Monday WK 1 DWP

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Lucy 8oss uW re-rlmary Monday 18

1lme Learnlng Lxperlence CuLcomes 8esources AssessmenL
8.20-8.43 !"#$%$& ()*+%$& SLudenLs come lnLo Lhe
classroom and each chlld has a chance Lo read
before school sLarLs. arenLs read wlLh Lhe
chlldren Lo ensure all sLudenLs are heard each
mornlng. Cnce read, sLudenLs may have free play.
8ecognlse LhaL LexLs are creaLed by
auLhors who Lell sLorles and share
experlences LhaL may be slmllar or
dlfferenL Lo sLudenLs' own experlences
M levelled books
8eadlng log book

8.43-9 !*, Mornlng greeLlngs, roll, owls, devoLlon.
9-10.13 !"#$%&'( *+,'- ./001 2"3%&4567
ln a class dlscusslon, come up wlLh as many words
wlLh 'CC' ln Lhem. We wlll make an anchor charL
ouL of Lhese words Lo dlsplay ln Lhe classroom for
fuLure reference.
Look aL Lhe cover of !ulla uonaldson's book:
WhaL Lhe Ladyblrd Peard" 1alk abouL Lhe cover
of Lhe book, whaL do you Lhlnk Lhls book may be
8oLaLlon groups:
1. redlcLlon- whaL do you Lhlnk Lhe ladyblrd
SLudenLs wlll wrlLe a sLaLemenL on whaL Lhey
Lhlnk Lhe book ls abouL, Lhen sLudenLs wlll
draw a plcLure showlng Lhelr predlcLlon. (Mlss
2. 'CC' gulded readlng
ulscuss Lhe fronL cover and Lhe LlLle. WhaL do
you Lhlnk Lhls book ls abouL? SLudenLs wlll
read Lhe book LogeLher. SLudenLs wlll wrlLe
Lhe 'CC' words Lhey flnd ln a bCCk. (Mrs
3. Cobleck
Lach group wlll geL a chance Lo make oobleck
and Llme Lo play wlLh lL. (Ms Wheel)
4. lpads
SLudenLs can do phonlcs acLlvlLles on elLher
'MonLessorl or Lggy alphabeL.

8ead predlcLable LexLs, pracLlslng
phraslng and fluency, and monlLor
meanlng uslng concepLs abouL
prlnL and emerglng conLexLual,
semanLlc, grammaLlcal and phonlc
knowledge (ACLL?1649)

know how Lo use onseL and
rlme Lo spell words

Know that spoken sounds and
words can be written down using
letters of the alphabet and how to
write some high-frequency sight
words and known words
llower peLal cuL-ouLs for
'CC' words.

8ook: WhaL Lhe Ladyblrd
Peard- !ulla uonaldson.

redlcLlon worksheeL

Culded readlng book: Snoop
Crlme uog"

Cobleck reclpe
1 cup waLer
1.3/2 cups cornsLarch
food colourlng


CollecLlon of work
CbservaLlon and dlscusslon-
anecdoLal noLes.
10.13- 10.23 89:;8< =;> ?@A
10.23-11.43 9B8B??
11.43-11.33 ;CD$%&'( E+,'- F*"33$G# #, GD&++$G#
SlLLlng ln a clrcle on Lhe maL, sLudenLs dlscuss
whaL lL means Lo blg and whaL lL means Lo be
small. uslng a mysLery bag, sLudenLs Lake ouL
4 ob[ecLs, Lhey musL order Lhem blggesL Lo
Lxplaln acLlvlLy- We wlll have 4 sLaLlons. We
are orderlng our parroLs blggesL Lo smallesL.
1. SLudenLs colour parroLs
2. SLudenLs collage Lhelr branch
3. SLudenLs palnL Lhelr background
4. lmaLhs book acLlvlLy

use dlrecL and lndlrecL
comparlsons Lo declde whlch ls
longer, heavler or holds more,
and explaln reasonlng ln
everyday language

alnL-naLure colours

1lssue paper, card, paper-
shades of brown.

arroL cuL ouLs
Coloured crayons

lmaLhs pg.

11.33-12.23 H=A=;B?B
12.23-1.03 !:;8<
1.03-1.30 LxLended play
1.30-2.30 85%"G#"&I ?#C2"$G
8evlse Lhe creaLlon sLory. As a class dlscuss
Lhlngs LhaL Cod creaLed and Lhlngs LhaL man
have creaLed.
Cn A3 paper, sLudenLs draw Lhlngs LhaL Cod
creaLed such as: llghL, Lrees and anlmals.
SLudenLs Lhen wrlLe whaL Lhelr favourlLe Lhlng
LhaL Cod creaLed ls.
God created all creatures and the
Peoples actions impact on the
People care for the world in different

CreaLlon SLory
A3 sheeL '1hlngs LhaL Cod

2.30-3.00 ack away-sLack chalrs
lolders ouL

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