WH Syllabus 2014 2015

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World History Syllabus 2014-2015

Ms. White: Room #54 Class Meeting Times: 1B, 2A, 3B

Contact Information:
a. Email: White.Kami@gmail.com
b. Website:
c. Class Twitter: MsWhiteClassHHS
d. School Phone: (217) 834-3392
Classroom Rule:
Respect everything and everyone in the classroom, including yourself!

Elaboration: This means that anything you do in this classroom that is considered to be
disrespectful is in violation of this rule.
Each time the rule is violated, you will receive a strike to be written on the board. If you
receive three strikes, you will be given a detention. After the third strike, each consecutive
strike will result in another detention. Strikes last for one whole school day and will reset
the following day. Remember, you are not to say any of the dreaded S-words either!
Extreme Cases:
Anything that is considered grossly inappropriate or disrespectful could result in a harsher
punishment at Ms. Whites discretion. No discrimination, hate, or swear words will be
Classroom Procedures:
a. Be in your seat by the time the bell stops ringing, otherwise you will receive a tardy.
b. I will not allow you to leave the classroom without a pass. If you wish to use the
restroom, that will require you to use your passbook. If it becomes an issue, and you are
leaving my class too frequently, your privileges will be revoked unless there is a medical
necessity or emergency.
c. There will be NO BACKPACKS OR PURSES allowed inside the classroom. You are allowed
a small pencil bag or clutch for personal items. You will be asked to take the backpack or
purse back to your locker. If you are in the room after the bell, you will be marked
d. Cell phone policy: Red means you may not use at all. Green means at my discretion.
a. BINDER, tabs, notebook (or loose paper), folder, writing utensil and your textbook.
i. Each student must have an individual binder for this class
ii. A book cover is required. (may be purchased or made from a paper sack)
b. Bring supplies to class every day, please!
i. A tardy will be given if student must return to his or her locker to retrieve
something after the bell.
Note: If there is something you are unable to get, I am more than happy to help!
Grading Scale:
A 92-100
B 83-91
C 74-82
D 65-73
F 0-64

Late Work Policy:
All students are expected to turn their work in on the day that it is due. I understand that from
time to time there are special situations that make this difficult, so I will accept late work to a
certain degree, but there will be a penalty attached.

a. Students have 3 calendar days to turn in an assignment after it is due, however they
are penalized 10% for each day it is late. After the third day it becomes a zero in
the grade book and will not be accepted past that time period.
b. If a student has a pre-arranged absence, he or she is required to get the work that will be
missed prior to missing class. All work is to be turned in upon the date he or she returns to
school. If a project or film is missed, the student may be required to complete an alternate
c. If there is a death or an emergency, please e-mail me explaining your situation and
extensions may be granted.

Late Work Procedures:
1. If a student does not have an assignment completed when I ask for it, he or she will
need to pick up a Late Assignment Form from the designated box.
2. The top part of the form MUST be filled out entirely and placed in the appropriate
homework folder. In other words, you will be turning in the Late Assignment Form
into the same folder that your homework would normally go at the same time the
rest of the class turns in the assignment.
3. Once you complete the assignment, you need to turn it directly into me at the start
of class. I will fill out the bottom half of the form, which will then be stapled to
a. Throughout this class we will watch clips of films and entire movies to illustrate a theme
that we have been discussing in class. They may then have short writing assignments,
projects, or class discussions about these films. The movies we use are intended to depict
historical events in a very real way. There may be mature issues depicted and/or adult
language used. This signed form gives the student permission to watch these videos in class.

If you or your parent wishes for you not to participate in the viewing of such films, please let me
know so I can create an alternative assignment.

My classroom is a safe environment for all children to learn free of judgment, disrespect, and
unfair treatment. Remember: What is fair is not always equal!

Please sign and return this form to Ms. White by the next class period.

By signing this form I understand the expectations set forth by Ms. White. I also
give my permission for my child to watch the films mentioned above.

Student Signature: _______________________________________

Guardian Signature: _______________________________________

Date: _______________

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