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Hinds' Feet Ministries, Inc. www.hindsfeetministries.

org September 1, 2014

Educate | Evangelism | Empowering

Prayers to God
for protection
and provision

Due to the
outbreak of Ebola in
Liberia schools are
closed indenitely.
Roseline Yormie and
Elaine Woart visited ve
of the Oasis centers to
distribute soap and
Clorox. The
communities were
encouraged and
received the assistance with gratitude.
Schools are still closed we wait for the government to lift the restriction . People still need
assistance. Every amount makes a di"erence. Whenever you place an order on Amazon, order
through and kindly select Hinds' Feet Ministries as your charity organization to
receive a donation from Amazon because of your purchase.
The Lord God encourages, provides, heals and delivers. Let us pray that He who has begun a good
work will continue to perfect that which He has begun. The children have been taught how to call on
God in prayer. They have heard the gospel message, memorized Scripture verses and sung praises
to Jesus. Let us lift them up in prayer so they can be strengthened by the inner man and remember
all they have been taught.
Thank you for your faithfulness and obedience as we continue to reach the lost, educate the less
fortunate for a better life.
1 Helping In National Development Services

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