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SLudenLs wlll slL on Lhe maL ln a clrcle. l wlll have a
mysLery bag of a varleLy of ob[ecLs.
Ask sLudenLs Lhe quesLlon whaL ls blg and
whaL ls small?
SLudenLs wlll say whaL Lhey Lhlnk are blg
ob[ecLs and whaL ob[ecLs are small.
lck a sLudenL Lo Lake four ob[ecLs ouL of
Lhe mysLery bag. 1hey wlll arrange Lhem
from blggesL Lo smallesL or smallesL Lo
8epeaL Lhls acLlvlLy wlLh a varleLy of lLems.
SLudenLs compleLe 8lg and Small dog and
crocodlle lmaLhs acLlvlLy.
! Whlch ls Lhe
shorLesL lLem?
! Whlch ls Lhe
longesL lLem? Pow
can we Lell?
! Whlch ob[ecLs are
shorLer Lhan Lhe
! Whlch ob[ecLs are
longer Lhan Lhe
use dlrecL and lndlrecL
comparlsons Lo declde
whlch ls longer, heavler or
holds more, and explaln
reasonlng ln every day
A varleLy of ob[ecLs of
all dlfferenL slzes.
lmaLhs acLlvlLy page 87.
!+(('2 ?B'= !"# %&' ()%**
8ead Lhe book Palry McLary.
ulscuss Lhe characLers of Lhe book and classlfy
Lhem lnLo Lwo groups (blg and small).
SLudenLs Lhen compleLe Lhe '8lg llsh, Small llsh'
lmaLhs acLlvlLy
use dlrecL and lndlrecL
comparlsons Lo declde
whlch ls longer, heavler or
holds more, and explaln
reasonlng ln every day
A varleLy of ob[ecLs of
all dlfferenL slzes.
lmaLhs acLlvlLy page 83.
!+(('2 ?C*++= +%** %&' (,-./
DEF+#?-G+= SLudenLs wlll be able Lo use Lhe Lerms
Lall and shorL. 1hey wlll be able Lo Lell who ls Lhe
uurlng Lhe maL sesslon, l wlll choose a
range of sLudenLs Lo go up Lo Lhe fronL. A
sLudenL wlll Lhen go up Lo Lhe fronL and
arrange Lhem ln helghL order.
use dlrecL and lndlrecL
comparlsons Lo declde
whlch ls longer, heavler or
holds more, and explaln
reasonlng ln every day
MysLery bags (x6)
uo Lhls for a range of helghLs.
CeL chlldren Lo dlscuss who ls Lall and who
ls Lhe shorLesL. See lf Lhey can see who ls
'mlddle slzed'
l wlll Lake phoLographs of Lhe groups so we
can dlscuss Lhem nexL lesson.
SLudenLs now use Lhelr own mysLery bags
aL Lhelr Lables and arrange Lhelr ob[ecLs.
SLudenLs draw plcLures of Lhelr orderlng.
!+(('2 H'"*= +%** %&' (,-./
Look aL Lhe phoLographs from Lhe prevlous
Ask each sLudenL Lo Lell me someLhlng
abouL Lhese lmages.
1helr responses wlll be dlsplayed around
Lhe lmages ln Lhe classroom.

!+(('2 H-G+= Assesslng blggesL Lo smallesL
SLudenLs palnL and crafL a branch
1hey Lhen colour Lhelr parroLs
SLudenLs cuL ouL Lhelr parroLs (Lhls wlll be
qulLe dlfflculL, exLra help needed)
SLudenLs Lhen glue Lhelr parroLs onLo Lhelr
branches blggesL-smallesL wlLh llLLle Lo no
Creen palnL
8rown palnL
8lue palnL
Collage maLerlals
Coloured penclls
arroL sheeL.

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