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Paper 1 Set A Key

Regn No: _________________

Name: ___________________
(To be written by the candidate)
PAPER 1% Ge&era' A(pet( !) E&er*y Ma&a*e+e&t & E&er*y A,-.t
Date% 1/01$02$11 T.+.&*(% $1%2$312%2$ 4RS D,rat.!&% 2 4RS Ma50 Mar6(% 1/$
Set.!& II% S4ORT DESCRIPTI7E 8UESTIONS Mar6(% 9 5 / : ;$
(i) Answer all E.*ht questions
(ii) Each question carries F.<e marks
S31 L.(t a&y ).<e '.p3!& = p!rta"'e .&(tr,+e&t( ,(e- .& e&er*y a,-.t.&*0
A&( Power analyser !lue gas analyser non"contact !low meter lu# meter thermocou$les
hygrometer $sychrometer anemometer tachometer strobosco$e in!rared
thermometer etc

S32 The rat.&* !) a (.&*'e pha(e e'etr. *ey(er .( 22$$ >att(# at 22$ 7!'t0
a? Rate- ,rre&t
"? Re(.(ta&e !) the *ey(er .& Oh+(
? At,a' p!@er -ra@& @he& the +ea(,re- (,pp'y <!'ta*e .( 21$ 7!'t(
Ans a)Rated %urrent o! the &eyser ' ( P)*( +,--)+,- ( .- Am$ere

b)Resistance *alue R ( *)' ( +,-).- ( +, /hms
c)Actual Power drawn at +.- *olts ( (*)R)0* ( (+.-)+,)0+.-
( .1.2 3att
/R (+.-)+,-)0(+.-)+,-)0+,-- ( .1.2 3att

S32 Ca','ate the &et pre(e&t <a',e !<er a per.!- !) 2 year( )!r a pr!Aet !&e
4ureau o! Energy E!!iciency
Paper 1 Set A Key
.&<e(t+e&t !) R( /$#$$$ at the "e*.&&.&* !) the ).r(t year a&- a (e!&-
.&<e(t+e&t !) R( 2$#$$$ at the "e*.&&.&* !) the (e!&- year a&- ),e' !(t
(a<.&*( !) R( ;$#$$$ eah .& the (e!&- a&- th.r- year0 The -.(!,&t rate .( 1BC0
NP* (

( " 5---- 6 +578+ 9 +12+2 9 +58+8 ( " Rs: +-5-1

S3; I& a heat e5ha&*er the .&'et a&- !,t'et te+perat,re( !) the !!'.&* @ater are
C a&- 2B
C0 The )'!@ rate !) !!'.&* @ater .( ;$$ '.tre(=hr0 The pr!e(( )',.-
e&ter( the heat e5ha&*er at B$
C a&- 'ea<e( at ;/
C0 F.&- !,t the )'!@ rate !) the
pr!e(( )',.-DECp !) pr!e(( )',.- .( $09 6Ca'=6*
AN; <eat trans!erred to cooling water ( m c$ t
( =-- # . # (,8",-)
( +=-- kcal)hour

>low rate o! $rocess !luid (+=--)(8-"=5)0(-:7)
(+-- kgs)hr

S3/ Fr.e)'y e5p'a.& the -.))ere&e( "et@ee& pre'.+.&ary a&- -eta.'e- e&er*y a,-.t
Preliminary energy audit which is also known as 3alk"Through Audit and ?iagnostic
Audit is a relati@ely quick e#ercise and uses e#isting or easily obtained data: The
sco$e o! $reliminary energy audit is to:
Establish energy consum$tion in the organiAation (sources: energy bills and
/btain related data such as $roduction !or relating with energy consum$tion
Estimate the sco$e !or energy sa@ings
'denti!y the most likely and the easiest areas !or attention (e:g: unnecessary
lighting higher tem$erature settings leakage etc:)
'denti!y immediate (es$ecially no")low"cost) im$ro@ements) sa@ings
;et u$ a baseline or reference point !or energy consum$tion
'denti!y areas !or more detailed study)measurement
?etailed energy audit is a com$rehensi@e audit and results in a detailed energy $roBect
im$lementation $lan !or a !acility since it accounts !or the energy use o! all maBor
equi$ment: 't considers the interacti@e e!!ects o! @arious $roBects and o!!ers the most
4ureau o! Energy E!!iciency
" 5----
,---- =---- =----
Paper 1 Set A Key
accurate estimate o! energy sa@ings and cost: 't includes detailed energy cost sa@ing
calculations and $roBect im$lementation costs:
/ne o! the key elements in a detailed energy audit is the energy balance: This is based
on an in@entory o! energy"using systems assum$tions o! current o$erating conditions
measurements and calculations o! energy use:
?etailed energy auditing is carried out in three $hases: a) Pre Audit Phase b) Audit
Phase and c) Post Audit Phase:

S3B A !tt!& +.'' -r.e( 12$$ 6* !) @et )a"r. .& a )r!+ /;C .&.t.a' +!.(t,re t! 1C
).&a' +!.(t,re0 4!@ +a&y 6.'!*ra+( !) @ater are re+!<e- -,r.&* -ry.&*
ANS 4asis: .+-- kg)hr o! wet !abric
?ry !abric ( .+-- # -:=8 ( 55+ kg

3eight o! !inal !abric ( 55+)-:1.
( 8-8:8 kg
3ater remo@ed ( .+-- 6 8-8:8
( 51,:= kg
S3G 3hat is ?emand ;ide Canagement (?;C)D 4rie!ly list down the bene!its o! ?;C with
?emand ;ide Canagement (?;C) means managing o! the demand !or $ower by
utilities ) ?istribution com$anies among some or all its customers to meet current or
!uture needs:
?;C $rograms result in energy and ) or demand reduction:
?;C also enables end"users to better manage their load cur@e and thus im$ro@es the
Potential energy sa@ing through ?;C is treated same as new additions on the su$$ly
side in C3s:
?;C can reduce the ca$ital needs !or $ower ca$acity e#$ansion:

4ureau o! Energy E!!iciency
Paper 1 Set A Key
Re$lacement o! ine!!icient $um$s by star rated $um$s under agricultural ?;C
Esing time o! the day tari!! to shi!t the demand !rom $eak to o!! $eak hours

S39 Fr.e)'y !+pare NP7 a&- IRR +eth!- !) ).&a&.a' a&a'y(.(0
Net Pre(e&t 7a',e
The net present value method calculates the present value o! all the yearly cash !lows
(i:e: ca$ital costs and net sa@ings) incurred or accrued throughout the li!e o! a $roBect
and summates them: %osts are re$resented as negati@e @alue and sa@ings as a
$ositi@e @alue: The sum o! all the $resent @alue is known as the net present value
(NP*): The higher the net present value the more attracti@e the $ro$osed $roBect: The
net $resent @alue takes into account the time @alue o! money and it considers the cash
!low stream in entire $roBect li!e:

I&ter&a' Rate !) Ret,r& Meth!-
4y setting the net $resent @alue o! an in@estment to Aero (the minimum @alue that would
make the in@estment worthwhile) the discount rate can be com$uted: The internal rate
o! return ('RR) o! a $roBect is the discount rate which makes its net $resent @alue (NP*)
equal to Aero: 't is the discount rate in the equation:
%>- %>. %>n n %>t
- (
""""""""""""" 9 """""""""""""" 9 " " " 9 """"""""""""" ( """""""""""
(. 9 )
( . 9 )
( . 9 )
t ( - ( . 9 )
3here%>t ( cash !low at the end o! year FtG
( discount rate
n ( li!e o! the $roBect:

------- End of Section - II ---------
(i) Answer all S.5 questions
(ii) Each question carries Te& marks
4ureau o! Energy E!!iciency
Paper 1 Set A Key
L31 Dra@ PERT Chart )!r the )!''!@.&* )!r the ta(6# -,rat.!& a&- -epe&-e&y *.<e&
F.&- !,t%
.0 r.t.a' Path
..0 e5pete- pr!Aet -,rat.!&
Ta(6 Pre-ee((!r( Ta(6(

E5pete- T.+e a(
A 3 2
F 3 /
C 3 G
D A 9
E F /
F C /
G E ;
4 F /
H G 3 4 ;
F!r -ra@.&* the &et@!r6 -.a*ra+ B MARKS
': The critical $ath is through acti@ities % > < H
'': The e#$ected $roBect duration is +. weeks (295959=)
L32 A paper +.'' ha( t@! .&<e(t+e&t !pt.!&( )!r e&er*y (a<.&* pr!Aet(%
Opt.!& % A I&<e(t+e&t e&<.(a*e- R(0;$ 'a6h( # a&&,a' ret,r& .( R(09 'a6h(# '.)e !)
the pr!Aet .( 1$ year(# -.(!,&t rate 1$C 0
4ureau o! Energy E!!iciency
Paper 1 Set A Key

Opt.!& % F I&<e(t+e&t e&<.(a*e- R(02; 'a6h(# a&&,a' ret,r& R(0/ 'a6h(# '.)e !) the
pr!Aet .( 9 year(# -.(!,&t rate .( 1$C0
Ca','ate IRR !) "!th the !pt.!&( a&- (,**e(t @h.h !pt.!& the paper +.'' (h!,'-
(e'et !&(.-er.&* the r.(6 .( (a+e )!r "!th the !pt.!&(0
Opt.!& A
IRR : 1/01$ C
Opt.!& F
IRR : 12 C
4ased on 'RR /$tion A has higher 'RR and the mill may o$t !or !pt.!& A
U(e CUSUM teh&.I,e a&- a','ate e&er*y (a<.&*( )!r ).r(t B +!&th( !) 2$11 )!r th!(e
e&er*y (a<.&* +ea(,re( .+p'e+e&te- "y a p'a&t pr.!r t! Ha&,ary#2$110
The a<era*e pr!-,t.!& )!r the per.!- Ha&3H,& 2$11 .( 1$$$ MT=M!&th
The p'a&t -ata .( *.<e& .& the ta"'e "e'!@0
At,a' Spe.). E&er*y
C!&(,+pt.!&# 6>h=MT
Pre-.te- Spe.).
E&er*y C!&(,+pt.!&#
Ha& 12$2 1121
Fe" 119G 12G9
Mar 1;$1 1/G1
Apr 1;/$ 1//$
May 122; 129;
H,& 1222 1222
The table abo@e gi@es @alues o! ;$eci!ic energy consum$tion monitored *s $redicted !or each
month: The @ariations are calculated and the %umulati@e sum o! di!!erences is calculated !rom
4ureau o! Energy E!!iciency
8 x 10
8 x 10

-40 x 10
= + -------------- + - - - + -------------
( 1 + X )
( 1 + X )

5 x 10
5 x 10

-24 x 10
= + -------------- + - - - + -------------
( 1 + X )
( 1 + X )

Paper 1 Set A Key
Actual"Predicted %E;EC
Han .+-, ..+. 7+
>eb ..72 .+27 "1.
Car .=-. .52. ".2-
A$r .=5- .55- ".--
Cay .,+= .+7= =-
Hun .+,, .+,, -

( +,1 k3h)CT # .--- CT # 8 months
Energy ;a@ings !or si# months ( "+,1--- k3h
L3; I& a te5t.'e p'a&t the a<era*e +!&th'y e&er*y !&(,+pt.!& .( G#$$#$$$ 6>h !)
p,rha(e- e'etr..ty )r!+ *r.-# ;$ 6L !) ),r&ae !.' E (pe.). *ra<.ty:$012? )!r
ther+. )',.- heater# B$ t!&&e !) !a' )!r (tea+ "!.'er# a&- 1$ 6L !) 4SD E (p0*ra<.ty:
$099/? )!r +ater.a' ha&-'.&* eI,.p+e&t0
G.<e& -ata%
E1 6>h : 9B$ 6a'# GC7 !) !a': 2;/$ 6Ca'=6*# GC7 !) ),r&ae !.': 1$#$$$ 6Ca'=6*#
GC7 !) 4SD: 1$#/$$ 6Ca'=6*# 16* !.' eI,.<a'e&t : 1$#$$$ 6Ca'?
a? Ca','ate the e&er*y !&(,+pt.!& .& ter+( !) Metr. T!&&e !) O.' EI,.<a'e&t
EMTOE? )!r the p'a&t0
"? Ca','ate the pere&ta*e (hare !) e&er*y (!,re( ,(e- "a(e- !& !&(,+pt.!& .&
MTOE "a(.(0
? C!++e&t @hether th.( te5t.'e p'a&t I,a'.).e( a( a &!t.).e- -e(.*&ate- !&(,+er
,&-er the E&er*y C!&(er<at.!& AtD
ANS a)
(=---- #-:1+# .----) 9 (8---- # ,=5-) 9 (2----- # 78-) 9 (.----# -:775 # .-5--)
CT/E ( (,8:7 # .-
) 9 (+-:2 # .-
) 9 (8-:+ # .-
)9 (1:+1+5 # .-
( .+2 Cetric Tonnes o! /il Equi@alent $er month
b) Electricity I( =2:= >urnace oilI(+1:- %oal I (.8:, <;?I (2:,
c) Annual energy consum$tion o! the te#tile $lant ( .+2 # .+ ( .5+= CT/E which is less
than ,--- CT/E cut o!! limit as noti!ied under the E% act: There!ore this te#tile $lant is not
a designated consumer !or the $resent energy consum$tion le@els:
4ureau o! Energy E!!iciency
Paper 1 Set A Key
L3/ >r.te (h!rt &!te( !& a&y t@!
Nat.!&a' M.((.!& )!r E&ha&e- E&er*y E))..e&y
ISO /$$$1
D.(t.&t.!& "et@ee& e&er*y !&(er<at.!& a&- e&er*y e))..e&y
Nat.!&a' M.((.!& )!r E&ha&e- E&er*y E))..e&y
It is one o! the eight national missions under National Action Plan on %limate %hange
(NAP%%): To enhance energy e!!iciency !our new initiati@es will be $ut in $lace: These are:
A market based mechanism to enhance cost e!!ecti@eness o! im$ro@ements in
energy e!!iciency in energy intensi@e large industries and !acilities through
certi!ication o! energy sa@ings that could be traded:
Accelerating the shi!t to energy e!!icient a$$liances in designated sectors through
inno@ati@e measures to make the $roducts more a!!ordable:
%reation o! mechanisms that would hel$ !inance the demand side management
$rogrammes in all sectors by ca$turing !uture energy sa@ings:
?e@elo$ing !iscal instruments to $romote energy e!!iciency:
ISO /$$$1
The !uture ';/ 5---. standard !or energy management was recently a$$ro@ed as a
?ra!t 'nternational ;tandard (?';): ';/ 5---. is e#$ected to be $ublished as an
'nternational ;tandard by early +-..:
';/ 5---. will establish a !ramework !or industrial $lants commercial !acilities or entire
organiAations to manage energy: Targeting broad a$$licability across national economic
sectors it is estimated that the standard could in!luence u$ to 8-I o! the worldJs energy
The document is based on the common elements !ound in all o! ';/Js management system
standards assuring a high le@el o! com$atibility with ';/ 1--. (quality management) and
';/ .=--. (en@ironmental management): ';/ 5---. will $ro@ide the !ollowing bene!its:
D.(t.&t.!& "et@ee& e&er*y !&(er<at.!& a&- e&er*y e))..e&y
Energy %onser@ation and Energy E!!iciency are se$arate but related conce$ts: Energy
conser@ation is achie@ed when growth o! energy consum$tion is reduced in $hysical terms:
Energy %onser@ation can there!ore is the result o! se@eral $rocesses or de@elo$ments
such as $roducti@ity increase or technological $rogress: /n the other hand Energy
e!!iciency is achie@ed when energy intensity in a s$eci!ic $roduct $rocess or area o!
$roduction or consum$tion is reduced without a!!ecting out$ut consum$tion or com!ort
le@els: Promotion o! energy e!!iciency will contribute to energy conser@ation and is there!ore
an integral $art o! energy conser@ation $romotional $olicies:
4ureau o! Energy E!!iciency
Paper 1 Set A Key
L3B A& e<ap!rat!r .( t! "e )e- 1$#$$$ 6*=hr !) a (!',t.!& ha<.&* 1 C (!'.-(0 The )ee-
.( at 29
C0 It .( t! "e !&e&trate- t! 2C (!'.-(0 Stea+ .( e&ter.&* at a t!ta' e&tha'py
!) B;$ 6Ca'=6* a&- the !&-e&(ate 'ea<e( at 1$$
C0 E&tha'p.e( !) )ee- are 2901
6a'=6*# pr!-,t (!',t.!& .( 1$$09 6Ca'=6* a&- that !) the <ap!,r .( B;$ 6Ca'=6*0 F.&-
the +a(( !) <ap!,r )!r+e- per h!,r a&- the +a(( !) (tea+ ,(e- per h!,r0
ANS Ma(( !) <ap!,r
>eed ( .---- kg)hr K . I solids
;olids ( .---- # .).--
( .-- kg)hr
Cassout # +).-- ( .--
Cassout ( .----)+ ( 5--- kg)hr
*a$our !ormed ( .---- 6 5---
( 5--- kg)hr
Thick liquor ( 5--- kg)hr
Stea+ !&(,+pt.!&%
Enthal$y o! !eed ( .---- # ,7:. ( ,7:. # .-
Enthal$y o! the thick liquor ( .--:7 # 5--- ( 5-=--- k%al
Enthal$y o! the @a$our ( 8=- # 5--- ( ,+----- k%al
<eat 4alance
<eat in$ut by steam 9 heat in !eed ( heat out in @a$our 9 <eat out in thick liquor
LC # (8=-".--) 9 ,7:. # .----M ( (,+----- 9 5-=---)
C # 5=- ( ,,+,---
Cass o! steam required ( ,,+,---)5=-
( B1/20G 6*=hr

-------- End of Section - III ---------
4ureau o! Energy E!!iciency

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