Liam Hopkins Resume

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Liam Hopkins Resume

10914 S. Fairfield Chicago, IL60655 Lhopkins@carthage.ed !""#$%551%"690

Job Experience& In the s''er of (011, I )orked for *+S !*acific +eleco''nications
Ser,ice$ as a shop )orker. I tore apart pa- phones and )old repair 'issing./roken parts
and collect data for the pa-phones.
0ring the s''ers of (01(%(014 fro' 1a-%2gst I )orked for or fa'il- /siness
JP Hopkins Sewer & Water Contractors Inc. as a shop g-. I )old deli,er spplies to
3o/ sites and also )ork in the field on ,arios 3o/s. I4,e )orked at or shop for o,er #
-ears cleaning and straightening p the shop to 'ake it 'ore eas- for the )orkers to
co'e in and find their sppl-4s and prodct for the field
INTERNSHIP OPPORTNITIES! In the s''er of (014 I had the pri,elage to learn
a/ot the Chicago Fire 0epart'ent fro' a fa'il- friend of 'ine 1r. 5oe 6occasal,a )ho
is a spokesperson for the Chicago Fire 0epart'ent. 7ith '- degree choice of
co''nications and a great speaking aspect that I ha,e, I )old one da- lo,e to )ork for
the CF0 as a spokesperson and fire'an. 8t, it )as a reall- cool e9perience as I got to go
/ehind the scenes and see ho) that part of the 3o/ )orks.
E"ucation! Enro##e" in Cart$a%e Co##e%e in &a## o' ()**
+,ra"uate" 'rom St- Rita o' Cascia Hi%$ Sc$oo# in Sprin% o' ()**
+,ra"uate" 'rom St- Ca.etan ,ra"e Sc$oo# in Sprin% o' ())/
0war"s1 Honors! I )as ,oted Stdent :o,ern'ent *resident /- the school '- Senior
-ear, Captain of the ;arsit- Lacrosse +ea' Senior -ear, 7on the 2nd- S'ialek a)ard for
foot/all '- senior -ear, for pla-ers )ho e9e'plifies pride, poise, corage and
deter'ination on and off of the field. For -ear 'e'/er of the <nights of 2gstine,
Leader on <airos 10(, recei,ed the 7alter 1c=icholas a)ard at gradation.
I started an a)areness grop throgh '- high school )here )e raised 'one- for cancer
research, or foot/all tea' and school )ore pink in honor of /reast cancer and )e raised
o,er 5,000 dollars and donated to Little Co'pan- of 1ar- >ospital.
Specia# Ski##s! For the past 6 -ears I ha,e /een ,olnteering in sop kitchens arond '-
neigh/orhood to help feed the ho'eless. I also 'ade peant /tter and 3ell- sand)iches
at '- grade school for the ho'eless.
For the past # -ears I ha,e /een an assistant coach for '- /rothers tra,el Lacrosse tea'
Chicago Finest. I help edcate the -ong pla-ers a/ot the kno)ledge and nderstanding
of the ga'e lacrosse.

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