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Chinese Cinderella
45 minutes
Identify and explore ideas and viewpoints about events, issues and characters represented in
texts drawn from different historical, social and cultural contexts.
Lesson Objectives:
At the end of this lesson students will have the opportunity to demonstrate their ability to:
- consider the feelings of characters in the text
- analyse the choices made by the author that position the reader to feel a particular way
towards each character
- Chinese Cinderella and the Secret Dragon Society by Adeline Yen Mah
- Large sheet of paper
- Sharpie
- English work book
- Pencil
- Sheet of paper with excerpt from text
Students Prior Knowledge:
- Students will have read the whole book as a class
- Students will have had previous experience critically analysing the language choices
an author makes in a text
Lesson Procedure:
Lesson Introduction and motivation:
- Teacher will gather students on the floor and remind of the previous lesson that
analysed another text
- Reintroduce Chinese Cinderella and ask children what they remember from the story
- Teacher will explain the objectives of this lesson and explain the procedure
Lesson Content:
- Teacher will read excerpt from Chinese Cinderella (pp. 17-21)
- Teacher will divide large piece of paper into three to make a y chart and label each
section for each character, CC, stepmother and the father
- Teacher will ask the students to identify the feelings of each characters in the excerpt
- Teacher will then ask students to work in pairs to identify how the author has
positioned the audience to feel in regards to these characters. Students will be given a
piece of paper with the excerpt from the story so they can choose specific language
features from the text to highlight how the author has done this.
- Students will write answers and examples in their English workbook
Lesson Conclusion:
- Students will gather on the floor as a class once more and answer how the author has
positioned the audience to feel with some examples of language features from the text
- Teacher will ask each pair to provide one answer

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