Unicellular Organisms

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Pre-IB Biology 26.11.


Unicellular organisms
Any organism which carries out all the functions of life with the help of one cell

 Protists
 Protozoans (prvoci)
 Plantae
 Fungi

Kingdom Protist
 Some of them are parasitic – 60%
 Freely living – 40%
 Very dangerous for pregnant women
• E.g.(Toxoplasma Gondi)
○ Quite common – many people are its vectors
• Fly tse tse – the vector for sleeping sickness
○ Phylums
 Phylum Sporozoans (výtrusovci)
 Phylum Ciliophora (nálevníci)
 Phylum Rhozopoda (kořenonožci)(Amoeboid protozoan)
 Phylum Zoomastigophora (živočišní bičíkovci)(Flagellate

– Apical complex
 no organelles for movement
 composed of many parts
○ Rhoptry – attach the host cell and penetrate it is
– All parasitic organisms are very simple – exploits the components of the host cells
○ Conoil – it is to penetrate the host cell’s membrane
○ Polar rings – hold all the parts of Apical complex together
○ Micropore – its functions is to bring some kind of water

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