Lesson Plan Chapter 3, Section 5-Jimmy G.

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Lesson Plan Chapter 3, Section 5

Ruth Hendersons Class

Presented by Jimmy Gilbreath (3 minutes!
"riday, #ctober $5, %$
&ssential 'uestion(s!(
How does pH and stomach acidity affect Digestion?
1. Describe the mechanical/chemical digestion process.
2. Explain the role of acids in digestive disorders.
3. se the !ro"p #hin$ activity to design a lab test that sim"lates the
ne"trali%ation of stomach acid.
&. 'dentify/differentiate the role of medications to control !' (efl"x
!lass )ars with lids
pH test strips +pHydrion,
-ntacids +#"ms/(olaids,
1. .owerpoint presentation with interactive lect"re
2. /ab01odeling stomach acidity and ne"trali%ation
3. 2eb0cast endoscopy +video, of stomach acid being ne"trali%ed
(ead section 3 +4hapter 3,

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