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EBC 2014-2015

Welcome to open house! I am looking forward to an exciting year with your son/daughter. It is always easiest to
contact me via email at should you have any questions or concerns throughout the
course of this semester. It is my goal to work collaboratively with you and your child so that they may have the best
experience possible in this course.
About Me
My name is Jaclyn Aalbersberg and this is my 9
year teaching in the district. I currently teach EBC (our freshmen
course) and Chemistry (a course designed for juniors). I am a former Romeo grad myself. I then obtained my undergrad
degree in Nutritional Science from Michigan State University, followed by my teaching certification and Masters Degree
from Saginaw Valley University. I am married and have three beautiful daughters at home.
I am lucky enough to have a co-teacher in two of my EBC classes this semester. Deb Wilson came to the high school four
years ago from Hamilton Parsons Elementary and this is our fourth year teaching together.
About the Course
EBC stands for Essentials of Biology and Chemistry. It is designed to provide the foundation for concepts that will be
learned in Biology (sophomore course) and Chemistry (junior course). We have also recently included select Earth
science standards to be taught next semester. We cover all of the essential state standards that will provide the
stepping stones to prepare them for the core state standards covered in later courses. The first semester is chemistry
and the second semester is biology/earth science.
Organization is the key to success in this course. Midterms and final exams are cumulative so I suggest your child SAVES
EVERYTHING they do in this class. A binder will help them stay organized and it is my recommendation that they keep
one specifically for this course.
Topics of Study
Chemistry (1st Semester)
Properties of Matter
Introduction to the Periodic Table
Atomic Structure
Changes & Energy
Acids & Bases
Introduction to Organic Chemistry

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