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November 12, 2006

Personnel Manager
The Company, Inc.
SUBJECT: Application for Emplom!nt
Dear Mr. Clemente,
Thank you for taking the time to speak with me about the position. fter carefu!
consi"eration, I wou!" !ike to inform you of my great interest an" avai!abi!ity for this
post. The #ob a" appeare" in the $ani!a %u!!etin on &un"ay.
I am !ooking for a position that wi!! a!!ow me to uti!i'e an" "eve!op my writing an"
training (ua!ifications. This #ob matches my e)pectations. *rofessiona!!y, I have been
invo!ving with training for many years. $y areas of responsibi!ity have inc!u"e"+
p!anning, "eve!opment, a"ministration, "e!ivery, coaching an" eva!uation.
&ome of my attributes for this position are+
, -omain know!e"ge within &upp!y Chain $anagement an" &ervice $anagement.
, *roficient in "esigning an" "eve!oping software training for a g!oba! au"ience.
, .)perience" internationa! ./* trainer.
, Technica! writing0"ocumentation know!e"ge.
, 1igh!y fami!iar with training0!earning metho"o!ogies.
, .ffective communicator an" e)ce!!ent interpersona! ski!!s.
I be!ieve that my backgroun" as a technica! writer an" trainer wi!! be inva!uab!e for
this #ob. I am a we!!,structure" an" systematic in"ivi"ua!. I can work in"epen"ent!y or
as part of a team, an" strive to pursue an" protect the interests of the company that I
work for with vigor. 2istening an" !earning from others is important to me as a peop!e
person. I can work un"er pressure with ease an" "e!iver to (ua!ity an" on time.
3urthermore, I have a positive out!ook in !ife an" be!ieve in the integrity of every
in"ivi"ua!. I am often in high spirits an" have a goo" sense of humor. I wou!" be more
than happy to show samp!es of my work "uring the interview.
Best regards,
22 4incents &t., 4T1 &ub"., 5ue'on City
Enclosed: C4 67 pages8 an" training samp!es.

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