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25 Things you Dont Know

About Lauren Schmitt

1. I enjoy eating pasta. If I had to choose a type of
food to eat for the rest of my life it would be pasta.
2. When I was a kid I used to eat chalk in the
shower. Now I think thats disgusting and would
never do it again.
3. If I had a child, that was a girl, I would name
her Vivian and her middle name would be Mae. I
havent really thought about a boys name.
4. When I was little I always ran around with no
shoes on outside.
5. I have a scar on my forehead. I got it from running through the hallway in my
house and I hit my head on the corner of a doorway. The doorway was lined with
metal on the edges and the metal was broken, and thats where I smacked my head.
6. Sometimes I eat meat and sometimes I dont, it just depends on what type of
meat it is and if I feel like eating it that day.
7. My celebrity crush is James Franco.
8. I love Star Wars and Lord of the Rings. Im a nerd at heart.
9. I also watch anime like Naruto. Ive finished Inuyasha and Death Note. Im
currently watching Naruto and Bleach.
10. I have a scar on my leg that I got from a bike. I didnt want to get stitches so I
had my mom glue my skin together with skin glue and put steri strips on it.
11. I have a scar under my chin where my sister accidentally hit me with a golf
12. The only other states I have been to besides Indiana are Illinois, Ohio, and
13. I have one sister and one brother.
14. Almost every material item I own I bought myself. Im very independent; I
dont like having my parents buy me things.
15. I have a tattoo on my foot that I got when I was 16. I convinced my parents to
let me get one.
16. I have really pointy ears. I cant even get my cartilage pierced because theyre
so pointy.
17. I have a problem when it comes to shopping. If I go shopping its really hard to
get me to leave and I always seem to spend more money than I intended to.
18. I want to learn how to play piano.
19. My cousin and I are more like sisters than me and my actual sister.
20. Freshman year a couple friends and I had a bet you could go the longest
without shaving their legs for no shave November. We didnt go through with it
though, because one of our guy friends thought it would be gross if we didnt
shave our legs.
21. After I take a shower, I brush my hair before I put it in a towel. Most people
brush their hair after its been in a towel.
22. I bought my own car. I had no help from my parents.
23. I have a Jack the Pumpkin King snuggie.
24. I made a Christmas stocking for myself by using my sewing skills.
25. I have a pitbull named Peanut who is 7 years old.

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