Sample Paper English NTD: Building Standards in Educational and Professional Testing

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Building Standards in Educational and Professional Testing

Sample Paper
Sample Paper ENGLISH NTD 1
Building Standards in Educational and Professional Testing
Complete the sentences by choosing the most
appropriate word, from the given lettered choices (A
to D) below each.
1. Almost everyone has trouble ______ at one time or another.
A. sleepin
!. "or sleepin
#. sleep
D. slept
Each question below consists of a related pair of
words, followed by ve lettered pairs of words. !elect
the lettered pair that best e"presses a relationship
similar to that e"pressed in the original pair.
$. PAGE% !&&'%%
A. sailors% (re)
!. petal% "lo)er
#. lea"% stal*
D. siners% (horus
Choose the lettered word or phrase that is most
nearly opposite in meaning to the word in capital
+. PA,TI#-LA,%
A. eneral
!. )i.esprea.
#. .i""use.
D. (ommon
Choose the word most similar in meaning to the
capitali#ed ones.
/. #HANGE%
A. alter
!. (hur(h
#. (omplete
D. .e(i.e
E. aree
Sample Paper ENGLISH NTD 2
Building Standards in Educational and Professional Testing
$ead the passage to answer question %&'
In the late seventeenth (entury0 a trans"ormation bean that )oul. ma*e
(o""ee one o" the most popular .rin*s in Europe. The (o""eehouse1meetin
pla(e o" ban*ers0 .issi.ents0 artists0 mer(hants0 poets0 )its0 an. roues )as
in some )ays the (ra.le o" mo.ern Europe. #o""ee )oul. (hane0 in less
than a (entury0 "rom the .rin* o" a "e) prin(es an. a "e) paupers to the
(hie" so(ial beverae o" the risin mi..le (lass.
2. The )or. 3trans"ormation4 is (losest in meanin to%
A. tren.
!. event
#. (hane
D. (ustom
5. The )or. 3roues4 re"ers to a type o"%
A. beverae
!. person
#. boo*
D. (o""ee
Sample Paper ENGLISH NTD 3
Building Standards in Educational and Professional Testing
8. 19 : ;.;/ <=
A. /.2
!. /2
#. /2;
D. /02;;
E. /20;;;
9. >hat is ;.1 per(ent e?presse. as a .e(imal=
A. ;.;;1
A. ;.;1
!. ;.1
#. 1
D. 1;.;
@. Evaluate
b $ a +

0 i" a < 1+0 an. b < 11.
A. 1$@
A. $@
!. 1$2
#. $2
D. 9+
1;.A (oat is on sale "or ,s.1$; a"ter a .is(ount o" $; per(ent. Ain. the
oriinal pri(e.
A. ,s. @5
A. ,s.1//
!. ,s.12;
#. ,s.19;
D. ,s.1/;
Sample Paper ENGLISH NTD 4
Building Standards in Educational and Professional Testing
11.Tea(hin stratey in )hi(h learner a(tually enaes in resolvin
problems is (alle.%
A. Small roup .is(ussion
!. Intera(tive tea(hin
#. E?pository tea(hin
D. InCuiry tea(hin
1$.The easiest )ay to "oster personal relationship )ith stu.ents is%
A. #omin to (lass 2 to 1; minutes early
!. Startin a .ialoue
#. Learnin their names
D. Givin them priDes
Sample Paper ENGLISH NTD 5
Building Standards in Educational and Professional Testing
#&EP-TE,S o" operatin system in a personal (omputer is (alle.%
A. !ootin
!. Promptin
#. Interruptin
D. Pain
1/.Ho) )ill you .e"ine FInternetG in the simplest )ay=
A. very lare net)or*
!. lobal net)or* o" net)or*s
#. net)or* o" (omputers in a (ity
D. all o" the above
Sample Paper ENGLISH NTD 6
Building Standards in Educational and Professional Testing
12.3Phonota(ti(s4 .eals )ith%
A. limitations on o((urren(e o" soun.s
!. (orre(t pronun(iation o" soun.s
#. (are"ul appli(ation o" soun.s
D. tea(hin o" pronun(iation
E. stu.y o" soun.s in a lanuae
15.,obert !urns )as "amous "or his%
A. Plays
!. Novels
#. Poems
D. Prose essays
E. None o" the above
Sample Paper ENGLISH NTD 7
Building Standards in Educational and Professional Testing
Ans)er 'eys
6 I. ,iht #hoi(e
1 A
$ !
+ A
/ A
2 #
5 !
8 #
9 A
@ !
1; #
11 D
1$ #
1+ A
1/ !
12 A
15 #
Sample Paper ENGLISH NTD 8

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