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Wings of Glory First World War

The Basics
Each turn, pick (not randomly your choice) what maneuer your aircraft
will do in that turn!
Each maneuer is composed of " cards, played in order!
E#ample$ %n &'( moe of first left, then straight, then right! )r a right
turn, consisting of " consecutie right turn cards!
*lace them face down so your opponent can+t see them, then play them one
at a time, oer the turn!
%fter each card is played all players place one cards simultaneously for
each aircraft , see if you can fire at an enemy!
%n aircraft -eing shot at at long range takes one damage card. at short
range, it takes two! These are not shown to the firer, so he doesn+t know
how much damage was done!
%ircraft with &%( guns do &%( damage cards to enemies. those with &B(
guns do &B( damage! /f there+s a difference of 0 pegs in height, you can
only fire at short range, and only do one card when you fire! /f there+s a
difference of " or more pegs, you can+t fire!
/f stands oerlap, you+re too close to fire!
)nce an aircraft has sustained damage e1ual to or greater than its damage rating, it is forced down!
2aneuer cards with red lines not -lue on them indicate a die (if long) or clim- (if short)! Go down -y 0 pegs in a die, up -y 3 in a clim-!
There are some special maneuers , &" card tricks( , inoling reersals the maneuer cards with the arrow pointing -ackwards! 4eersals can only
-e played as part of one of these se1uences!
3) 'traight 4eersal 'traight $ %n &/mmelman( or course,reersal at the same height!
0) 'traight 4eersal (go up one peg) 'tall (short straight) $ % half,loop upwards
") 'tall (short straight) 4eersal (go down one peg) 'traight $ % half,loop downwards, also called a &split '(
6ou can split these &" card tricks( oer two turns! 'o you can do a full loop upwards -y playing 'traight,4eersal,'tall on one turn, then, as the last card
played was a 'tall, 4eersal,'traight,another card on the ne#t turn!
2aneuer cards with this sym-ol on them indicate &steep( or &stressful( maneuers! /f you do two of these consecutiely, your aircraft takes
an &%( class damage card -ecause you may oerstress and -reak it if you fly it too hard!
To land successfully, you must hae a clear space on the ground, -e at leel 3 or 0, then play a die (to get your wheels on the ground), a straight, then a
stall, in that order! 'o it+s possi-le to land with a dead engine!!!
%danced ",card tricks
)erdie $ 'tall 8ie (lose 0 pegs) 'traight (lose 0 pegs) 9ote$ 0 steeps so take an % damage (e#cept for 'E:a, *fal; 8!/// and 'pads)
*owerdie $ 'tall , 4eersal(lose 3 peg) , 8ie (lose 0 pegs)
<ontinuous <lim- 'traight <lim- 'traight , *lace 0 &clim- counters( on each of the " cards! When you+e accumulated enough clim- counters
(arying from 0,= depending on aircraft type) trade them in for 0 pegs increase in altitude! %s soon as you cease doing consecutie continuous clim-s,
discard all remaining clim- counters!
Wings of Glory First World War
'ome damage cards hae special effects!
/f an aircraft is firing at you, and the first damage card (at short range) or only card (at long range) they gie you after a maneuer card is
played has this sym-ol, T>E/4 guns are ?ammed! 6ou must show them the card! They won+t -e a-le to fire again for a while!
'pecial 8amage
The 8readed B))2 card!!!!))*'!!!! something ital has -een hit you+re going down, hopefully to a forced landing rather than in
pieces! @sually a fuel line, -ut sometimes the wings are falling off! Good 7uck
'2)AE , 6our engine is emitting smoke for " complete turns! 6our isi-ility is poor if the engine is in front of you, and the fumes
are choking you if it is -ehind you! 6ou can only fire at short range, and only do one card when you do! /f you take another smoke
result in those " turns, you get a fire result instead!
<)9T4)7' the ne#t time (only) you choose " maneuer cards, none can hae this sym-ol on them! %fter you+e played those three
cards, the controls are freed!
<)9T4)7' the ne#t time (only) you choose " maneuer cards, none can hae this sym-ol on them! %fter you+e played those
three cards, the controls are freed!
F/4EBBBB For three turns, take an &%( damage card -efore choosing your three maneuer cards, due to fire! Take an additional &%(
damage card for eery fast straight you play in that period too!
<4EW W)@98E8 , )n a 0,seater, draw a chit num-ered 3,"! /f it+s 3, the pilot is wounded! % 0,", the o-serer is wounded and
can no longer shoot!
% wounded pilot must choose a straight as one of the " cards for the rest of the game! 9ot good if the aircraft is on fire!!!!
% pilot who sustains a second wound is killed!
E9G/9E 8%2%GE , % single,engined aircraft with a damaged engine must choose a slow straight (stall) as one of the " cards for
the rest of the game! /t may not do a reersal other than a split,', and may not clim-! % second engine hit forces you down!
Forced 8own
Wheneer your aircraft takes a B))2 card, second engine hit, or too much damage, it may either -e remoed from play, or -e &forced down( at the
owning player+s option! %s soon as the aircraft is &forced down(, it may not fire e#cept o-serer+s guns, is set to hae C damage points, and of the three
cards selected each turn, one must -e a stall, another a die! 8o not tell opponents that you+re forced down, ?ust do the moes! %lso note you+ll hae to
play consecutie steep maneuers, taking an &%( class damage each time! Go oer ,: points and the aircraft -reaks up in mid,air!
2ost %ces were forced down at one time or another in their careers! 2ostly they suried!
Taking )ff
/f you+re caught on the ground, for e#ample -y -eing forced down -ut successfully landing and making repairs, play a 'tall 'traight <lim- to take off
to altitude 3!
When two aircraft are at the same height and the -ase of one touches the peg of the other, -oth take a < class damage card!
)ther 4ules
The rule-ooks contain special rules for %nti,%ircraft fire, Bom-ing, %ce a-ilities and so on! But these two pages contain all of the rules otherwise, een
the %danced ones! Dariations from the rules in the rule-ook are highlighted in grey!
Wings of Glory First World War

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