Swot Analysis

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Large experience executive team
Market leader
Large market share
Big brand name
Globle operation platform
Best trade position
Less repairable
R & D regional facilities location
Affordable price

Design and manufacture of Design and manufacture of industrial equipment.industrial

Management and execution of Management and execution of air conditioning .air conditioning .

Public works projects.Public works projects.

Sourcing, installation andSourcing, installation andservicing of technology-
basedservicing of technology-basedsystems.systems.

Voltas represents a number of Voltas represents a number of global technology
leaders,global technology leaders,serving diverse industrial sectorsserving diverse
industrial sectorsand applications.and applications.

Reducing market share
Reducing profit
Resignation of senior executive
Lack of strategy

Not targeting the mass market Not targeting the mass m
To arrange capital
Providing attractive from LG
AC and microwave category are larger and fast going categories
Growing Asian market
Rural markets
Home appliances market is growing very fast, so there is still many
opportunities for LG to hold its old position and extend it by
launching new products
Control over the market
Offer additional services to retain existing customers and attract
new ones.

The Indian Mass Market.The Indian Mass Market.

The high end value drivenThe high end value driven proposition helps increase the proposition
helps increase theMarket Share.Market Share.

VOLTAS is well known for itVOLTAS is well known for it product differentiation product
Price war with its closest competitors, Samsung
Weak promotion about new available technology or product.
LG ,Samsung and other companies are most competitors
Reducing market share
Distributors getting angry and leaving the network
Increase raw material cost

Indian Mass Market mayIndian Mass Market maybe captured by a rivalbe captured by a
rivalcompany, LG, Videocon,company, LG, Videocon,Samsung etc.Samsung etc.

Due to increased price of Due to increased price of inputs and continuinginputs and
continuingprice erosion there isprice erosion there isdowntrend in thedowntrend in
theconsumer durablesconsumer durablesmarket.

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