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Curriculum Vitae

Personal Details
Full Name : Rizki Megawati
Sex : Female
Place, Date of Birth: Bandung, Novemer !!
, !"#$
Nationalit% : &ndone'ia
Marital Statu' : Married
(eight, )eight : !*+ cm, ," kg
(ealth : Perfect
Religion : &'lam
-ddre'' : .alan /o0o 1g2 Baakan3arogong && no2 +4"5!"* B R326! R)26+
Bandung, .awa Barat 7 &ndone'ia
Moile : 6#,4+66,+8!!
97mail : rizki2megawati:%ahoo2com
Educational Background
!""6 ; !""* : Pagar'ih 9lementar% School, Bandung
!""* ; !""" : 3hree .unior (igh School, Bandung
!""" ; +66+ : 3hree Senior (igh School, Bandung
+668; +664 : De0artment of <hemi'tr%, &n'titut3eknologi Bandung = Bandung
&n'titute of 3echnolog%>
!2 Bachelor?' degree of <hemi'tr%, e'0eciall% in -nal%tical <hemi'tr%2
+2 <om0uter @iterate =MS )ord, MS 9xcel, MS Power Point>
82 &nternet @iterate2
$2 @anguage 'kill : 9ngli'h A &ndone'ia
Working Experience
)orking at -nal%tical <hemi'tr% A Ph%'ical <hemi'tr% @aorator%, De0artment of
<hemi'tr%, &n'titut3eknologi Bandung =+66,7+664>
)orking at RBM-( B9@-.-R D-N&9@ Bandung
Period : Cctoer +664 ; Ma% +6!6
Po'ition : 3eacher
)orking at SM- 3arunaBakti
Period : +66"7+6!6
Po'ition : 3eacher
)orking at SMP /artini + Batam
Period : .ul% +6!6 ; Cctoer +6!6
Po'ition : 3eacher
)orking at RBM-( B9@-.-R D-N&9@ Bandung
Period : Novemer +6!6 ; now
Po'ition : 3eacher

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