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Nissan in North America Visual Identity System Design Standards

Section 4.16
Dealer Applications
4.16 Introduction
4.16.1 Overview -- Core and Sub-core
Elements for Dealer Applications
4.16.2 The Nissan Brand Symbol
and Wordmark
4.16.3 Incorrect Use of the Brand Symbol
4.16.4 Incorrect Use of the Wordmark
4.16.5 Nissan Branding and Dealer Branding
4.16.6 Nissan Colors and Red Accent Line
4.16.6a Nissan Colors -- Use and Misuse
4.16.7 Nissan Typography
4.16.8 Modular System
4.16.9 Stationery -- Letterhead
4.16.10 Stationery -- Business Cards
4.16.11 Stationery -- Envelopes
4.16.12 Stationery -- Forms
4.16.13 Nissan Brand with Model Lines --
4.16.13a Nissan Brand with Model Lines --
Model Linkage/Approved Lock-ups
4.16.14 Dealer Tagline Usage
4.16.14a Dealer Advertising
4.16.14b Advertising Words and Phrases
4.16.14c Dealer Advertising -- Radio and
4.16.15 Retail Signage and Facilities
4.16.16 Dealer Uniforms
4.16.17 Vehicles
4.16.18 Websites
4.16.19 Trademark Policy
Nissan in North America Dealer Applications Introduction 4.16

The Nissan brand revival is well underway -- bold

new products, new retail environment design,
compelling advertising combined with an
expansion of our manufacturing presence in North
America, all illustrate a renewed commitment to
our brand image.

The importance of Visual Identity to a strong

Nissan brand cannot be understated. Nissan’s
Visual Identity reflects the company’s values and
personality and includes such elements as the
new Brand Symbol, Wordmark, typography, as
well as the style and tone used to represent the
Nissan brand. It also encompasses the policies
by which we can use these elements and how to
correctly apply them.

Dealer compliance with the Nissan Visual Identity

standards is a crucial element in defining the
Nissan brand and bringing it to life.

Remember that all Dealer applications are

touchpoints for the Nissan brand, from the
business card that is handed out, to
advertisements in the local paper.

How does this effect Nissan Dealers?

A strong Nissan Brand Identity will help strengthen
the brand, establish consistency and will
contribute to improved sales and prices customers
are willing to pay for Nissan products and services.
This will result in greater owner loyalty and
increased profitability.

Please be sure that you and your management

team take the time to become familiar with this
information. These Standards will be your guide
to effectively managing Nissan’s VI throughout
your dealership operations (i.e. advertising,
stationery, forms, etc.)

As a simple overview, Dealer materials should:

– Reflect the synergistic level of required
“co-branding” between the Dealer brand and
the Nissan brand
– Use the same general principles and basics of
Brand Symbol and Wordmark usage, color and
The Nissan Brand Pyramid
– Establish flexibility by allowing for individual
Dealer “brand" equity while leveraging the
strength and consistency of the Nissan Brand
and Visual Identities
Personality “Bold and Thoughtful”

How Does This Apply to Advertising?

The "Bold and Thoughtful" personality of the Nissan
Values Sets own standards brand should be reflected in every Nissan dealer ad.
Maximizes life
Every Nissan ad can be "tested" against this image
through some basic questions like these:
Rewards Imaginatively designed with me in mind
Evokes a passionate total car experience
– "Does the ad reflect a bold and thoughtful car
Fusion of superior technology and design for human benefit – "Do the images of the Nissan products - and of
Superior agility and responsiveness the dealership - included in an ad appear bold
and thoughtful, or merely 'common'?"
– "Does the ad reflect a brand that is differentiated
from the competition,or does it look like every
other ad in the paper?"
Visual Identity Applications – "Do the elements in the ad contribute to a
consumer perception that Nissan is bold and
2-D 3-D Experiences Tonality
Company Stationery Products Auto Shows Customer Contact Strategy
thoughtful in the way it treats potential buyers?"
Advertising Retail Merchandise Vehicle Launches Internal Communications
Brochures Dealer Merchandise Conferences Intranet (Internal) These kinds of simple "tests" can be an effective
POS Workshop Consumables Local Events Extranet (Dealer) tool for making Nissan dealer advertising more
Internet Workwear Rewards & Recognition Central Service Functions effective.
Corporate Affairs Business Wear Incentive Trips (Switchboard)
Direct Marketing Parts Vans & Trucks Dealer Training Events Internal Marketing
Training Materials Dealer Facilities & Signage Sponsorships Nissan’s Visual Identity is reflected in almost
General Corporate Literature Corporate Facilities every medium, from advertising to stationery to
Internal Communications retail facilities. For this reason, it is critical we
work together to create consistency in the way
Nissan’s VI is applied across all of these different
areas. A collective effort to consistently reflect
the Nissan brand in all that we do is integral to
our goal of building a powerful Nissan brand.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Nissan Visual Identity

Standards play a key role in making Nissan and
Nissan dealer advertising and marketing more
consistent and powerful. Compliance with the
applicable Nissan Visual Identity Standards is a
core requirement for the Nissan Dealer
Advertising Reimbursement Program (NDARP).

For NDARP rules, requirements, and assistance

please contact them at 1-888-267-6066 or
Overview -- Core and Sub-core
Nissan in North America Dealer Applications Elements for Dealer Applications 4.16.1

Core Elements for Dealer Applications In order to help Nissan dealers leverage the
growing strength of the Nissan Brand, there
Nissan Brand Symbol Wordmark (also known as Alternative Wordmark) are “core” and “sub-core” elements of the
Nissan Visual Identity System that should
be used across as many applications as
possible. These are:

Core Elements for Dealer Applications

– Nissan Brand Symbol -- the most important
of the core elements, representing the
product emblem, which is the “face” of the
Nissan brand
– Wordmark -- the alternative to the Nissan
Brand Symbol (when strategic, production,
Nissan Colors or space issues dictate)
Primary Secondary – Nissan Brand Colors -- consist of Nissan
Red and a secondary color palette (see
section 2.4 for color usage and details)

Sub-core Elements
Supplementing the core elements are the
Sub-core Elements – Nissan Typography -- featuring the Nissan
AG family of typefaces, customized
Brand Typography Modular Grid System Official Photography specifically for Nissan use
– Modular Grid System -- a flexible grid
abcdefghijklmno system that provides guidance for the size
ABCDEFGHIJKLM and placement of all visual elements in a
1234567890 !?&,. layout
– Official Nissan Photography -- an expansive
abcdefghijklmnopqrst library of color and black and white
ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP photography of the Nissan model line is
1234567890 !?&,. available on

1234567890 !?&,.
The Nissan Brand Symbol
Nissan in North America Dealer Applications and Wordmark 4.16.2

The Nissan Brand Symbol Acceptable Background Colors for the Nissan Brand Symbol The Nissan Brand Symbol
The Nissan Brand Symbol is the most important
of the core elements. It is the “face” of the Nissan
X White Black PMS Silver 8420 brand, and plays a central role in all applications
of the Visual Identity System.

Always Use the Registration Mark (®)

X The registration mark (®) must accompany
the Nissan Brand Symbol at all times when
being used in North America.

X Background Colors - Brand Symbol

X X The Brand Symbol should appear on colors
PMS Cool Grey 4 PMS Cool Grey 8 PMS Cool Grey 11 from the Nissan color palette. When using
Minimum Clear Space
the Brand Symbol on a photographic image,
(Staging Area)
ensure it is placed on a solid colored area
with sufficient contrast.

Minimum Size - Brand Symbol

The Nissan Brand Symbol should never be
reproduced at sizes smaller than 9/16"
(14mm) wide.

9/16" Minimum Clear Space

(14mm) Minimum Size (Brand Symbol and Wordmark)
Both the Nissan Brand Symbol and the
Nissan Wordmark are most effective when
surrounded by as much open space as
possible. A minimum area of unobstructed
clear space equal to the height of the letter
The Nissan Wordmark “N” must surround the Brand Symbol and
Wordmark in all applications.

X The Nissan Wordmark (also known as

Alternative Wordmark) The Wordmark should
X= the height of the be used as an alternative to the Nissan
“N” in “NISSAN” Brand Symbol if strategic, production, or space
5/8" issues dictate.
X X (16mm) – Wordmark in Nissan Red on a white
background is preferred
Minimum Clear Space (Staging Area) Minimum Size
Minimum Size - Wordmark
The Wordmark should never be reproduced at
sizes smaller than 5/8'' (16mm) wide.
Acceptable Color Combinations for the Nissan Wordmark and the Background it Appears On
Background Colors - Wordmark
Background Color The Wordmark should appear on a background
color from the Nissan color palette, using the
Color White PMS PMS PMS Black PMS matrix illustrated on the left as a guide. Only
Cool Grey 4 Cool Grey 8 Cool Grey 11 Silver 8420 apparel and merchandise applications may
Nissan Red use non-Nissan colors for backgrounds.
PMS 200
Always use authorized electronic artwork,
Black available from


Cool Grey 4
Cool Grey 8
Cool Grey 11
Silver 8420

Please note: Preferred color for the Wordmark is Acceptable: The Wordmark may be
reversed out of a Nissan Red
Nissan Red on a white background. background only if strategic
objectives would be served.
Nissan in North America Dealer Applications Incorrect Use of the Brand Symbol 4.16.3

INCORRECT EXAMPLES: These examples illustrate incorrect use of the

Nissan Brand Symbol.

Always use authorized electronic artwork,

ANYTOWN NISSAN available on

Please note that the principles stated here

also apply to the 2-D Brand Symbol (see page
DO NOT add the Dealer DO NOT enlarge the DO NOT alter or re-set DO NOT omit the 4.16.3).
name to the Brand word NISSAN. the NISSAN lettering. registration mark (®).

DO NOT rotate the DO NOT distort the DO NOT create an DO NOT apply special
Brand Symbol. Brand Symbol in any way. outline version of the effects to the Brand
Brand Symbol. Symbol.

DO NOT alter the color DO NOT alter the color DO NOT place the DO NOT place the
of the Brand Symbol. of the NISSAN letters. Brand Symbol within Brand Symbol within
a holding shape. a holding shape.



DO NOT crop or cut off DO NOT create a repeat DO NOT fill in the Brand DO NOT use the Brand
any part of the Brand (wallpaper) pattern using Symbol with a color other Symbol to create other
Symbol. the Brand Symbol. than the background. logos
Do not alter the Brand
Symbol in any way. Do not
alter the Brand Symbol in
any way. Do not alter the
Brand Symbol in any way.
Do not alter the Brand
Symbol in any way. Do not
alter the Brand Symbol in

DO NOT place the DO NOT place the Brand DO NOT place the Brand DO NOT place the
Brand Symbol on a Red Symbol over places Symbol on a visually Brand Symbol over text
background. where the background distracting background. or patterns.
color changes.

DO NOT combine the DO NOT combine the DO NOT combine the DO NOT combine the
Brand Symbol with the Brand Symbol and the Brand Symbol and the Brand Symbol with a
Wordmark. Corporate Wordmark. Japanese Wordmark. vehicle logo (see
exceptions for Xterra
and Z only on page

DO NOT create a
watermark version of the
Brand Symbol.
Nissan in North America Dealer Applications Incorrect Use of the Wordmark 4.16.4

INCORRECT EXAMPLES: These examples illustrate incorrect use of the

Nissan Wordmark.
Always use authorized electronic artwork,
available on
DO NOT create other words using the DO NOT create logos DO NOT add elements
Wordmark using the Wordmark, to the Wordmark
unless following lockup

DO NOT display the DO NOT add a drop DO NOT alter or re-set DO NOT distort the
Wordmark in an shadow to the Wordmark. the NISSAN lettering. Wordmark in any way.
unauthorized color.

DO NOT rotate the DO NOT create a DO NOT create an DO NOT create a vertical
Wordmark. watermark version of the outline version of the (stacked) version of the
Wordmark. Wordmark. Wordmark.

Do not alter the Alternative

Wordmark in any way. Do
not alter the Alternative
Wordmark in any way. Do
not alter the Alternative
Wordmark in any way. Do
not alter the Alternative
Wordmark in any way. Do

DO NOT create a repeat DO NOT place the DO NOT place the DO NOT place the
(wallpaper) pattern using Wordmark within a Wordmark on a visually Wordmark over text
the Wordmark. holding shape that may distracting background. or patterns.
be interpreted as part of
the logo.


DO NOT use background DO NOT combine the DO NOT combine the DO NOT create lock-ups
colors that are not in the Brand Symbol with the Wordmark with a vehicle other than that specified
approved Nissan Color Wordmark. logo (see exceptions for in the Standards.
Palette. Only apparel and Xterra and Z only on
merchandise applications page 4.16.14a).
may use non-Nissan
colors for backgrounds.
Nissan in North America Dealer Applications Nissan Branding and Dealer Branding 4.16.5

Nissan in North America Brand Architecture The diagram to the left illustrates, within the
Nissan Brand Architecture, the relationship
between Dealers and the Nissan brand. The
Dealer’s name is linked to the Nissan brand as
shown in the illustration to the left. It is crucial
that the linkage between the Nissan brand and
the Dealer name be applied in a consistent
Dealerships Dealerships

Models: Maxima, Xterra, Z Models: G35, I35, Q45

Using the Nissan Brand Symbol or

Nissan and Dealer Branding - ACCEPTABLE USES Wordmark with Dealer’s name or logotype
It is acceptable to use either the Nissan Brand
Use Nissan AG Bold in any of the approved colors except Dealer Logo Type Uses Symbol or Wordmark when applying the
blue. Verdana or similar font (e.g. Arial) is also acceptable.
Nissan Visual Identity to Dealer applications.

Acceptable Uses
Use Nissan Brand Symbol or Wordmark, with
the Dealer’s name set in Nissan AG, Verdana
ANYTOWN 2X 2X center 2X 2X
or similar font (e.g. Arial).
– Creates synergy across all Nissan and
Dealer identity applications
– Simple and easy to manage
– Inherent flexibility in the system
Dealer name using Nissan AG with Brand Symbol. Dealer name using Dealer Logo Type with Brand Symbol.
Use the Nissan Brand Symbol or Wordmark,
with the Dealer’s own logotype and/or color.
– Dealers can retain some individuality
– Simple and easy to manage
– Inherent flexibility in the system

Dealer name using Nissan AG with Wordmark. Dealer name using Dealer Logo Type with Wordmark.

center center

2X 2X

1.5X 1.5X


Brand Symbol with Dealer name using Nissan AG. Brand Symbol with Dealer name using Dealer Logo Type.

center center




Dealer name using Nissan AG with Wordmark. Dealer name using Dealer Logo Type with Wordmark.


2X 2X

Dealer name using Nissan AG with Brand Symbol. Dealer name using Dealer Logo Type with Brand Symbol.

2X 2X

Brand Symbol with Dealer name using Nissan AG. Brand Symbol with Dealer name using Dealer Logo Type.


Wordmark with Dealer name using Nissan AG. Wordmark with Dealer name using Dealer Logo Type.

X = the height of the “N” in “NISSAN”

Nissan in North America Dealer Applications Nissan Branding and Dealer Branding 4.16.5a

Nissan and Dealer Branding - ACCEPTABLE USES CONTINUED

center center

2X 2X

1.5X 1.5X


Brand Symbol with Dealer name using Nissan AG. Brand Symbol with Dealer name using Dealer Logo Type

center center




Wordmark with Dealer name using Nissan AG. Wordmark with Dealer name using Dealer Logo Type.

Acceptable Colors
Use Nissan AG, Verdana or similar font (e.g.
Arial) in any of the approved colors except blue.
The approved colors are:
- White
- PMS Cool Grey 4
- PMS Cool Grey 8
Dealer name and “NISSAN” using Nissan AG in gray. Dealer name using Dealer Logo Type and “NISSAN” - PMS Cool Grey 11
using Nissan AG in black. - Black
- PMS Silver 8420
For additional infomation, see 4.16.2.


Dealer name and “NISSAN” using Verdana. Dealer name using Dealer Logo Type and “NISSAN”
using Verdana.
Acceptable Spacing
If both the Wordmark and Brand Symbol are
used, there must be sufficient space between
the Wordmark and Brand Symbol.

Dealer name using Nissan AG with Wordmark and Brand Symbol. Uses sufficient space between Wordmark and

Unacceptable Uses
Nissan and Dealer Branding - UNACCEPTABLE USES Do not use insufficient space between
Wordmark and Brand Symbol. Do not use
Dealer Logo Type or any unacceptable font or
color for “NISSAN”.


Not sufficient space between Wordmark and Brand Symbol. Cannot use Dealer Logo Type for “NISSAN”.


Cannot use unacceptable color. Cannot use unacceptable font for “NISSAN”.


Cannot use unacceptable color. Cannot use unacceptable color.

X = the height of the “N” in “NISSAN”

Nissan in North America Dealer Applications Nissan Colors and Red Accent Line 4.16.6

Nissan Color Palette for off-line (Print) applications The Nissan Color Palette consists of a
Primary Color primary color (Nissan Red) and a secondary
color palette.
Nissan Red
Nissan Red
CMYK Coated: C5 M100 Y80 K15
NVR-01 The primary color is Nissan Red, a color
CMYK Uncoated: C0 M100 Y80 K15
symbolic of Nissan’s brand power. Red is
Secondary Color Palette used as the preferred display color for the
Wordmark and as an accent color.
White Black
PANTONE®*: (not applicable) PANTONE®*: Black Use of Nissan Red should be limited to
CMYK Coated: C0 M0 Y0 K0 CMYK Coated: C0 M0 Y0 K100 achieve maximum effectiveness.
NVW-01 CMYK Uncoated: C0 M0 Y0 K0 NVB-01 CMYK Uncoated: C0 M0 Y0 K100
Secondary Color Palette
Light Gray Medium Gray The secondary colors shown here play an
PANTONE®*: Cool Gray 4 PANTONE®*: Cool Gray 8 important role in the Nissan Visual Identity
CMYK Coated: C0 M0 Y0 K25 CMYK Coated: C0 M0 Y0 K50 System, as background colors, as display
NVG-01 CMYK Uncoated: C0 M0 Y0 K25 NVG-02 CMYK Uncoated: C0 M0 Y0 K50 colors for the Wordmark (except Blue), and
across all application items. Consistent use of
Dark Gray Silver these colors will help in building a distinctive
PANTONE®*: Cool Gray 11 PANTONE®*: 8420 Nissan Brand Identity.
CMYK Coated: C0 M0 Y0 K75 CMYK Coated: (not applicable)
NVG-03 CMYK Uncoated: C0 M0 Y0 K65 NVS-01 CMYK Uncoated: (not applicable)
Red Accent Line System
The colors shown on this page are not intended to match
Blue The Red Accent Line System provides an
PANTONE® color standards.
PANTONE®*: 2747 effective means to apply Nissan Red as a
* Pantone, Inc.’s check-standard trademark for color visual accent on Nissan applications. The Red
CMYK Coated: C100 M85 Y0 K5 reproduction materials.
NVL-01 CMYK Uncoated: C100 M80 Y0 K10 accent line may be used to highlight important
Please note: PANTONE® colors have been selected as the information, key sales messages, or branded
closest CMYK equivalent breakdowns.

Nissan Color Palette for on-line (Digital) applications Whenever practical, base the thickness of the
accent line on the thickness of the “I” (in the
Primary Color “NISSAN” lettering) within the Brand Symbol
or Wordmark. Use the preferred thicknesses
Nissan Red shown to the left and avoid using thicknesses
RGB: R199 G20 B68 that exceed 1.5 “I.”
HEX #C71444
Secondary Color Palette Please note: Red accent lines used within a
comprehensive set of materials (i.e. stationery)
White Gray 1 should maintain a consistent thickness
RGB: R255 G255 B255 RGB: R235 G235 B235 throughout the set.
Position the Red accent lines with relation to
Gray 2 Gray 3 the module grid lines, keeping in mind the
RGB: R208 G208 B208 RGB: R189 G189 B189 following:
HEX #D0D0D0 HEX #BDBDBD – Red accent lines should be situated
to highlight an important element within
Gray 4 Gray 5 the layout
RGB: R153 G153 B153 RGB: R102 G102 B102 – Align the Red accent lines with other
HEX #999999 HEX #666666 graphic elements (i.e., branding, typography,
image, etc.) for a visually integrated layout
Black Blue
RGB: R0 G0 B0 RGB: R19 G0 B106 Red accent lines should always appear in
HEX #000000 HEX #13006A Nissan Red, and never in any other color.

Red Accent Line System

I = the thickness of
the “I” in “NISSAN”

I = the thickness of
the “I” in “NISSAN”

Preferred Thicknesses:

1.5 “I”

1 “I”

.5 “I”

.25 “I”
Nissan Colors --
Nissan in North America Dealer Applications Use and Misuse 4.16.6a

Applying the Nissan Color Palette Using the Nissan Color Palette
Incorporate the Nissan Colors into Dealer
communications materials whenever possible,
“Quotes and
keeping in mind the following:
accolades go here”. – Nissan Red should be used as a display
color for the Wordmark, and to highlight
important information, key sales messages,
or branding areas
– Less is more! You will achieve greater
impact by using the Nissan Red sparingly
HEADLINE WOULD GO HERE – The Nissan Grays, Nissan Silver, black, and
white should be used across all applications
as display colors for the Wordmark, within
duotones, and for typography, backgrounds,
and graphic devices
– Nissan Blue, a heritage color, should be
used only when functional considerations
require a color for clarity, definition, or
indexing (i.e., charts or diagrams)

Anytown Nissan Anytown Nissan

Anytown Nissan

Joe Sample General Manager

12345 Main Street, Anytown, USA 90000

Phone: 000.000.0000 Fax: 000.000.0000

Color Misuses -- Advertising and Collateral

“Quotes and “Quotes and

accolades go here”. accolades go here”.


Anytown Anytown Anytown

These first two ads use too much Red, creating a visually cluttered and confusing ad. The third demonstrates the
misuse of Nissan Blue -- use only when a color is necessary for clarity when creating charts, diagrams, and the like.

12345 Main Street

Anytown, USA 90000
Phone: 000.000.0000
Anytown Sales


Joe Sample General Manager

12345 Main Street, Anytown, USA 90000

Phone: 000.000.0000 Fax: 000.000.0000

These examples show again how Nissan Red is misused as the main color rather than as an accent. The yellow star burst is
not recommended. Please note: Exhibits above are schematic
and intended for illustrative purposes only.
Nissan in North America Dealer Applications Nissan Typography 4.16.7

Primary Typeface -- Nissan AG Primary Typeface -- Nissan AG

The Nissan Visual Identity System features the
Light Extended Light Light Condensed Nissan AG type family, a distinctive and classic
abcdefghijklmn abcdefghijklmnopqrs abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz font which is available in a variety of weights
1234567890 !?&,. 1234567890 !?&,. 1234567890 !?&,. legibility, versatility, and compatibility with the
Nissan Brand Symbol and Wordmark, and has
been customized specifically for Nissan use.
Extended Regular Condensed
Use only the approved, Nissan-licensed
abcdefghijklmno abcdefghijklmnopqrst abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz Nissan AG font. To order a CD of the font,
1234567890 !?&,. 1234567890 !?&,. 1234567890 !?&,. DDS Distribution Services
562-698-2688 phone
Medium Extended Medium Medium Condensed 562-698-2788 fax
abcdefghijklmno abcdefghijklmnopqrst abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
Dealers use the Nissan AG fonts
1234567890 !?&,. 1234567890 !?&,. 1234567890 !?&,. wherever possible. Consistent use of
Nissan AG will create a powerful, unified feel
Bold Extended Bold Bold Condensed throughout all Nissan communications
abcdefghijklmn abcdefghijklmnopqrs abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz materials.
1234567890 !?& 1234567890 !?&,. 1234567890 !?&,. Examples throughout these guidelines illustrate
how well the Nissan AG fonts work together.
Light Extended Italic Light Italic Light Condensed Italic
abcdefghijklmn abcdefghijklmnopqrst Secondary Typeface -- Sabon
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz The Sabon type family has been selected to
1234567890 !?&,. 1234567890 !?&,. 1234567890 !?&,. special and promotional use when the more
formal look of a serif font is most appropriate
Extended Italic Italic Condensed Italic (i.e., event invitations, internal gatherings and
abcdefghijklmn abcdefghijklmnopq abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz quotations for press).
1234567890 !?&,. 1234567890 !?&,. 1234567890 !?&,. Online Typography -- Verdana
Because Nissan AG is not installed on most
computers, the Verdana type family is
Medium Extended Italic Medium Italic Medium Condensed Italic
recommended for use online. Whenever
abcdefghijklm abcdefghijklmnop abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz possible, use it in combination with Nissan AG
1234567890 !?&,. 1234567890 !?&,. 1234567890 !?&,.
Bold Extended Italic Bold Italic Bold Condensed Italic
abcdefghijklm abcdefghijklmnopq abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
1234567890 !?& 1234567890 !?&,. 1234567890 !?&,.
Super Extra Bold Condensed
abcdefghijklmnop abcdefghijklmnopqrst
1234567890 !?&,. 1234567890 !?&,.
Super Italic Extra Bold Condensed Italic
abcdefghijklmnop abcdefghijklmnopqrst
1234567890 !?&,. 1234567890 !?&,.

Secondary Typeface -- Sabon

Roman Bold
abcdefghijklmnopqrst abcdefghijklmnopqrst
1234567890 !?&,. 1234567890 !?&,.
Italic Bold Italic
abcdefghijklmnopqrst abcdefghijklmnopqrst
1234567890 !?&,. 1234567890 !?&,.
Nissan in North America Dealer Applications Modular Systems 4.16.8

Module System
5 by 7 Module Structure: This flexible grid system provides guidance for
5 7
the size and placement of all visual elements
in a given layout, including Nissan branding,
headlines, text, and images. Each grid,
composed of modules in a five by seven
5 configuration, can be customized to
7 accommodate a wide variety of formats
1 1.5 2
and applications.
The Module System features a readily
Horizontal Format 2

customizable grid configuration of 5 by 7

(7 modules wide by
module units. Vertical, horizontal, and square
Vertical Format 5 modules tall)
layouts are structured as shown to the left.
(5 modules wide by 7 Margins and text gutters are flexible to suit the
modules tall) nature and size of any application.
Creating a grid entails the following steps:
– Establish the size of your layout (for
1 1.5 2
example, 8.5" by 11")
– Determine the margin width that will be
required (a suitable margin for 8.5" by 11"
is .5")
– If gutters are necessary for columns of text
or images, determine an appropriate width
Square Format 3 (.17" is standard for many applications)
(7 modules wide – Use this information in conjunction with the
by 5 modules tall) 5 by 7 module structure shown at the top of
Position of the Nissan Brand Symbol this page to set up your final grid configuration
and Wordmark
Position of the Nissan Brand Symbol
1 2 3 1 2 3 and Wordmark
The Nissan Brand Symbol may sit in one of
nine approved positions.
4 5 6 – Top of the page -- aligned to the right
4 5 6 center or left (position 1, 2 or 3)
– Middle of the page -- aligned to the right
7 8 9 center or left (position 4, 5 or 6)
– Bottom of the page -- aligned to the right
7 8 9 center or left (position 7, 8 or 9)

All ads must include at least one and no

more than three Nissan Brand Symbols
ANYTOWN ANYTOWN and/or Wordmarks. It is preferred that only
one Nissan Brand Symbol is prominently
placed and sized to convey the Nissan Brand.

“Quotes and “Quotes and

accolades go here”. accolades go here”.




Do not use more than three Brand Symbols. Do not place the Brand Symbol in other than
the approved positions.
Nissan in North America Dealer Applications Stationery -- Letterhead 4.16.9

Preferred Letterhead Shown here are samples of preferred and

acceptable letterheads using the Nissan Brand
15 Symbol and the Nissan Wordmark. There are
Measurements many variables across Nissan Dealers, such as
shown here are NAME SURNAME 8
Dealer type styles and logos as well as the
in millimeters. length of the Dealer’s name. These examples
Name Surname Nissan
12345 Main Street, are meant to illustrate possible solutions using
Exhibits above Anytown, USA 90000
Phone: 000.000.0000
the Nissan Visual Identity System.
Fax: 000.000.0000
shown 50%

actual size The Nissan Red accent line is only one of the
core brand elements, and therefore should not
13 75 be used as the only link to the Nissan Visual
5 Identity System.
NAME SURNAME Name Surname Nissan
The preferred letterhead examples
12345 Main Street,
Anytown, USA 90000
Phone: 000.000.0000 should be followed whenever possible.
Fax: 000.000.0000

13 75
ANYTOWN Anytown Nissan
12345 Main Street,
Anytown, USA 90000
Phone: 000.000.0000
Fax: 000.000.0000

Joe Sample General Manager

Acceptable Letterhead

13 60 15

Joe Sample General Manager

Anytown Nissan
12345 Main Street,
Anytown, USA 90000
Phone: 000.000.0000
Fax: 000.000.0000

13 75

Anytown Nissan
12345 Main Street,
Anytown, USA 90000
Phone: 000.000.0000
Fax: 000.000.0000

Preferred Letterhead specifications

Dimensions: Color: Typography: Paper Stock:

8.5" wide x 11" tall Black and Employee Name: Strathmore Recycled
(215.9mm x 279.4mm) PANTONE® 200 9pt Nissan AG Medium 25% Cotton
White, 24 lb.
Wordmark: Employee Title:
Red Accent Line:
No longer than 8pt Nissan AG Light
43mm wide
1pt thickness Dealer Name:
9pt Nissan AG Bold

Address Text:
8pt Nissan AG Light,
10pt leading,
3pt linespace between
addresses and telephone

Persons name and title:

8pt Nissan AG Light,
10pt leading,

Please note: Exhibits above are schematic

and intended for illustrative purposes only.
Nissan in North America Dealer Applications Stationery -- Business Cards 4.16.10

centerline centerline Shown here are samples of preferred and

acceptable business cards using the Nissan
2X Brand Symbol and the Nissan Wordmark.
There are many variables across Nissan
2X NAME SURNAME2X dealers, such as dealer type styles and logos
as well as the length of the dealer's name.
These examples are meant to illustrate
Joe Sample Joe Sample
General Manager General Manager
possible solutions using the Nissan Visual
Identity System.
12345 Main Street, Anytown, USA 90000 12345 Main Street, Anytown, USA 90000
Phone: 000.000.0000 Fax: 000.000.0000 Phone: 000.000.0000 Fax: 000.000.0000 The Nissan Red accent line is only one of the
namesurnamenissan-usa. com
core brand elements, and therefore should not
be used as the only link to the Nissan Visual
Acceptable Preferred
Identity System.
centerline centerline

The preferred business card examples

2X should be followed whenever possible.


Joe Sample Joe Sample
General Manager General Manager

12345 Main Street, Anytown, USA 90000 12345 Main Street, Anytown, USA 90000
Phone: 000.000.0000 Fax: 000.000.0000 Phone: 000.000.0000 Fax: 000.000.0000 namesurnamenissan-usa. com
Acceptable Preferred
centerline centerline


Joe Sample Joe Sample

General Manager General Manager

12345 Main Street, Anytown, USA 90000 12345 Main Street, Anytown, USA 90000
Phone: 000.000.0000 Fax: 000.000.0000 Phone: 000.000.0000 Fax: 000.000.0000 namesurnamenissan-usa. com
0.5 X

Acceptable Preferred


Joe Sample Joe Sample

General Manager General Manager

12345 Main Street, 12345 Main Street,

Anytown, USA 90000 Anytown, USA 90000
Phone: 000.000.0000 Phone: 000.000.0000
Fax: 000.000.0000 Fax: 000.000.0000

Acceptable Preferred

Anytown Nissan 2X ANYTOWN NISSAN

Joe Sample General Manager

Joe Sample General Manager

12345 Main Street, Anytown, USA 90000 12345 Main Street, Anytown, USA 90000
Phone: 000.000.0000 Fax: 000.000.0000 Phone: 000.000.0000 Fax: 000.000.0000

Acceptable Preferred

Exhibits above X = the height of the “N” in “NISSAN”

shown at 85% actual size.
Preferred Business Card Specifications

Dimensions: Preferred Colors: Preferred Typography: Paper Stock:

Standard US Business Nissan Brand Symbol: Employee Name: 120lb Lustrol Dull Cover
Card: 3.5" wide x 2" tall Black 12pt Nissan AG Regular
(89mm x 51mm) Nissan Wordmark
Employee Title:
7pt Nissan AG Light,
Typography: 10pt leading
Black and
Address Text:
7pt Nissan AG Light,
8.5pt leading,
half linespace following
e-mail address

Please note: Exhibits above are schematic

and intended for illustrative purposes only.
Nissan in North America Dealer Applications Stationery -- Envelopes 4.16.11

Preferred #10 Envelope Shown here are recommended #10 envelopes

using the Nissan Brand Symbol and the Nissan
11 89
Measurements 5
shown here are 11 Maximum length
in millimeters. ANYTOWN
Anytown Nissan
12345 Main Street,
Anytown, USA 90000

11 18
11 34.589
11 Maximum length

Anytown Nissan
12345 Main Street,
Anytown, USA 90000

Acceptable #10 Envelope

11 34.589
11 Maximum length

Anytown Nissan
12345 Main Street,
Anytown, USA 90000
11 18
11 34.589
11 Maximum length

Anytown Nissan
12345 Main Street,
Anytown, USA 90000

Exhibit above shown

50% actual size.

Dimensions: Color: Typography: Paper Stock:

9.5" wide x 4.125" tall Wordmark: Dealer Name: Strathmore Recycled
(241.3mm x 104.8mm) PANTONE® 200 9pt Nissan AG Medium, 25% Cotton
all caps White, 24 lb.
Wordmark: Typography:
36mm wide Black Address Text:
8pt Nissan AG Light,
10pt leading

Please note: Exhibits above are schematic

and intended for illustrative purposes only.
Nissan in North America Dealer Application Stationery -- Forms 4.16.12

Preferred Nissan Forms (not actual size) Nissan Dealers will use a variety of diverse
forms. The schematic illustrations to the left
Form title would go in this space
On two lines if needed
Name Surname Nissan
12345 Main Street, provide guidance for creating new forms and
retrofitting existing forms with a consistent
Anytown, USA 90000
Phone: 000.000.0000
Fax: 000.000.0000

MODEL MODEL YEAR R.O. NUMBER masthead and overall appearance. This new
VEHICLE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER R.O. DATE standardized look for Nissan forms is intended
INSTRUCTIONS: to achieve the following:
– Consistency of branding
– Clarity of information
– Ease of use (always design with the
Blue lines indicate
end-user in mind)
module system grid lines NAME SURNAME
Name Surname Nissan
12345 Main Street,

(see page 4.16.9) Anytown, USA 90000

Phone: 000.000.0000
Fax: 000.000.0000 Use Nissan AG wherever possible.
Form title would go in this space




Acceptable Nissan Forms (not actual size)

Name Surname Nissan

12345 Main Street,
Anytown, USA 90000
Phone: 000.000.0000
Fax: 000.000.0000

Form title would go in this space




Name Surname Nissan

12345 Main Street,
Anytown, USA 90000
Phone: 000.000.0000
Fax: 000.000.0000

Form title would go in this space




Please note: Exhibits above are schematic

and intended for illustrative purposes only.
Nissan Brand with Model Lines --
Nissan in North America Dealer Applications Overview 4.16.13

Approved Brand/Model Lock-up (may use Nissan Brand Symbol or Wordmark) Historically, the model brands have taken
priority over the Nissan brand. Marketing
materials reflected this priority with model
logos and/or model names that were visually
dominant relative to the Nissan brand (either
Brand Symbol or Wordmark).

The primary objectives of the Brand and

Visual Identity initiatives have always been
to build the Nissan brand, ideally through
featuring the Brand Symbol. As a result, the
brand/model standards outlined in this section
have been established to:
– Clearly show the Nissan brand as first
priority with model brand as second priority
Typographic Linkage (Nissan AG) – Allow relevant flexibility while maintaining
a consistent hierarchy
– Create and maintain relevant, appropriate
Nissan brand and model logo relationships
and linkage within multiple applications

In order to maintain the Nissan brand’s

communication priority, the Nissan Brand
Symbol or Wordmark and the model brands
must be presented so that they work together
strategically and visually. The following
approved options for visual representation of
the Nissan brand with model lines are
illustrated to the left:
– Approved brand/model lock-up
– Typographic linkage using Nissan AG
– Maintaining Nissan and model line identities
Maintaining Identities Through Appropriate Spacing
through appropriate spacing
Note: Although there is a
clear objective to build the Establishing Linkage Using Nissan AG
Nissan brand, there is also In situations such as headlines and text,
recognition that each model brand/model linkage will need to be
has its own unique established through typography.
It is strongly recommended that:
Model identity is reinforced – Nissan AG be used in a consistent type
through the use of style and size
model-specific photography, – Branding is also established by the
tone and manner, and prominent appearance of the brand symbol
supporting graphics. Model or wordmark elsewhere on the application
logos may be used only if
they maintain their Establishing Linkage Using Color
secondary communication Preferably, visual linkage should be
objective through established through color as well. Using the
subordinate size and same Brand Colors for “Nissan” and the
placement relative to the model name adds yet another visual cue.
Nissan branding.
In some cases, different colors may be used.
In these situations, “Nissan” should appear in
the dominant color (i.e., “Nissan” in Red and
the model name in Gray). All Nissan Colors
Establishing Linkage Using Nissan AG except Blue may be used for Nissan and for
model names.

Brand Symbol in upper left corner takes priority;

“Nissan” and “Xterra” shown in Nissan AG in
same style, size, and color.

Preferred Use: Acceptable Use:



Brand Symbol centered in white panel takes priority; Brand Symbol centered in white panel takes priority;
“Nissan” and “Z” shown in Nissan AG in “Nissan” and “Z” shown in Nissan AG in same
same style, size, and color. style and size, with “Nissan” in the dominant color.
Nissan Brand with Model Lines --
Nissan in North America Dealer Applications Model Linkage/Approved Lockups 4.16.13a

Brand/Model Linkage
Establishing Brand/Model Linkage
The examples to the left illustrate
compliant and non-compliant print ads.
Hometown Nissan Hometown Nissan Hometown Nissan All models in an ad must have
Let Us Make You Look Good! Let Us Make You Look Good! Let Us Make You Look Good! brand/model linkage. The minimum
2003 2003 2003
requirement is that one model must
Nissan Frontier Nissan Frontier Frontier 4x4 have linkage with the brand.
$24,000 MSRP $24,000 MSRP $24,000 MSRP
8 Colors in Stock! 8 Colors in Stock! 8 Colors in Stock! When linking the model with the brand, at
2003 minimum, the letter “N” in “Nissan” and the
Z Z first letter in all model names and trim levels
Nissan Z $32,000 MSRP $32,000 MSRP
$32,000 MSRP 8 to choose from! 8 to choose from!
must be capitalized (e.g., Nissan Titan King
8 to choose from! Cab, Nissan Altima 2.5 S, Nissan Murano SL).
Hometown Nissan Hometown Nissan Hometown Nissan
1 blk west of 297 1 blk west of 297 1 blk west of 297
2897 W. Loop W. 2897 W. Loop W. 2897 W. Loop W.
Hometown, USA Hometown, USA Hometown, USA
Vehicle Sales 9a-10p Vehicle Sales 9a-10p Vehicle Sales 9a-10p
Parts & Service 6a-60 Parts & Service 6a-60 Parts & Service 6a-60

In Compliance: In Compliance: Not in Compliance:

All models shown At least 1 model shown No models shown
are linked to “Nissan” is linked to “Nissan” are linked to “Nissan”

Primary Model Line Lockups with Brand Symbol (Horizontal and Vertical)



Model Lockups
1.5 X
X MAXIMA The diagrams to the left illustrate approved
lockups using the Nissan Brand Symbol and
Wordmark with model names.
X = the height of the “N” in “NISSAN” Typography is Nissan AG Medium Extended
For optimal brand/model linkage, the primary
model lockups should be used. Model names
should be locked up using Nissan AG
Examples Medium Extended, in all caps, equal to the
height of the “N” in the Brand Symbol (e.g.,

ALTIMA FRONTIER In some cases, such as a model-specific

event, and for applications where the model
name may need to have more visual impact,
Alternative Brand Symbol Lockups (Promotional support materials only)
the Alternative Brand Symbol lockups may be

While the preferred Xterra and Z lock-ups use

X Nissan AG, Xterra and Z have unique and
MAXIMA Y Y established identities that may be leveraged.

1.5 X

X = the height of the “N” in “NISSAN”
Y = the height of the horizontal bar
within the Brand Symbol




Secondary Model Line Lockups with Wordmark (Horizontal and Vertical)



X = the height of the “N” in “NISSAN” Typography is Nissan AG Medium Extended



Exceptions (Xterra and Z ONLY)

Nissan in North America Dealer Applications Dealer Tagline Usage 4.16.14

Option 1: SHIFT_ Tagline Philosophy

Preferred Lockup Alternative Lockup Nissan is never satisfied with what it is. We
are at our best when we shift the possibilities
of what people expect. We look for bold and
thoughtful ways to make better cars, trucks,
and services that SHIFT_ things. We make
X products that are for people who SHIFT_
X X SHIFT_standards things as well -- people who aren’t satisfied
with the status quo, but are looking for more.
A passionate, total car experience --
something original.
SHIFT_ is an internal and external philosophy.
Internally, it demands that Nissan create
X=the height of the “N” in Nissan
original vehicles that literally “shift” the market.
Externally, it provokes consumers to change
the way they see driving and the way they see
Option 2: Existing Dealer Tagline
Preferred Lockup Nissan -- because Nissan is the one car
company that will thrill and inspire.

When and How do Dealers use SHIFT_?

Anytown Makes
Dealers have two options depending on which
the Difference! ANYTOWN 2X
is most appropriate for their brand and

Anytown Makes
Please note: Dealers may also use acceptable the Difference! Option 1- Using SHIFT_:
Dealer lock-ups as shown in 4.16.6 – Dealers are encouraged to use SHIFT_ as
their tagline to leverage the equity of
national advertising
Tagline Application Examples
– Dealers without their own tagline may use
2 – Complement words must not be used
ANYTOWN Anytown Makes – Approved Brand Symbol and SHIFT_
ANYTOWN the Difference!
artwork can be downloaded from

Option 2- Using existing Dealer tagline:

“Quotes and “Quotes and
accolades go here”. accolades go here”.
– Dealers with an existing tagline may continue
to use it with the correct lockups shown to
the left
– Do not combine Dealer taglines with SHIFT_
or use the word “shift” as part of a tagline

Important Note: NO additonal words may be

added to SHIFT_



Option 1: Example of Dealer ad using SHIFT_ Option 2: Example of Dealer ad using Dealer
tagline with Brand Symbol only (no SHIFT_)

Dealer Tagline -- Misuses


“Quotes and
accolades go here”.
“Quotes and Do not lockup Dealer brand with tagline
accolades go here”. Anytown Makes
ANYTOWN the Difference!

ANYTOWN Anytown Makes

the Difference!

Do not use two taglines


Do not use SHIFT_ in headlines or body copy Do not place the tagline with the Brand Symbol
Lockup in other than approved placement.
Do not create complement words
Nissan in North America Dealer Applications Dealer Advertising 4.16.14a

The advertising examples to the left are all

VI-compliant. By maintaining visual
consistency with national and regional
“Quotes and advertising, Dealers will impart positive,
accolades go here”.
high-impact messaging to both potential and
existing customers.

One of the objectives of Dealer advertising is

to build the Nissan brand and achieve strong
– Simplifying Visual Identity by promoting one
HEADLINE WOULD GO HERE consistent look and spirit for the Nissan brand
– Unifying the presentation of the Nissan
ANYTOWN Anytown Makes
the Difference! brand through the consistent application of
approved elements
Newspaper Ads – Strengthening brand equity by measuring all
actions against the Nissan Brand Promise
– Increasing customer impact by applying
Anytown Visual Identity according to standards
– Leveraging investment dollars by integrating
national, regional, and Dealer advertising

We strongly recommend that when

creating ads:
THE NISSAN ALTIMA – The deal should never take priority over the
Nissan brand communication
– Color not be used to highlight the deal if the
deal communication already takes
prominence through size

Be sure to maintain strong visibility to ensure

impact of the Nissan Brand Symbol through
Anytown proper clear space and size.

Approved elements, such as photography,

Brand Symbol, tagline, etc., to create ads are
Outdoor Advertising
available on Use only
approved artwork when creating ads.

This is where the copy will go it will be
replaced WITH REAL COPY later WORLD


Full Color Print Ad

Please note: Exhibits above are schematic

and intended for illustrative purposes only.
Nissan in North America Dealer Applications Advertising Language 4.16.14b

Words and Phrases The words and phrases used in an ad have

great impact on customer perception, urgency,
and visitation intent. Words and phrases also
The following is a list of words and phrases for The following words, or any form of these words, impact how a dealership can deliver on the
use in Dealer advertising: is not in compliance with Dealer Advertising Brand Promise and communicate a positive
Credit Program: sales experience to the customer. The lists to
RECOMMENDED: the left illustrate some effective solutions for
Special Treatment NOT IN COMPLIANCE WITH word and phrase use in several areas:
– Authorized Nissan Dealer for X years DEALER ADVERTISING CREDIT
– National Nissan Event in Progress PROGRAM : Special Treatment -- Do not imply that your
Special Treatment dealership has a special relationship with the
– Special Factory Purchase “Factory” that gives you an advantage over
– Factory Authorized another Nissan Dealer.
Inventory – Challenged by the Factory
– Large Inventory for your Selection – Factory Outlet Inventory -- reference to inventory should
– XX Vehicles to choose from – Volume Discount relate to how the dealership can satisfy a
– Popular Models or Colors in Stock – Special Allocation customer’s need for finding a particular vehicle.
– Special Pricing – Messages suggesting distressed merchan-
– Special Test Market dise should be avoided
– Headquarters – Be sure that inventory is available for the
Pricing model, option, and price being advertised
– MSRP Inventory
– MSRP with Package Discount, Customer – Inventory Liquidation Pricing should be clear and provide
Cash, Dealer Discounts – Blowout supporting detail that generates
– Special APR – Closeout consumer trust and
– Special Lease – Only One at this Price believability:
– Accurate Disclaimers – Price as based on MSRP
– XX to Choose From at This Price Pricing – If final price advertised is not MSRP, itemize
– We'll Beat Any Deal package discounts, customer cash, and
– Guaranteed Lowest Price additional dealer discounts to logically lead
– Prices Too Low to Advertise customer to price offered
– $X Above Dealer Cost – Make sure the vehicle being advertised
– $X off Cost aligns with the price offered (packages,
– $XXX over invoice/dealer cost model year, accessories, etc.)
– One at this Price
– We'll Finance Anyone The Internet has equipped customers with
– Crush powerful pricing and content information when
– Finance Everyone shopping for vehicles. Focus on presenting
– Disposal the value of Nissan vehicles rather than selling
– Save Thousands based on price alone.
– Cash Back
Dealer Advertising --
Nissan in North America Dealer Applications Radio and Broadcast 4.16.14c

The following broadcast guidelines are
standards developed for national advertising,
and should be followed for any localized
dealer broadcast ads.

Registration Symbol
There is no registration symbol (®) needed in
broadcast materials. The same Brand Symbol
ANYTOWN NISSAN and tagline lock-up is used in broadcast as in
Make and Model
Make and model identification can be placed
over picture preceding the final Brand Symbol.
Safe Areas
Use the 4:3 ratio with square pixels and place
the Brand Symbol and text on screen (see
examples to the left). It is important to keep
Broadcast Billboard -- Frame Before SHIFT_ necessary text and artwork out of the safe
– The action safe area is a 5% border in
from all sides
– The title safe area is 10% from each edge

Logo Size and Placement

The Brand Symbol should be 30–35% of the
screen height and should sit slightly above
center, as shown. The lock-up of the Brand
Symbol and tagline should be centered when
using Dealer brand and taglines. Dealer web
address should be centered at the bottom of
SHIFT_ the frame.
Other Title Placement
When using SHIFT_, make and model, offer,
dealer tags and legal should be placed before the Brand Symbol, leaving the final sequence
to include the Brand Symbol, SHIFT_, and
URL only. Make and model, offer, dealer tags
and legal can be against black background or
Broadcast Billboard -- SHIFT_ over photography, as shown to the left.
Broadcast Billboard
Broadcast billboard artwork and announcer
copy should be provided by

Ending a radio spot:
Dealers will have flexibility with radio; however,
every spot should end with a consistent
Anytown Nissan message stated in one of the following
a) Nissan
b) Nissan, model name
c) Nissan, model name, “SHIFT_”
d) Nissan, “SHIFT_”
e) Dealer name, dealer tagline

For Nissan only dealer, with no dealer tagline:
f) Dealer name, “SHIFT_”

Broadcast Billboard -- Dealer Lockup

Anytown Makes
ANYTOWN the Difference!

Broadcast Billboard -- Dealer Tagline

Please note: Exhibits above are schematic

and intended for illustrative purposes only.
Nissan in North America Dealer Applications Retail Signage and Facilities 4.16.15

The new Retail Signage and Facilities design

effectively represents a revitalized Nissan
brand -- our products, services, and identity at
the point of customer contact -- the Nissan
Dealership. Nissan’s original and engaging
exterior trade dress consists of highly visible
signature elements and materials.

Based on extensive research, the Retail

Signage and Facilities design supports
state-of-the art automotive retailing practices
and includes new approaches that uniquely
express the Nissan brand.

The Nissan Retail Signage and Facilities

design is flexible, affordable, and functional --
an innovative and authentic presentation of the
new Nissan. Application guidelines are
available in each region (Europe, GOM, Japan,
North America).

Contact your regional Sales and Marketing

department for the appropriate application
Nissan in North America Dealer Applications Dealer Uniforms 4.16.16

Acceptable Color and Style Options Preferred Color and Style Options It is strongly recommended that Dealers
leverage the Nissan Visual Identity for their

Shown to the left are examples of suggested

Nissan Dealership uniforms for service
technicians and advisors. On the preferred
color and style options, the Wordmark, 2-D
Brand Symbol, Nissan Colors, and the Red
accent line are incorporated in a variety of
combinations, offering flexibility and usability in
your dealership.

The Wordmark is embroidered, and should be

two inches (50.8mm) wide. The Red accent
line (where applicable) should be equal to the
width of the “I” in “Nissan.” The 2-D Brand
Symbol is also embroidered and should be a
minimum of 1" wide.
Gray and White Oxford-style Shirts with Gray and White Oxford-style Shirts with Nissan
Nissan Wordmark and Dealer Name Wordmark, Dealer Name and Red Accent Line
When using the Dealer’s own color and
logotype/typestyle, the Brand Symbol should
appear as either black or white depending on
the color of the clothing, keeping as much
separation between the Dealer name and the
Brand Symbol or Wordmark as possible.

Anytown Anytown

When embroidering the Red Wordmark or
Red accent line, use Madeira thread #1147
as the closest match for Nissan Red.

Work closely with your local uniform supplier

to achieve the best possible matches for
thread specifications and brand colors, and for
the highest quality work.

Please contact Young Lee in Product Services

Support Department (310) 771-5384 for
Polo Shirts with Nissan Wordmark, and Dealer Name Polo Shirts with Dealer Name and Wordmark assistance and more information.



Polo Shirts using Dealer colors with Nissan Wordmark, Nissan Gray and Black Polo Shirts with Dealer
and Dealer Name Name and Wordmark


Coveralls using Dealer colors with Nissan Nissan Gray Coveralls and Trousers with
Wordmark, and Dealer Name Nissan Wordmark and Dealer Name

Please note: Exhibits above are schematic

and intended for illustrative purposes only.
Nissan in North America Dealers Applications Vehicles 4.16.17

Preferred Courtesy Vehicle Dealers may use Nissan vehicles to pick up

customers, provide test drives, etc.
Identification of these vehicles should be
simple, incorporating the elements and
standards of the Nissan Visual Identity
System, including:
– Brand Symbol
– Wordmark
– Nissan AG
Name Surname
Use the standards in this section in
conjunction with local regulations and
individual vehicle characteristics to ensure
effective identification of Nissan vehicles.
These standards can be applied to all Dealer
Anytown vehicles, using decals or magnetic panels.

Acceptable Courtesy Vehicle

Preferred Tow Truck


Name Surname
Nissan in North America Dealer Applications Websites 4.16.18

Examples of Pages from the Nissan Website Standards The Nissan Dealer Website Standards were
developed to help create a consistent brand
message between off-line and on-line media
to further strengthen the Nissan brand and
growing market share. The Dealer Website
Standards are a combination of basic
functional and technical requirements as well
as key components of the recently developed
Nissan Brand and Visual Identity Standards.

Please go to to
access the guidelines.
Nissan North America Dealer Application Trademark Policy 4.16.19

Examples of Nissan Trademarks What is a Trademark?

A trademark includes any word, name, symbol,
slogan, or device (such as a design), product
shape or product packaging, or any combination
of them, used by a manufacturer or merchant to
identify its goods or services and to distinguish
them from those manufactured, sold, or
serviced by others.

There are three main functions served by a

trademark. A mark serves to: (a) indicate the
source and origin of the goods; (b) help
guarantee the quality of the goods bearing the
trademark; and (c) create and maintain a
demand for the product.

What is the Value of a Trademark?

The key words are “use” and “reputation.”
When a manufacturer develops a good reputation
for products used with the trademark, the
trademark itself tends to take on meaning for
the buying public. The manufacturer’s customers
are inclined to associate this reputation with all
goods bearing the trademark. This association
Rules for Proper Use is of benefit to the manufacturer by virtue of
Avoid incorrect grammatical use. Grammatically, a trademark is a proper adjective and is not to be used
as a noun or verb. Rules for Proper Use
A manufacturer achieves and maintains rights
Use the product’s generic name. Since a trademark is an adjective, there must be a noun for it to modify; for exclusive use of a trademark to identify its
goods so long as the buying public associates
and that noun is the generic name of the product. The owner should use the generic name of the produce in
source and reputation with the goods marked
association with the trademark, such as SENTRA sedans. by the trademark. If a trademark is used properly,
it will continue to remain the exclusive property
Use a trademark notice. For marks that have been registered with the US Patent and Trademark Office, of its owner. If however the consuming public
proper notice is the ®. Where the mark has not yet been registered, i.e., no application has been filed or the comes to treat a trademark as the name of a
application is still pending, the owner may not use the ®, but instead may use the letters TM adjacent to the product, rather than a designation for one
particular source of the product, it will no longer
“identify” and “distinguish” the goods of one
manufacturer. The trademark is then said to
Use special typography. Preferably, the mark should appear in all caps to make it stand out from the rest of have become a generic term that is freely
the text. Other techniques to ensure that the mark is easily recognizable are to use it in bold face, or in italics, available for anyone to use.
or with quotation marks. Further, the mark may be presented in a fanciful design or logotype form.
The key principle in proper trademark usage is
that the mark has to be distinguished from the
Avoid all variations. Do not vary the trademark by using it in other forms (such as abbreviations). Do not
generic name of a product. The public must
change the spelling, or insert or delete hyphens, or change its form, or combine it with other words. Changes recognize the trademark, not as a designation
in the form of a trademark tend to detract from its status because they suggest to the consumer that it is just of the product without regard to its source,
another word in everyday language that is subject to variation. but as the indication of some particular
manufacturer’s brand of that product. This
Trademarks vs. Tradenames. When a registered trademark is also a tradename (i.e., a company name), the basic point can be made by observing the
rules listed to the left.
® symbol should be used when the reference is to a product manufactured by the company. The ® symbol
should not be used when the reference is to the company. Footnotes and Notice Symbols
For all Nissan trademarks (with some
exceptions noted below and to the left), use
the appropriate trademark notice the first time
the trademark is used in all publicly
Acceptable Footnotes disseminated materials. The proper notice for
registered trademarks is the (®); the proper
Nissan notice for unregistered trademarks is the (TM).
Nissan, the Nissan Brand Symbol, “Shift_” and Nissan Model Name(s) are Nissan trademarks. In addition, include a legal footnote.

Nissan and Infiniti each have adopted a

Infiniti (For those with franchises) “multi-purpose footnote,” which is appropriate
Infiniti, the Infiniti Brand Symbol, “Accelerating the Future” and Infiniti Model Name(s) are Nissan trademarks. for use when: (1) at least one model name is
used in the material; and (2) the material
includes a mix of both registered and
unregistered trademarks. The multi-purpose
footnotes are shown to the left.

Exceptions Certain Nissan trademarks require use of the

appropriate trademark notice (®) or (TM) be

used at every reference, where reasonably
Where reasonably possible, use the registered symbol at every reference and add the following footnote on possible. The Nissan Brand Symbol and the
the first page of each section of the material in which the mark appears: Infiniti Brand Symbol should always be
displayed with the registered (®) symbol in
Z® is a registered trademark of Nissan Motor Co., Ltd. addition to being referenced in the legal
footnote. Additional examples/exceptions are
noted to the left.

For information regarding registration status

and appropriate notice symbols for particular
Nissan trademarks, contact the Legal

With the exception of the Nissan and Infiniti

Brand Symbols, trademark notices do not
need to be used in business correspondence.

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