OD4 are used on
the basis o@ a330iation require!ents.
#C4 is Connetion Eriented 3rotoo0 =hih 3ro*ides 0o1ia0
onnetion not 3hysia0 by 3 =ay handsha>e =hi0e OD4 is
Connetion0ess 3rotoo0 0i>e 3osta0 ser*ies in =hih a 3erson
does not in@or!ed in ad*ane about a 0etter.
#C4 is a re0iab0e 3rotoo0 =hih !eans that it reei*es an
a>no=0ed1!ent @ro! the reei*er. Deause re0iabi0ity de3ends
u3on a>no=0ed1!ent it is not neessary that a onnetion
oriented o!!uniation !ust be re0iab0e and onnetion0ess
o!!uniation =i00 be unre0iab0e. #hese t=o 3ro3erties are
inde3endent @ro! eah other. It there is no one3t o@
a>no=0ed1!ent in a o!!uniation then it is a00ed unre0iab0e
o!!uniation. OD4 is unre0iab0e beause it reei*es not
a>no=0ed1e!ent @ro! the reei*er. #C4 o!!uniation is s0o=
=hi0e OD4 o!!uniation is @ast. Data or a330iation =hih needs
re0iabi0ity not s3eed =i00 use #C4 and that a330iation =hih needs
s3eed not re0iabi0ity =i00 use OD4. 5!ai0 a330iations uses #C4 @or
o!!uniation on trans3ort 0ayer. SM#4. H##4. &#4 uses #C4 @or
o!!uniation on trans3ort 0ayer. In *oie o!!uniation de0ay
4re3ared by: Ishaq Ah!ad Cor*it )ahore 4a1e 93
Course: CCNA
!ust be !ini!a0 other=ise it is not ae3tab0e @or =hih OD4 is
used on trans3ort 0ayer. Si!i0ar0y *ideo 0i>e #6 a0so uses OD4
beause *oie and *ideo are rea0 ti!e a330iations. Chat
a330iation uses both #C4 and OD4 @or o!!uniation i@ you are
hattin1 =ithin a hat roo! it uses OD4 =hi0e 3ri*ate hat =ith
indi*idua0 uses #C4. #he #C4 header onsists o@ 20 bytes =ithout
o3tion ?0ed and 2, bytes =ith header ?e0d. 4ort nu!bers are
assi1ned =ith eah request on trans3ort 0ayer. #here are =e00
>no=n 3ort nu!bers 0i>e 3ort L0 is used @or htt3. @t3 has 20. 2+
and te0net has 23 3ort nu!ber these are reser*ed 3ort nu!bers
@or these a330iation. ;e00 >no=n 3ort nu!bers are on0y used on
ser*er side not on 0ient side. ;e00 >no=n 3ort nu!bers are
a0=ays ser*er side 3ort nu!bers. #here are 9::39 tota0 3ort
nu!bers. Initia00y @ro! 0 to 2:: 3ort nu!bers =ere reser*ed @or
=e00 >no=n 3ort nu!bers but no= this ran1e =as eAtended to
+023. C0ient side 3ort nu!bers are assi1ned rando!0y by the
o!3uter and these 3ort nu!bers shou0d be 1reater than +023. I@
the diretion o@ o!!uniation is @ro! 0ient to ser*er then the
destination 3ort nu!ber is =e00 >no=n (?Aed" and i@ the diretion
o@ o!!uniation is @ro! ser*er to 0ient then the soure 3ort is
=e00 >no=n (?Aed" =hi0e the destination =i00 be rando! in this
ase. SM#4 has 2: 3ort nu!ber. 3ort nu!ber :3 is assi1ned to
DNS. #&#4 has 3ort nu!ber 92. 4E43 has ++0 3ort nu!ber. SNM4
has +9+. and 7I4 has :20 3ort nu!ber
So>et nu!ber is the o!bination o@ I4 address and 3ort
OD4 header is a0=ays ?Aed in 0en1th and onsists o@ L bytes. I4 is
the !ost o!!on 3rotoo0 o@ #C4NI4 @a!i0y =hih =or>s on
net=or> or internet 0ayer. ICM4. A74. 7A74 are a0so the internet
3rotoo0s =hih be0on1s to #C4NI4 @a!i0y. 4in1 is a uti0ity not an
a330iation =hih based on ICM4. ICM4 a0so 1i*es the destination
unreahab0e !essa1e. 7A74 is not used today instead o@ this
DHC4 is used beause the @untiona0ity o@ both are sa!e but
4re3ared by: Ishaq Ah!ad Cor*it )ahore 4a1e 9,
Course: CCNA
DHC4 is !ore ad*ane than 7A74. I4 header an be @ro! 20 to 2,
bytes de3endin1 u3on the o3tion ?e0d. ;hen I4 ena3su0ate the
3a>et reei*ed @ro! trans3ort 0ayer then ?rst it identi?es OD4
and #C4 on the basis o@ 3rotoo0 ?e0d o@ header. I@ it is #C4 traH
then I4 assi1ns 3rotoo0 nu!ber 9 and i@ it is OD4 traH then I4
assi1n 3rotoo0 nu!ber +<.
Lecture no-1.
2ow to conf0ure &) address on di6erent inter1aces o1 a
Consider you ha*e three routers na!ed A. D and C. 7outer A is
onneted =ith 7outer D throu1h seria0 3ort and 7outer D is
onneted =ith 7outer C throu1h seria0 3ort. Bou an *ie= the I4
address i@ assi1ned to diCerent inter@aes o@ router throu1h
AY sho= runnin1-on?1 (enter" or
DY sho= inter@aes (enter" or
CY sho= I4 inter@ae brie@ (enter"
Note: i@ you =ant to assi1n or han1e the I4 address o@ any
inter@ae then you =i00 !o*e to the inter@aes on?1uration !ode
@ro! 10oba0 on?1uration !ode. &or eAa!30e i@ I =ant to assi1n I4
address to ethernet+ 3ort then
A (on?1" Y inter@ae ethernet+ (enter"
A (on?1-i@" YI4 address +0.+0.+0.+ 2::.0.0.0 (enter"
A (on?1-i@" Y no shutdo=n (enter. It =i00 u3 the inter@ae"
A (on?1-i@" Y no band=idth (enter"
AXsho= runnin1-on?1 inter@ae seria0+ (enter. it =i00 sho= on0y
in@or!ation about seria0 + inter@ae"
4re3ared by: Ishaq Ah!ad Cor*it )ahore 4a1e 9:
Course: CCNA
A (on?1" Y no I4 address (enter. it =i00 re!o*e a00 I4 addresses
@ro! router inter@aes"
2ow to )in0 routers
AX3in1 +.+.+.2 (enter. it =i00 send ?*e ste3s 3a>ets and eah
3a>et =i00 be +00 bytes in siFe. =hen you send a !essa1e it is
a00ed eho !essa1e or eho request. #he ans=er o@ the eho
request is a00ed eho re30y ti!e out is 2 seonds !eans that the
re30y o@ eah 3a>et shou0d reah =ithin 2 seonds. &i*e
eA0a!ation !ar>s !ean that ?*e 3a>ets o!e ba> a@ter hittin1
their tar1ets. It sho=s that onneti*ity to that router is +00[ =i00 a0so sho= the ti!e o@ eah 3a>et and ti!e o@ a00
?*e 3a>ets in !i00iseonds i.e. 2 seondsS2000 !i00iseonds.
si!i0ar0y i@ there is no onneti*ity bet=een the routers then
instead o@ eA0a!ation !ar>s there =i00 be dis30ayed ?*e dots."
AY sho= I4 route (enter. it =i00 dis30ay the routin1 tab0e o@ that
Note: =hen a router 3in1 itse0@ then it ta>es doub0e o@ the ti!e as
o!3ared to 3in1 other router beause in this ase ?rst 3in1
request is 1enerated by router A no= router A he>s that this
address be0on1s to =hih inter@ae o@ this net=or> then it @or=ard
this 3in1 on that inter@ae the 3in1 request reahed to router D he
he>s it is a 3in1 and o!3are it =ith its o=n inter@ae no=
router D >no=s that this I4 address is onneted to !y this
inter@ae he @or=ard a1ain the 3in1 request to router A no= router
A he>s the address and 1i*es the 3in1 re30y and send it to
router D =hen router D reei*e this 3in1 re30y he >no=s that it is
@or router A there@ore it send it a1ain to router A that is =hy it
ta>es doub0e ti!e.
2ow to te#net a router
#e0net is a uti0ity throu1h =hih you an aess a router or other
de*ies re!ote0y.
4re3ared by: Ishaq Ah!ad Cor*it )ahore 4a1e 99
Course: CCNA
AY te0net +.+.+.2 (enter. It =i00 as> *ty 3ass=ord a@ter that you =i00
be in router D. a@ter 3er@or!in1 your desired o3erations ty3e eAit
to o!e ba> to router A"
Note: I@ you si!30y =rite +.+.+.2 =ithout te0net and 3ress enter
then it a0so 1oes to router D beause the IES by de@au0t assu!e
that this 3erson =ants to te0net.
A (on?1"Y I4 host routerD +.+.+.2 (enter. #his o!!and !a3s
any I4 address =ith 5n10ish 0i>e na!e. &or eAa!30e in this ase I4
address +.+.+.2 is !a33ed =ith routerD. No= you an on0y =rite
na!e o@ routerD instead o@ I4 address"
AY te0net routerD (enter. It =i00 1o to the router D =ithout enterin1
I4 address o@ D"
AY sho= host (enter. It =i00 sho= !a33in1 na!es =ith I4
Ad*anta1e o@ !a33in1 is that i@ you ha*e a 0ar1e net=or> @or
eAa!30e you ha*e branhes in 4esha=ar. )ahore. %arahi and
head oHe in Is0a!abad. ;hen you =ant to te0net any router in
branh oHes @ro! head oHe then =ithout re!e!berin1 their I4
address Gust !a3 one their I4 addresses to na!es then te0net or
3in1 it by na!es. A0so re!e!ber that na!es are ase sensiti*e.
Dut its disad*anta1e is that router =i00 1o do=n i@ he 3er@or!s
na!e !a33in1 due to the 3roessin1 0oad atua00y it is the
@untiona0ity o@ DNS ser*er to !a3 na!e into I4. Bou Gust !ention
to the router the I4 address o@ DNS ser*er @or this on*ersion so
that router @or=ard na!e or I4 on*ersion to the DNS ser*er. Bou
an 1i*e the I4 address o@ the DNS ser*er as:
A (on?1" Y I4 na!e-ser*er :.+.+.+ :.+.+.2 (enter. Bou an siA
DNS I4 addresses beause there !ay be !ore than one DNS
ser*ers in your net=or>"
A (on?1"Y I4 do!ain-0oo>u3 (enter"
4re3ared by: Ishaq Ah!ad Cor*it )ahore 4a1e 9<
Course: CCNA
No= ty3e any rando! =ord then the router =i00 send this =ord to
the ?rst DNS i@ not @ound then he @or=ard to the seond DNS
ser*er and ?na00y it =i00 sho= an error !essa1e that un>no=n
o!!and or o!3uter na!e or unab0e to ?nd o!3uter address
AY hi (enter"
;hen you ty3e anythin1 on a router then it 1enera00y assu!e that
it is one o@ !y o!!and but i@ he does not @ound this =ord or
o!!and in his database then he dis30ay un>no=n o!!and
!essa1e. #hen he he>s its o=n 0oa0 na!e database @or na!e
!a33in1 a1ainst this =ord i@ not @ound then dis30ay the !essa1e
un>no=n o!3uter na!e. In third atte!3t router sends this =ord
to the DNS ser*er @or reso0*in1 and at 0ast dis30ay the !essa1e
unab0e to ?nd o!3uter address. 7outer he>s eah o!!and in
these three ste3s one a@ter another i@ not so0*ed. I@ there is no
DNS ser*er in your net=or> and you =ant to sto3 router @ro!
searhin1 DNS then use the o!!and
A (on?1" Y no I4 do!ain-0oo>u3 (enter. It !eans that you =i00 not
searh DNS ser*er"
I@ you =ant to re!o*e the DNS ser*ers on?1uration @ro! you
router then
A (on?1" Y no I4 na!e-ser*er :.+.+.+ (enter"
A (on?1" Y no I4 na!e-ser*er :.+.+.2 (enter"
No= i@ you ty3e any =ord a@ter re!o*in1 the DNS ser*er
on?1uration and on the I4 do!ain-0oo>u3 then it =i00 broad ast
this =ord on the net=or> and searhes @or any DNS ser*er on the
;hen you =rite an I4 address in @ront o@ 3in1 o!!and then it is
a00ed si!30e 3in1. Bou an a0so 3er@or! eAtended 3in1 @or
eAtended 3in1 you =i00 not =rite I4 address =ith 3in1 o!!and. It
4re3ared by: Ishaq Ah!ad Cor*it )ahore 4a1e 9L
Course: CCNA
!eans that you an han1e the de@au0t 3ara!eters o@ the 3in1
o!!and throu1h eAtended 3in1.
AY 3in1 (enter. No= it =i00 as> @or tar1et I4 address then it =i00 as>
@or re3eat o!e here you =i00 !ention the eho 3a>ets =hih is
by de@au0t : a@ter this it =i00 as> @or the siFe o@ eho !essa1e
=hih is by de@au0t +00 bytes a@ter this it =i00 as> about ti!e out
=hih is by de@au0t 2 seonds you an han1e it"
Lecture no-18
7outer initia00y >no=s about the net=or>s =hih are diret0y
onneted to it. A00 this in@or!ation is stored in the routin1 tab0e
o@ a router. #o dis30ay the routin1 tab0e use the @o00o=in1
AY sho= I4 route (enter. It =i00 sho= a00 the net=or>s that are
diret0y onneted =ith this router throu1h C 0etter."
Ho= the router >no=s about its diret0y onneted net=or>s. #he
ans=er is that =hen you 1i*e I4 address to its inter@ae it 3er@or!
an AND o3eration on that I4 and its subnet !as> and store the
resu0t in this tab0e. In this ase you an on0y 3in1 the diret0y
onneted net=or> I4 addresses. It !eans that initia00y the router
=ithout runnin1 stati or dyna!i routes it an on0y o!!uniate
=ith its diret0y onneted net=or>s. Bou an on0y 3in1 an I4
address =hose entry is a*ai0ab0e in the routin1 tab0e. #here are
t=o !ethods to !a>e an entry o@ I4 address in the routin1 tab0e
one is a00ed stati in =hih =e !anua00y enter the I4 address o@ a
net=or> and the other is runnin1 routin1 3rotoo0s =hih is a00ed
dyna!i routin1.
Conf0urin0 %tatic 3outes
&or on?1urin1 stati route you =i00 s=ith to the 10oba0
on?1uration !ode o@ a router and 1i*e the @o00o=in1 o!!and
4re3ared by: Ishaq Ah!ad Cor*it )ahore 4a1e 92
Course: CCNA
A (on?1" Y I4 route destinationZnet=or>ZI4ZAdress subnet !as>
In the abo*e o!!and destination net=or> I4 !eans that the
net=or> to =hih you =ant to reah so ?rst you =i00 enter I4
address and subnet !as> o@ it and neAt ho3 I4 address !eans
that throu1h =hih inter@ae you =i00 send 3a>et to reah to the
destination. Dy this o!!and you ha*e on?1ured you stati
route in order to he> it in the routin1 tab0e use the o!!and
sho= I4 route (enter". It =i00 sho= the stati route =ith the
harater S @o00o=ed by I4 address and it =i00 a0so sho= *ia I4
address =hih is the I4 address o@ neAt ho3. Ad!inistrati*e
distane o@ stati route is + =hih is a0so sho=n in the routin1
tab0e. No= i@ you 3in1 the destination net=or> on?1ured throu1h
stati route in the routin1 tab0e but it =i00 not 1i*e any re30y
atua00y @ro! soure to destination the stati 3ath is on?1ured
but @ro! destination to soure the 3ath is un>no=n @or the
destination router. #here@ore on?1ure a stati route a0so on the
destination router @or the soure net=or>. And a0so note that i@
the destination net=or> is not diret0y onneted =ith neAt ho3
then you a0so on?1ure stati route on that router. Con?1urin1
stati route on router you !ust >no= that a00 the routers in the
=ay !ust >no= about the destination and in re30y a00 routers a0so
>no= the soure other=ise no 3in1 =i00 be suess@u0. In other
=ords i@ you =ant to 3ro*ide @u00 reahabi0ity in a net=or> then
you !ust on?1ure stati route on eah router @or a00 net=or>s.
Stati routes are ty3ia00y used in s!a00er net=or>s. ;ith a
net=or> that has hundreds o@ routesI stati routes are not
sa0ab0e. sine you =ou0d ha*e to on?1ure eah route. and any
redundant 3aths @or that route. on eah router =hih inreases
the on?1uration o*erhead and o!30iation. #he so0ution o@ this
situation is the dyna!i routin1 in =hih diCerent 3rotoo0s
3er@or! a00 these tas>s.
Conf0urin0 D(na/ic 3outes
4re3ared by: Ishaq Ah!ad Cor*it )ahore 4a1e <0
Course: CCNA
On0i>e stati routes that require !anua0 on?1uration to te00 the
router =here destination net=or>s are. dynamic routing protocols
0earn about destination net=or>s @ro! nei1hborin1 routers.
Dyna!i routin1 3rotoo0s @a00 under one o@ three ate1ories:
distane *etor. 0in> state. and hybrid. 5ah o@ these routin1
3rotoo0 ty3es ta>es a diCerent a33roah in sharin1 routin1
in@or!ation =ith nei1hborin1 routers and hoosin1 the best 3ath
to a destination.
Con?1uration o@ 7I4 is *ery si!30e you =i00 on0y 1i*e a o!!and
router 7I4 in the 10oba0 on?1uration !ode o@ the router. &or
on?1urin1 any ty3e o@ routin1 3rotoo0 you =i00 =rite router then
na!e o@ the routin1 3rotoo0.
A (on?1" Y router 7I4 (enter. It =i00 enab0e routin1 3rotoo0 7I4 on
this router"
A (on?1" Y net=or> +.+.+.0 (enter. It =i00 in0ude a00 the inter@ae
o@ this net=or> in 7I4"
No= he> the routin1 tab0e o@ this router and he> the re!ote
net=or>s by
AY sho= I4 route (enter"
Dut it =i00 not sho= beause on the other routers 7I4 is not
on?1ured. It sends its o=n in@or!ation to the nei1hbors and
ae3ts the nei1hbor in@or!ation and stores it in his routin1 tab0e.
#here@ore on?1ure 7I4 on a00 other routers in the net=or>. In the
routin1 tab0e 7I4 is re3resented by 7 harater. No= you an 3in1
any I4 in the net=or>. In the routin1 tab0e it sho=s in@or!ation
about the ad!inistrati*e distane. !etri (ho3 ount" \adN!etri].
I@ there are t=o 3aths and ha*e the sa!e !etri then it is a00ed
0oad ba0anin1 or 0oad sharin1 or 0oad distribution. 7I4 sends
u3dates a@ter e*ery 30 seonds to its nei1hbors.
Lecture no-1:
4re3ared by: Ishaq Ah!ad Cor*it )ahore 4a1e <+
Course: CCNA
&H3) Conf0uration
I/74 on?1uration is *ery si!i0ar to 7I4 ?rst you ha*e to enter
into the 10oba0 on?1uration !ode.
A (on?1" Y router I/74 + (enter. Bou =i00 1o to the router !ode o@
A (on?1-router" Y net=or> +.0.0.0 (enter"
A (on?1-router" Y ne=or> ,.0.0.0 (enter"
In the routin1 tab0e I/74 is re3resented by sy!bo0 I. Bou an a0so
he> in@or!ation about runnin1 3rotoo0s by the o!!ands
A Y sho= i3 3rotoo0s (enter"
A Y sho= runnin1-o?1 (enter"
Ad!inistrati*e distane o@ I/74 is +00 and the !etri o@ I/74 is a
o!3osite. It an use ?*e !etris but by de@au0t I/74 uses t=o
!etris i.e. one is band=idth and the other is de0ay. It o!bines
these t=o !etris and 3er@or!s so!e !athe!atia0 a0u0ations
and 1enerates a o!3osite !etri *a0ue. In ase o@ 7I4 the
routin1 u3dates are re@reshed a@ter e*ery 30 seonds =hi0e in
ase o@ I/74 it is re@reshed a@ter e*ery 20 seonds.
Di1it + a@ter the I/74 o!!and is a00ed autono!ous syste!
nu!ber or AS nu!bers. #his nu!ber an be any nu!ber @ro! +
to 9::3:.
A o00etion o@ net=or>s under one ad!inistrati*e ontro0 is a00ed
autono!ous syste!. 5*ery o!3any an ha*e !u0ti30e branhes
in the =or0d =hih is inde3endent o@ any other o!3any. #hey
3urhase autono!ous nu!ber @ro! IANA 0i>e I4 addresses. &or
eAa!30e 4#C). IDM. CISCE et ha*e their o=n autono!ous
syste!s in =hih they run routin1 3rotoo0s aordin1 to their
require!ents. 7I4. I/74. 5I/74. IS-IS and ES4& 3er@or! routin1
=ithin the sa!e autono!ous syste! a00ed intra autono!ous
4re3ared by: Ishaq Ah!ad Cor*it )ahore 4a1e <2
Course: CCNA
syste! routin1 =hi0e D/4 3er@or! routin1 a!on1 diCerent
autono!ous syste!s. D/4 is used @or inter autono!ous syste!s
routin1. A00 those 3rotoo0s =hih 3er@or! intra autono!ous
routin1 or routin1 =ithin the sa!e autono!ous syste!s are a00ed
I/4 (Interior /ate=ay 4rotoo0s" =hi0e D/4 is a00ed 5/4 (5Aterior
/ate=ay 4rotoo0s". #here is on0y one 3rotoo0 @or 5/4 =hih is
D/4 it is sa!e @or a00 o*er the =or0d.
Bou !ust ensure that a00 the routers inside one autono!ous
syste! ha*e sa!e AS nu!ber beause i@ =e 1i*e diCerent AS
nu!bers to diCerent routers =ithin sa!e AS then they annot
eAhan1e eah other routin1 in@or!ation.
More than one routin1 3rotoo0s an run in the sa!e autono!ous
syste! but I@ you run t=o 3rotoo0s at the sa!e ti!e then routin1
tab0e on0y sho=s routes se0eted by those 3rotoo0s =hose
ad!inistrati*e distane is 0o=er. &or eAa!30e i@ you run 7I4 and
I/74 then on0y the I/74 routes =i00 be *isib0e in routin1 tab0e
beause the I/74 ad!inistrati*e distane is +00 =hih is 0ess
than the 7I4 ad!inistrati*e *a0ue +20.
I/74 !etri an be a0u0ated as
&irst run the o!!and sho= i3 route to >no= the distane
bet=een the soure and destination net=or>. )et$s assu!e it is
L:<9 no= =e ha*e to ?nd out ho= this *a0ue is a0u0ated or
1enerated. &or this =e =i00 ?nd out band=idth and de0ay @ro!
soure net=or> to destination net=or>. &irst you =i00 deter!ine
@ro! ho= !uh inter@aes soure router =i00 eAit to reah the
destination router net=or>. &or eAa!30e t=o inter@aes ontribute
in this !etri a0u0ation. En these t=o inter@aes you =i00 he>
the band=idth *a0ue and de0ay *a0ue on?1ured. 5*ery inter@ae
has *a0ue on?1ured @or band=idth. de0ay. re0iabi0ity. M#O and
0oadin1. you ha*e to a0u0ate the band=idth and de0ay *a0ue on
a00 eAitin1 inter@aes in order to a0u0ate tota0 !etri.
4re3ared by: Ishaq Ah!ad Cor*it )ahore 4a1e <3
Course: CCNA
DY sho= inter@ae seria0 0 (enter. No= he> band=idth and
de0ay *a0ue o@ this inter@ae"
)et$s the band=idth *a0ue is +:,, >b3s and de0ay *a0ue is 20000
!iroseonds. Si!i0ar0y ?nd out band=idth and de0ay *a0ues o@
the other inter@ae ontributin1 in !etri. &or eAa!30e
CY sho= inter@ae 5thernet 0 (enter"
)et$s assu!e here the band=idth *a0ue is +0000 >b3s and de0ay is
+000 !iroseonds. #hese are the de@au0t *a0ues o@ band=idth
and de0ay on eah seria0 and 5thernet inter@aes. Sine =e ha*e
?nd out *a0ues o@ the inter@aes no= ?rst treat band=idth. &or this
=e use the @or!u0a
Dand=idth I/74 S +0
N 0o=er band=idth in >i0obits S +0
De0ay I/74 S de0ay N +0 S20000N+0 S 2000
De0ay I/74 S de0ay N +0 S+000N+0 S +00
No= add the abo*e three *a0ues S 9,<9 ' 2000 ' +00 S L:<9
Note: In ase o@ band=idth you =i00 onsider the 0o=er band=idth
*a0ue @ro! a00 inter@aes =hi0e @or de0ay you =i00 onsider a00
*a0ues. #his is ho= I/74 a0u0ate the o!3osite !etri. In si!30e
=ords it is the 0o=est band=idth 30us tota0 de0ay. Bou an a0so
han1e the de@au0t *a0ues @or band=idth and de0ay o@ any
C (on?1" Y inter@ae seria0 0 (enter"
C (on?1-i@" Y band=idth 9, (enter. It =i00 set the band=idth to 9,
C (on?1-i@" Y de0ay 2000 (enter. Bou =i00 enter de0ay in +0$s o@
!iroseonds !eans i@ you =ant to set the de0ay 20000 then you
=i00 enter 2000 beause 20000N+0 S 2000"
4re3ared by: Ishaq Ah!ad Cor*it )ahore 4a1e <,
Course: CCNA
Bou an han1e the !etri @or t=o reasons. Ene i@ you =ant to
!anua00y ditate routin1 @or any reason that sa0e de3art!ent
router a0=ays dro3 3a>ets that is =hy don$t use this 3ath. Dut
don$t han1e the de@au0t !etri un0ess you >no= the i!3at o@
this han1e on your net=or>. Seond i@ you =ant to sho= atua0
3iture not the de@au0t o@ any inter@ae then you an !ani3u0ate
the !etri.
Lecture no-*0
$%)> ($"en %hortest )ath >irst): ES4& is a 0in> state routin1
3rotoo0 =hi0e 7I4*+ and I/74 are distane *etor 3rotoo0s. In
0in> state 3rotoo0s subnet !as> in@or!ation is sent =ith routin1
u3dates =hi0e in distane *etor on0y subnet id or net=or> id is
sent =ithout subnet !as> in eAhan1in1 routin1 u3dates. Subnet
!as> in@or!ation !a>es dis-onti1uous subnet 3ossib0e =hih is
not su33orted by distane *etor 3rotoo0. In ase o@ 7I4 there is
a 0i!itation o@ +: ho3 ount =hi0e there is no suh 0i!itation in
ES4&. #he !etri o@ ES4& onsider band=idth. Distane !eans
the distane bet=een soure and destination net=or> and *etor
!eans diretion i.e. in =hih diretion you =i00 eAit. ES4& or 0in>
state 3rotoo0 >ee3s the o!30ete 3iture o@ the to3o0o1y that is
=hy in this ase the deision is ta>en *ery inte00i1ent0y and there
is no hane o@ 0oo3s. ES4& su33orts 6)SM =hi0e 7I4 and I/74 do
not su33ort 6)SM. I@ you do not ad*ertise subnet !as>
in@or!ation =ith routin1 u3dates then other routers =i00 either
assu!e a de@au0t subnet !as> or one =hih is on?1ured on its
o=n inter@aes. #hat is =hy 7I4 >ee3s the sa!e subnet !as>
beause =hen 7I4 =as introdued at that ti!e there =as no
one3t o@ 6)SM. ES4& is a 0ass0ess routin1 3rotoo0 =hi0e 7I4 is
a 0ass@u0 routin1 3rotoo0. 7I4 ad*ertises its routin1 tab0e a@ter
e*ery 30 seonds =hih inreases o*erhead on a 0in> es3eia00y
=hen the routin1 tab0e siFe is 0ar1e and 0in> band=idth is 0o=.
ES4& does not eAhan1e routin1 tab0e a@ter e*ery 30 seonds or
3eriodi basis. It on0y eAhan1es in@or!ation =hen there is a
4re3ared by: Ishaq Ah!ad Cor*it )ahore 4a1e <:
Course: CCNA
han1e in the to3o0o1y and on0y sends han1ed in@or!ation not
the =ho0e tab0e. ES4& is *ery inte00i1ent 3rotoo0 but o!30iated
beause so3histiated thin1s are a0=ays o!30iated. ES4& ?rst
de*e0o3 a nei1hbor re0ationshi3 =ith other ES4& s3ea>in1 routers
=hi0e 7I4 =ithout >no=in1 about nei1hbors sends their routin1
u3dates. ;hen the ES4& s3ea>in1 router is s=ithed on ?rst o@ a00
it sends a he00o 3a>et on a00 o@ its ES4& enab0ed inter@aes. In
He00o 3a>et he sends in@or!ation about hi!se0@ to its 3ossib0e
nei1hbors. He00o 3a>et does not arry routin1 in@or!ation it on0y
arries router in@or!ation. A00 other ES4& s3ea>in1 routers on
these inter@aes =i00 ae3t this he00o 3a>et and store in@or!ation
about this router and =i00 send a re30y he00o 3a>et in =hih they
send their o=n in@or!ation to this router. #here are diCerent
states o@ ES4&. ;hen both sides ES4& s3ea>in1 router do not
about eah other then =e say that ES4& s3ea>in1 routers are in
do=n state. Dut =hen soure router sends a he00o 3a>et to other
then a one =ay re0ationshi3 is estab0ished so =e say that it is INI#
state o@ the ES4& s3ea>in1 routers. ;hen the destination router
send a re30y he00o 3a>et to the soure router no= both routers
>no= about eah other there@ore =e say that no= they are in t=o
=ay state. Atua00y ES4& s3ea>in1 router sends a he00o 3a>et on
a reser*ed !u0tiast address (as you >no= that the !u0tiast
addresses ran1e is 22,.0.0.0 to 232.2::.2::.2::". In this ran1e
so!e addresses are reser*ed @or a s3ei? 3ur3ose in =hih
22,.0.0.: is reser*ed !u0tiast address @or ES4&. Ene a t=o =ay
state is estab0ished then D7 and DD7 e0etion ta>e 30ae. D7
stands @or Desi1nated 7outer and DD7 stands @or Da>u3
Desi1nated 7outer. #he 3ur3ose o@ D7 is that a00 ES4& s3ea>in1
routers =i00 on0y eAhan1e in@or!ation =ith D7 and sine the ro0e
o@ D7 is so ritia0 that is =hy there !ust be a ba>u3 due to
=hih DD7 is estab0ished. ES4& s3ea>in1 routers ha*e so!e
3riority =hose *a0ue an be @ro! 0 to 2::. 7outer =hose 3riority
*a0ue is hi1hest than others then he =i00 be e0eted as D7 and
seond hi1hest 3riority *a0ue router =i00 be e0eted as DD7. Dy
4re3ared by: Ishaq Ah!ad Cor*it )ahore 4a1e <9
Course: CCNA
de@au0t e*ery router has a 3riority *a0ue +. I@ you =ant to !a>e a
router as a D7 then inrease its 3riority to hi1hest *a0ue. I@ you
set the 3riority *a0ue o@ any router to Fero then he is ine0i1ib0e @or
D7 and DD7 e0etion. I@ the 3riorities are equa0 then D7 and DD7
e0etion is done on the basis o@ router ID. In ES4& e*ery router
has its o=n router ID or identi?ation =hih !ust be unique
throu1h =hih other routers >no= it. I@ a 0oo3ba> inter@ae is
on?1ured on a router =hih is an i!a1inary or 0o1ia0 inter@ae
that you an on?1ure on any router =hih is used !ost0y @or
testin1 and to be used as a router ID @or that router. )oo3ba>
inter@ae ats as a router ID in the ES4&. )oo3ba> inter@ae is not
3re-on?1ured on the router you ha*e to on?1ure it !anua00y. I@
there are !any 0oo3ba> inter@aes on?1ured on the router then
the hi1hest 04 address 0oo3ba> inter@ae =i00 be onsidered as
router ID. I@ there is no 0oo3ba> inter@ae on?1ured on the
router then the hi1hest I4 address a!on1 a00 the ati*e 3hysia0
inter@aes o@ this router =i00 be onsidered as a router ID. It !eans
that any 3hysia0 inter@ae =ith hi1hest I4 address =i00 be a router
ID in the absene o@ 0oo3ba> inter@ae. ;hen eah router
a0u0ate its router ID then a00 routers =i00 o!3are its router ID$s
=ith eah other and the router ha*in1 hi1hest router ID =i00 be
e0eted as D7. 7outers that are neither D7 no DD7 are a0so a00ed
D7 others. Ene the D7 and DD7 e0etion is o!30eted 0et$s
assu!e that this e0etion is done on the basis o@ 3riority *a0ue.
A@ter D7 and DD7 e0etion routers reahes to the PS#A7# state. In
this state D7 estab0ishes a !aster s0a*e re0ationshi3 =ith a00 other
routers in =hih one router beo!e !aster and other beo!es
s0a*e on the basis o@ router ID !eans hi1hest router ID is !aster
and 0o=est router ID is s0a*e. It is not o!3u0sory that D7 =i00
a0=ays be the !aster it an be a s0a*e i@ D7 e0etion is done on
the basis o@ 3riority *a0ue rather than router ID. I@ the D7 router ID
is 0ess than the other then it ats a s0a*e. In !aster s0a*e
re0ationshi3 routin1 in@or!ation eAhan1e 3roess =i00 on0y start
by !aster that is @o00o=ed by s0a*e. A@ter !asterNs0a*e routers
4re3ared by: Ishaq Ah!ad Cor*it )ahore 4a1e <<
Course: CCNA
reahes to the eAhan1e state. ES4& does not bui0d routin1 tab0e
diret0y. ES4& ?rst diso*er nei1hbors and bui0d nei1hbor tab0e
then on the basis o@ nei1hbor tab0e it reates a to3o0o1y 3iture
and bui0d to3o0o1y tab0e =hih is a0so a00ed to3o0o1y database
and on the basis o@ to3o0o1y tab0e it bui0ds routin1 tab0e. In si!30e
=ords nei1hbors in@or!ation are stored in nei1hbor tab0e. a00
3ossib0e routes in@or!ation are stored in to3o0o1y tab0e and best
routes in@or!ation are stored in routin1 tab0e. 5*ery router =i00
!a>e a 0ist o@ their routes and =i00 eAhan1e =ith eah other. &or
eAa!30e you =ant to buy so!e 1oods and sho3>ee3er sends a
ata0o1 and you hoose on0y those 1oods that are not a*ai0ab0e
=ith you and disard other 1oods that you a0ready ha*e. It !eans
that routers initia00y eAhan1e on0y 0ist o@ routes not atua0 routes
beause atua0 routes ontains other in@or!ation 0i>e !etri.
subnet !as> et. #his 0ist o@ routes or to3o0o1y tab0e 0ist eAhan1e
3a>et is a00ed database desri3tion 3a>et. It !eans that in
eAhan1e state dbd or dd3 is eAhan1ed. No= in the neAt ste3
routers =i00 request to eah other @or those routes =hih are not in
their 0ist. It !eans that no= they =i00 eAhan1e the atua0 routes.
#hese requests are a00ed )S7 ()in> State 7equest" and the other
side in res3onse to the )S7 =i00 send atua0 routes. Atua0 routes
are eAhan1ed in the 0oadin1 state in the @or! o@ )SA ()in> State
Ad*ertise!ent". )SA are used to eAhan1e routin1 in@or!ation in
ES4&. &or eah rou^ the router =i00 send a se3arate )S7 and one
)SA =i00 arry on0y one route in@or!ation. In ES4& 3a>et !u0ti30e
)SA$s are 3a>ed and send =hih is a00ed )SO ()in> State
O3date". Ene )SO ontains !u0ti30e )SA$s. Ene a00 the routin1
in@or!ation has been eAhan1ed then both routers to3o0o1y tab0e
beo!e eAat0y identia0 then =e say that both routers are in @u00
state =hih is the ?na0 state. ;hen a00 routers to3o0o1y tab0e
beo!e identia0 then e*ery router runs on its to3o0o1y tab0e S4&
(Shortest 4ath &irst" a01orith! =hih has another na!e a0so a00ed
DiG>stra a01orith!. DiG>stra is the na!e o@ a o!3uter sientist.
En the basis o@ S4& it bui0ds its routin1 tab0e.
4re3ared by: Ishaq Ah!ad Cor*it )ahore 4a1e <L
Course: CCNA
;hene*er you are desi1nin1 an ES4& net=or> then the net=or> is
di*ided into !u0ti30e 3arts a00ed Area. #here is a entra0 area
=ith =hih diCerent areas are attahed. #his entra0 area is a00ed
ba>bone area =hih is a0=ays a00ed Area (ero. A00 the areas are
assi1ned diCerent nu!bers. I@ any area =ants to Goin ES4&
do!ain it !ust be diret0y onneted to Area Fero. #he interation
o@ these areas =ith eah other !a>e ES4& o!30iated but in
CCNA =e on0y disuss o3eration o@ ES4& in a sin10e area. ;hen a00
routers to3o0o1y tab0e beo!e eAat0y sa!e it is on0y true @or the
routers in the sa!e area. It !eans that =hen the routers be0on1
to the sa!e area then its to3o0o1y tab0es =i00 be sa!e and those
routers =hih be0on1 to diCerent areas =i00 ha*e diCerent
to3o0o1y tab0e beause a router on0y >no=s about the o!30ete
detai0s o@ a00 routes in its o=n area and it ha*e *ery 0i!ited
in@or!ation about the other area net=or>. #hat is =hy =ithin the
sa!e area routin1 0oo3s =i00 ne*er be reated beause e*ery
router has a o!30ete 3iture o@ the area. #he reason o@ reatin1
0oo3s is due to inaurate or 0i!ited in@or!ation. Ene router an
be0on1 to diCerent areas =here one inter@ae is onneted =ith
one area and other inter@aes are onneted =ith other areas
suh ty3e o@ router is a00ed Area Dorder 7outer. Area Dorder
7outer is res3onsib0e @or 3ro3a1ation o@ in@or!ation @ro! one area
to another area. A router =hih onnets your ES4& do!ain or
Autono!ous syste! to the internet is a00ed ASD7 (Autono!ous
Syste! Doundary 7outer". ASD7 an be any router it an be @ro!
any area and an be any ty3e o@ router. I@ you on?1ure ES4&
=ithin a sin10e area then that area an be either Area Fero or non-
Area Fero but i@ there are t=o areas then one !ust be Area Fero
other=ise t=o non-ba>bone areas annot eAhan1e routin1
u3dates =ith eah other. No= 0et$s on?1ure ES4& on @our routers
to3o0o1y. &or the on?1uration o@ ES4& you ha*e to on?1ure
three additiona0 thin1s.
4re3ared by: Ishaq Ah!ad Cor*it )ahore 4a1e <2
Course: CCNA
A (on?1" Y router ES4& + (enter"
Here + re3resent 3roess ID. It !eans that you an run !u0ti30e
instanes o@ ES4& on any router. I@ you run another ES4& on this
router then you =i00 =rite ES4& 2 beause it is another instane.
Bou an in0ude so!e inter@aes in ES4& + and so!e in ES4& 2. It
is si!i0ar as t=o diCerent 3rotoo0s are runnin1 on the sa!e
router. #hese 3rotoo0s =i00 not eAhan1e routes =ith eah other
beause the 3roess ID$s are diCerent. #here are 32 instanes in
=hih you an assi1n 2L. It is a unique @eature o@ ES4& in =hih
you an run it !u0ti30e ti!es on one router =ithin the sa!e
autono!ous syste!.
A (on?1-router" Ynet=or> A.A.A.A =i0dard !as> Area-ID
;i0dard !as> is the o33osite o@ subnet !as>. &or eAa!30e the
subnet !as> o@ 0ass C is 2::.2::.2::.0 there@ore =i0dard is
D (on?1" Y router ES4& + (enter"
Here you an a0so run diCerent 3roess ID 0i>e ES4& 2 beause
the routers are diCerent but >ee3 it sa!e so that you an easi0y
re!e!ber it in @uture =hi0e in ase o@ I/74 you !ust >ee3 the AS
nu!ber sa!e on a00 routers.
D (on?1-router" Y net=or> A.A.A.A =i0dard !as> Area-ID
Si!i0ar0y on?1ure ES4& on other t=o routers.
A Y sho= i3 route (enter"
In routin1 tab0e ES4& is re3resented by sy!bo0 TEU. #here are
other in@or!ation 0i>e net=or> Id. subnet !as>. and ++0 =hih is
ad!inistrati*e distane o@ ES4& and !etri o@ ES4& =hih is
a00ed ost =hih de3endent on band=idth. Cost is in*erse0y
4re3ared by: Ishaq Ah!ad Cor*it )ahore 4a1e L0
Course: CCNA
3ro3ortiona0 to band=idth !eans hi1her the band=idth =i00 0o=er
the ost and *ie *ersa.
I@ you =ant to sho= the nei1hbor tab0e o@ ES4& then use the
@o00o=in1 o!!and
A Y sho= I4 ES4& nei1hbor (enter"
It =i00 sho= router id =hih is the hi1hest I4 address on a00
inter@aes o@ that router. 3riority *a0ue. and state o@ the router.
dead ti!e and sendin1 router inter@ae address. A@ter e*ery +0
seonds a he00o 3a>et is sent =hen the net=or> is on*er1ed and
i@ router does not reei*e he00o 3a>et @ro! its nei1hbor then it
re!o*e that entry a@ter ,0 seonds it !eans that the dead ti!e is
,0 seonds in ES4&. Bou =i00 see t=o I4 addresses o@ the other
router one is the router ID and the other is the I4 address o@ the
inter@ae but there is a 3ossibi0ity that both are the sa!e =hen
that inter@ae is a0so re3resent router ID.
I@ you =ant to >no= ES4& detai0s on your o=n router then you an
use t=o o!!ands.
A Y sho= I4 3rotoo0s (enter"
A Y sho= I4 ES4& (enter. It =i00 1i*e !ore detai0s about ES4&"
A Y sho= I4 ES4& inter@ae (enter. It =i00 sho= a00 inter@aes
runnin1 ES4&"
#=o routers annot beo!e nei1hbors i@ there he00o and dead
inter*a0s are diCerent. As =e disussed abo*e that eah router
has a 3riority *a0ue atua00y it is the 3riority *a0ue o@ the inter@ae
and you an han1e this 3riority *a0ue on eah inter@ae
I@ you =ant to he> the to3o0o1y tab0e or database o@ ES4& then
use the o!!and
A Y sho= I4 ES4& database (enter"
4re3ared by: Ishaq Ah!ad Cor*it )ahore 4a1e L+
Course: CCNA
A Y sho= I4 ES4& database router (enter. It =i00 sho= o!30ete
2ow to ca#cu#ate $%)> /etric cost
&irst onsider the out1oin1 inter@aes to the destination net=or>.
#hen us @or!u0a
Cost ES4& S +0
N band=idth in bits 3er seond
A Y sho= inter@ae seria0 0 (Bou an he> the seria0 inter@ae
band=idth =hih is +:,, >i0obits 3er seond it !eans that +.:,,
!e1abits 3er seond =hih is equa0 to +.:,, A +0
bits 3er
Cost ES4& @or seria0 inter@ae S +0
N +.:,, A +0
S +0
N+.:,, S
S +00 N +.:,, S 9,
No= 5thernet band=idth is +0 !e1abits 3er seond =hih is equa0
+0 A +0
bits 3er seond.
Cost ES4& @or 5thernet inter@ae S +0
N +0A +0
S +0
N+0 S
+00N+0 S +0
#ota0 ost S 9, ' +0 S <,
Lecture no-**
&H3): 5I/74 is desi1ned @or 0ar1er net=or>s =hih is CISCE
3ro3rietary 3rotoo0. 5I/74 !ost @eatures rese!b0e =ith 0in> state
3rotoo0 but it is not a 3ure 0in> state 3rotoo0 it is a hybrid
3rotoo0. 5I/74 diso*er nei1hbors =ith he00o 3a>et 0i>e ES4&. It
sends he00o 3a>et a@ter e*ery : seonds and >ee3 it in its
nei1hbor tab0e @or +: seonds. It !eans that its dead ti!e is +:
seonds =hi0e ES4& dead ti!e is ,0 seonds and ES4& sends
he00o 3a>et a@ter e*ery +0 seonds. In 5I/74 a@ter bui0din1 the
nei1hbor tab0e then it bui0ds a to3o0o1y tab0e. ES4& run DiK>stra
4re3ared by: Ishaq Ah!ad Cor*it )ahore 4a1e L2
Course: CCNA
a01orith! on its to3o0o1y tab0e =hi0e 5I/74 run DOA) a01orith!
on its to3o0o1y tab0e to bui0d routin1 tab0e. Si!i0ar0y 5I/74 dos
not send u3date at re1u0ar inter*a0 one the net=or> is
on*er1edI it is *ery qui> 3rotoo0. 5I/74 on0y eAhan1e
in@or!ation =hen there is a han1e in the to3o0o1y tab0e and
sends that han1ed in@or!ation 0i>e ES4&. It 3er@or!s !ore
eHient =or> than ES4& beause it sends the in@or!ation on0y to
those routers that are aCeted by the to3o0o1y han1e. It does
not send in@or!ation to those routers =hih are not aCeted by
the han1e o@ to3o0o1y tab0e. It !eans that three thin1s you ha*e
to re!e!ber =hen the in@or!ation is sent. =hih in@or!ation is
sent. and to =ho! the in@or!ation =i00 be send. So the ans=er o@
the ?rst question is =hen a han1e in the to3o0o1y tab0e our
then the in@or!ation is send. seond ans=er is on0y the han1ed
in@or!ation =i00 be sent and third ans=er is the in@or!ation =i00 be
sent to those routers that are aCeted by this han1e. ES4& on0y
su33ort one net=or> 0ayer routed 3rotoo0 =hih is I4 =hi0e 5I/74
su33ort !u0ti30e net=or> 0ayer routed 3rotoo0s 0i>e I4. I4P and
A330e ta0> =hih =as the !aGor ad*anta1e in 3re*ious sta1es.
In 5I/74 =hen the to3o0o1y tab0e is bui0t a@ter nei1hbor tab0e then
it he>s i@ there are @our 3aths a*ai0ab0e to destination then
=hih one is the best 3ath. It ta>es that best 3ath and 3ut it in its
routin1 tab0e and this 3ath is a00ed suessor route and that
nei1hbor is a00ed suessor nei1hbor =hi0e in other routes it
!a>es @easib0e suessors. #he riterion @or @easib0e suessor is
that their !etri !ust o!e in so!e ran1e o@ suessor route
!etri. ;hen a suessor route beo!es una*ai0ab0e then
@easib0e suessor is 3ro!oted as suessor route =ithout
in@or!in1 or eAhan1in1 in@or!ation =ith nei1hbors about it
=hih is the ad*anta1es o@ 5I/74. Dut i@ there is no @easib0e
suessor in the to3o0o1y tab0e then it !ust onsu0t nei1hbors @or
suessor route and =i00 eAhan1e u3dates. #he distane that
ad*ertised by the nei1hbor @or any destination is a00ed ad*ertised
distane or it is a distane =hih is ad*ertised to you by your
4re3ared by: Ishaq Ah!ad Cor*it )ahore 4a1e L3
Course: CCNA
nei1hbor to reah any net=or>. ;hen you add your nei1hbor
distane =ithin ad*ertised distane then it is a00ed @easib0e
&or any route to be a @easib0e suessor its ad*ertised distane
shou0d be 0ess than the @easib0e distane o@ the suessor route.
#his ondition ensures to a*oid routin1 0oo3s. It !eans that i@ the
nei1hbor ad*ertised distane is 0ess than !y @easib0e distane
then he is not 1oin1 throu1h !y route but i@ his ad*ertised
distane is 1reater than !y @easib0e distane then there is a
hane that he !ay use !y 3ath =hih reates 0oo3in1 3rob0e!s.
I@ there is no @easib0e suessor and =hen suessor route
beo!e un a*ai0ab0e then router sends query to its nei1hbor that
the suessor route is un a*ai0ab0e =ith !e no= =hat shou0d =e
do. #his is atua00y the @untiona0ity o@ DOA) a01orith! in =hih
you send a query and =ait @or res3onse and ti00 that ti!e you >ee3
that route in 3assi*e state.
A (on?1" Y router 5I/74 +
A (on?1-router" Y net=or> A.A.A.A (1i*e a00 the diret0y
onneted inter@aes =ith net=or> o!!and on =hih you =ant
to run 5I/74"
In the routin1 tab0e 5I/74 is re3resented by sy!bo0 D and its
Ad!inistrati*e distane is 20. Its !etri is si!i0ar0y de3endent on
band=idth and de0ay 0i>e I/74. #here is no diCerene in the
a0u0ations o@ 5I/74 and I/74 !etri. Bou ha*e to a0u0ate the
!etri o@ I/74 and !u0ti30y it by 2:9 you =i00 1et the !etri o@
Metri o@ 5I/74 S (+0
N band=idth in >i0obits" ' de0ay o@ the
inter@ae re3resented in +0$s o@ !iroseonds S resu0t A 2:9
#o >no= to3o0o1y tab0e o@ 5I/74 use the o!!and
4re3ared by: Ishaq Ah!ad Cor*it )ahore 4a1e L,
Course: CCNA
A Y sho= I4 5I/74 to3o0o1y (enter. It =i00 on0y sho= suessor
route and @easib0e suessor routes"
Lecture no-*+
Access Contro# List
Aess )ist is used to sto3. restrit. 0i!it or b0o> traH due to any
reason. Atua00y it is used @or traH !ana1e!ent. Aess 0ist an
be used in t=o diretions i.e. ino!in1 and out1oin1.
Ino!in1 !eans =hen the traH enters into the router and
out1oin1 !eans =hen the traH eAit @ro! the router both ty3es
o@ traHs an be ontro00ed by aess 0ist. Bou an 3er@or! t=o
ations on traH by usin1 Aess )ist. #hese t=o ations are
3er!it and deny. Aess )ist on?1uration an be 3er@or!ed in
t=o ste3s. &irst ste3 is de?nin1 an Aess )ist and seond ste3 is
a330yin1 an Aess )ist. Bou an de?ne an Aess )ist in 10oba0
on?1uration !ode and you =i00 a330y an Aess )ist in the
inter@ae on?1uration !ode.
#here are t=o ty3es o@ Aess )ist one is Standard Aess )ist and
seond is 5Atended Aess )ist. Aess )ist an be a330ied on the
basis o@ three riteria. Ene is soure I4 address o@ the 3a>et.
seond destination I4 address o@ the 3a>et and third 4ort nu!ber
o@ the 3a>et. En the basis o@ these three !ain riteria you an
3er!it or deny traH.
I@ you are 3er!ittin1 or denyin1 traH on the basis o@ soure I4
address then =e say that =e are usin1 Standard Aess )ist. It
!eans that Standard Aess )ist an on0y he> traH on the
basis o@ soure I4 address o@ the 3a>et =hi0e 5Atended Aess
)ist is o!30iated =hih an he> traH on the basis o@ soure
I4 address or destination I4 address or 4ort nu!ber or soure and
destination I4 address or soure I4 address and 4ort nu!ber or
destination I4 address and 4ort nu!ber or soure and destination
4re3ared by: Ishaq Ah!ad Cor*it )ahore 4a1e L:
Course: CCNA
I4 addresses and 3ort nu!bers. It !eans that 5Atended Aess
)ist an use any o!bination o@ these three riteria.
Aess 0ist an be on?1ured in !u0ti-0ine but it onsu!e !ore
!e!ory and ta>e !ore 3roessin1 ti!e o@ the router that is =hy
you an a0so on?1ure !u0ti30e 0ines in a sin10e 0ine ran1e. Bou
=i00 !ention =i0dard !as> =ith this ran1e. Atua00y =i0dard
direted to the router that don$t he> those otets =hose
orres3ondin1 *a0ue is 2:: you ha*e to deny it. &or eAa!30e i@
you =rite I4 address and =i0dard !as> 2::.2::.2::.2::
it !eans that don$t he> any otet si!30y deny traH o@ any I4
address. In the =i0dard !as> T0U !eans !ust !ath this otet
=ith o!in1 3a>et and T2::U don$t !ath. In @at =i0dard !as>
ontro0 the o!3arison o@ the on?1ured I4 address and o!in1 I4
address in the router. I@ the otet *a0ue in the =i0dard !as> is T0U
then the on?1ured I4 address and o!in1 I4 address !ust
o!3are that otet and i@ the otet *a0ue in the =i0dard !as> is
T+U then it =i00 not o!3are that otet o@ the on?1ured I4
address and o!in1 I4 address. I@ a00 the otets in the =i0dard
!as> are Fero then it o!3ares e*ery otet o@ the on?1ured I4
address =ith the o!in1 I4 address and it !eans that you are
3er!ittin1 or denyin1 on0y one I4 address. I@ a00 the otets in the
=i0dard !as> are +$s then it =i00 not o!3are any otet o@ the
o!in1 I4 address =ith the on?1ured I4 address and it !eans
that you are 3er!ittin1 or denyin1 a00 I4 addresses. In this ase
=e ha*e disussed i@ you =ant to a00o= or deny one or a00 I4
addresses o@ C0ass A. D and C but i@ you =ant to 3er!it or deny
ertain nodes =ithin the b0o> then you ha*e to =rite startin1 I4
address o@ the ran1e and 0ast I4 address o@ the ran1e in binary
@or! and =rite 0 in the =i0dard !as> i@ the orres3ondin1 bits
are sa!e and =rite + i@ the orres3ondin1 bits are diCerent.
+22.+.+.+9 to +22.+.+.3+
4re3ared by: Ishaq Ah!ad Cor*it )ahore 4a1e L9
Course: CCNA
+22.+.+.000+0000 (binary @or! o@ 0ast otet o@ ?rst I4 address"
+22.+.+.000+++++ (binary @or! o@ 0ast otet o@ 0ast I4 address" (=rite 0 be0o= i@ both o0u!n are sa!e and + i@
0.0.0.+: =i0dard !as> o@ this ran1e
5Aa!30e-2 +22.+.+.+9 to +22.+.+.23
+22.+.+.000+0000 (binary @or! o@ 0ast otet o@ ?rst I4 address"
+22.+.+.000+0+++ (binary @or! o@ 0ast otet o@ 0ast I4 address" (=rite 0 be0o= i@ both o0u!n are sa!e and + i@
0.0.0.< ;i0dard !as> o@ this ran1e
5Aa!30e-3 +22.+.+.+9 to +22.+.+.,<
+22.+.+.000+0000 (binary @or! o@ 0ast otet o@ ?rst I4 address"
+22.+.+.00+0++++ (binary @or! o@ 0ast otet o@ 0ast I4 address" (=rite 0 be0o= i@ both o0u!n are sa!e and + i@
diCerent" ;i0dard !as> o@ this ran1e
In the abo*e eAa!30e + and 2 i@ you si!30y subtrat startin1 I4
address 0ast dei!a0 *a0ue @ro! 0ast I4 address 0ast dei!a0 *a0ue
then you =i00 1et =i0dard dei!a0 *a0ue =ithout on*ertin1 it into
binary i.e.
3+-+9 S +: (?rst eAa!30e"
3+-23 S < (seond eAa!30e"
,<-+9 S 3+(third eAa!30e"
4re3ared by: Ishaq Ah!ad Cor*it )ahore 4a1e L<
Course: CCNA
Dut in third eAa!30e it is not true i.e. ,<-+9 S 3+ beause
subtration 3roess =i00 not a0=ays 1i*e you orret resu0t. &or the
subtration 3roess you ha*e to he> one thin1 that the 1i*en
ran1e !ust o!e in *a0id subnet ran1e. &or eAa!30e ?rst one is
@ro! +9 to 3+ there@ore ?rst *a0id subnet ran1e is @ro! 0 to +:
and then @ro! +9 to 3+. In seond ase ?rst *a0id subnet is si!i0ar
@ro! 0 to +: and then @ro! +9 to 3+ in this ase =e ha*e 23 it
!eans that =e are eAtra o*erin1 @ro! 2, to 3+. In order to
3er@or! eAat !ath you ha*e to !a>e s!a00er subnet b0o>s 0i>e
@ro! 0 to < then @ro! L to +: then +9 to 2,. Si!i0ar is the ase o@
Note: A si!30e tri> to ?nd out =i0dard !as> @ro! the subnet
!as> is to subtrat eah *a0ue o@ subnet !as> @ro! 2:: you =i00
1et =i0dard !as>.
Lecture no-*4
Conf0uration o1 ACL
AC) an be on?1ured @or I4 as =e00 as I4P and A330e #a0>
3rotoo0s. ;hen you on?1ure standard AC) @or I4 then you an
assi1n nu!bers @ro! +-22 =hi0e @or 5Atended AC) you an assi1n
nu!bers @ro! +00-+22. &ro! these nu!bers you an easi0y ?nd
out =hether it is a Standard AC) or 5Atended AC). )et$s on?1ure
a Standard AC):
A (on?1" Y aess-0ist nu!ber (any nu!ber +-22" ation
(3er!it or deny" SoureZI4ZAddress ;i0dardZMas>
No= a330y this AC) on any inter@ae in the inter@ae on?1uration
!ode as:
A (on?1-i@" Y I4 aess-1rou3 nu!ber diretion (in. out"
5Aa!30e: Su33ose t=o net=or>s are onneted =ith router on
ethernet0 and ethernet+ inter@aes. I<2.+9.3.0 is onneted =ith
ethernet0 and +<2.+9.,.0 is onneted =ith ethernet+ o@ the
4re3ared by: Ishaq Ah!ad Cor*it )ahore 4a1e LL
Course: CCNA
router =hi0e on the seria0 inter@ae o@ this router internet is
A (on?1" Y aess-0ist + 3er!it +<2.+9.0.0 0.0.2::.2::
Ene i!3ortant beha*ior o@ the CISCE router is that =hen you
eA30iit0y a00o= or deny so!e addresses then a00 other addresses
are i!30iit0y denied by the router in de@au0t. I@ you =ant to deny
so!e ran1e and =ants to 3er!it a00 other then you ha*e to
!ention this at the end other=ise it =i00 be denied. Dut i@ you
=ant to 3er!it so!e addresses and deny a00 others then you
don$t need to !ention anythin1 at the end beause there is an
i!30iit deny a00 at the end o@ e*ery AC).
A (on?1" Y inter@ae ethernet0 (enter. ;e =ant to a330y it on
ethernet0 inter@ae"
A (on?1-i@" Y I4 aess-1rou3 + out (enter. AC) is a330ied on
ethernet0 inter@ae"
A (on?1" Y inter@ae ethernet+ (enter"
A (on?1-i@" Y I4 aess-1rou3 + in (enter"
I@ there are !ore than onditions in AC) then =rite ?rst the !ost
s3ei? and then 0ess s3ei?. AC) is 3roessed @ro! to3 to do=n
and i@ the !ath is @ound then it does not he> the re!ainin1
No= 0et$s on?1ure 5Atended AC)
A (on?1" Y aess-0ist nu!ber (+00-+22" \deny_3er!it]
soureZaddress soureZ=i0dardZ!as>
destinationZaddress destinationZ=i0dardZ!as>
4re3ared by: Ishaq Ah!ad Cor*it )ahore 4a1e L2
Course: CCNA
Standard AC) shou0d a0=ays be 30ae 0ose to destination and
5Atended AC) shou0d a0=ays be 30aed 0ose to soure.
Lecture no-*-
WAN %tructure
I@ =e ta>e our dai0y 0i@e eAa!30e o@ !o*e!ent @ro! one 30ae into
another 30ae =ithin a ity then it is a00ed )AN struture. &or this
!o*e!ent =e use our o=n *ehi0es 0i>e y0e. biy0e. In
tehnia0 =ords 5thernet. #o>en 7in1 and &DDI are the *ehi0es @or
)AN !o*e!ent. Dut i@ =e =ant to 1o @ro! 4a>istan to )ondon
then =e annot use our o=n *ehi0es. &or this !o*e!ent there
are ertain ser*ie 3ro*iders 0i>e 4IA. SHAH55N et. =e =i00 use
the ser*ies o@ these ser*ie 3ro*iders to reah our destination. In
tehnia0 =ords &7AM5 75)AB. ISDN. A#M et. are the ;AN
tehno0o1ies or *ehi0es.
;e don$t are ho= the ser*ie 3ro*iders @or eAa!30e 4#C) or Mu0ti
Net s3read their ?ber but bein1 a net=or> ad!inistrator our 1oa0
is to onnet =ith these ser*ie 3ro*iders then they are
res3onsib0e @or the data !o*e!ent aross their in@rastruture.
Co!3anies 3ay so!e a!ount to these ser*ies 3ro*iders @or their
ser*ies instead o@ s3readin1 their o=n ?ber o3ti to their
#here are diCerent de*ies and s=ithes in the ser*ie 3ro*ider$s
0oud but they ha*e diCerent 3rotoo0s. I@ you are usin1 A#M
ser*ies then A#M s=ithes =i00 be used and @or &ra!e 7e0ay
ser*ies &ra!e 7e0ay s=ithes are used. Bou ha*e to onnet =ith
the entra0 oHe s=ith =hih is a00ed CE s=ith. #he onnetion
an be estab0ished @ro! your router to the CE s=ith throu1h
ab0e or =ire0ess =hih is a00ed 0oa0 0oo3 or 0oa0 0ea3 or 0ast
4re3ared by: Ishaq Ah!ad Cor*it )ahore 4a1e 20
Course: CCNA
!i0e onnetion. #here is equi3!ent a00ed C45 (Custo!er
4re!ises 5qui3!ent". It is 30aed in the 3re!ises o@ usto!er
net=or> but is the 3ro3erty o@ ser*ie 3ro*ider =hih ats as an
inter@ae bet=een the usto!er net=or> and the ser*ie 3ro*ider
net=or>. Bou an assu!e that it is the re3resentati*e o@ the
ser*ie 3ro*ider. 5*ery ser*ie has diCerent C45. &or eAa!30e i@
you are usin1 )eased )ine or #DM ser*ies then you C45 is a00ed
CSO (Channe0 Ser*ie Onit" NDSO (Data Ser*ie Onit". I@ you are
usin1 &ra!e 7e0ay ser*ie then your C45 is a00ed &ra!e 7e0ay
CSONDSO. I@ your ;AN ser*ie is P.2: then your C45 is a00ed
4a>et Asse!b0er Disasse!b0er (4AD". I@ you are usin1 ISDN ;AN
ser*ie then C45 is a00ed N#+. Aordin1 to the 5uro3e standard
C45 is 3ro*ided by the ser*ie 3ro*ider but in OSA you ha*e to
3urhase the C45 by yourse0@.
De!aration is the boundary bet=een the ser*ie 3ro*ider
net=or> and usto!er net=or>. In this ase the de!aration =i00
be the ab0e =hih onnets ser*ie 3ro*ider to C45.
WAN )rotoco#s
)oint to )oint )rotoco# ()))): I@ you =ant to trans@er your
data @ro! )ahore oHe to %arahi oHe then you ha*e t=o
o3tions. 5ither uses a dia0u3 onnetion i@ your data trans@er is
0ess required in =hih you =i00 dia0 your destination and =hen the
data trans@er is o!30ete then b0o> the onnetion or use )eased
0ine onnetion i@ your data trans@er is @requent =here the 0ine =i00
be a*ai0ab0e on0y to you 2, hours. 444 an be used @or dia0u3
onnetion as =e00 as @or 0eased 0ine onnetion. Bour ;AN
onneti*ity an be o@ t=o ty3es
+. Ciruit S=ith Net=or>: Dia0u3 onnetion and )eased )ine
onnetions are the eAa!30es o@ iruit s=ith net=or>. ISDN
is a Dia0u3 onnetion =hi0e DPP (di1ita0 ross onnet" is a
)eased )ine onnetion.
2. 4a>et S=ith Net=or>
4re3ared by: Ishaq Ah!ad Cor*it )ahore 4a1e 2+
Course: CCNA
De@ore 444 there =as another 3rotoo0 =hih is a00ed S)I4 (Seria0
)ine Internet 4rotoo0". #he 0i!itation o@ S)I4 =as that it an on0y
su33ort I4. It =or>s on data 0in> 0ayer it reei*es on0y the traH
@ro! net=or> 0ayer i@ I4 is runnin1 on the net=or> 0ayer other=ise
it =i00 not su33ort other 3rotoo0s I4P. A330e #a0> traH.
Contrary 444 a0so =or>s on the data 0in> 0ayer but it su33ort a00
3rotoo0s (I4. I4P. and A44)5 #A)%" traH that is =hy 444
beo!es !ore 3o3u0ar. No= a day 444 is the de@au0t standard in
a00 o*er the =or0d. 22[ 444 is used @or dia0u3 onnetion and a0so
!ost0y used @or 0eased 0ine.
;hen you ati*ate 444 it 3asses throu1h three ste3s. #he ?rst
ste3 is a00ed )C4 (0in> ontro0 3rotoo0" seond ste3 is a00ed
authentiation (o3tiona0" and third ste3 is NC4 (Net=or> ontro0
3rotoo0 or 3ro1ra!".
;hen you dia0 a onnetion then you are obser*e ertain ty3es o@
noise =hih is the 3roess o@ handsha>in1 that are 3er@or!ed by
)C4 ste3 o@ 444. Durin1 the handsha>in1 3roess ertain
a1ree!ents are done bet=een soure and destination. Ene o@ the
i!3ortant a1ree!ents is the s3eed that at =hih s3eed both
!ode!s =i00 eAhan1e data and they deide eah other hi1hest
s3eed a*ai0ab0e. I@ both are :9% Mode!s then both =i00 eAhan1e
data on :9% s3eed but i@ one side is :9% and the other side
!ode! is 33% then =i00 o!!uniate on 33%. I@ there is so!e
noise in the 0ine then they =i00 try to o!!uniate =ith their
0o=est s3eed. I@ the 0ine is too !uh noise then !ode!s dro3 the
onnetion. A@ter s3eed a1ree!ent another they 3er@or!
authentiation. 444 1i*es t=o o3tions @or authentiation one is
a00ed 4A4 (4ass=ord Authentiation 4rotoo0" and other is CHA4
(Cha00en1e Handsha>e Authentiation 4rotoo0". Co!3ression
a1ree!ent is 3er@or!ed a@ter authentiation a1ree!ent. #=o
o3tions are a*ai0ab0e @or o!3ression one is a00ed Sta>er and
other is a00ed 3rediator. #hen error detetion a1ree!ent is
3er@or!ed a@ter this !u0ti-0in>in1 a1ree!ent is done @or =hih
4re3ared by: Ishaq Ah!ad Cor*it )ahore 4a1e 22
Course: CCNA
!u0ti-0in>in1 444 is used. Bou an ahie*e a0!ost doub0e s3eed by
!u0ti-0in>in1 but you ha*e to 30u1 t=o !ode!s on both sides
oHes. &or !u0ti-0in>in1 the soure and destination !ust be sa!e
beause !u0ti-0in>in1 annot be 3er@or!ed bet=een diCerent
destinations. A00 these thin1s o!e in )C4 3hase. No= the seond
3hase !eans authentiation starts in =hih your userna!e and
3ass=ord is he>ed and then =hen a !essa1e o!es re1isterin1
net=or> then it !eans that third ste3 NC4 start. NC4 is that 3hase
in =hih atua0 data is eAhan1ed. NC4 reei*es traH @ro!
net=or> 0ayer and ha*e diCerent o!3onents. No= =hih one
o!3onent is ati*e it de3ends on the 3rotoo0 =hih is runnin1
on net=or> 0ayer. I@ I4 is runnin1 on the net=or> 0ayer then NC4
o!3onent =hih is ati*ated is a00ed I4C4. =hen I4P is runnin1
on net=or> 0ayer then NC4 ati*ate its I4PC4 o!3onent and i@
a330e ta0> is runnin1 then NC4 ati*ate its A4C4 o!3onent.
Deause o@ NC4 o!3onents 444 su33ort a00 3rotoo0s.
I@ you =ant to ati*ate 444 on your seria0 inter@ae then you =i00
use o!!and
A (on?1-i@" ena3su0ation 444 (enter"
Dy de@au0t HD)C is ati*ated on seria0 inter@aes o@ a router.
Lecture no-*6
>ra/e 3e#a(: &ra!e 7e0ay is a data 0in> 0ayer tehno0o1y and it
an use any standard o@ 3hysia0 0ayer. No= =hen you =ant to
onnet =ith the ser*ie 3ro*ider CE s=ith then you need C45
and the @ra!e re0ay C45 is a00ed &ra!e 7e0ay CSONDSO and the
onnetion bet=een CE s=ith and C45 is a00ed )oa0 0oo3 or
0oa0 0ea3. So!e routers ha*e bui0t in CSONDSO.
&ra!e 7e0ay be0on1s to 4a>et S=ith net=or>. #here are t=o
ty3es o@ net=or>s one is a00ed S6C (S=ithed 6irtua0 Ciruit" and
the other is 46C (4er!anent 6irtua0 Ciruit". In ase o@ iruit
s=ith net=or> i@ you are usin1 dia0u3 or 0eased 0ine onnetion
4re3ared by: Ishaq Ah!ad Cor*it )ahore 4a1e 23
Course: CCNA
you are assi1ned a 3hysia0 dediated iruit. &or eAa!30e i@ 4#C)
ha*e +000 0ines iruit a3aity @ro! )ahore to %arahi. It !eans
that +000 3eo30e an si!u0taneous0y ta0> @ro! )ahore to %arahi
but i@ +00+th 3erson =ants to o!!uniate @ro! )ahore to
%arahi then he =i00 reei*e a !essa1e that a00 0ines are busy at
the !o!ent 30ease try 0ater. No= in ase o@ *oie o!!uniation
i@ you are usin1 dia0u3 or 0eased 0ine then ,0 to :0 3erent si0ene
3eriod or 1a3 ours but you ha*e ou3ied the 0ine on other
3erson an use the 0ine at that ti!e =hih is *ery ineHient use
o@ the net=or> resoures. #his ineHient uti0iFation o@ net=or>
ours beause o@ the iruit s=ithin1 tehno0o1y =hih is
basia00y desi1ned @or *oie o!!uniation. &or data
o!!uniation in iruit s=ithin1 the si0ene 3eriods are !ore
beause =hen you are ty3in1 an e-!ai0 no= you ha*e ou3ied
the 0in> but not uti0iFin1 durin1 ty3in1 or i@ you ha*e do=n0oaded
3a1e and readin1 it the 0in> is sti00 ou3ied by you but beo!e
id0e durin1 the readin1 ti!e.
#here@ore @or data o!!uniation 4a>et S=ithed Net=or> =as
introdued in =hih no one is assi1ned a dediated or ?Aed iruit
@or o!!uniation. )et us assu!e that a train =ith 30 3ortions
=hih tra*e0 @ro! )ahore to %arahi re1u0ar0y no= in this ase it
!eans that =e ha*e 30 hanne0s a*ai0ab0e @ro! soure to
destination but there is no ?Aed reser*ation @or any one in ase o@
3a>et s=ithin1 beause a 3erson =i00 0oad its 0u11a1e in that
hanne0 =hih is a*ai0ab0e.
In 3a>et s=ithin1 a user is assi1ned *irtua0 iruit instead o@
3hysia0 iruit. S6C is not used in ase o@ &ra!e 7e0ay beause
46C is used in it. S6C =or>s si!i0ar to Dia0u3 in =hih =hen you
send data then you estab0ish a onnetion beause there is no
3er!anent onnetion in this ase =hi0e 46C is si!i0ar to 0eased
0ine =here it is a0=ays onneted.
&or the 444 onnetion ne1otiation diCerent 3ara!eters 0i>e )C4
is used si!i0ar0y to estab0ish a *irtua0 onnetion or to ne1otiate
4re3ared by: Ishaq Ah!ad Cor*it )ahore 4a1e 2,
Course: CCNA
it$s 3ara!eter a standard is used in &ra!e 7e0ay =hih is a00ed
)MI ()oa0 Mana1e!ent Inter@ae". &ra!e 7e0ay is a onnetion
oriented 3rotoo0 @or data o!!uniation.
)C4 in 444 ne1otiates on0y end to end 3ara!eters. It !eans that
=hen you dia0 an IS4 you !ode! on0y 3er@or! handsha>in1 =ith
the IS4 !ode! 0ea*in1 the in bet=een s=ithes. Dut )MI 3er@or!
ne1otiation =ith your router and 0oa0 &ra!e 7e0ay s=ith or
eAhan1e. It is si!i0ar as your !ode! is ne1otiatin1 =ith your
0oa0 eAhan1e. In ++.2 or ear0ier *ersion o@ IES you ha*e to se0et
the )MI ty3e !anua00y but you ha*e to se0et that ty3e o@ )MI
=hih is your &ra!e 7e0ay s=ith. It !eans that you ha*e to
on?1ure that ty3e o@ )MI on your router =hih is on?1ured on
the ser*ie 3ro*ider side. Bour ser*ie 3ro*ider =i00 te00 you that i@
you on?1ure this ty3e o@ )MI on your router then you an
o!!uniate or ne1otiate =ith our &ra!e 7e0ay s=ith. #here are
three ty3es o@ )MI
3. Q233A
Bou ha*e to on?1ure one o@ these three )MI ty3e o@ your router
but it de3ends =hih one is on?1ured on your ser*ie 3ro*ider
&ra!e 7e0ay S=ith. A@ter ++.2 *ersions o@ IES it is auto detet on
your router =hene*er you onnet your router =ith the @ra!e
re0ay s=ith then it detet the ty3e o@ )MI auto!atia00y and
on?1ure it. #here are t=o ty3es o@ ena3su0ation o@ @ra!e re0ay
on data 0in> 0ayer
2. I5#& (Internet 5n1ineerin1 #as> &ore"
No= =hih one you =i00 use it de3ends on the router on re!ote
site to =ho! you are estab0ishin1 a *irtua0 iruit. I@ the router on
4re3ared by: Ishaq Ah!ad Cor*it )ahore 4a1e 2:
Course: CCNA
re!ote site is o@ CISCE then you =i00 use CISCE ena3su0ation and
i@ it is other than CISCE router then you =i00 use I5#&
I@ you =ant to dia0 the re!ote site then you !ust need so!e
identi?ation. &or eAa!30e i@ you =ant to a00 so!eone then you
need to >no= his nu!ber. In ase o@ @ra!e re0ay the identi?ation
is a00ed D)CI (Data )in> Connetion Identi?er". In @ra!e re0ay
e*ery *irtua0 iruits has identi?ation rather than indi*idua0s.
5*ery *irtua0 iruit is identi?ed by t=o D)CI. )et$s assu!e that
*irtua0 iruit is a 3i3e and there are t=o ends o@ a 3i3e and you
ha*e assi1ned one D)CI to eah end. Ser*ie 3ro*iders =i00 1i*e
you D)CI nu!ber a@ter on?1urin1 on his side =hih is unique
throu1hout the @ra!e re0ay 0oud. En 0ayer-3 @or identi?ation I4
addresses are used but in this ase a00 the I4 addresses =i00 be o@
the sa!e address beause it an 1o to !u0ti30e destinations.
;hen you 1et onnetion in &ra!e 7e0ay then you !ust s3ei@y
ho= !uh band=idth you need =hih is a00ed CI7 (Co!!itted
In@or!ation 7ate". #he one3t o@ CI7 !eans that ser*ie 3ro*ider
=i00 1uarantee that =hene*er you send your traH e*ery ti!e you
=i00 1et at 0east this band=idth and i@ the net=or> ondition a00o=s
us then =e an 1i*e you !ore band=idth at that ti!e =hih is a
o!!it!ent o@ the ser*ie 3ro*ider. #his eAtra band=idth a00ed
o!!itted burst rate. Co!!itted burst is atua00y the CI7 o@
so!e other 3erson =hih is not usin1 the onnetion at that ti!e
there@ore it is not sure =hen that 3erson =ants to use the
onnetion then this band=idth is ta>en a=ay @ro! you. I@ you
3urhase 9,% CI7 then ser*ie 3ro*ider 1i*e 9,% at e*ery ti!e.
&or eAa!30e i@ the ser*ie 3ro*ider has +000% band=idth and they
=ant to subsribe +0 onnetions then eah onnetion =i00 be o@
+00% but i@ they =ant to inrease the nu!ber o@ onnetions then
they !ust derease eah subsriber band=idth. Durin1 0oad or
on1estion on @ra!e re0ay s=ith it 1enerate t=o ty3es o@
!essa1es one is a00ed D5CN (Da>=ard 5A30iit Con1estion
4re3ared by: Ishaq Ah!ad Cor*it )ahore 4a1e 29
Course: CCNA
Noti?ation" =hih sends a noti?ation to the soure that don$t
send !e !ore data beause there is 0oad on !e or I a! @ain1
on1estion this ti!e and the other one is a00ed &5CN (&or=ard
5A30iit Con1estion Noti?ation" =hih in@or! the destination that
don$t eA3et !ore data @ro! !e beause I a! @ain1 on1estion
there@ore de0ay your a>no=0ed1e!ent.
Lecture no-*.
Conf0uration o1 >ra/e 3e#a(
&ra!e re0ay on?1uration is done on your router seria0 inter@ae
=hih is onneted =ith the @ra!e re0ay 0oud o@ the ser*ie
3ro*ider. Bou =i00 1i*e the o!!and on seria0 inter@ae.
A (on?1-i@" Y ena3su0ation @ra!e-re0ay
In other ase 0i>e 444 and HD)C you on0y on?1ure I4 addresses
on both side o@ the seria0 0in> and run ena3su0ation o@ either 444
or HD)C and they start o!!uniatin1 =ith eah other but in
ase o@ @ra!e re0ay =hen you 1i*e I4 addresses and ena3su0ation
o!!and on both sides o@ the seria0 inter@aes then sti00 they are
unab0e to 3in1 eah other. #he reason is that =hen you assi1n I4
addresses to the inter@ae but @ra!e re0ay 0oud is unab0e to
reo1niFe the 0ayer 3 address beause i@ it is a 3oint to 3oint 0in>
then there is on0y one destination o@ the 3a>et but in this ase
=hen the router eAit the 3a>et @ro! its seria0 inter@ae then it
tra*e0 in the @ra!e re0ay 0oud. #here@ore you =i00 send the 3a>et
address to the @ra!e re0ay 0oud =hih @ra!e re0ay understand
and =e >no= that @ra!e re0ay on0y understand D)CI nu!ber. Bou
ha*e to 0in> 0ayer 3 I4 address =ith 0ayer 2 D)CI nu!ber @or eAat
o!!uniation. #here@ore you !ust 3er@or! !a33in1 o@ I4
address into D)CI nu!ber in order to send traH throu1h @ra!e
re0ay 0oud. Bou ha*e to !anua00y !a3 re!ote I4 =ith its 0oa0
D)CI nu!ber as:
4re3ared by: Ishaq Ah!ad Cor*it )ahore 4a1e 2<
Course: CCNA
A (on?1-i@" Y @ra!e re0ay !a3 re!oteZI4Zaddress
0oa0ZD)CIZnu!ber \iet@Niso (i@ your re!ote route is o@ iso
then =rite iso other=ise =rite iet@"] \broadast] (enter"
Bou =i00 1i*e this !a3 state!ent on both sides other=ise they =i00
not o!!uniate. I@ you =ant to 3in1 your o=n I4 address then
a1ain 3er@or! !a33in1 @or your o=n address.
#here is no broadast in ase o@ @ra!e re0ay but i@ you =ant to
3er@or! then you =i00 !ention the >ey=ord broadast =ith the
!a33in1 state!ent o@ that router then on0y this router =i00 reei*e
broadast not others. It is a 1ood 3ratie to add the broadast
>ey=ord in e*ery !a33in1 o!!and in order to a*oid routin1
3rob0e!s. I@ your router is onneted =ith e*ery other router in
@ra!e re0ay then it is a00ed @u00y !eshed to3o0o1y and i@ it is
onneted =ith so!e routers but not a00 then it is a00ed 3artia0
!esh to3o0o1y and i@ your router has a onnetion =ith the
entra0 router and a0so =ith so!e other routers then it is a00ed
hub-and-s3o>e to3o0o1y.
N4'A: It stands @or Non Droadast Mu0ti30e Aess. In )AN =hen
one de*ie 1enerate a broadast then it is *isib0e to a00 other
de*ies onneted to the )AN but in ase o@ ;AN there is a 3oint
to 3oint onnetion bet=een t=o de*ies =hih a00o=s you to
aess !u0ti30e de*ies =ithout broadast. In this ase i@ you
=ant to *ie= other de*ies your broadast you ha*e to !anua00y
add a >ey=ord broadast =ith his I4 address other=ise he =i00 be
unab0e to see your broadast.
#he !ain 3rob0e! assoiated =ith NDMA is S30it HoriFon =hih
!eans that =hen a router reei*e routin1 u3dates on an inter@ae
he =i00 not send that routin1 u3dates out on the sa!e inter@ae.
S30it horiFon reate 3rob0e!s in routin1 =here entra0 router ha*e
one 6C =ith !u0ti30e other routers and that routers are not
diret0y ha*e 6C =ith eah other and =i00 send routin1 u3dates
throu1h entra0 router. #his 3rob0e! an be so0*ed either by usin1
4re3ared by: Ishaq Ah!ad Cor*it )ahore 4a1e 2L
Course: CCNA
@u00y !eshed to3o0o1y. or usin1 stati routin1. or disab0e s30it
horiFon or de?nin1 0o1ia0 sub inter@aes. Dut the !ost
a33ro3riate !ethod is the sub inter@aes in =hih a 3hysia0
inter@ae is di*ided into sub 0o1ia0 inter@aes and eah 0o1ia0
inter@ae diCerent subnet id to o*ero!e the 3rob0e! o@ s30it
Lecture no-*8
#here are t=o ty3es o@ sub inter@aes one is a00ed 3oint to 3oint
sub inter@ae and the other is 3oint to !u0ti 3oint sub inter@ae.
In 3oint to 3oint sub inter@ae one 3hysia0 inter@ae is di*ided
into !u0ti30e 0o1ia0 sub inter@aes and eah 0o1ia0 sub inter@ae
is onneted to se3arate nei1hbor. In 3oint to !u0ti 3oint sub
inter@ae you an onnet one 0o1ia0 sub inter@ae to !u0ti30e
nei1hbors and eah sub inter@ae I4 address =i00 ha*e diCerent
subnet I4. &or the on?1uration o@ sub inter@aes ?rst o@ a00 you
=i00 1o to the !ain inter@ae as:
A (on?1-i@" Y ena3su0ation @ra!e-re0ay (enter"
A (on?1-i@" Y no I4 address (enter. Bou =i00 not assi1n I4 address
to !ain inter@ae beause you =i00 assi1n I4 addresses to sub
No= a1ain o!e to the 10oba0 on?1uration !ode and enter the
@o00o=in1 o!!and
A (on?1" Y inter@ae seria02.2 3oint-to-3oint (enter. Bou =i00
enter into the sub inter@ae on?1 !ode"
A (on?1-subi@" Y I4 address A.A.A.A subnetZ!as> (enter"
A (on?1-subi@" Y @ra!e-re0ay inter@ae-d0i +02 (enter. It
assoiate this inter@ae to +02 d0i"
#here is no need o@ !a33in1 in ase o@ sub inter@aes beause
eah sub inter@ae is onneted to on0y one nei1hbor.
4re3ared by: Ishaq Ah!ad Cor*it )ahore 4a1e 22
Course: CCNA
Si!i0ar0y @or 3oint to !u0ti3oint sub inter@ae on?1uration =e do
the @o00o=in1:
A (on?1-i@" ena3su0ation @ra!e-re0ay (enter"
A (on?1-i@" no I4 address (enter"
A (on?1" Y inter@ae seria02.3 !u0ti3oint (enter"
A (on?1-subi@" Y I4 address A.A.A.A subnet !as> (enter"
A (on?1-subi@" Y @ra!e-re0ay inter@ae-d0i +03 (enter"
A (on?1-subi@" Y @ra!e-re0ay inter@ae-d0i +0, (enter"
Lecture no-*8
Hub is an o0d de*ie =hih is used in start to3o0o1y to
interonnet de*ies no= a day s=ith is used instead o@ hub. It is
a00ed )AN s=ith and 0o1ia00y it is the entra0 0oation @or e*ery
de*ie onneted to it. I@ the s3eed o@ hub is +0 !e1abits 3er
seond then this s3eed is shared by a00 the o!3uters onneted
to it beause 5thernet is a shared !ediu!. &or eAa!30e i@ +0
o!3uters are onneted to this hub and e*eryone is a00o=ed to
use the !ediu! @or + seond then the a*era1e data trans@erred
by a00 the o!3uters are + !e1abits 3er seond. A*era1e s3eed
an be a0u0ated by tota0 data trans@er di*ided by tota0 ti!e and
one o!3uter an send +0 Mb3s in +0 seonds there@ore +0N+0 S
+ Mb3s. #his is beause o@ usin1 the shared !ediu!. Dy
inreasin1 the nu!ber o@ o!3uter it =i00 derease the net=or>
3er@or!ane in ase o@ shared !ediu!. Bou annot inrease
nu!ber o@ o!3uters @ro! a s3ei? ran1e in ase o@ hub. In
ontrast i@ has +0 !b3s s=ith then it !eans that +0 !b3s s3eed
is a*ai0ab0e on eah 3ort o@ the s=ith. S=ith does not di*ide its
s3eed on a00 o@ its inter@aes 0i>e hub. #here@ore =hen you
4re3ared by: Ishaq Ah!ad Cor*it )ahore 4a1e +00
Course: CCNA
inrease the nu!ber o@ o!3uters in s=ith then it =i00 not
derease 3er@or!ane. In ase o@ s=ith !u0ti30e si!u0taneous
o!!uniations an ta>e 30ae in your net=or>. #here is no
o00ision in s=ithes beause the o!!uniation o@ s=ithes are
@u00 du30eA =hi0e in hub the o!!uniation is ha0@ du30eA that is
=hy o00ision an our. Co!!uniation an be o@ three ty3es
+. %i/"#e! co//unication: Ene =ay o!!uniation !eans
that one =i00 s3ea> the other =i00 on0y 0isten. 5.1. 7adio. #6 or
one =ay road et.
2. 2a#1 du"#e! co//unication: #=o =ay o!!uniation but
one at a ti!e not si!u0taneous. 5Aa!30e is =a0>i ta0>i
3. >u## du"#e! co//unication: #=o =ay o!!uniation at
the sa!e ti!e. 5.1. te0e3hone.
Co##ision do/ain and 4roadcast do/ain: i@ one 3erson is
ta0>in1 in the roo! and at the sa!e ti!e another 3erson a0so
starts ta0>in1 in the sa!e roo! then o00ision o@ data our in the
sa!e o00ision do!ain or roo!. De*ies onneted to the hub are
a0=ays in the sa!e o00ision do!ain. Seond eAa!30e is that
=hen one 3erson is ta0>in1 in one roo! and another 3erson is
ta0>in1 in another roo! then they are in diCerent o00ision do!ain
or diCerent roo!s. #here@ore de*ies onneted to the s=ith are
a0=ays in diCerent o00ision do!ain. I@ there are 2, 3orts in a
s=ith then =e say that 2, o00ision do!ains eAist in this s=ith
and 2, 3eo30e an ta0> =ith eah other si!u0taneous0y =ithout
any o00ision. No= in ase o@ hub i@ there are +2 3orts then =e an
say that it is a sin10e o00ision do!ain in =hih on0y one 3erson
an ta0> to other at one ti!e other=ise o00ision =i00 our. ;hen
you onnet !u0ti30e hubs =ith eah other then a00 hubs o!e in
one o00ision do!ain. 7outer eah 3ort is in diCerent broad ast
do!ain =hi0e hub and s=ith is sin10e broadast do!ain.
#here are !ain0y three ty3es o@ s=ithin1.
4re3ared by: Ishaq Ah!ad Cor*it )ahore 4a1e +0+
Course: CCNA
%tore and 1orward switchin0: In store and @or=ard
s=ithin1 s=ith reei*es a @ra!e and store it in its buCer
=hen the @ra!e beo!e o!30ete then it @or=ards the
@ra!e. #he disad*anta1e o@ store and @or=ard s=ithin1 is
0ateny (de0ay". 5rror detetion an be 3er@or!ed in this ty3e
beause C7C is stored in the trai0er o@ the @ra!e.
Cut throu0h switchin0: In this ty3e o@ s=ithin1 s=ith
reei*es the @ra!e and at the sa!e ti!e it @or=ard it to the
destination 3ort. In ut throu1h ty3e s=ith reei*es ?rst L
bytes o@ @ra!e =hih ontain destination address and send it
to the destination =ithout =aitin1 @or the re!ainin1 @ra!e.
Cut throu1h s=ithin1 is @aster than store and @or=ard
s=ithin1. No error detetion an be 3er@or!ed beause it
does not =ait @or the trai0er.
>ra0/ent 1ree switchin0: &ra1!ent @ree s=ithin1 @a00s in
bet=een store and @or=ard. and ut throu1h s=ithin1 in
=hih 9, bytes are stored be@ore @or=ardin1 the @ra!e to the
S=ith 3er@or!s ?*e o3erations i.e. 0earnin1. Roodin1. @or=ardin1.
?0terin1 and a1ein1. S=ith bui0ds a s=ithin1 tab0e =here it
stores MAC addresses o@ the eAitin1 inter@aes. Initia00y =hen the
s=ith is on it does not >no= about any MAC address runnin1
outside their inter@aes. ;hen the s=ith reei*es a @ra!e @or
un>no=n destination MAC address or broad ast !essa1es then it
=i00 Rood the @ra!e on a00 o@ its 3orts eAe3t reei*in1 one. #hen
s=ith 0earn the MAC address o@ the sendin1 de*ie and store it in
the s=ithin1 tab0e as 3ort-noN MAC address or enterin1 the
soure MAC address a0on1 =ith assoiated 3ort nu!ber in the
s=ithin1 tab0e is a00ed 0earnin1. ;hen the s=ith sends the
traH @or >no=n destination then it is a00ed @or=ardin1 3roess.
De@ore @or=ardin1 the @ra!e other 3orts 3er@or! so!e 3roessin1
to >no= =hether it is @or hi! or not =hih is a00ed ?0terin1
4re3ared by: Ishaq Ah!ad Cor*it )ahore 4a1e +02
Course: CCNA
3roess. A1ein1 !eans =hen @or a s3ei? 3eriod o@ ti!e the
o!3uter do not res3ond then de0ete its entry @ro! the s=ithin1
Lecture no-*:
%"annin0 ,ree )rotoco# (%,))
In 0ar1e so@t=are houses =here @or eAa!30e eAist t=o se1!ents.
En one se1!ent 3ro1ra!!ers are =or>in1 and on the other
se1!ent. the qua0ity insurane is =or>in1. ;hen the 3ro1ra!!er
=rites so!e ode then he sends it to the qua0ity insurane. #hese
t=o se1!ents are onneted throu1h s=ithes beause i@ they
onneted throu1h strai1ht =ire then the broadast 3rob0e! an
our. No= i@ =e onnet these t=o se1!ents throu1h a sin10e
s=ith then there is a 3ossibi0ity that this s=ith an be orru3ted.
#here@ore due to the seurity and re0iabi0ity reason =e ha*e
30u11ed redundant s=ithes bet=een these t=o se1!ents so that
=hen one s=ith @ai0s then the redundant s=ith =i00 =or> as a
Dut redundant s=ithes reate 0ayer-2 0oo3in1 3rob0e!s. &or
eAa!30e i@ one o!3uter @ro! se1!ent-+ =ants to o!!uniate
=ith another o!3uter then @or the ?rst ti!e =hen there is no
entry o@ the destination o!3uter in the MAC tab0e. s=ith+ Rood
this request to a00 o@ the 3orts eAe3t the ino!in1 3ort. ;hen
this !essa1e reahes to the redundant s=ith he a0so Rood the
@ra!e aross their 3orts and a1ain the @ra!e reahes to s=ith+
and there@ore a1ain s=ith+ =i00 broadast this @ra!e due to
=hih a 0oo3 =i00 be reated =hih is a00ed s=ithin1 0oo3 or
s3annin1 tree. #his 0oo3 an onsu!e a00 o@ your net=or>
resoures and no o!!uniation an ta>e 30ae. Ene so0ution o@
this 3rob0e! is to !anua00y disab0e the 3ort o@ the s=ith =hih
reates this 0oo3 so that the 0oo3 an be bro>en and the @ra!e
ne*er tra*e0s the seond se1!ent. Another so0ution is the
s3annin1 tree 3rotoo0.
4re3ared by: Ishaq Ah!ad Cor*it )ahore 4a1e +03
Course: CCNA
;hen one s=ith is do=n another is auto!atia00y u3. this =or> is
3er@or!ed by s3annin1 tree 3rotoo0. #his 3rotoo0 a*oids the
s3annin1 tree =hih detets auto!atia00y that =hih 3orts needs
to be b0o> and =hih one needs to be >ee3 u3. In order to run
S#4 s=ithes need to share in@or!ation =hih is a00ed D4DOs
(Drid1e 4rotoo0 Data Onits"
%"annin0 ,ree )rotoco# A#0orith/
#his a01orith! addresses ?*e o!3onents
+. 7oot Drid1e or s=ith
2. Non 7oot Drid1es
3. Desi1nated 3ort
,. 7oot 3ort
:. Non desi1nated 3ort
3oot 4rid0e or %witch
It is the !ost 3o=er@u0 and head o@ the net=or> brid1eNs=ith. #o
!a>e this brid1e. 3ro3er e0etion is onduted in the net=or>
a!on1 the brid1esNs=ithes. #he s=ithNbrid1e ha*in1 0ess
3riority nu!ber or 0ess MAC address =ins this e0etion. In the
e0etion 3roess ?rst 3riority nu!ber is he>ed. =hen the 3riority
nu!bers o@ a00 the s=ithes are sa!e then e0etion is done
throu1h MAC address no= that s=ith =ho has 0o= MAC address
than a00 others he =ins the e0etion 3roess and e0eted as a root
brid1e =hi0e the re!ainin1 s=ithesNbrid1es are a00ed non root
Dy de@au0t a00 CISCE s=ithes has 32<9L 3riority nu!ber =hih
an be han1ed.
Desi0nated )ort
4re3ared by: Ishaq Ah!ad Cor*it )ahore 4a1e +0,
Course: CCNA
A sin10e 3ort on eah se1!ent =hih is used to onnet the
se1!ent =ith the root brid1e is a00ed desi1nated 3ort.
Desi1nated 3ort an a0so be se0eted throu1h e0etion 3roess.
#here is on0y one desi1nated 3ort 3er se1!ent. 4riority nu!ber o@
a s=ith is a0so a nu!ber o@ a 3ort. 4orts e0etion a0so ta>es 30ae
throu1h the 3riority nu!ber or MAC address. #here@ore 3ort on a
se1!ent ha*in1 0ess 3riority nu!ber or MAC address is a00ed
desi1nated 3ort. #he sa!e e0etion 3roess is 3er@or!ed on the
other se1!ent. #he onneted s=ith on the se1!ent =ith the
0o=est au!u0ated 3ath ost to the root brid1e =i00 be used.
3oot )ort
7oot 3ort a0=ays e0eted on a non-root brid1e. A@ter the root
s=ith is e0eted. e*ery other s=ith in the net=or> needs to
hoose a sin10e 3ort on itse0@ that it =i00 use to reah the root. #his
3ort is a00ed the root port or the 3ort =hih onnets the s=ith
to the root brid1e is a00ed root 3ort. I@ there are !ore than one
3ort reahin1 to the root brid1e then the 3ort ha*in1 0o=er ost
(=hih is in*ers o@ band=idth" is onsider the root 3ort.
Non Desi0nated )ort
#he 3ort =hih is neither a desi1nated nor root 3ort is a00ed non
desi1nated 3ort.
=LAN (=irtua# Loca# Area Network)
I@ =e ha*e a s=ith to =hih tehnia0 and !ar>etin1 de3art!ents
are onneted. No= =hen o!3uter TAU o@ !ar>etin1 de3art!ent
=ants to o!!uniates @or the ?rst ti!e =ith a o!3uter TDU o@ a
tehnia0 de3art!ent. then broadast =i00 our that =i00 reei*e
a00 other o!3uters on the s=ith. It !eans that in@or!ation is
4re3ared by: Ishaq Ah!ad Cor*it )ahore 4a1e +0:
Course: CCNA
broadasted on a sin10e broad ast do!ain. =hih inreases
traH on the s=ith and a0so a seurity threat.
Aordin1 to the T6)ANU 1rou3s are onstruted on the s=ith i.e.
TDi*idin1 0o1ia00y the s=ith into 1rou3s =here eah 1rou3 is
a00ed 6)AN. #his is done throu1h on?1uration to redue the
broadast in order to enhane seurityU or
T#o s30it a sin10e broadast do!ain into !u0ti30e broadast
do!ain is a00ed 6)AN.U
Dy de@au0t there eAist a 6)AN a00ed 6)AN+ and a00 the 3orts are
the !e!bers o@ de@au0t 6)AN+.
#run> 3ort
+0!b ++
Aess 3ort 50
#y3es o@ S=ith 4orts
Access "ort: A 3ort to =hih o!3uter or Hub is attahed is
a00ed aess 3ort.
,runk "ort: A 3ort is said to be trun> 3ort i@ another s=ith is
attahed to this 3ort and the 0in> throu1h =hih s=ithes are
onneted is a00ed trun> 0in> =hih =i00 be at 0east @ast 5thernet
+00 !b3s.
'ode#s o1 Cisco switches: 22:0. 2200. 22+:. 22:000. 3:90.
#run> 0in> arries !u0ti30e 6)AN data. #here are t=o ty3es o@
trun>in1 3rotoo0s =hih enab0e trun> 0in> to arry !u0ti30e 6)AN
data. #hese are
4re3ared by: Ishaq Ah!ad Cor*it )ahore 4a1e +09
S=ith +
S=ith 2
Course: CCNA
CISCE IS) (inter s=ith 0in>" =hih is de*e0o3ed by CISCE and
another is I555 L02.+q de*e0o3ed by I555.
Consider the @o00o=in1 o!!ands:
A Y sho= 6)AN (enter. It =i00 dis30ay the de@au0t 6)AN+ and a00 the
3orts are the !e!ber o@ this de@au0t 6)AN+"
A (on?1" Y 6)AN2 (enter. It reates another *0an2"
A (on?1" Y sho= 6)AN2 (enter"
Ho= to !a>e a 3ort as a !e!ber o@ a 6)AN
A (on?1" Y inter@ae @ast5thernet 0N+
A (on?1" Y s=ith 3ort !ode aess (enter. ;hen the
o!3uter is attahed"
A (on?1" Y s=ith 3ort aess 6)AN2 (enter"
A Y sho= 6)AN (enter"
A Y 3in1 +0.+.+.2 (enter. No 3in1 =i00 our"
No= the other 3ort to =hih o!3uter A is attahed. =e =i00 !a>e
it 3art o@ 6)AN2 as:
A (on?1" Y inter@ae &ast5thernet 0N2 (enter"
A (on?1" Y s=ith 3ort !ode aess (enter"
A (on?1" Y s=ith 3ort aess 6)AN2 (enter"
4ort + and 3ort 2 are no= !e!bers o@ the 6)AN2. No= 3in1 =i00
be suess@u0. It !eans that i@ both 3orts are the !e!ber o@ sa!e
6)AN then 3in1 =i00 be suess@u0 other=ise not.
A (on?1" Y 6)AN3 (enter. It =i00 reate third 6)AN"
A (on?1" Y inter@ae &ast5thernet 0N3 (enter. Ma>in1 3ort 3 as
a !e!ber o@ 6)AN3"
4re3ared by: Ishaq Ah!ad Cor*it )ahore 4a1e +0<
Course: CCNA
A (on?1" Y s=ith 3ort !ode aess (enter"
A (on?1" Y s=ith 3ort aess 6)AN3 (enter"
A (on?1" Y no 6)AN3 (enter. It =i00 re!o*e 6)AN2"
=LAN ,runkin0 )rotoco# (=,))
6#4 is used by the s=ithes to ad*ertise 6)AN on?1uration
in@or!ation. &or eAa!30e i@ you ha*e reated. de0eted and
rena!ed any 6)AN on a s=ith then 6#4 ad*ertise this
in@or!ation to other s=ithes. 6)AN in@or!ation is onsistene
throu1hout the 6#4 do!ain due to this =hih is a bi1 ad*anta1e.
=,) 'ode: It !eans that a s=ith ha*in1 6#4 an be 30aed in
one o@ the three !odes.
+. Ser*er
2. C0ient
3. #rans3arent
%er5er 'ode: i@ I reate any 6)AN. or rena!e any 6)AN in this
!ode on a s=ith A then sa!e in@or!ation is ad*ertised to s=ith
D and to s=ith C. It !eans that i@ s=ith A is in ser*er !ode and I
reate a 6)AN then this 6)AN =i00 a0so be reated on s=ith D and
C. #here is no need to 1o on s=ith D and C to reate 6)AN. I@
your net=or> has !aAi!u! nu!ber o@ s=ithes then use this
!ode @or this you !a>e a CISCE s=ith as ser*er and reate 6)AN
on it =hih =i00 be reated on other s=ithes as =e00. 7e!e!ber
that i@ you de0ete the 6)AN then it =i00 a0so be de0eted @ro! other
s=ithes. si!i0ar is the ase o@ rena!in1 in ser*er !ode. A00 these
in@or!ation are stored in N67AM.
C#ient 'ode: I@ a s=ith is in 0ient !ode. then it !ust @o00o= the
instrutions o@ ser*er. A 6#4 0ient s=ith annot !a>e han1es to
its 6)AN on?1uration itse0@. It requires a ser*er s=ith to te00 it
about the 6)AN han1es. ;hen a 0ient s=ith reei*es a 6#4
4re3ared by: Ishaq Ah!ad Cor*it )ahore 4a1e +0L
Course: CCNA
!essa1e @ro! a ser*er s=ith. it inor3orates the han1es and
then Roods the 6#4 !essa1e out its re!ainin1 trun> 3orts. An
i!3ortant 3oint to !a>e is that a 0ient s=ith does not store its
6)AN on?1uration in@or!ation in N67AM. Instead. it 0earns this
@ro! a ser*er s=ith e*ery ti!e it boots u3.
,rans"arent 'ode: In this !ode a s=ith is Gust 0i>e a ser*er in
=hih you an reate. rena!e and de0ete 6)AN but it does not
i!30e!ents on other s=ithes. It does not share and ad*ertise
their in@or!ation to other s=ithes. It !eans that i@ a 6)AN is
reated on a s=ith in trans3arent !ode this 6)AN =i00 not be
reated on other s=ithes. I@ a ser*er !ode s=ith reates a 6)AN
then it =i00 neither be reated on trans3arent !ode s=ith nor
sa*e this on?1uration in their N67AM. instead. it =i00 ad*ertise
this on?1uration to other s=ithes.
Dy de@au0t s=ithes are in ser*er !ode.
S=ith AY sho= inter@aes trun> (enter. It =i00 sho= that ho=
!any 3orts on your s=ith is in a trun> state"
S=ith DY sho= 6#4 status (enter. It =i00 1i*e in@or!ation re0ated
to 6#4. )i>e 6#4 o3eratin1 ser*er. 6#4 o3eratin1 Do!ain na!e.
on?1uration re*ision"
Conf0uration re5ision: ;hen =e on?1ure 6)AN on a ser*er
!ode. then s=ith in a ser*er !ode ad*ertise this thin1 and this
ad*ertise!ent is added in a 0ient !ode s=ith as a re*ision
nu!ber +. ;hen =e de0ete a 6)AN it is re*ision nu!ber 2. It he03s
the 0ient. that it$s ne= in@or!ation or o0d in@or!ation.
&or eAa!30e =e ha*e t=o s=ithes A and D. ;e are !a>in1 s=ith
A as a ser*er and s=ith D as a do!ain. Dy de@au0t s=ith A is in
ser*er !ode there@ore no need to han1e its !ode. ;e ha*e to
!a>e s=ith D as a do!ain and =i00 assi1n it na!e as iso. Bou
an 3er@or! this in the @o00o=in1 t=o ste3s.
4re3ared by: Ishaq Ah!ad Cor*it )ahore 4a1e +02
Course: CCNA
a. Create a do!ain
b. Ma>e s=ith D as a 0ient o@ the do!ain
Dy de@au0t both s=ithes are in ser*er !ode. Bou an he> it
throu1h Tsho= *t3 statusU o!!and @or both s=ith A and D. no=
?rst reate the do!ain
A (on?1" Y *t3 do!ain iso (enter. Do!ain na!e is iso =hih
=i00 a0so dis30ayed on s=ith D. he> by sho= *t3 status
o!!and. it =i00 a0so sho= on?1uration re*ision nu!ber +"
No= !a>e s=ith D 0ient as:
D (on?1" Y *t3 !ode 0ient (enter. Mode is not ad*ertise"
DY sho= *t3 status (enter"
No= I a! 1oin1 to reate 6)AN on s=ith A as:
A Y sho= 6)AN (enter. It =i00 sho= in@or!ation about 6)AN on a
s=ith A"
A (on?1" Y 6)AN +0 (enter. It =i00 reate 6)AN +0"
A (on?1-6)AN" Y na!e Sa0es (enter. It is the na!e o@ 6)AN+0"
A Y sho= *t3 status (enter. No= it =i00 sho= 6#4 o3eratin1 ser*re.
6#4 Do!ain Na!es iso. on?1uration 7e*ision +"
No= 1o to s=ith D
D Y sho= *t3 status (enter. It =i00 a0so sho= 6#4 o3eratin1 0ient.
6#4 Do!ain iso and on?1uration re*ision"
A (on?1" Y no 6)AN (enter. It =i00 re!o*e 6)AN "
2ow to /ake trans"arent /ode on a switch
D (on?1" Y 6#4 !ode #rans3arent (enter. It =i00 reate a
trans3arent !ode"
4re3ared by: Ishaq Ah!ad Cor*it )ahore 4a1e ++0
Course: CCNA
D (on?1" Y 6)AN 20 (enter. It =i00 reate 6)AN 20"
D Y sho= *t3 stauts (enter. It =i00 sho= *t3 o3eratin1 trans3arent.
*t3 do!ain na!e ser*er. on?1uration re*ision + =hih is a0=ays
re!ain the sa!e"
)ort %ecurit(
4ort seurity is that !ehanis! throu1h =hih you an ?A a 3ort
to a s3ei? o!3uter so that =hen this o!3uter is 30u11ed in
then 3ort =i00 be enab0e other=ise disab0ed =hih an be done
throu1h MAC address.
D Y Sho= MACZaddress tab0e (enter. It =i00 sho= s=ith tab0e or
!a address tab0e"
D (on?1" Y inter@ae &ast5thernet 0N+ (enter. It =i00 1o to the
s3ei?ed inter@ae !ode"
Y S=ith 3ort !ode aess (enter. Bou ha*e to !ade an aess
3ort not trun>"
Y s=ith 3ort 3ort-seurity MAC-Address 000aaCbb (enter. Dy
de@au0t a00 the 3orts are trun>s so =e ha*e to !ade it @ore@u00y as
no beause o!3uter has to attahed in @ront o@ it"
#he abo*e o!!and is an instrution to this 3ort that =hen a
o!3uter ha*in1 the abo*e MAC address is attahed to you then
beo!e ati*e other=ise re!ains disab0ed.
I@ you =ant to enab0e then attah this o!3uter =hih o!3uter
MAC address is !athed and 1i*e the @o00o=in1 o!!ands:
A (on?1" Y inter@ae &ast5thernet 0N+ (enter"
A (on?1" Y shut do=n (enter"
A (on?1" Y no shut do=n (enter"
4re3ared by: Ishaq Ah!ad Cor*it )ahore 4a1e +++
Course: CCNA
;hen you 3er@or! on?1uration then sa*e it =ith the @o00o=in1
A Y o3y run startu3 (enter"
4re3ared by: Ishaq Ah!ad Cor*it )ahore 4a1e ++2

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