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Tips for Writing a Proper

Letter of Application
Follow these guidelines when writing a Letter of Application:
1. Begin by addressing your letter to a specific person.
2. Write clear short sentences.
!. Be specific as to the "ob for which you are applying.
#. $eep your letter short not longer than one page. %nclose a resu&e that
lists your 'ualifications (education wor) e*perience and references+.
,. Follow a for&al business letter for&at.
-. Type the letter.
.. /a)e sure spelling and gra&&ar are correct.
0. 1se your co&plete na&e (signature in cursi2e+ when signing the letter. 3o
not use your nic)na&e.
4our letter should be structured as follows:
Paragraph 1: The purpose of the letter the "ob for which you are applying and
how you learned of the opening.
Paragraph 2: The 'ualifications that &a)e you especially suited for the position.
/ention e*perience you ha2e that can help the e&ployer and the co&pany.
5efer to the resu&e you are enclosing.
Paragraph !: 6pecial s)ills that will set you apart fro& other applicants. For
e*a&ple do you wor) well with other people7 Are you 2ery well organi8ed.
Are you proficient at using 2arious &achines7
Paragraph #: A re'uest for an inter2iew. 5estate your interest in the "ob and
indicate when you will be a2ailable. 9nclude a telephone nu&ber where an
e&ployer can easily reach you.
Unit 3 Section 10 Created by Lucinda Eye

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